fwdmfa Jlafmef fûeedm fa InMclaafsf Vol. V. No. 1/2. Jan./Feb. 1954 # Published in English, French and German * Price: 1 s; 40 c At the Threshold of an New Year By Yaroslav Stetzko In the Free World the pendulum is still maintained a passive attitude regarding the ation with the peoples subjugated by Moscow. swinging to and fro — between false hopes events in the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death. Since a conference of the Big Five would for peace and alarm for war. For the sub­ The new year has a gloomy beginning. The amount to a capitulation of the United States jugated nations, however, the way lias been project of a conference of the Big Four in regarding Red China, this is quite out of the clearly designed by fate: they have to fight January 1954 is nothing but an illusion. No question. With China entering the legitimate for their ultimate objective —- for their liber­ conference with the Kremlin Tyrant will ever circle of the Western Powers, a new period ation. There is no choice. “ Freedom or death“ bring peace to the world. This new year will of bolshevic aggression would he initiated. If always has been the motto of the enslaved. also not he recorded in the annals of history England were to remain irresolute and France Although Stalin has died so recently yet as a year of peace hut as a year of fright and were to yield from the U.S.S.R., the United this event has nearly fallen into oblivion in fear of a new war. Malenkov and Molotov will States would be repressed into a minority. the whole of the western world as well as in not take a peace turtle with them. In the The European Powers believe that they could the countries subjugated by Moscow. All hopes contrary — they will make all efforts to counterbalance the economic and political for a radical change in the bolshevic system thwart the accomplishment of the European supremacy of the States by the settlement of are gone. Life and struggle are proceeding in Defence Community and its possible co-oper­ (Continued on Page 2) their usual course. The West has missed a favorable chance; neither the rising in Berlin Admiral George Mentz — though everyone noticed it — nor the riots that flared up in the satellite states and throughout the U.S.S.R. were able to change the minds of the Western statesmen. They did Russian Imperialistic Communism not even think of intervening in the course Adress delivered at 10th anniversary observance o f the founding of the events behind the Iron Curtain, hut put all their hopes on a policy of a possible agree­ o f the Anti-Bolshevic Bloc o f Nations (A.B.N.) held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, ment with Russia. The best chance for blow­ New York City, Sunday, Nov. 26, 1953 ing up bolshevism from within has been missed. The representatives of democracy had for­ It is a pleasure and honor for me to be able had they understood religion they would have gotten their own principles for a moment: to join with you this evening in the annual believed in it and the unworkable notions of they hoped sincerely that there would he a meeting of the Anti-Bolslievist Bloc of Na­ Marxism would not today be the driving force new dictator; it appeared, however, that in tions. It is a pleasure because I am confident behind traditional Russian Imperialism. that in speaking frankly about the threaten­ From this simple but proven premise we bolshevism the figure of the despot is not ing peril of Russian Imperialistic Commun­ can begin to understand the form and content alone decisive hut it is rather the evil which ism to the cause of human freedom I will not of Russian Communist imperialism. Any fai­ roots in this system itself. In the dictatorship be offending one single participant at this lure to recognize these basic truths makes of a single party it makes no difference who dinner. Strange as it may seem, that is unique it impossible to accurately understand Com­ is the momentary head. The dictator is dead even here in our beloved America. It is in munism as a world menace. It is this failure hut not so dictatorship! The democratic world every sense an honor because I know well of on the part of many intellectuals of the free overrated the role of an autocrat within a bol­ the gallant and fearless campaign of the world or their lack of moral courage to face shevic regime, as it has not been capable, up A.B.N. to expose the terrible dangers of Rus­ the truth, which has caused the cancerous sian Imperialistic Communism, your untiring like infection of large segments of the human to now, to realize the true nature of that sort efforts to awaken free people to tbe real men­ race. Tbe enslavement of many new nations of government. There is a principle differ­ ace to all mankind, and your firm allegiance and over 600.000.000 additional people in a ence between a military and a totalitarian to those dynamic political principles enunciat­ decade should have stirred the conscience of party dictatorship. The latter is a new feature ed in the American Declaration of Indepen­ every still free man, particularly those who in the history of social political appearances. dence. Strange as it may seem, even here in are posed as “experts“ on Russian. But we Furthermore, the West has understood, in America — the greatest citadel of freedom — wait in vain for that awakened conscience. principle, neither the character of Russian .im­ you have been attacked and smeared because We see on the other hand a determined effort perialism nor Russian mentality which has you have refused to be intimidated by the to further becloud and disguise the real issue agents of the World Communist conspiracy. of our times. To put it bluntly, here are some produced despotic systems for centuries. This We can be almost certain that the Commun­ of the more dangerous themes used by the is consequently the reason why its hopes for ist controlled and infiltrated publications will captive “experts“ : far-reaching consequences of the dictator’s launch an attack against the advocacy of free­ 1. That we should not interfere with the death were disappointed. The West itself, too, dom and peace taking place here this even­ internal affairs of the U.S.S.R. because to do ing. It is quite accurate to say that a fair test so will unite the captive people with the of the remaining strength of the communist Kremlin regime! Could you imagine the conspiracy in America can be measured by Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, Byelorus­ From the Contents: the violence and overall coverage given to sians, Cossaks, North Caucasians and the these attacks. This is a truism which can be other non-Russian people uniting with the Homo Hungnricus: Page applied to all freedom manifestations which Kremlin on any issue? To even speculate on Violent Russification in Hungary . 3 dare to clearly identify the real enemy of such a possibility is pure folly. There can be free people. Take it as a sincere compliment no question but what those who advance this Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wiercr: when I say that A.B.N. freedom rallies serve dangerous notion are either agents of the The Way of the C zech................................. 5 as an accurate barometer to gauge the Kremlin, crafty advocates of one world social­ strength of Communist storms and furies. ism or plain fools. J. Gytis: Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, all in their 2. That all the people of the U.S.S.R. are The Present Situation iu the Baltics . 5 time charged religion to be the opiate of the Russians, greater or less, having a common people. They saw religion as a barrier to love for the “Russian Motherland“ ! Can S. Garip (Ufali): .. their false and nefarious theories but they you imagine any non-Russian being called a Equal Rights for All Peoples.....................8 never clearly understood why. There can be Russian and liking it? Do you know of any­ no doubt that their lack of comprehension thing in the history of the non-Russian na­ Prof. Dr. Vasyl Oreletsky: resulted from their failure to understand re­ tions of the U.S.S.R. which shows any respect ligion and its relation to the nature of man. for the so-called Russian Motherland let alone The Treaty of Pereyaslav in 1654 . 9 Had they understood the nature of man they any inclination to support such a mythical would have understood religion. Likewise claim? Yet, why is this dialectical misforma- Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2 again. It should be clear, therefore, when we Russian Imperialistic Communism speak of Russian Imperialism as the political partner of Communist Imperialism that we lion being given wide circulation in many World threat. What is worse, in the eyes of are speaking about the misguided Russian otherwise respectable journals of the U.S. the Communists, it would lead to the inevi­ intelligentsia and not the masses of the Rus­ 3. That Stalin, using the theories of Lenin, table destruction of the master plan of the sian people. has stamped out all nationalism in the U.S. Marxists for World conquest. The founding There can be no doubt but what the chal­ S.R.! This line argues that the Kremlin has fathers of America were “separatists“ and lenge to our survival depends in large part established a “Soviet man,“ a “Soviet society“, they able described themselves as such in upon proper identification of the threat.
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