Alaska State Library Historical Collections Bayers, Lloyd H., 1911-1968 Captain Lloyd H. “Kinky” Bayers Collection, 1898-1967 MS 10 Juneau Historical People Files [email protected] 907 465-2925 PO Box 110571 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0571 SAEIN, OHARLIE Juneau merchant SABIN, HARK H. and family 12 ---.1/1928 5 Mrs _M.a. Sabin I .he r'e in .kneau 1ilncJa 1894, died t day Bt her home at the age of 60. 4/10/193"4/S- i'larlr-SabJ:n, 78,-dled today. 4/18/.19.3A........MaJ:'tin..!!. CHark.) .fulbin., bo.rn 18:'>8•. died today (what again??) Here since 1896 SADLIER, JOE Sr. And family 6/~/19~J/2 Joe Sadlier, wife (Dorothy Ol~on) & son, "Joe Jr. age 16) are back in Juneau after 14-years-----absence lnSeattle. He 1s agent for I---~North-land 'r re-na.c-oe • SALENJUS, CHAS. H. Master mariner cL -Cl'lct. L 11a~:r: 'Cllcr_tlLSt.a:r:_"_AnwlL4:L- 2. PleT. BOOK 32; pp 70 SAW, GEORGE Juneau pioneer 12/31/1951/6 Died in PhQ...e.nucr--Ari. _of -X-B. Owned the New York Tavern with Geo. Baroumes, a-RG.----a±--s-e--opera.-t-ed-ttre-m.-d-Home Hotel with his wife, etc. (Recal]~he-rac.e_t_D(}ug'l.....-he_ made to Douglas with a young man named Henry ---Juhnsun) T!:l rSl.l'i tr1e-ml<ldle .,30 8. - - -- - - - -- SALO, MRS. GEORGE Wife of George. 9/30/19')2/3 She and daughter-in-law Mrs Her-ber-t iiakala, kilTed in car vrreck last Sat. 26th :lrl --P-he·e-n-l-x....,..--A-p-i Z-GHa - " .. - - - SALOUM, MRS. GENEIVEVE - Mrs. Hill. - - IO/-l2-,!19~8,!8_Ge"'_' Sa.io-um d-i-e-d (-HH-l-}-i n-SoF. at age of 28. - - I , - - --I - - , - SAMPLES, GEO. W. "Babe" Samples .2L6-1l.94l. Depu:ty-U.J>. MaI'sball--.at_HQilllah.,-aga--5-5.,_ died in Juneau today. "Babe" was in Juneau aITd-Wbrked~Treadwerl before-tne cave-ln.-- !-__ ne.....JNas_al so..---Mar.....shal-La.t......T-€ nakee f or a. .tame__ before going, to Hoonah. SAMPLES, TED Jun eau diver-- t=J.-4''''-o- _ VG pict. in hole of "I'acor-a" after raising her. (A-:-S. Feb-. I9'57 pp-n) - . -I , - - SANDVIK, TOM Halibut fisherman S_fuLC.ar:d _oJ·~N.orland_"_and..-on--.!!.Mi nn1.e-Wl!.-t-O-I!---ffiO-re 12/19/1940/3 Suffers broken leg at Ketchikan whet ne fen-t'Otne beach frornofi'~~dock. Was in -O-f.l-the- IINoa'L aFl.d-"-T,.a-ke.n-t0~K-et-e-B-. -He-B}7:i-tad-ana Art Bertholl banks. toqk vessel to - - .- - -- I SARBER, HOSEA FWS agent. 7/30/1952 Missing in Rowan Bay. , See IIHOSEAIS LAST HUNTti in A/S Jan. 59 ; pp 10. ~--~ , ~- _._-- - . -- --; SPJUCHEF 1790-1782 (Lt. Gavrila Andreevich Sarichef) (~fterwar~s Vice-Adm. ~nd Hydrographer) of the Russ. ~yy, made exp.Lor-aj.aonad.n the, Arctic in 1787, and later was an officer under Commodore Joseph Billings during the latter's explo~atlons of Bering sea and Alaska (1790-92) He eeoear-s to have been an exc.e.Ll.errt·sailoL....an~geo_grapber No satisfactory acct. of his life or works has teen found ~the writer. He pUOl-rsh-e-d an Atras and accounts of Billings expedition kat er-, _ BARVELLA. MYRTH - Wil'e of "Rudy. 1. Elected Mayor of Sitka. (NB 24; pp 1.) 2. Protests recount of vote. (NB 24; pp 7> SARVELA. MYRTHB. 51tka woman---- Her artlele on-----.!J':anlshingKing Salman I (N.B.1B; pp 39) f-- SATKO, PAUL And family .. S~_6.-c.ard_Qn---.!!Ar..k oLJ.u-ne-a-u!!-l-f.!.-Ge n , -~1--l-e-81-r --- 10/12/1942 His son David, 11, and Dudley Smith- 'ber-g------r2, were ma.rooned -f6r8----nrs'. today on -a- ~og--<ln-Mendenhall-duck-~a~t.~~l>y-i~ne9ming tide-- until rescued by Henry ~iiif. eier. 272/1943 Satko-at Tacoma---tells thrilling tale, of-l-i~fe-lcn-t-he-North•... 3,.'SA9LL~4> SaJ;kO--r-eturning.-j'I'O.m Sta.te.s-, -no- Boa]: ~~on his invention (a~ vehicle what WQuldn1t__ need bridges, rORds, pte. 200' in diameter} - He- i~"..-tm".b±e--tc>--ge"'t-"rwri"t",rfuFSceel -r-or f---lO'lli'-Bll, et c -"----"---~•.~. _ 5/17/1944/6 Satko's apt. over DonAbel's Shop_ on Main St~ (Across from Empire) burned out toda~ No one home at the time---Mrs. in laundry and he out to farm. Alanm turned in by Lee Rox. Bldg owned by Charlie Goldstein. 9/5/1945/2 Satko's petition for restrainer of tide land property in boat hbr. (Seaberg land) 6/26/1946/3 Paul Se.tkaquit s Alaska (Piots.) with wife and 6 ~ldsback to Arkansas. 7/3/1946/6 U.S.F.S. debu~~s Satkos claim he did not get homestead rights~ VG. 11/10/1950/2 Sa'tka beck in Tecoma; Lfkea P"c.NW. Lg. G.S.File under SEATTLE HISTORY (Satko's eoi.- ode in Seattle.) SAUER 1790-1792 (Martin Sauer) l~~~-M-art-ln Saue-r ac comoanLed tae 8JEpe-d-i-t-ieTI of Camm. Jose h ~1111ngs, who had been 'an astronomer's assist. in capt. Cooks la~t voyage, as its secretary-and translator, and-in lSS2---publ-1-s1'J.eQ an. accoun t- 0f~i-t. This exoedition ~as org~nized by orger of the Empress of Russia and the party went overland from st petersburg to Ok-hot-sk and-th-e-re-eu-il-t------two-ve-s"9-els-, -the lLS-.1ava-RQ-frs-ie II (Glory: of .H.ussla) and the "Dobraia Namerencia II (Good in- tent) ,~v!hlch- ;;'lere launched in Aug:- 1"389. 'I'he La'tt er- vess- el wa9-wrecked-on~bar at-0khDtsk,-and-a-fio~heT ve-ssel, ----..thellChornie Orel n (Black~le), was built to take i_ts _ place. l'h1s vessel was under the co.unand of Capt. Hall, -wh:tle Bil-l"i.ng-srrortrtrarrd'ed-tihe-'-"gt-ava-Bo-s'sd e Il-I-n-Ma-y-199Q ~the party left p~tro~av~ovsk :nd s§iled_eastward to the Aleutians, saw Amchitka, lanQed at Unalaska and then con- tinued on pRst sannak and the Sliumagins to Kodiak and Af- ognak, ~i~~ting Cook inlet and Pr. Wm. Sd. and then ret- _urning~ RUssia. Th~followinE_y~ar (1791) the shins again set 8£11 to the eastward, nassed Bering Island: touched at Tanaga, and went thence to Unalaska. From there the went north in Bering sea, passed ner the Pribl10fs and st. Matthew isnand, landed on St. Lawrence ld. and later at Pt. Rodney, Seward ueninsula, and then anchored in St. uawrence bay, Bering strait. HEre Billingf left the Darty for an overland Journey in the Chukchi country, and Sairchef set out to return to Unalaska where he whrrter-ed. In Jea.y 1792 the Darty left Unalaska and went back to H.ussia. SAWYER, JAMES Of Windham Bay _6i.2£b.-91±2t-5_Jim Sawyer and.......wi-f-e---he-rB -OR- tse-i r new mal1boat for the Petersburg run the tlEell15 y "----wlTl-t ak e over contract from lIDartll .n JuJ.¥--lst . " - ... - --- --- _.- --- - ---- - - .- - - ------ --- - -- - ---- ---- --- --- - - -- . - - SAWYER, JAlliES Windham Buy man loL26/l~~9i6Selltbeir pl~Gein Windhrm to Mr. & Hr s , d-une a Ship en of Bak er-af Le Ld , Ce:olif. Crtrne rr-ere- in 1924 2nd---CS,wyers will rrake their home in Calif. U'afe Et.hel wa.s a big woman a Lmo s t 300#) SCHANZ 1890-1891 See Leslie Expedition. ,i, . SCHMALTZ~ TED A. J. Miner. Died. Spiral Note Book No. 10. page 7.-- SCHMITZ, FRED Juneau man 6/20/1950/6 Here since 1927. dies in Va.Ha son Ho' SCHUlTZ, GUS A.J. Motorman, etc 9/2/1952 Age 59, dies of heart attack in lobby of Gast. Hotel. Came to Juneau-inT9T~ ~ ~_. --- ~ ... r-- - - - -- -- - - r- SCHMITZ, JACK - Juneau man. ~-I-1-1+1~4§1~-Age-34-,il,;,ed-a-t44-:-35--ye-st-,m:la")'-in- Juneau • .. ._-- I SCHMITZ,PETE --BF0-t-hep-t0-Gu-8-, -B-1-H-,---F-red-&-J-ack-'1-ed-a-t-65- 1n Seattle D~~_~6Z See cut 1n DEATHS Juneau-1967 . - SCHNEIDER, PETE Juneau boy I man 5/12/1950/8 Fined $50.00 ror negligent driving. • SCHNEIDER, WENDELL Juneau boy S,:'6/~~lj.L,L3_WendelL-r-un s "Meseenger-" to-Sl-t!<~aa--- I---=-for Dockor Vance. Tom McOaul goes along too. SORI/OOKER,ED. Junepu mountain 1-----------------c-ri1IlD"eT-,-go"ot-;e·t-c 9/3/1947/2 Ed Schnocker charge~ Richard Kobevik with alienation of his wife' s af~ections--- (MarG~et) Sues for $10,000. H~vesmall son Pet er ... SCHOETTLER, BOll Wpsh fisheries ------------exe-cn"t-±ve-.-- 12/15/1949 Named acting A8sistant to Gov. Lang1i - o-f --vffl:-sh. (Bob was mgr • of Bv-r-arrof Hotel in Juneau at one time and also I think he served as Nqval at~ache to Gov. Gruening.) SCHOETTLER, ROBERT J. -See card in Fl snerl"'"'§'S1'"fl.e .... 3/30!1~51 N~m€d-tO-Interneti~~Salmgngr~p. I--- --~ .._--_. SCHOMBEL. OTTO E. Haines and Juneau pl:oneer D1es at Ha1nes. Sp1ral No. 12• pp __ 41. .. - SCHRADER (Frank Charles Schrader) -Of-U ,-s. G. S-.-,-in 1-S96--accompanied SDlIlD'r & GOodrich on ~g~olpgi~ re~~nn.
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