UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg UUssuull AAll--FFiiqqhh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence) فهم فى اصىل الفقه Abu Tariq Hilal Abu Ismael al-Beirawi Revival Publications New Delhi Revival Publications F-76 Abul Fazl Enclave Jamia Nagar, Okhla New Delhi 110025 India Email: [email protected] Website: www.revivalpublications.com 2007 CE Translation of the Qur‟an It should be perfectly clear that the Qur’an is only authentic in its original language, Arabic. Since perfect translation of the Qur’an is impossible, we have used the translation of the meaning of the Qur’an throughout the book, as the result is only a crude meaning of the Arabic text. Qur‟anic verses appear in speech marks proceeded by a reference to the Surah and verse number. Sayings (Hadith) of Prophet Muhammad (saw) appear in bold. (Peace be upon him) صٍٝ هللا ١ٍػٗ ٚعٍُ - (saw) عركحٔٗ ٚضؼحswt) - ٌٝ) AH – After Hijra CE – Christian Era Contents Introduction to this edition ...................................................... 1 Introduction ..............................................................................................2 Basic Terms in Islamic Jurisprudence ..................................... 5 1.1 Fiqh ..................................................................................................5 1.2 Usul al-Fiqh ....................................................................................8 1.3 Shari‟ah ......................................................................................... 10 1.4 Hukm Shara‟i ............................................................................... 10 1.5 Types of Hukm Shara‟i .............................................................. 11 1.6 The Application of Shar‟iah ...................................................... 13 Daleel ....................................................................................... 16 2.1 Structure of Daleel ..................................................................... 16 2.1.1 Riwayah ................................................................................ 17 2.1.2 Dalalah .................................................................................. 18 2.1.3 Sources of Hukm Shar‟i ..................................................... 23 Qur‟an ..................................................................................... 24 3.1 Revelation of the Qur‟an ........................................................... 26 3.2 Arrangement of the Qur‟an ...................................................... 29 3.3 Compilation of the Qur‟an ........................................................ 34 3.4 Open & Hidden Meaning? ........................................................ 42 3.6 The Muhkamaat (clearcut) and Mutashaabihaat (ambiguous) ............................................................................................................. 42 3.7 Asbaab an-nuzool (Circumstances of revelation) .................. 45 3.8 Abrogation (Naskh) ................................................................... 46 Sunnah .................................................................................... 57 4.1 The Sunnah is a Definitive Source ........................................... 58 4.2 Types of Sunnah ......................................................................... 60 4.3 Basic Terms in Hadith ............................................................... 66 4.3.1 Types of Hadith: ................................................................. 66 4.4 Reconciling a perceived conflict between two or more Ahadith ............................................................................................... 69 4.5 The Application of the Sunnah ................................................ 73 Ijma‟ as-Sahabah .................................................................... 77 5.1 The meaning of Ijma‟ ................................................................. 77 5.2 Examples of Ijma‟ as-Sahabah .................................................. 77 5.3 Daleel indicating the Authority of Ijma‟ as-Sahabah ............. 79 5.4 Who is a Sahabi? ......................................................................... 81 Qiyas ....................................................................................... 83 6.1 The meaning of Qiyas ................................................................ 83 6.2 Daleel indicating the authority of Qiyas .................................. 84 6.3 The Process of Qiyas ................................................................. 88 6.4 The Arguments of those who reject Qiyas ............................. 90 6.5 „Illah from the Text or the Mind? ............................................ 95 6.6 The areas of Ahkam Shari‟ah which do not contain „Illah ... 96 6.7 Types of Ahkam Shariah where an „Illah can be found ........ 99 6.8 Customs and Traditions cannot be an „Illah ......................... 106 6.9 Difference between Manaat al-Hukm (reality of the rule) & „Illah .............................................................................................. 107 Sources of Hukm Shar‟i not agreed upon by all the Ulema .. 110 7.1 Ijma‟ al Ummah ........................................................................ 110 7.2 Ijma‟ al Mujtahideen ................................................................. 113 7.3 Ijma‟ Ahlel Bayt ........................................................................ 113 7.4 Ijma‟ Ahlel Medinah ................................................................. 115 7.5 Istihsan ....................................................................................... 117 7.5.1 Types of Istihsan: .............................................................. 117 7.6 Masalih Al Mursalah ................................................................. 119 7.6.1 Types of Masalih Al Mursalah ........................................ 120 7.7 Laws revealed before Islam (Shar‟a man qablana) ............... 123 Ijtihad .................................................................................... 138 8.1 Evidences for Ijtihad from the Sunnah ................................. 142 8.2 Evidences for Ijtihad from Ijma as-Sahabah ........................ 144 8.3 Qualifications for performing Ijtihad .................................... 146 8.4 Types of Mujtahid .................................................................... 149 8.5 Reasons for differences of opinion among the Mujtahideen ...... 150 8.5.1 Differences in the Legislative Sources ........................... 150 8.5.2 Differences in Interpreting the Text itself .................... 152 8.5.3 Differences in Methodology of Usul al-Fiqh ................ 152 8.5.4 Differences in Understanding the Arabic Language ... 152 A Brief Overview of Some Schools of Thought .................... 157 9.1 Era of the Prophet (Saw) ......................................................... 157 9.2 Era of the Sahabah (ra) ............................................................ 159 9.2.1 Why was there difference of opinion amongst the Sahabah (ra)? ............................................................................... 164 9.3 Era of the Tabi‟een ................................................................... 165 9.3.1 Ahlel Hadith & Ahlul Ra‟ee ............................................ 165 9.3.2 Ahlel-Hadith (The People of Hadith) ............................ 166 9.3.3 Ahlel-Ra‟ee (The People of Reason) .............................. 166 9.4 Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifah .............................................. 168 9.4.1 Students of Imam Abu Hanifa & Their Books ............ 170 9.5 Madhab of Imam Malik ........................................................... 170 9.5.1 Books and Students from the Madhab Imam Malik ... 173 9.6 Madhab of Imam Shafi‟i .......................................................... 174 9.6.1 Books and Students from Imam Shafi‟i‟s Madhab ...... 176 9.7 Madhab of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal .................................. 177 9.7.1 Imam Ahmad and „Ilm-Ul-Kalaam ................................ 178 9.7.2 Students from the Madhab of Imam Hanbal ............... 181 9.7.3 Ibn Taymiyyah ................................................................... 181 9.8 Madhab of Ibn Hazm .............................................................. 182 9.9 Introduction to Madhab of Imam Zayd and Imam Jafar ... 182 9.9.1 Madhab of Imam Zayd .................................................... 187 9.9.2 Madhab of Imam Jafar ..................................................... 190 9.9.3 Imam Jafar and Public Life ............................................. 193 9.9.4 Fiqh of Imam Jafar ........................................................... 193 Do We Need a New School or Madhab? .............................. 198 10.1 Reason for Differences of Opinion among the Mujtahideen ........................................................................................................... 201 Taqleed ..................................................................................203 11.1 Daleel for performing Taqleed ............................................. 203 11.2 Muslims must ask for Daleel ................................................ 205 11.3 Taqleed is forbidden in the „Aqeedah (Belief) .................... 206 11.4 Muqalid shifting from one Opinion to Another ................ 207 Topics Related To Islamic Jurisprudence ........................... 210 12.1 Wahy (Revelation) .................................................................
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