Northern Finland Office M19/3611/2007/92 16.4.2008 Rovaniemi The Reutuaapa dolomite marble deposit at Tervola, Northern Finland Panu Lintinen, Pertti Turunen, Risto Vartiainen Reutuaapa dolomite marble l\119/361l12007/92 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND DOCUMENTATION PAGE Date f RtX . no. 16.4.2008 Authors Type of report Panu Lintinen Mineral deposit report, M19 Pertti Turunen Risto Vartiainen Commissioned by Geo logical Survey ofFinland (GTK) Title or report The Reutuaapa dolomite marble deposit at Tervola, Northem Finland Abstract The Reutuaapa dolomite marble deposit is located in the municipality ofTervala in Northem Finland, about 40 km south of the city ofRovaniemi . The central part of the prospected area is covered by a sing le clai m of 50 hectares (Reutuaapa I, mining register number 8 170/ 1). During 2005-2007 the deposit was investigated with geological field mapping, a geophysical ground survey on a 2.4 km' systematic grid, and diamond drilling of 1790 meters. Systematic laboratory analysis was performed for over 550 dolomite samples, methods including both whole rock X-ray analysis and acid solution lCP-AES analysis for carbonate fraction. Flotation tests were also made for 5 representative samples. The dolomite marble of Reutuaapa is except ionally white and iron-poor. The best brightness and yellowness val- ues (ISO 2469 standard) for the dolomite concentrate were 91.0% and 1.9%, respec tively. The average Fe,O, co n- tent ofwhite marble is only 0.18%, at places <0.05%. The average total carbonate content (calculated from ana- lysed C content) of white marble is 88%, of which approximately 90% is dolomite and 10% calcite. The average Si0 2 content is 10% consisting almost exclusively of quartz. Practically all the silica was successfully removed with the flotation technique. The deposit has been intersected with 4 drilling profiles, each including a continuous 150-200 m wide section o f white dolomite marb le. On the basis of drilling and field mapping, the wbite marble forms at least a 1000 m long , 200 m wide and 100 m deep, vertically or sub-vertically dipping and E- W- trending body, surrounded by grey dolomite marbles. Thus the white dolom ite marble deposit has potential resources of over 50 million tonnes (not measured according to the N143-10 1 standards or the JORC-code). However, the deposit is still open at depth and to the east, west and south. Keywords Tervola, Reutuaapa, dolomite, marble, mapp ing, geophysical surveys, drilling, flotation Geographical area Finland, Lapland, Tervola, Reutuaapa Map sheet 3611 04 Olher information Reportser ial Archive code MI 9 M1 9/361 112007/92 Total pages Language Price Confi dentiality 38 English Confidential Unitandsection Projec t cod e Northem Finland Office, 50 I 2902000 ~;:e/nalZ: < . - ~ .L Oda~uC/naU~ Panu Lintinen Pertti Turunen Risto Vartiainen Q GTK GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS • GEOLOGISKA FORS KNINGSCENTRALEN • GEO LOGICAL SURVEY OF FIN LAND Reutnaapa dolomite marble i\119/361112007/92 GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS KUVAILULEHTI Paivamaara {Duro 16.4.2008 Tekija t Rapon in laji Panu Lintinen Esiintymarapo rtti, M 19 Pertt i Turunen Toimeksiantaja Risto Vartiainen Geologian tutkimuskeskus Raportin nirni The Reu tuaapa dolomite marble deposit at Tervola, Northern Finland (Reutuaa van dolomiittimannoriesiintyma Tervoktssn. Pohjois-Suomessa] Tilvlstelmf Reutuaavan dolomiittimarmoriesiintyma sijaitsee Tervolan kunnassa , noin 40 km Rovani emen kaupungin etela - puolell a. Esiintyman keskeisen tutkimusalueen kattaa 50 hehtaarin valtaus (Reutuaapa 1. kaivosrekisterinumero 8170/1). Vuosina 2005 - 2007 esiintymaa tutk ittiin geolog isen kartoituks en, systemaattisen 2.4 km':" geofysikaa- lisen mittauksen seka 1790 metrin timanttikairauksen avulla. Yli 550 dolomiittinayt teelle tehtiin systemaattiset laboratorioanalyysit , joissa kaytettiin seka XRF - rnenetelrnaa kokokivelle etta happoliuotusrnenetelmaa (ICP- AES) karbonaattifraktiolle. Ni iden lisaksi tehtiin vaahdotuskokeet 5 edustavalle naytteelle, Reutuaavan dolom iittimannori on poikkeuksellisen valkois ta ja rautako yhaa, Parhaat vaaleus- j a keltaisuusarvot (ISO 2469 - standardi) dolomiittirikasteelle ova t 9 1.0 % ja 1.9 %. Kcskimaarainen valkoisen marmorin Fe,O, - pitoisuus on ainoa staan 0.18 %, monin paikoin aile 0.05 %. Analyso idun C:n maarasta laskettu keskimaarainen totaa likarbonaattipitoisuus on valko isella mannorilla 88 %, josta noin 90 % on dolomiittia ja 10 % kalsiittia. Kes- kimaarainen 5i02 - pitoisuus on 10 % koostuen lahes yksinomaan kvartsista. Silikaatit pystyttiin poistamaan kay- tannossa kokonaan vaahdotukse lla. Esiintymii on lavistetty 4 kairausprofiililla, joista jokainen sisa ltaa yhtenaisen 150-200 metria Ievean lavistyks en valkoista dolomiittimarm oria. Kairauk sen j a geologisen kart oituksen peru steella valkoinen mannori on ainaki n 1000 metria pitka, 200 metria levea ja 100 metrin syvyydelle ulottuva pysty tai lahes pysty, itii-liintinen harmaan dolomiitt imannorin ymparc irna linssi. Esi intyma n arvioidaa n sisaltavan yli 50 miljoonaa tonnia valkoista dolo- miittimarmoria. Kuitenkin esiintyman jatkuvuus on auki syvyyssuuntaan, itaan, lanteen ja etelaan, Asiasa nat (kohdc. mcnct chuarjn c.) Tervola, Reutuaapa, dolomiitti, marmori, kartoitus, geofysikaalinen tutkimu s, kair aus, vaahdotus Maanti ctcellincn aluc (maa. llii ini,kunia. kyla. esiintymal Suomi, l appi. Tervola, Reutuaapa Karttal ehdet 36 11 04 Muur ti cdot Arkistosarjan nimi Arkistctunnus M I9 M I9/361112007/92 Kokonaissivumaara IKid; Hinta Julkisuus 38 eng lanti luottamuksellinen Yksikko ja vastuualuc Hankctunnus Pohjois-Suornen yksikko, 50 I 2902000 Allckirjoitusln imen selvcrmys ~"'A v~ ~ o i tutt-en sclvcnnys PIfM-.1 /f0L-- "L = Panu Lintinen Pertt i Turunen Risto Vartiainen - c GTK GEOtOG IAN TUTKIMUS KESKUS • GEO LOGISKA FORSKNINGSCENTRALEN •GEOLOGICA L SURVEY OF FINLAND Reutuaapa dolomite marble M19/3611/2007/92 Contents Documentation page Kuvailulehti 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 GEOGRAPHY AND GENERAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 2 2.1 Location, access and infrastructure 2 2.2 Titles 3 2.3 Physiography, climate and vegetation 4 2.4 Property history 4 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 4 3.1 Geological setting 4 3.2 Economic geology 5 4 SURVEY DESCRIPTION 7 4.1 Current survey program 7 4.2 Research techniques and results 7 4.2.1 Geophysical surveys 7 4.2.2 Diamond drilling 8 4.2.3 Geological mapping 8 4.2.4 Chemical analyses 9 4.2.5 Mineralogical studies and flotation tests 9 4.2.6 Documentation 9 5 DOLOMITE MARBLE DEPOSIT T 10 5.1 Bedrock geology 10 5.2 Geophysics 11 5.3 Petrophysical measurements 12 5.4 Mineralogy and chemistry of dolomite 13 5.5 Flotation test results 17 6 DOLOMITE MARBLE RESOURCES 19 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS 20 8 CONCLUDING REMARKS 21 9 REFERENCES 23 APPENDICES Reutuaapa dolomite marble 1 M19/3611/2007/92 1 INTRODUCTION The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) is Finland’s national geoscience agency. GTK was es- tablished in 1885 and operated under the Ministry of Trade and Industry until the end of 2007. Starting in 2008, the GTK has operated under the new Ministry of Employment and the Econ- omy. GTK’s main office is located in Espoo, near Helsinki, and it has regional offices in Kuopio, Kokkola and Rovaniemi. It has a permanent staff of 720, including about 300 geologists, geo- chemists, chemists and geophysicists. GTK is responsible for the acquisition and management of geoscience information in Finland, with a particular emphasis on providing high quality data for the exploration and mining sector. Through a comprehensive mapping and research program, GTK also identifies and documents areas with mineral potential, in order to encourage follow-up exploration and exploitation by the private sector, with the aim of supporting sustainable use of both bedrock resources and surficial deposits. All GTK discoveries are offered to the private sector through an open tendering process arranged by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. GTK offers the minerals industry expertise in Fennoscandian economic geology, as well as con- fidential, client-tailored exploration services, including geophysical surveys and modern chemi- cal, mineralogical and mineral processing laboratory services, both within Finland and world- wide. For further information see http://www.gtk.fi. The main targets of industrial mineral survey at GTK are pigment minerals, especially for paper industry (calcite, dolomite, ilmenite, kaolinite, talc) and rare elements (Li, Ta, Nb, Be). From the beginning of 2005, the industrial mineral survey in the Northern Finland office has focused on the Peräpohja Schist Belt (PSB) area of SW Lapland. The objective has been to investigate car- bonate and talc resources and the potential of the belt. The PSB is well known for widespread dolomite marbles, which have been utilized both as industrial minerals and as dimension stones. However, modern mineralogical and geochemical studies and quality assessments of the dolo- mite marbles have been few or lacking completely, especially in the eastern part of the PSB. Fur- thermore, it has been estimated that in the near future, major mining of PGE- and base metals in the south and southeast parts of the PSB will very likely require large volumes of carbonate ma- terial for environmental and/or process-related applications. After an initial review of the geographical and geological data and subsequent field evaluations, the Reutuaapa area was selected for further investigations. The survey showed that the dolomite marble deposit was of high quality and was evaluated to have considerable
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