JULY 1994 SPHECOS AFORUM FOR ACULEATE WASP RESEARCHERS Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! In Sphecoa 281 outlined the financial crisis that threatened to stop production of this newsletter. My appeal for donations to help defray the cost of reproducing future Issues was met by an amazing outpouring of support from the readership. Money begM to come In from all corners of the globe in amounts ranging from $5 to $2501 Some people simply sent cash in the mail, others sent chec::ks. or even foreign currency. Many sent in more than the suggested $5 donation. We even received donations from Ruasia and other east European countries in spite of all the financial hardships that people in those nations have. My wife Nancy had acluatly put up the money to pay for the reproduction of Sphecos 28, and within a few weeks the Incoming dona­ tions reimbursed her outlay. The money has continued to arrive in the mail and we have now built up a sizeable fund to cover the reproduction of the current Issue and at least two morel Your generosity Is very much appreciated and it will Insure the continuance of Sptwco.. It Is very satisfying to know that the efforts of Terry Nuhn and myself are so appreciated. Donora to the Sphecos reproduction fund are listed here in chronological order. Terry, Nancy and I want to thank each of you for your support. We even got $5 from Bill Ashmead I A.S. Menke -Editor Gary Hevel Mark O'Brien Steve Marshall Karl Krombeln David CowM Earle Cross Raymond Wahis ltalo Currado John Heraty George Steyskal Kathy Schick Joachim Walther Massimo Olml Beth Norden Bob Jeanne Virendra Gupta John Burn Guido PagliMO James Allen Richard Keyel Jerry Powell MichaeiOhl Pier Scaramozzino nmothy Palmer Robert Wagner larry Phelps Michael Kuhlmann Jon Seger Joan Strassmann James Cane larry French VokerMauss Robin Edwards John Moser Laurene Foye Kevin O'Neill Martin Cooper Michael Archer David Packham AkeyHung Michael Engel Colin Vardy Mike Prentice Robert Jacobson Yo Yo Carpenter Raina Takumi Akira Shimizu Jacques Hamon Donald Manley Dave Vincent Yvan Barbier R. T. Simon Thomas Elizabeth Chlappa Curtis Sabrosky William MacKay Ken Cooper Alex Rasnitsyn Haroldo Toro Monica Russo James Gillaapy Chris Darling Eduardas Budrys Hans..Joachlm Allan Hook Barry Nichols Larry Bezark Josef Gusenleitner Jacobs Stuart Fullerton Howard Evans George Ball Saiki Yamane Henrich Wolf Byron Alexander WOllam Wclslo David Roubik Junichi Kojima Leo Castro Ray Gagne VIrginia Scott Jean Leclercq Akira Shimizu John Breen John Heppner Jay Rosenhelm Lubomir Masner James Perkins Anthony Harris Dave Wahl Justin Schmidt Gary Gibson M'ICk Day Helen Court Susan Henderson Woj Pulawski Mamoru Terayama H. Nagase Mary Jane West- E.O.WilsOn Holly Downing David Richman Kees van Achterberg Eberhard Vincent Tepedino David McCorquodale Hideo Takahashi Jan van Zuijlen lan Naumann George Byers Rlchaid Bohart Ed Barrows Robert Staub Josephine Cardale Chartes Michener Robert Matthews Grace Middlebrook Sean O'DonneD John Wenzel Eric Olson H. Jane Brockmann James Hunt Alois Kofler Roberto Cambra Scott Miller HoweM Daly Vespa Labs, Inc. Mike Crosland Diomedes Quintero Robert Akre WOllam Clark (Miles Guralnick) Nico Schneider Frank Crentzburg Chartotte Gantz Roger Morse Alicia Rodrrguez Enrico Negrisolo Cartos Sarmiento Malcolm Keeping S. Bradleigh Vinson Wim Klein Barry Donovan Frank Kurczewskl July94 3 hard job for me. I hope to find some for Sphecophaga species (Hymenopte­ NEW ADDRESSES taxonomists with better collections than ra: lchneumonidae: Cryptinaa) In North mine, who would like to Identify some American collections. Please a-mall your G.R. Brown: Northern Tarrltory Museum of the difficult groups for me or confirm responses to me and I will send the in· of Arts and Sciences, Conacher StrMI. my Identifications. For example, Prof K. formation to Dr. Donovan. Thanks. Bullocky Point, Darwin, N.T. 0820, Schmidt (Karlsruhe, Germany) Is prepar­ Australia. ing a revision of the· palearctic Cerceris Steven Krauth Chen Nalzhong: Plant Quarantine In· and he is very happy to study my mate­ Academic Curator stitute, Ministry of Agriculture, 241, rial. On the other hand, Identifying groups Insect Research Collection Huixinli, Chaoyang District. Beijing I do not know very well might be the Univ. of Wisconsin· Madison 100029, P.R. China. best wtq to learn much about this group. [email protected]. V.K. Gupta: Dept. of Entomology, Uni· And I know there is enough for me to varsity of Florida, Gainesville, FL leamJ• 32611.()620. Namibian Wasps Raymond V. Henaen: Ln Van Vlaand­ llaulmo Olml (Oipartimento di Pro­ eren 170, 1086 MR Amsterdam, The tezione delle Plante, Unlv. delgl Studi In November and December of this Netherlands. Tuscla, Via S. Camillo de Lellis, 011 oo year I plan to travel to Namibia and of latv6n Kareal: cJo Deneubourg, CNPCS Vlterbo, Italy) reports, •My revision of course I wiH collect bees and wasps ULB, CP 231 Campus Plaine, Bid Tri· the world Embolemidae is In press. • there. As I am not experienced with the omphe, Bruxellas, 8·1050, Belgium. southern African fauna. and especially Marcia Utte: 43 E. Ramsey Canyon Rd. Monica Runo (1 North Skilling, since the G. ARNOLD papers are quite #E, Hereford, Arizona 8$615-9613. RR4, Arundel, Biddeford PO, Maine old, I would like to ask if there are any William P. Mackay: Dept. of Biological 04005) Is collecting wasps from trap colleagues willing and able to dater­ Sciences, University of Texas at El nests, and collecting burrowers, diggers mine Namibian wasps. Raymond Wa· Paso, El Paso, TX 79968.0519. and cltq-users from open, sandy/clayey his was offered to look at the pompilids. Shlzuo Noguchi: Shimoigusa 3-10..12, areas In Maine. She would be glad to Suginami, Tokyo, 187 Japan. provide specimens to anyone who asks. Michael Kuhlmann Till Oaten: Staatliches Museum fur Na­ Am Stockpiper 1 turkunde, Rosenstein 1, 0.70190 Stutt· Bram Wllllnk (lnstltuto Miguel Lillo, D-59229 Ahlen gart, Germany. Miguel Lillo 205, 4000 S. M. de Tucu­ Garmany. Frank Parker: Baa Biology & System­ man, Argentina) writes: •rn June I hope atics Lab, Utah State University, lo­ to go to Buenos Aires and stay there gan, Utah 84322-5310. several weeks working with Arturo Roig; The Monterrey Collection • Robert B. Parka: 5301 N. County Road we will see then if It would be possible PLEASE HELP! 13, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524·9446. to finish our Pachodyn9rus work this Robert J. Paxton: Ecological Research year. We are now getting to the more Some time ago I received on sub-loan Station of Uppsala University, Olands dificult and smaller problems related with a collection of Pompilidae from Prof. Skogsby, S-386 93 Firjestaden, Swe­ new species, or doubtful species. We Stahr of the Entomology Museum, Mi· den (until30 September 1994). think that the American species are more chign State University. The depository VIrginia Scott: Museum, Henderson or less settled, with acuticarinatus a is known only as "Monterrey, Mexico•. Building, Campus Box 218, Unlvarsl· synonym of pulvtilrultmtus, with a dark­ Soma specimens bear det. labels of ty of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder CO er and a yellower form. Astraeus Is a Dreisbach, 1958. Most specimens are 80309-0218. synonym of pratiOOX. We may write a labelled •Monterrey, N.L, Mex." and bear llartln Sorg: Biologlscha Station Ber­ short paper on the status of the USA the following collectors' names: M. BER· gisches Land e.V., SchmitzbOchel 2 · species.• MUDEZ, Jos6 CASTUO, P. CORDERO, D-51491 Ovarath, Germany. Eduardo DIAZ Rubio, Wm.W. GIBSON, Hldea Takahashi: Hlgashlasakawa­ S. GONZALEZ. Cesar H. HINOJOSA, R. machi 549·201, Hachi6J·shl, Tokyo IGLESIAS, Coronado LEOPOLDO, J. 193,Japan. MATHIEU, J.J. McKELVEY, J.S. NIE· Mamoru Terayama: Department of Bi· DERHAUSER, Alejandro ORTEGA, F. ology, Colege of Arts & Sciences, The PACHECO M., D. PEREZ Ruiz, J.L. University of Tokyo, 3-8·1, Komaba, SEDDGNO, S. Arturo VALLE, Ricardo Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan. HELP NEEDED YEPIZ R. Can anyone tall me to whom Martus Wasbauer: P.O. Box 6820, these specimens belong, please? Brookings, Oregon 97415. Sphecophaga recorda John W. Wenzel: Department of Ento­ Colin R. Vardy mology. Ohio State University, 1315 Dr. Barry Donovan, a •Science Pro­ Varina Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212· vider- In New Zealand and formerly of Springwall Land 1192. the D.S.I.R., is working on the control Harefield of vary noxious vespld wasps with a Middlesex UB9 6PG natural enemy. Dr. Donovan would ap­ England preciate distribution and host records ~ July94 5 .. as 111 assiatant professor of entomolo· nekl, of Mishlma, Japan, who had had rate. As he expanded his observations gy that same year. health problems for some time, suc· he discovered that much taxonomic He 18 survived by his wife, Kathleen cumbed to a heart attack, February. work had to be done before he could Eickwort, of Muskegon, Mich.; a daugh· 2, 1994, at the age of 85. He had determine the species that he was stud· tar, Alex, and a son, Jeffrey, both of been revising the Japanese bee genus ylng. Thus he eventually began taxo· Madison, Wise.; another son, Robert, Sphtlcodes. but the work remains un· nomic studies of wasps, particularly of Colorado; a brother, John, and his finished. Or. Tsuneki is survived by his Sphecidae, but also Chrysididae, Tll)hli- mother, both of Long Island. wife Sumiko and three sons Tetsuya, dae, Mutlllidae, ScoUidae, Pompilidae, Teruo and Sal. Vespidae and bees. Tsunekl's work cen- from the Cornell Chronicle Katsuji Tsuneki was bom in Saitama tared on the Japanese fauna Initially, July 14, 1994 Prefecture, and his parents were Tota· but he published extensively on the ro and Masa Tsunekl. He attended ale- wasp faunas of Taiwan, the Philippines, mentary and middle school in Saitama Korea, Mongolia and southeast Asia.
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