CenterCenter forfor CropCrop DiversificationDiversification CropCrop ProfileProfile CCD-CP-138CCD-CP-79 GourmetGinger & Medicinal and Turmeric Mushrooms CherylMatt Ernst Kaiser1 and1 and Kristi Matt Durbin Ernst22 IntroductionIntroduction GingerCommercial (Zingiber growers officinale who have successfullyRoscoe) and producedturmeric (shiitakeCurcuma (Lentinula longa) both edodes have) and/ora long oysterhistory ( Pleurotusof use in Asian,spp.) mushrooms African and Caribbeanmay want cuisines.to consider Fresh expanding ginger is availabletheir operation year-round to include in the other U.S. andspecialty Canada mushrooms. from pro- duceWhile wholesalers considered sourcingriskier from from the global perspectives suppliers, of proand- bothduction are andwidely marketing available than in shiitake their dried, and oysterground mush form- thatrooms, is produced a number from of other their exotic underground and native rhizomes. mushroom species could be successfully cultivated in Kentucky. TheFour U.S. of these ginger potential crop is species mainly aregrown discussed in Hawaii. here. Re- cently, some U.S. vegetable and greenhouse growers haveMarketing added ginger and turmeric as high-value special- tyThe crops market to meet for consumer Kentucky-farmed demands forspecialty locally grownmush- ingredients.rooms continues Producers to develop in the northeastin the Commonwealth. have success- fullyFine producedrestaurants ginger (particularly in high tunnels, those andspecializing experience in withContinental, ginger and French, turmeric or Asian production cuisine), (through along the with 2018 or- season)ganic or indicates health food both stores, crops are may currently be adaptable the main to highmar- Hericium erinaceus, also called Lion’s mane mushroom tunnelket outlets. production Additional in Kentucky. options include locally owned supermarkets (in contrast to national chains) and pizza BmetABY food GINGER item. The perceived health benefits of mush- Marketingparlors. Farmers markets, community supported agri- atrooms grocery have stores. added Turmeric to their producersattractiveness. should Since also shiipro-- Kentuckyculture (CSA) producers subscriptions, have focused harvest on festivals, selling directlyand ag- videtake useand guidelines,oyster mushrooms as fresh haveturmeric become is not mainstream, commonly toritourism consumers, booths using may local provide market opportunities channels like for farmers retail foundas evidenced in the marketplace. by their presence Common in national uses include food market using marketssales. Dried and mushroomscommunity cansupported be sold agriculture. at local outlets, A few as thechains, vegetative consumers tops and of bothrestaurant plants chefs to make look teas,for other and producerswell as by also mail sell order these or specialtyon the internet. crops via Value-added wholesale bothunusual crops mushrooms are used in to juicing. satisfy Boththeir rhizomespalate for canthe alsonew marketingproducts, suchfor restaurantas dried soups, chefs. sauces, Some dipfood mixes, retailers and beand dehydrated, different. pickled or candied. focusedteas, are onadditional offering possibilities. organic and Mushrooms local produce produced have reportedfor their sourcingmedicinal ginger value locally. may require searching out GingerGourmet and mushrooms turmeric mayhave be received more difficult attention to inmarket the markets in the pharmaceutical or nutraceutical indus- healththan the and better-known wellness product shiitake market, and oyster with mushrooms.turmeric at- Localtries. Growersfarmers marketraising customersmushrooms and under CSA controlledmembers tractingMarkets much with recentgood potentialinterest. Thefor gourmetFDA regulates mushroom how willenvironmental benefit from conditions recipes andare inpreparation the best positionsuggestions to productssales in Kentucky may be marketedinclude restaurants, with respect especially to claims those of forprovide fresh the ginger. consistent Shelf year-roundlife and storage supply demanded focused on localpotential foods, health and farmers benefits. markets. Farm On-farmmarketers considerationsby wholesale markets. should be conveyed to mustmarkets, understand retailers thewith potential a more extensiveramifica- customers, as the fresh “baby” ginger tionslocal offood making product health line, claims and whenCSAs, sell or- inMarket its immature Outlook stage produced in high ingother fresh subscription produce orcrops, membership-based as associating tunnelsSpecialty will mushrooms, have different still requirements relatively thesemarketing, specific also crops have goodwith healthpotential. benefits Be- thannew theto the mature U.S., ginger are popular that is as available a gour- www.uky.edu/CCDwww.uky.edu/CCD violatescause gourmet food marketing mushrooms regulations. are still new 11MattCheryl Ernst Kaiser is an is independenta former Extension contractor Associate with the with Center the Center for Cro forp Diversification. Crop Diversification. 22KristiMatt ErnstDurbin is isan a independentsenior horticulturist contractor in the with University the Center of Kforentucky Crop Diversification. Department of Horticulture. Cooperative Extension Service | Agriculture and Natural Resources | Family and Consumer Sciences | 4-H Youth Development | Community and Economic Development to many consumers, education and point-of-purchase fruits in fan-shaped clusters with overlapping sec- materials may be needed. Cooking demonstrations tions. It is prized for both its nutritional and medicinal can also be a helpful way to introduce these mush- properties. rooms to consumers. KING STROPHARIA (Stropharia rugoso-annulata), or Gourmet mushroom production fits into the realm of winecap Stropharia, is most commonly found in the agroforestry practices for small-scale or recreational Mid-Atlantic states; production. Farmers and landowners managing small- however, its native er timber and woodlots may be more likely to incor- range also includes porate non-timber forest products into their woodland Kentucky. It grows management and marketing program. Mushroom pro- on the forest floor, duction can be a satisfying way to utilize hardwood as well as on wood logs, and even stumps, to contribute to long-term chips or bark mulch woodlands productivity and management. For com- in urban areas. This mercial production, large indoor operations are much large gilled mush- more common. room has a round, wine-red to reddish- Production Considerations brown cap arising Selecting a mushroom species from a single white Determining which mushroom species to produce will stalk. King Stropharia is noted for its culinary uses. require research into the various mushroom produc- tion techniques, as well as a familiarity with fungal REISHI (Ganoderma lucidum) is used for medicinal life cycles. Available resources, grower experience, purposes, rather than culinary uses. It is widely distrib- and market demand should all be factored into the de- uted in the subtropical regions of the world, but is less cision. The following mushroom species show poten- frequently found growing wild in temperate zones, in- tial for outdoor commercial production in Kentucky. cluding Kentucky. This fungus has a shiny red or red- Indoor production under controlled environmental dish-brown upper surface and pores rather than gills. conditions is also feasible for growers who have the Reishi is an an- appropriate knowledge, along with the economic re- nual mushroom sources, to develop the necessary facilities. that is primar- ily found fruiting LION’S MANE (Hericium erinaceus) is also known as on stumps or at bearded tooth mushroom and pompom. Instead of gills, the base of aging this white fungus has downward cascading spines or hardwoods grow- “teeth.” It grows wild in Kentucky on hardwood logs ing as a saprobe or stumps, as well as on dead and dying trees that are or pathogen de- still standing. Lion’s mane can be marketed for both pending on the culinary and medicinal purposes. Cooked lion’s mane host tree. There is possible risk associated with high reportedly has the flavor of lobster. inoculum levels of potential tree pathogens, such as reishi, that large-scale cultivation might entail. Gano- MAITAKE (Grifola frondosa), or hen-of-the-woods, can derma lucidum can kill a wide variety of hardwood be found in Kentucky for- tree species, and airborne spores produced by the ests where it grows mainly mushrooms may colonize root wounds on area trees as a saprobe or opportu- and lead to the spread of tree root disease and decline. nistic pathogen on various hardwood species. It can be Production Considerations found on stumps, as well as Production Methods at the base of dead or dying Fruiting of these more exotic species can be unpre- trees. This fleshy polypore dictable, and experimentation may be necessary to 2 determine the most reliable production system(s) for Stump production your farm. The literature on mushroom cultivation is Maitake, lion’s mane, and reishi mushrooms can also extensive with many variations in production meth- be produced on freshly cut hardwood stumps. The cut ods. Often growers develop their own individual tech- surface of the stump is inoculated by filling drilled niques based on trial and error. holes with dowel or sawdust spawn. Natural cracks in the wood can also be used as inoculation sites. The Natural log production cut-wedge and sliced-disk methods used for log pro- Maitake, reishi, and lion’s mane can be cultivated on duction
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