south pacific · QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMMSSION I FOURTH QUARTER 1978 CUP-WATERING ANO AUTOMATIC FEEDING OF CAGED BIROS Sure, you can put all your eggs .... Egg graders to suit your farm­ profitably in one basket · if it's grading, 3,000 or 1,600 eggs from Harrison Jamesway. per hour. Harrison Jamesway ·Australia's .... Propeller Fans with trigher ~~~~~~~~~ volume air outputs than normal ..., biggest manufacturer and supplier of poultry equipment, for similar diameters. ~ij~~~~~~~--- now selling in the Pacific · offers farmers much more than For peak productivity on the baskets for eggs or chicks. ~ farm, for a thriving, viable self­ HANGING..._·f. supporting industry, check with Harrison Jamesway profit­ WATERER Harrison Jamesway. Their building poultry equipment includes: man-in-the-Pacific, will call anywhere to consu It ... Jamesway Big J. incubators, modular on any poultry equipment units available problem. Write or cable him ... Feeding systems for cage and now at MAAAleON ground birds, low cost, space-saving, easy to instal, more eggs per pound of feed. JAMH~~••WAV ... Watering systems for all birds: PTV. LJ'"D. stable, sensitive, dependable, hygienic, labour-saving. 9 Malta Street, Villawood, 2163 N.S.W. Australia . ... 'M'-type laying cages: stronger, Cables: Perfectchick Sydney less maintenance than other types; Phone: 728-6144 non drip nipples allow plenty of Telex : AA24315 water yet keep litter dry. South Pacific Bulletin Subscription Form I wish to subscribe to the South Pacific Bulletin by surface mail: name ............................ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .~~ address ........................................... s .. .. ............................................. a:I PACIFIC ISLANDS AUST. NZ UK USA One Year: $A3.80 $4.00 $4.80 £2.40 $US5.00 Three Years: $A 10.50 $11 .00 $13.50 £6.75 $US14.00 My remittance for ........... is attached. New D Renewal 0 (please tick appropriate box) South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau P.O. Box N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, Australia . 0. A 1r moil postal rotes supp/red on application Handicrafts of the South Seas Fish Poisoning in the South Pacific Order Form • Order Form Please send me ....... copy/copies of Handicrafts of the South Seas. Please send me ........ copy/copi~ of Fish Poisoning in the South Pacific. Pl•• print Please print name name address oddress Price per copy: SPC area . $A3.50; elsewhere · $A4.00. Post free Price per copy: SA3.50 or SUSS.25, post free. My 1'9mittance for . is attached. My remittance for . ...... is attached South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau P.O. Box N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau ' Australia. P.O. Box N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, @. Australia . Exotic Plant Pests and Diseases Order Form P1ease send me . copy/copies of Exotic Plant Pests and Diseases Pie- print name address Price per copy: SPC area · $A7.50; elsewhere · $A 15.00; plus $A3.00 postage/ packing all areas. My remittance for .... .. is attached. South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau P.O. Box N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, Australia. SOUTH Contents PACIFIC 3 18th SOUTH PACIFIC CONFERENCE: c. Nalo BULLETIN Report on some highlights of the Noumea Conference. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE 11 TAPA CLOTH AND T-SHIRTS: BUSINESS AND WORK IN PACIFIC SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION VILLAGES, Alan Bollard Vol. 28, No. 4: 4th Quarter. 1978. Indigenous small industry is one effective way to minimise the $A0.95 in the SPC area effects of rural drift and mounting unemployment in the Islands. In many instances, the businesses are based on traditional skills. SA 1.00 in Australia . SNZJ.20 in New Zealand . 0 14 SOUTH PACIFIC TUNA FISHING - A CHANGING SCENE: W.A. Wilkinson The 'long line' technique for deep swimming tunas has developed considerably and greatly improved catch rates, but it has its problems. 17 MELANESIAN SHELL MONEY'S NEW ECONOMIC ROLE: John Connell Shell money has always been an important element in Melanesian culture, but its importance diminished when European cash money appeared. Shell money is coming back as a medium of payment where traditional values are involved. 24 JOINT SUB-REGIONAL TRAINING COURSE ON CENSUS METHODS Knowledge of the size, distribution and composition of the population is vital for developing countries; expert assistance in conducting censuses has usually come from outside, but a course was recently held in Suva to instruct Islanders in census methods and to reduce dependancy on outsiders. 25 SPC SECRETARY-GENERAL VISITS TOKELAU: Don Stewart Dr. Salato is the first S-G lo visit these atolls. 27 THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA: Dirk A Ballendorf A comparative newcomer to the Pacific educational scene, the Truk-based CCM offers a curriculum that tries to develop a responsiveness to Micronesia 's current and future needs. 31 REEF AND LAG<X>N TENURE SYSTEMS IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS, R.E. Johannes Before western contact, Islanders knew well the benefits of limiting the number of fishermen allowed to harvest a given stock. 35 INDEX TO ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN IN 1978, BY SUBJECT AND AUTHOR The onginal or all artJCk:.'s •s EngJ,sh un1ess otherwise Indicated 38 PACIFIC READING: SPC Publications Bureau Registered at the Posl Office. Suva to' transmission by posr as a Newspaper Book reviews, SPC takes over Oral English course. COVER Our cover photo this issue s hows a Unless otherwise stated. articles may be reproduced w11hou1 pno-r rcte1ence Q<Ovtded acknowledgement is Palauan unloading coral he has har­ made to author and source SPC docs not accept vested. The coral will be burned to make respoos1bhty lor statements mado 1n con111buted the lime powder that is sprinkled on articles betel nut. The location is the fishing Direct all enqu1nes P.ither to !ho Secrctary.Gene1al South Pac.tic Cornm1ss1on, 8 P 05, Novmea Cedex. village of Ngeremetengel in New Caledonia or the Ed•lor, SPC Publ1cal1ons Burea1.1. Ngeremlengui Municipality, Palau, P 0 Box N324, Grosvenor Slree1. NS W 2000, Western Caroline Islands ; it is the village Au$1rdha where Robert Johannes lived while EdtlOf 01 Comm1sst01'I Publtc.:1tions examining the Palauan marine tenure C. E. Birchmeier system ; see his article on page 31. Adverhsrng Manager (P hot o : Robert E Johann es! Frank O'Connell SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN. FOURTH QUARTER. 1!"78 Page I THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION The South Pacific Commission is a consultative data analysis. The Commission's headquarters are and advisory body which was set up in 1947 by the in Noumea, New Caledonia. six Governments then responsible for the adminis­ tration of island territories in the South Pacific Until 1974, Commissioners from the participating region. These were Australia, France, the Nether­ Governments met in annual Session. The South lands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the Pacific Conference first met in 1950, and became an United States of America. Participation by the annual event in 1967. It was attended by delegates Netherlands Government ceased at the end of 1962. from countries and territories within the Com­ The Independent Stata of Western Samoa was mission's area of action, and met immediately before admitted as a participating Government in October the Session. 1964, the Republic of Nauru was admitted in July In October 1974, in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 1969. the Dominion o f Fiji 1n May 1971 . Papua representatives of the participating Governments New Guinea in September 1975. signed a Memorandum of Understanding which pro­ vides for the Commission and the Conference to The Commission's purpose is to advise the par­ meet annually in a joint session known as the South ticipating Governments on ways of improving the well-being of the people of the Pacific island terri­ Pacific Conference. tories. The Commission's work programme provides The Principal Officers of the Commission are: the for activities in the fields of food and materials, Secretary-General, Dr E Macu Salato; the Director marine resources, rural management and technology, of Programmes, Mr W.T Brown; and the Director of community services and information services and Administration, Mr D. W. J. Stewart. DO ... ... ,,. ... ... ... ... ... ... --,-- l --.­ T --~ !.....:.- MA,. S.M()lilWliltO AREA OF \flAlll l'Ulllt OClf\ SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION ·-- tllt"-lf0Ml$ W\JHf" fH( SQUJ'H fAOl.C STATE OF H AWAH "" "'" , ... ------L.... __ _.,,,,;: ... , COMMt$$10H AMA " I ,; -- *-'...-.)---+------1------l------!8 :'.,·/"'~.:::: ----r -~---~: , ... ,_:~ --' ,,_......... "' 'OUAM ' MA• SH~l: r\\ 0. 1·"' ..~,."'~sr l luumo111v • o, Tin ,•c1F1c ~os ...+ \ ---1------1------i------1-----+-----i-----1 .. 1·~·· " .1 _, ... " """'' ~,-;.;;os : '\ CA"OllHl 1$V.N0$ """"""o'• ' \ ,7- --- i I . \ I ' . I '{ ' -·----- • ~••' • G I LBERT~ l, ,_,.,_.. :I ~ t'----- " \ 1-----1---~-----< •' • ' •, ,,,. } • "'· 1 - NAURU· OCtNI --•,ISL.ANOS ----- ---- 1- ---'~- " ('.."'If. .. - ~-,, - . ...\ ,,}""····/· I . "' t'";I~ · t "~ .... , >'· -r l . 1 f-. • W fS,. 1 ,.... ..• , •,,,,., .,,r._...., \'Ji.. ;• UAll• PHOE N1~ ·, 1$,1.ANOS .~<.. '," • · r1 uo•1-N I PA,_,u.'";';,·~ ou~~!'A,'"1 . \ t+..cl-•u ~ ' • • {), ' ( t- \ ..-1'flf • ._.,..,., .' .... ~, .. SOLOM ON ISLANOS ~ '------- - , • 1'" / ) o I.' l ; "'"'' ,,,.. ., , MARO<ll~ \ rt" " " :...:~ • ' ti_ ~ "._,;,;·~~·',,.,.ow• I T!JVALU · · , ·~ TOKll.AY •SLAHDS • -~, ·---1-------t e· ~.2 ~F,~ ,_1·-,~· "~1:::--_::_ '<::::._:::-.:,.... ' ·J· -"""".... '~~'" ! _, Jr~~ I . \ $. • (,°"I •W ESTl~;.. AM(ftlCAN ,,UNCH P'OlYNHIA
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