1875. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 359 PETITIONS, ETC. Also, resolutions of the Legislature of North Carolina, concerning the Freedman's Savings aml Trust Company, to the Committee on The following memorials, petitions, and other papers, were pre­ Freedmen's Affairs. sented at the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as stat-ed: Also .resolutions of the Legislature of North Carolina concerning the By Mr. ARMSTRONG: The petition of sufferers from ravages by tax collected1 on spirits of turpentine after the late war, to the Com­ grasshoppers in Clay County, Dakota Territory, for relief, to the mittee on Ways and :Meallil. Committee on t.he Public Lands. Al.8o, tho petition of Aaron Buchanan, of Mitchell County, North Also, memorial of the Legislature of Dakota. Territory, for the es­ Carolin1J., for a pension, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tablishment of a mail-route from Sioux :Falls, Dakota, to Lake Ben­ By Mr. WARD, of New Jersey: The petition of the medical pro­ ton, Minnesota, to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post~Roads. fession of Newark, New Jersey, in behalf of the Medical Corps of the By Mr. BUNDY: The petition of the Scioto County Medical Society, Army, to the Committ-ee on Military Affairs. in behalf of tho Medical Corps of the Army, to the Committee on Mil­ By Mr. WILSON, of Iowa: The petition of the physicians of Iowa itary Aft'airs. in behalf of the Medical Corps of theArmy,to the Committeeon Mil­ By Mr. BUTLER, qf Massachusetts: The petition of J eremi~ Long, itary Affairs. of Newburyport, Massachusetts, for a penswn, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. CHIPMAN: The petition of Charles James Gates, for re­ lief, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · By Mr. COX : The petition of Christopher Remmey, for a pension, IN SENATE. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. MONDAY, 11, By Mr. DAWES: The petition of Rees B. Edmonson, in aid of bill January 1875. · H. R. No. 3035, to the Committee on Military Affairs. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. Also, the petition of Henry L. James, of Williamsburgh, Massa­ The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap· chusetts, for relief, to the Committee on Claims. proY:ed . By Mr. DOBBINS: The petition of sundry citizens interested in POWELL'S EXPEDITION. the navigation of the Delaware River, for an appropriation to com­ plete the improvement· of the channel of the Delaware River be­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following con­ tween Trenton and Bordentown, to the Committee on Commerce. current resolution from the Honse of Representatives; which was By Mr. FINCK: The petition of T. Spencer Stillman and others, referred to the Committee on Printing: of Perry County, Ohio, that a pension be granted to Mrs. Mary Ann Resol"ed b1J the Home of Repruenta.ti"u, (the Bmate, ooneurring,) That the Con· McDonald, to the Committ.ee on Invalid Pensions. gressional Printer be, and he is heroby, authorized to print the report of MaJor By Mr. HAGANS: Memorial of the officers of the Industrial Home Powell's expedition in quarto fonq.. School of the District of Columbia, aBking aid for that institution, to MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. the Committee on the District of Columbu~. A message from the House of Representatives, by CLINTO!f By Mr. HUNTON: Papers relating to the claim of Daniel William­ Mr. son, to the Committee on Military Affairs. LwYD, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the following bills; in ~hich it requested the concurrence of the Senate: By .Mr. LYNCH: The petition of Isabell~ McSwain, of Augnsta, A bill (H. R. No. 3893) to correct the date of commission of certain Mississippi, for relief to the Committee on \Var Claims. Also, the petition ofSamuel West, of Augusta, Mississippi, for relief, officers of the Army ; to the Committee on War Claims. A bill (II! R. No. 4213) to provide for compensating the officers of the Governmen~ in observing the transit of Venus; and By Mr. McCRARY: Remonstrance~t of citizens of Lee and other A bill (H. R. No. 4214) declarntory of the act entitled "An act to counties in Iowa, against the removal of the United States district amend ·the customs-revenue laws, and to repeal moieties," approved court for Iowa from Keokuk to Burlington, to th~ Committee on the Judiciary. · · June 22, 1874. ' Also, tbe petition of Samuel McKee, for a pension, to the Committee PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. on Invalid Pensions. Mr. FERRY, of :Michigan, presented a petition of J. F. Joy and By Mr. McKEE: The petition of Harper P. Hunt, of Vicksburgb, others, citizens of Detroit, :Michigan, praymg the passage of the bill Mississippi, for payment of rent for houses in Vicksburgh, to the Com­ (H. R. No. a&ro) to amend section 110 of the act of June 30, 1864, and mitt.ee on War Claims. section 9 of the act of July 13, 1866, imposing taxes upon the circula-­ By Mr. NIBLACK: The petition of Charles H. Mason, of Cannel­ tion of other than national banks; which was referred to the Commit· ton, Indiana, late deputy collector of internal revenue for third divis­ t,ee-on Finance. ion of second collection district of Indiana, to be compensated for . He also present-ed a petition of citizens of Detroit, ¥ichigan, asking cigar-stamps alleged to have been stolen from him, to the Committee the passage of a law defining a. gross of matches; which was referred on Claims. · to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. PARSONS : The petition _of Daniel P. Eels and others, of Mr. PRATT presented a petition of citizens of Erie County, Penn­ Cleveland, Ohio, for the paMage of an ad to amend the fourt.eenth sylvania, prayin~ for the passage of the H~use bill granting pen.: section of the act to e~tablish the judicial courts of the United States, sions to all soldiers of the war of 1812; which was referred to the approved September 24, 1789, to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on Pensions. · By llr. PIERCE: The petition of C. W. Gallonpe, to change the He also presented the petition of Robert Anderson, of Idaho Terri­ name of the yacht Dolly Varden to Clochette, to the Committee on tory, praying the Senat-e to protect his right in the Oneida Road, Commerce. Bridge, and Ferry Company, chartered by the Legislatnre of that Also, papers relating to the claim of James Thompson, late acting Territory, against the infringement made by the treaty made by assistant quartermast-er, to the Committee on War Claims. commissioners of the United States with the Bannock and other By llr. ELLIS H. ROBERTS : The ·petition of soldiers in the late tril.M:s of Indians at Fort Hall, on the 7th day of September, 1804; war, for an amendment of the act increasing pensions, to the Com­ which was referred to the Committee on Indian 'Affairs. mitt-ee on Invalid Pensions. He also presented an argument of certain attorneys of Saint Louis, By llr. SENER: The petition of W.tlliam McDaniel, jr., for pay as Missouri, in favor of amending the fourteenth section of the act to special watchman at the Capitol, to the Committee on Claims. establish the judicial courts of the United States, approved Septem­ By Mr. SHERWOOD: The petition of citizens of Toledo, Ohio, for a ber 24, 1789; which was re.ferred totheCommitteeon the Judiciary. Bbort-line narrow-gauge railroad from Toledo to Omaha, to the Com- Mr. BOUTWELL presented the petition of Colonel A. B. Eddy and mitt-ee on Railways and Canals. · . General Rufus Saxton, asking for the restoration of their proper rnnk By Mr. SMALL: Numerous petitionsof medicalsocieties and prac­ in the Army; which was referred to the Committee on Military titioners, in behalf of the Medical Corps of the Army, to the Com­ Affairs. mittee on Military Affairs. Mr. BOREMAN presented a petition of citizens of West Virginia, By Mr. THOMAS, of North Carolina: The petition of W. T. Nor­ praying the establishme-nt of a post-route from Winfield, in Putnam wood, for payment of cotton claim, to the Committee on 'Var Claims. Cmmty, to Flat Fork, in Roane County, in that State; which was By Mr. THOR~JJURGH: The petition of John C. Nelson, of Roone referred to the Committee on Post-Office.s and Post-Roads. County, Tennessee, for payment for a horse taken by United States He also presented the petition of James Dix, of West Virginia, troops, to the Committee on 'Var Claims. · praying compensation for services rendP-red by him in conveying the Also, the petition of the trustees of Holston College, Tennessee, to family of Washington Summers from the town of Buckhannon, Up­ be paid for rent and for fuel and supplies furnished the Federal shur County, West Vir~ia, to near Staunton, Virginia, under orders ·Army, to the Committee on War Claims. of General T. M. Harns, commanding the United States trPOps at By Mr. TYNER: The petition of Thomas J. Lindley, late second Beverly, West Virginia, in 1862; which was referred to the Commit­ lieutenant Company G, One-hundred and forty-seventh Indiana Vol· tee on Claims. unteers, for relief, to the Committee on .Military Affairs. Mr. ffiTCHCOCK presented a petition of citizens of Butler County, By Mr. VANCE: Resolutions of the Legislature of North Carolina.,. Nebraska praying the passage of House bill No. 3281, amending tlle asking an appropriation to remove obstructions from the Neuse act entitled "An act to amend au act to aid in tbe construction of a River, to the Committee on Commerce.
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