ISIJ International, Vol. 54 (2014), No. 5, pp. 1002–1009 Review Metallurgical Provinces of Eurasia in the Early Metal Age: Problems of Interrelation Evgenij Nikolayevich CHERNYKH* Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 117036 Moscow, Dm. Ulianova 19. (Received on November 30, 2013; accepted on March 3, 2014) General chronological frame of the Early Metal Age (EMA) in Eurasia limited from IX/VIII up to turn II/I mill. BCE. The chronological scale of this investigation founded on the systematized date base of more than 3.5 thousand calibrated 14C analyses. EMA can be subdivided into five unequal in chronological sense periods. The Early Metal Age was the epoch clear domination of the western metallurgical centers – particularly up to III mill. BCE. In all probabilities the apogee of the western predominance was incar- nated in the immense of the famous Scythian world, in the limits of the first millennium BCE – i.e. beyond the EMA. The eastern centers take up the initiative of westward pressing after collapse of the Scythian world. KEY WORDS: metallurgical provinces; Early Metal Age; Eurasia. General chronological frame of the Early Metal Age The second period of EMA – the Copper Age dated (EMA) in Eurasia limited from IX/VIII up to turn II/I mill. from V mill. BCE (Fig. 1(B)). The most impressive and BCE. I have to note that the chronological scale of this remarkable peculiarities of this stage were: 1) the great min- investigation founded on the systematized date base of more ing and metallurgical revolution that was occurred a big dis- than 3.5 thousand calibrated 14C analyses. tance away from area of Proto-Metal – in the Northern Balkan ЕМА can be subdivided into five unequal in chronologi- and Carpathian basin; 2) formation of the Carpatho-Balkan cal sense periods (Fig. 1). metallurgical province (CBMP) as the several closed related The first period – s.c. Proto-Metal (PrM). This period metallurgical and metalworking center (Fig. 3, map). Gen- was characterized by very extent chronological length: from eral area of CBMP was equaled approximate 1, 5 million sq. IX/VIII up to V mill. BCE (Fig. 1(A)). Two basic peculiar- km spread from Danubian basin in the Western flank to the ities of this period distinguish it from the subsequent ones. Mid and Low Volga basin in the Eastern flank of this prov- The first feature: the people used only native but not metal- ince. The most characteristic features of CBMP are 1) cast- lurgical (not melted from mineral) copper and lead (Fig. 2). ing and hammering of various heavy tools and weapons Not very numerous ornaments and decorations were made made from chemical pure copper; 2) big number of gold by cold hammering methods. The small tools (awls) were decorations and ornaments (Fig. 3). Metallurgical revolution extremely rare. The second feature: localization of connect- and CBMP formation emerged independently from the cen- ed with this period sites and cultures related mainly with the ters of Proto-Metal area where in V mill. BCE continued Central and Eastern Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Levant limited production of primitive handmade copper goods. (Fig. 2, map) – the general space – up to 1 million sq. km. Specific and symbolic sites of CBMP are the s. c. “gold” Some big settlements with the copper and lead artifacts Varna necropolis in Eastern Bulgaria and Ai bunar – copper characterized by magnificent stone (Çaoynü-tepesi) or clay (polymetallic) mine in Southern Bulgaria. (Çatal-höyük) architecture. Some metal ornaments were Three different blocks of chalcolithic cultures of CBMP used also at funeral ceremonies (Tell-Halula etc.). were spread in various regions of this province (Fig. 3, The PrM can be divided in two main phases: s.c. Pre- map). The central and most significant cultural block occu- pottery Neolithic (IX/VIII–VII mill. BCE) and s.c. Pottery- pied the rich with different copper and others mineral depos- Neolithic or Chalcolithic (VI–V mill. BCE) connected with its areas in the North-Balkan and Carpathian (Karanovo VI- Ubaid, Hassuna, Halaf and other archaeological cultures Gumeltiţa, Varna, Vinca C-D, Tiszapolgar and others distributed in the mentioned region (Fig. 2). In all probabil- archaeological cultures). This block was the main producer ity, the most remarkable and distinguishing feature of this of copper that was distributed eastward to the neighbouring late phase was the practice absence of metalworking tech- settled farming cultures (Cucuteni-Tripolie culture) and nological progress. more distant pastoral steppe communities (Dniepro-Donets, Sredni Stog, Khvalynsk cultures). Final centuries of the fifth * Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected] and early fourth mill. BCE was the time of disintegration DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.54.1002 and disappearance of the earliest metallurgical province in © 2014 ISIJ 1002 ISIJ International, Vol. 54 (2014), No. 5 Fig. 1. Dynamics of territorial “leaps” in the distribution of metal-using cultures of the Early Metal Age at different stages of historical development (schematic maps). Eurasia. One very paradoxical fact: the inheritance of lively regions occupied by cultures of the former PrM period: CBMP was scarcely clear reflected in the production of fol- Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Levant (Fig. 4, map). The exclusive lowing and more late metallurgical systems. importance of the space expansion of this former area was In place of the CBMP appeared extremely powerful owing to the Caucasus inclusion - and not only the South Circumpontic metallurgical province (CMP) i.e. surround- Caucasus, but also the North Caucasus. To the north of the ing Black Sea (or Pontos Euxeinos in old Greek). About two main Caucasus range – in the foothills and steppe – pastoral thousand years (IV–III mill. BCE) this province became the cultures developed, and these communities were extremely central production metallurgical system in Eurasia. With dissimilar to the southern ones where the domination of set- CMP were linked two important historical periods in the tled farming cultures was evidently. The listed regions were history of the Eurasian peoples – Early and Middle Bronze the main space for formation of so-called Proto-Circumpontic Age. metallurgical province (Proto-CMP). Total area of Proto- The third period of EMA – the Early Bronze Age dat- CMP was equaled approximately 1.7–1.9 million sq. km. Its ed in general from IV mill. BCE (Fig. 1(C)). This time the cultures adjoined to the Black Sea just to the south and east great explosion of metallurgical producing took place in the shores (therefore the early phase of CMP was named Proto). 1003 © 2014 ISIJ ISIJ International, Vol. 54 (2014), No. 5 Fig. 2. The Proto-Metal period, IX/VIII–V mill. BCE: area of the main sites and cultures. The black and grey points mark the sites of Pre-Pottery Neolithic period (the grey points – the sites with metal). Area of more late Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures is marked by grey shade. Copper and lead artifacts from Tell Halula (left); also from Çayönü- tepesi and As¸ikli-höyük. The fundaments of the stone architecture – Çayönü-tepesi. Emergence of high quality metal producing was very sim- mainly in the graves of stock-breeding steppe communities. ilar to technological explosion. At the same time all Proto- The Proto-CMP period has highlighted very brightly a CMP production was absolutely dissimilar the previous – new situation with mutual interrelations of different cultural Carpatho-Balkan metallurgy – both from technological and models. On the basis of the emerged geo-ecological struc- morphological point of view. Firstly: absolute domination of ture three general independent long-lasting subsistence arsenical bronzes – Cu+As and Cu+As+Ni. Secondly: big strategies of Eurasian archeological communities were number of gold and especially silver ornaments and sacral formed at the turn of the forth and third millennium BCE on products (the silver was not used in the centers of Carpatho- the vast territories of Eurasian continent: 1) hunting, fishing Balkan MP). and gathering, located mainly in the forest zone: 2) mobile One very paradoxical situation was close connected with (nomadic or semi nomadic) stock-breeding in the giant Proto-CMP. In practice all mining, metallurgical and metal- Eurasian Steppe Belt stretched from Black Sea area to the working focuses were located in the southern zone of prov- Yellow Sea and 3) sedentary agriculture dominated in the ince occupied by settle farming communities: the Late Uruk more southern areas of continent. The problems of interre- and its synchronous cultures and sites in Anatolia, Kura- lation’ character between the main productive centers of Arax and some others cultures in the Southern Caucasus metallurgical provinces were complicated by interaction (Fig. 4, map). But in addition to that we must note that the between the population of three mentioned general subsis- lion share of different metals artifacts was concentrated in tence strategies. It became especially obviously at process of the famous and rich elite’ graves of the northern pastoral transformation Proto-CMP into reality of Circumpontic culture kurgan cemeteries – so called Maykop kurgan com- metallurgical province. munity (Fig. 4). In general collection of the metals in the The fourth period of EMA – the Middle Bronze Age kurgans of the northern Proto-CMP’ zone exceeded the dated in general from III mill. BCE (Fig. 1(D)). This period southern one more than 15 times! Especially it was reflected was characterized by variety of very important changes on the precious metals – Au and Ag. We have to note else which have captured large blocks of various cultures on one very remarkable distinction from previous, more earlier wide spaces surrounded of Black Sea (Fig. 5, map). The Carpatho-Balkan system: in the CBMP mass of metals in major changes were reflected in structure of the mining, the sites of central producing cultural block surpassed in metallurgical and metalworking centers which have gener- tens times the copper artifacts in peripheral blocks and ated the Circumpontic metallurgical province (CMP).
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