Redcliff Quarter Bristol Travel Plan May 2021 Travel Plan McAleer & Rushe Redcliff Quarter, Bristol Date: April/May 2021 Prepared by: Key Transport Consultants Ltd 1 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx Document Control Sheet Project Ref: 1089, Redcliff Quarter Report Title: Travel Plan Document Status: for Planning Application Date: March 2021 Name Position Signature Date Graduate Prepared by: Bethan Eastwood Transport March 2021 Planner Reviewed by: Peter Mansell Director March 2021 Approved by: Peter Mansell Director March 2021 Revision Date Description Prepared Reviewed Approved 1.1 April 2021 Minor amendments PJM PJM PJM Contact Details Contact details for the person preparing this Travel Plan document. Name Peter Mansell Company Key Transport Consultants Ltd Address 26 Berkley Square Bristol BS8 1HP Telephone 0117 9209430 Email [email protected] 2 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx CONTENTS Executive Summary Page 1. Introduction 5 2. Policy 9 3. Site Audit and Accessibility 10 4. Aims, Objectives and Outcomes 17 5. Management and Delivery Structure 18 6. Measures and Initiatives 19 7. Action Plan and Budget 20 8. Targets, Monitoring and Review 21 FIGURES 1 Site Location Plan, Strategic context 2 Site Location Plan, Local Context 3 Walking Catchments and Local Facilities APPENDICES A Layout Drawing B Bus Timetables 3 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposals are to construct 468 residential units in Redcliff Quarter, Bristol. The proposal also includes 338m2 of office space and 605m2 of retail and food and beverage space. 588 cycle spaces are proposed to serve the residential units and 48 spaces are proposed on street for visitors. Cycle parking spaces for office, retail and food and beverage staff are proposed within the respective units. 39 parking spaces, including 2 disabled spaces are proposed to serve the 468 flats. No parking spaces are proposed for the office, retail and food and beverage areas, though on-street parking in the vicinity of site will be retained. As part of the development, significant highway changes are proposed to narrow the existing traffic dominated streets and improve the public realm and pedestrian and cycle safety in the vicinity of site. It is proposed that Bristol City Council (BCC) would be appointed as Travel Plan Co-ordinator for the development. BCC will therefore be responsible for implementing appropriate measures and monitoring. 4 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND 1.1.1 Key Transport Consultants (KTC) is retained by McAleer & Rushe on behalf of Redcliff MCC LLP to provide transport advice for a major development of a brownfield site referred to as Redcliff Quarter in central Bristol. This Travel Plan has been produced to accompany the planning application for the proposed residential-led mixed-use development. 1.1.2 The development site is located in the Redcliffe neighbourhood, south of Bristol’s main city centre shopping area. Formerly an area of warehousing and light industry, the surrounding buildings now comprise predominantly offices and flats, with a few retail units. Redevelopment of the area is ongoing and several new office blocks and flats have been constructed around the site. A student accommodation block is currently under construction on St Thomas Street. 1.1.3 The application site previously formed part of a larger planning application for the redevelopment of Redcliff Quarter (granted planning permission in 2017, reference 16/02349/F, and subsequent planning permissions 17/06948/X and 18/05982/X). Part of the previous application (Block A) has been developed and thus the permission has been implemented and is extant. Block C adjacent to north west boundary of the current application site formed part of the previous application, but does not form part of this current application. This current application relates to Block D – H and K (as referred to in the previous application). 1.1.4 The site is bounded by public highways on three sides including Redcliff Street to the west, Three Queens’ Lane to the south and St Thomas Street to the east. An unadopted pedestrian street, Cross Street, constructed as part of an earlier phase of Redcliff Quarter links St Thomas Street and Redcliff Street immediately to the north of the development. 1.1.5 The development proposals are primarily residential along with an element of retail/food and beverage and office floor space, and include associated car and cycle parking. The key proposed uses include the following: 5 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx • 468 residential units, including 349 1-bed and 119 2-bed units; • 338m2 GFA of office floor space; • 605m2 GFA of retail/restaurant floor space in three separate units. 1.1.6 This Travel Plan will be used to encourage and monitor sustainable travel by residents to and from the development. 1.1.7 This document sets out the accessibility of the site, a travel plan strategy, travel plan objectives, measures and an action plan. A separate Transport Statement has been prepared. 1.1.8 It is intended that Bristol City Council will implement the Travel Plan and a S106 payment covering the BCC fee will be paid. 1.2 DEVELOPMENT Planning Application Number TBC (where known) Name of Developer McAleer & Rushe/Redcliff MCC LLP Name of Development Redcliff Quarter, Bristol Development Address and Redcliff Quarter, BS1 6JJ Postcode Use Class C3 and E The development proposals are primarily residential along with an element of retail/food and beverage Brief Description of and office floor space and include associated car and Development cycle parking. 468 residential units, 338m2 GFA of office floor space Size – no. of dwelling units/GFA and 605m2 GFA of retail/restaurant floor space Planned Date of Opening TBC 6 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx 1.2.1 The proposed site layout is provided as Appendix A. 1.2.2 The development will include residential units as well as areas for retail, food and beverage and office space. 1.2.3 Access to the on-site surface car park is proposed via the Three Queens’ Lane frontage. A podium over the car park provides open space for the development’s residents. Car Parking 1.2.4 Car parking is only proposed for the residential element of the proposed development. A total of 39 car parking spaces are proposed for the 468 flats. Of these 2 are proposed for disabled people. 1.2.5 The provision of no car parking for the limited office floor space of 338m2 is considered to be in accordance with the policy framework where the parking standards are maximum standards. The proposed office floor space is less than the 500m2 threshold for providing parking for disabled people. 1.2.6 The provision of no car parking for the limited retail/restaurant floor space of 605m2 is considered to be in accordance with the policy framework. None of the three proposed units is above the 500m2 threshold for parking for disabled people. Cycle Parking 1.2.7 Residential cycle parking of 588 is proposed within the scheme. Visitor cycle parking of 48 spaces is proposed on-street. 1.2.8 The retail/restaurant and office staff cycle parking is proposed within the relevant units. One visitor cycle parking space for the retail/restaurant unit is included within the proposed on-street provision. On-Street Car Parking 1.2.9 As with the previously consented scheme, the retention of as much on-street parking as possible is important to serve existing and proposed businesses and residents with short stay parking opportunities during the day. The development results in no net loss of on-street pay and display car parking. 7 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx Servicing 1.2.10 Two refuse and recycling stores for the residential and commercial uses are proposed within the ground floor of the development with access via St Thomas Street and Three Queens’ Lane. Collections will be from the service bays to be provided on the two adjacent streets. An additional bin store is located on Cross Street, to the north of the site. The street has been designed for refuse collection vehicles. 1.2.11 The proposed highway works also accommodate a lay-by for coaches in association with the hotel development consented on Block C immediately adjacent to the application site (fronting onto St Thomas Street. 1.2.12 All lay-bys will be integrated into the streetscape to minimise their impact. 8 F:\DATA\Jobs\1089 Redcliff Quarter\TP\Travel Plan v1.1.docx 2 POLICY 2.1 The relevant Travel Plan policies are: National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019) 2.2 Paragraph 103 of NPPF states: “Significant development should be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport modes. This can help to reduce congestion and emissions, and improve air quality and public health.” 2.3 Paragraph 111 states “All developments that will generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed.” Bristol City Council Core Strategy (June 2011) 2.4 Core Strategy Policy BCS10 Transport and Access Improvements includes the following: “The council will support the delivery of significant improvements to transport infrastructure to provide an integrated transport system, which improves accessibility within Bristol and supports the proposed levels of development.” Bristol City Council Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (July 2014) 2.5 Policy DM23 covers Transport Development Management.
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