• ' . • • , • ,• " .'" , .' • , I ' , , " • -, • ,.. · . ~ _II ··w." .,· " , , • , .., .. , • ", .... • • I • • •• • I , .. ' • , • -! • I " • , • • • '•. • ' • I • J' • .• J .,,!. , , • • , , .' ..I , , , • • • I " '. • - Created by Jay Faerber & Koray Kuranel Story by Jay Faerber Art & Cover by Koray Kuranel letters by Charles Pritchett IMAGE COMICS, INC. -.1IHo ..... C>'IIof ..... O(k", _ E... 1.> ...... <:I'iOI -....._ -.80_T..... M<F ........·__ ... _ · ... _ ..... V.. ..,.. ... · 01 " ~ 5 ., 'It PO IN TOF IMPACT .1 (01 .). f irst printing. Oclober 2012 . Publ ls~e d by Image Comics. Inc. Othel of publication : 2134 Allston Way. 2nd Floor, Berkel.y. CA 94704. Copyr ight 0 2012 Jay Faerber I; Koray Kuranel. All rlghU luelYed. POINT OF IMPACT (Including all prom inent characters lutured hertlnl.lts logo . and the likenesns of all chlle!ers herein are trademarks of Jay Fae/h, I; KOlay KuuRe! or used by permission, unltss otherwise noted. Image Comics and Il$lain are .ealslered Irademarh of Image Com ics, Inc . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted. In any 101m 01 by any muns (ncept for short ncerpls for review purposes). without the e.press wr itten perm issio n of Jay Faerber. KorJY Kuruel. or Image COmics . Inc. Ali names . cbaracters. events and locales In tbls publication are entirel, fictional. Any resemblance to actnl persons (lMng or dud). events or places. wllhout satir ic Inlent . Is coincidental. Printed In the U.S.A. For Information regarding the CPsrA on th is printed material call: 203-595-3636 and provide reference It RICH - 454186. For In ternational licensing Inquiries. write to: forelgnllcensl [email protected] YEAH. PROSASI.Y. OKAY, 50 ... I 6UE% I 5HOUi-O DID YOU ... WANNA GO IN. MAYBE HAVE DINNER ON 5ATURDAY'? -.---~---- - ~ --------" - . ~ = . T><AT COUI.D SE ARRANGED. • o o .~ o •• . , • .", , .• :J'eSUS Cl-lflfST! ) 6O~OW l.ATE WAS HE? THE GUY ~OR THE WEINSTEIN PIECE? TJ..IREE FUCKING HOURS. 60 NOW I'VE GOTTA STAY l.ATE TONIGi-lT :rU5T TO PUT THIS PIECE TO BED. WHU ...E YOUR BEAUTIFUL. YOUNG WIFE !-lAS DINNER WAITIN6 AT HOME, EH, MITCW. - -- _. YEAH, RIGHT, CARL. NICOlE 1-lA5N'T COOKED A DAY IN -:-:::;,;(..IER LIFE. BESIDES, SHE'S GOT PL.AN'S WITH HER SISTER TONIGHT, ANYVVAY. --- • ~ , -- - -- , , = . --=-'.-' - - •- so Wl-IAT AAE WE T~INKING1 :rUAAPeR? t-{ow A60UT WE AT l.EA5T l.OOK AT TI-lE BODY BEFORE WE DECIDE IT't:> NOT A HOMICIDE, At-I.. J~''-., RIGHT, DEWEY'? I ~OWAY. WHAT? WHAT 15 IT? 5HIT. SHIT NtCO~ 5OM€Tj..!ING. 5j..!IT 5j..!1T. W€ W~€ IN Tj..!€ GAME YOGA I KNOW C!.A55. AW, DAMN. )-..:..:HERr'_ SERIOU5t..Y? I'M 50RRY. l I5TEN, I ' t..L­ TPJ<E OV~ AS P1<:IMAAY, AND WE't..L- TAU< TO RIVERA GET YOU REAS5IGNED. ~ -- , '<- - . - ~ L-.- - - - - Sj..!E WASN'T MY NO, I WANT ~RIEND, €XACTt..Y. WE TO WO!<K I DON'T WERE ~RIENDL-Y. Tj..!ERE'S ,-_T~HI';, KNOW I~ Tj..!E BO%€5 Wlt..t.. t..€T A DI~~ERE~N~C~E~, _/ YOU 5TAYON, EVEN I ~ I 'M ,-""'MARY ~ AND Tj..!ERE'5 Tj..!Bi!E'5 01-<, At-50 RUL-ES AGAINST THAT'S WI-«)'5 GONNA RUt..€5 AGAIN5T GETTING 5I-iIT-fACED j..!OW IT'S TEt..t.. Tj..!EM? AND THAT. Tj..!E :rOB, BUT THAT GONNA I'M P1<:IMAAY. HASN'T STOPPED YOU. BE? I'M =rUST SAYING... IVE KEPT MY MOUTj..! $j..!UT ~OR YOU MORE THAN ONCE OR TWICE. At..t.. RIG\.-IT. .. YOU'RE P1<:IMARY, AND YOU DIDN'T KNOW Tj..!E VIC. BUT I~ Tj..!IS Tj..!ING START5 TO GO SIDEWAYS, I 'M GONNA SPEPJ< UP: DEAt... FINALLY OUTTA J....(ERE, CJ....(RI5T, I>NI I GLAD I'M NOT ON TJ....(E POLICE BEAT yEAJ....(. WHAT'RE YOU ANYM;O~.~E~. _/ UP TO? HEARD ON TJ....(E POl..!CE $CANNER THAT A WOflAAN TOOK A J....(EADER O!=!= A BUILDING OVER IN TJ....(E HE!GJ....(T5. LANDED ON A CArl-, !=ROM WHAT I J....(EAR. YEA~. I~ S~E ~ALLS O~~ T~E ROO~, ~E'S LANDING ON T~E SIDEWALK. T~E TRA:TECTOl<Y'S ALL WRONG ~OR LANDING ON T~E CAR. T~IS LOOK RIGl-lT TO YOU? YEA~, T~ I S - IS PROBABLY T~E SPOT. WT ~ER€'S SOMETI-IING. ~OW'D S~E LAND ON T~E CAA? - - • 50... wl--<AT, T~EN? SOMET~ING I-IIGI-IER? A ~ELICOPTER? BODY'D LOT WORSE I~ ~ROM Tl--<AT ~E IG~T. .. OKAY, SO S~E DIDN'T ~ALL. AND SI-IE WASN'T DROPPED ~ROM A ~EL.ICOPTER. / _ _ DID S~E :rUMP? "OW DO YOU r:IGURE? NOT Ir: TRA:TECTORY'$ STIl.L $HE GOT A WRONG. RUNNING START. I DON'T BUY IT. Pt..U5, $!-IE''S STILL.. WEARING ONE Or: !-IER HEELS. IF YOU WERE GONNA GET A RUNNING 'START TO :rUMP OFF THE RO~, WOUL.D YOU KEEP YOUR I-IEEL.5 ON? NOPE. 50 WE NoAYBE TWO 6{JY5? IF THEY'Re 8115 CAN RULE T~T YEAH, OUT. TOO. ENOUGJ..I, TI-IEY COUL.D YEAH THEY THROW !-lEI<! It-.! AN ARC COULD. WAS 51--lE TI-IAT WOUL.D PUT !-IER TI-lRO'vVN OFF TI--lE 1<!00i="? ,~:.O::.N:-.:THE CAA. OF COURSE, THAT $TILI.. DOESN'T ADDI<':E55 TI-IE 8 (6 QUESTION. .. --:; •.. .wHY TI-IE !-IEL!.. WA5 'SHE UP I-IERE IN TI--IE FIRST PLACE?" NICOLE, I-{EY, IT'S ME ... BOONE. I KNOW I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO USE TI-{IS NUMBER UNl.ESS IT'S AN EMERGENCY, AND MAYBE TI-{IS DOESN'T QUAl.IPY, BUT I DON'T CARE. I'M AT OOR USUAl. PLACE, AND YOU'RE ... WEl.l., NOT. LOOK,J"UST CAl.l. ME, OKAY? LET ME KNOJV EVERYTI-lIN@'S Al.l. R161-lT? NIC, ARE I DIDN'T YOU STU.. I.­ W#E YOU, UP' DID-" • , • .' • .• • • • • ", , • " • , • • . • , -• •, • • ," • , • • • , • • • • ENH-- GUH! ARE YOU TI-'(E POI-ICE? DID 5OMEONE HEAR TJ..!E ~ I GJ..!T? FIGHT? SIR, ARE YOU AI-I­ RIGJ..!T? YEAJ.-I, I'M OKAY. COME ON IN. 50 5OMEONE CAl-LED YOU, RIGHT? NO, S IR WE'RE HERE ABOUT NICOLE RA~~ERTY. ARE YOU M ITCJ..!EI-I­ RA~~ERTY? YEAJ..!, TI-IAT'S ME. WI-lAT ABOUT NICOLE? SHE'S NOT J..!ERE. I KNOIN, 5 1R. 5HE'5. .. I'M 50RRY TO !--(AVE TO TEL.l. YOU T1-l15, BUT YOUR WI!=E DIED EARL.IER TONIGI-lT.~. _~~ BUT... I GOT TI--IE LAPTOP. !-IE'S IN TI--IE WIND. BUT .--- WE'RE WORKING ON IT. T~e I--IUSBAND CAME I--IOME. PUT UP A BIT OF A FIGI--IT. YE5, 5112:. WE GOT INTERRUPTED BY TI--IE DOORBELL. I FIGURED MY PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY WAS TO RETRIEVE TI--IE LAPTOP. OKAY.8RING T!-Ie LAPTOP IN ANO Keep Me APPRIGeO 01= ANY I=URTI-IER oeveLOPMeNTG. IG !-Ie GTfLL IN PLAY? NO,IT'G ALL RIG!-IT. YOU 010 TJ1e RIGI-IT TI-IING. WI-IAT ABOUT OUROTl-leR PROBLeM? --:::~~;;:~ ME, EXCUSEI NEED TO ~~;;;;~~7 GO TI-lROUGI-l IT '-.:.G:.E-.:T_T::~",';5J'-;i FOR ME Or-JE MORE t TIME Pl.EA5E, MR. RAFFERTY. we-l.IT VOfCC-I'I1AIL GEiT IT, O~ COUR5£E. YOU gl-fOUl-O I-lEEAR IT. 5OUN05 Uk(E Ir M IGI-fT 8£3 PROM A 5£3CRIT BOYFRf(ENO OR 50M£TI-IING. ABBY, TUtS (5 SIMON, ;:RQM T£CJ..INfCAL 5£RVrCE5. PI..EA5€ WEE W(3R(£ WORKING ON TELL ME YOU PUl..LfNG eveRYTHING OFF TRACED TI-lE OF NfCOL(3 I?AJ=P£ERTYG CELLPI-IO~ Wf..f£EN A CALL CAMe IN. CALL:. :r:~ :.!....!....!.:L..!.....!......J YOU WOUND MS. OF COUR5£E WE TRACED CALLER WAS A 1--... TI-lE CAL-I... PATRICK BOON(E. ~E'5 EX-MIL.ITARY, AND 1-lE'5 GOT A 5I-lEET. YOU'RE GONNA WANT TO TAI..K TO THIS GUY. ~ .-'1 eND PART ONe. " One of my favorite short·lived shows is The early episodes of t he show leaned on network television, Yost and his Boomtown, which lasted a little over pretty heavily on the "multiple POV" writers were constantly being asked to one season on NBC from 2002·2004. approach, with stories frequently make it more of an easy·to·fo llow Created by Graham Yost (who is sta rting in m edia res, and events airing procedural. So when t he show was currently working on another fantastic out of order. It wasn't until the end of picked up fo r a second season, there series, Justified), the show is t he episode t hat you'd get the whole were some element s t hat had to be essentially a crime procedural, but pict ure of w hat actually happened. As revamped. with a unique twist·· it employs a t he season progressed, t his approach Rashomon·like multiple POV format. was toned down. Sto ri es still fea t ured Andrea Little, t he reporter, was gone, Set in Los Angeles, Boomtown follows mult iple POVs, but the stories and was never mentioned again. cops, attorneys, reporters, paramedics, themselves unfolded in a more linear Teresa, t he paramedic, m akes a ca reer and even criminals, and each story is fashion. change and enrolls in the police told from all of their points-of-view. academy. Had the show cont inued, she Boomtown's pilot was strong, and it just would've presumably become a cop. But here's t he t hing -- t he show's got better from there. "Possession" Vanessa Williams joined t he cast as Det.
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