NAT. NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 54 (1): 81 -8 8, 2006 RARE PLANTS AND NEW TREE SPECIES DISTRIBUTION RECORDS FROM THUNG YAI NARESUAN WILDLIFE SANCTUARY ,THAILAND Martin Martin van de Bull and Robert Steinmetr ABSTRACT We describe the highlights of recent botanical work in Th ung Yai Na 官suan Wildlife Sanc 知町y ,westem Th ailand. New distribution records for tr 切 species 合om 血ree genera (Prun ω, Symplocos ,and Fraxinus) represent southward extensions of 血柑previously known ranges in ailand. Th ailand. Most of these 田 e specie 唱 were found at lower elevations 白飢 in no 此hem 百lailand. An other four species 台。 m the genera Acer ,Aesculus ,Sapria ,加 d Cleidiocarpon ,as well 鎚 two two orchid species ,are r釘 eelsewhere 泊Th ailand , but locally common in Th ung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Wildlife Sanctuay. Also recorded w脳血 e rare epilithic herb Impatiens kanbul 加 Isis ,which has has a res 住ic 飽ddis 佐ibution 副首凶land and occurs 0叫Y in limestone habi 飽.ts. L鎚 tly ,血児 e 甘ee species species were recorded for the frr 冨 ttime in 白巴 sanc 知的.百 lis region forms Th ailand's large 品t remaining remaining forested area and has been little explored floristically. 別 τRODUCTION 百lU ng Yai Naresuan (TYN) Wildlife Sanctuary (WS) ,3 ,622 km 2 泊 area ,is located at at the southem tip of 出e Dawna mountain r叩 ge. Together with the adjacent Huay Kh a Kh aeng (HKK) WS ,it occurs in a broad transition zone between faunal biogeographic regions. regions. This is reflected by the co ・occuη'ence of mammal species with different biogeographic biogeographic affmities. 百le Malayan tapir ,colugo ,banded 1泊S釦 g,組d certain species of primates primates and bats all reach the northem ,southem , or westem limits of their di 紺 ibutions here ,creating a unique mammal 出 sociation not replicated elsewhere in 出e region (LE 臥 GUL & McNE 乱 Y ,1977 ,NAKASATHIEN & S百 WART-COX , 1990). 百le flora of the region ,however , remains poorly known. Th ere has been little botanical work to determine pattems of plant distribution and rarity ,species composition of different forest forest types ,and whether biogeographic pattems displayed by mammals might also apply to to pl 組 ts. We present results from recent botanical work within westem TYN 白紙 starts to answer answer these questions. lWestem lWestem Forest Complex Ec osystem Management Pr oject (WE FCOM) ,84 ヴ ears Ann iversay Bldg ,Royal Forest Dep 紅白lent ,Phaholyothin road ,Chatuchak ,Bangkok 10900. E-mail: Marvdbul 噌 hotrnai l. com 2World 2World Wide Fund for Nature -司副 land Pr ograntme Office ,PO Box 4 ,Asian In stitute of Technology ,Kl ong Luang ,Pathum 百lani 12120 ,百 lailand. Received Received 20 September 2002; accepted 22 March 2006. 81 81 82 82 MARTIN VAN DE BULT AND ROBERT S恒則M E1Z STUDY AREA AND 島1E THODS 百lU ng Yai Naresuan WS is located in westem Th ailand adjacent to Myanmar. Together with with the adjacent Huai Kh a Kh aeng WS , it constitutes 百四land' s first and largest N atural World Heritage Site ,and forms the core of the largest contiguous protected and forested complex in mainland Southeast Asia ,known as the Westem Forest Complex (Fig. 1). M 吋or habitats are 合y evergreen (48.2%; = mixed evergreen + deciduous) ,mixed deciduous (26.8%; (26.8%; = deciduous hardwood forest with bamboo) ,and hi1l evergreen (1 0.1 %; = seasonal evergreen evergreen forest) types. forest Savanna and deciduous dipteroc 創 p forest (= dipterocarp- oak) oak) comprise 8.5% ,and 5.2% is secondary forest. 百le remainder (1. 2%) comprises inundated inundated (swamp) forest and agriculωral areas (VAN DE BULT ,2003). 官le s佃 C知町 is characterized characterized by rugged mountainous terrain with elevations up to 1, 811 m ,and receives 2,000 to 2,400 mm of rain annually. Botanical Botanical work was conducted as p紅 t of an ongoing investigation of the habitat types and f1 0ra in TYN. Collections and observations reported in this paper were made between March 2002 and March 2003. Th ey come from three middle elevation (70 0- 1,000 m) sites in in the footh i1l s of the largest mountain complex in westem TYN ,known as Taipa Mountain (1 5 0 15'N ,98 0 40'E). Botanical Botanical specimens collected during the bo 岡山al work are deposited at the Chiang Mai University Herbarium (CMU) in Chiang Mai and the Forest Herbarium (BK 町 ofthe Royal Royal Forest Dep 紅 tment in Bangkok. Pr eviously known distributions of plant species in Th ailand and the region were determined determined from the literature and specimens in BKF and CMU. We classified habitats (of species species recorded 泊 TYN) according to MAxwE LL (2004) , but mention (泊 Results) the habitat habitat terminology used by 血 e original collectors of the species. 百le following are the equivalent equivalent terms for habitats mentioned by the original collectors: semi and dry evergreen forest forest = mixed evergreen + deciduous forest; hill evergreen and lower montane forest = seasonal seasonal evergrl 田 n forest; mixed deciduous forest = deciduous hardwood forest with bamboo. RESUL TS AND DISCUSSION 百le following list includes three tree species that had previously been known only from northem 百lailand. Th ese records from westem TYN represent significant southward extensions extensions to 血eir ranges. Th e remaining species 紅 e rare or previously unrecorded 白白e Westem Forest Complex. ACERACEAE Acer Acer oblongum Wall. ex DC. (Santisuk , 1998) Synonym.- A. lanceolatum Molliard Distribution.-Himalayas ,In dia (Kashmir ,Assam ,Sikkim) , Nepal (type) ,Bhutan , south China ,Myanmar ,Laos , Vietnam (Ann am) ,Th ailand: Chiang Mai ,Kampaeng Phet (Mae Wong National Park) , Petchaboon (Nam Nao ,Phu 印 n Rong Khl a) ,Chayaphum (N出 nphron) , Nakom Ratchasima (Kh ao Laem) ,Uthai 百lani (Huai Kh a Kaeng) , Chanthaburi (Pong Nam Ron ,Klong Pratong) , Kanchanaburi (Sisawat , Sai Yok). R A R E PL ANTS AND NEW TREE SPECaS DI STRIBU TI ON R EC ORDS 83 Laos A. Chi aI屯 I¥< 品i Myanm .ar 'V Vestem Forest (B urm a.) Complex 企 Nakorn Sa wan 白抽od ia. G 叫fof 百laila.Bl o 150 3帥 K 量ome 陸自 Figul 巴 l. Location 0 1' Thun g Yai N ares uan Wildlif e Sanctu ary in th e W es te rn Fore st Comp lex ,w 巴stern Thai land 84 MART 別 VAN DE BULT AND ROBERT S花町METZ Habitat Habitat and elevation.-semi-evergreen forest and lower montane forest on sandstone or limestone ,500 ー1,500 m. In TYN: season a1 evergreen hardwood forest and deciduous hardwood forest ,70 0- 1,800 m. Remarks.- Th is common deciduous tree species typically occurs in seasonal evergreen hardwood fores t. In TYN it was common near streams in deciduous hardwood fores t. It occurs occurs widely along the Him a1 ayan track and the southem limit of its known distribution lies lies in Kanchanaburi (Southwest Th ailand) and Chantaburi provinces (Southeast Th ailand) (SANTISUK , 1998). BALSAMINACEAE lmpatiens lmpatiens kanburiensis T. Shim Di stribution. ー百lailand , Kanchanaburi (Th am Tam Lod , Sai Yok ,type) ,Chaiaphum (Ban Lui Lui Lai). Habitat Habitat and elevation. 一一 open areas on limestone rocks with bamboo thickets ,80 ー700 m. In In TYN: partly shady areas on steep limestone cliffs 加自民・ disturbed savann a/ oak forest , 800 m. Remarks. ー百lI s rare annual epilithic herb has a res 凶 cted distribution 血Th ailand and occurs occurs only in limestone habitats. It was rare in TYN as well-recorded from just one location. 百lI s species was described in 1991 企om specimens collected 泊 Kanchanaburi , from from which the specific epithet is derived. EUPHORBIACEAE Cleidiocarpon Cleidiocarpon laurinum A. S. stribution.-East Di stribution.-East Myanmar (type) ,官 lailand: Saraburi (Kl ang Dong) , Kanchanaburi (Kl lao Yai) Yai) Habitat Habitat and elevation. -dry evergreen forests between 750 ー1,150 m. In TYN: seasonal evergreen evergreen hardwood forest in shady ,moist 訂 'eas on limestone ,85 0- 1,000 m. Remarks.- Th is little-known evergreen tree (up to 30 m ta1 1) has been collected on1 ya few times times before and is considered very r紅 e (Peter van Welzen ,personal communication). It was loc a1 1y common at some locations in the foothills of the Taipa mountain r阻 ge ,加d was 合uiting pro 白 sely in June 2002. HIPPOCAST ANACEAE Aesculus Aesculus assamica Griff. (Phengkhlai , 1981) Synonym.-A. punduana Wall. ex Hiem Dis 釘ibution.-subtropic a1 Him a1 ayas ,Sikkim ,Assam (type) ,Myanmar ,Laos , southwest Yunnan ,Th ailand: Chiang Rai , Chiang Mai ,Tak ,Kampaeng Phet ,Mae Hong Son , Kanchanaburi Kanchanaburi (官lU ng Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary ,Ch a1 erm Ratanakosin Nation a1 P倒的, Uthai 百lani (Huay Kll a Kaeng Wildlife Sanctuary). RARE PLANTS AND NEW TREE SPECIES DISTRIBUTION RECORDS 85 Habitat Habitat and elevation.-streams in evergreen forest ,15 0-- 1,300 m. In TYN: streams in seasonal seasonal evergreen hardwood forest and mixed evergr' 田 n + deciduous forest ,20 0-- 1,000 m. It also occurred in a seasonally moist depression in savann a/ oak: forest ,750 m. Remarks.- Thi s evergreen tree species (up to 20 m tall) is uncommon 泊 TYN as well as in in northem 百lailand. It requires undisturbed or little disturbed forest ,al 白ough we found it it in and around frre-disturbed savanna areas in TYN. It has not yet been recorded south of of Kanchanaburi Pr ovince. MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia henryi Dunn (Keng , 1975) Synonym.-Talauma kerrii Craib Di s位ibution.-No 巾 Myanmar ,Laos ,southwest Yunnan ,百 lailand: T ak: (Doi Musoe) ,Nan (Doi (Doi Tiu , type of Talauma kerrii) ,Petchburi (Kaeng Kr achan National Park). Habitat Habitat and elevation.-tropical evergr ,田 n forest ,600 ー1500 m. In TYN: seasonal evergreen hardwood forest ,70 0-- 1000 m.
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