To111ple 8t'Ui. £1 10 70 Orcbal'4 Ave. Pr9vl4onoo, (l. 1. Servatius Wants To Call Globke As 'Expert Witness' Of Nazi Era JERUSALEM - Dr. Robert for the murder of Jews might Servatius has opened before an have been falsified. THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. appeals court his fight to save He retreated promptJy, how­ Adolf Eichmann from the hang­ ever, when he was asked by one man's noose. Because of Israeli VOL. XI.NI. No. 4 APRIL 6, 196?. 32 PAGES of the five Supreme Court jus­ legal restrictions against intro­ tices constituting the appeals duction of new evidence at, ap­ tribunal if he was suggesting Hopes To Reach Israel In Time peal hearings he was limited that the American prosecution Herald Printed largely to the arguments he used at the Nuremberg trials had To Keep Fiancee Out Of Army during the four-month trial of faked the document. the N.azi last summer. He also declared he would ap­ LONDON - With two bicy­ '"I reckon I'll need about 100 He did ask that Dr. Hans peal to the Council of Europe, cles and a race against time, pounds <$280) ," he said. On New Press The Herald which bas Globke, state secretary to West an advisory body with which Is­ Jeremy Butler, 24. hopes to Butler explained he is going German Chancellor Konrad Ade­ rael is not associated, if Eich­ reach Israel overland to marry by car rather than by air be­ been published this week has some of the new fea­ nauer. be called as an "expert mann was not extradited to West his 17-year old sweetheart, Nomi cause he wants to take the two witness" of the Nazi era. This Germany for trial. It was not Rosenberg. before she is called bicycles with him. One is his. tures which have been made Possible through the proposal was made in support of clear Just how meaningful this up for service in the Israeli Army The other is a gift for her. his basic contention that Eich­ was, snice the West German in August. new Goss web offset press which we are now using for mann had been merely a trans­ Government has made it plain This week Jeremy began over­ printing the paper. port officer in the vast Nazi it has no interest whatever In hauling the auto he bought for Cranston Girl, murder machine and had sim­ extraditing the former Gestapo 15 pounds <$42) for the 3,000- The lager size page will be standard for the Herald ply carried out orders which were colonel and the Bonn Foreign mile journey. according to a re­ Boy Win Prizes Office last year rejected Eich­ from now on. Spot color his sworn duty. port by the New York Herald The Cologne attorney also mann's request for intervention. such as appears in this Tribune. In NE Contest hinted that a Nuremberg war '- week's paper will be availa­ Debbie Leeman, daughter of crimes trial document implicat­ If Nomi is married before her ble to advertisers in every Rabbi and Mrs. Saul Leeman of ing Eichmann in the develop­ 18th birthday she will escape issue. the two-year stint of compulsory 9 Parkside Drive, Cranston, won ment of the use of poison gas Marc Chagall military service. Second Prize m the Advanced Hebrew division, and Steven Mu­ Plants Sapling '" If all goes well I should be sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. 1 Rabbinical Association there well before August," said Musen of 28 Rangeley Road, J eremy as he worked on the 1933 Cranston. won Second Prize in Forest auto. '"I'm keeping my fingers Asks Students Not To Attend In New the Comprehensive English divi­ TEL AVIV - Marc Chagall, crossed that the car won't break sion, in the New England-New School On Jewish Holidays down:• York State Regiona l Bible Con­ world renowned painter and Jeremy met Nomi in Tel Aviv The J ewish community of proclamation says that "it is sculptor, recently placed the test held this past Sunday in highly improper for J ewish stu­ last summer. He was on furlough New Haven. They will compete Rhode Island. particularly the first pine sapling in the 10 ,000- from the Royal Air Force station youth. have been reminded in a dents to attend school on holy tree J ewish National Fund for­ in the National finals to be held days." The proclamation reads: at Sharjah on the Persian Gulf. on April 29. in New York City. proclamation of the Rhode Island est on the grounds of the Hadas­ Since he was released from the Rabbinate, emanating from the The Rhode Island Rabbini­ sah - Hebrew University Medi­ Winners in the six regions in cal Association reminds the J ew­ Air Force 10 day ago he has been the United States and Canada Rhode Island Rabbinical Asso­ cal Center near J erusalem. The getting the auto in trim. He ciation, that the three. festivals ish community, and particularly forest is a tribute by the Fund. will participate in the National our youth, that the three Pil­ plans to work for a few weeks Finals and the First Prize in each of Passover, Shevuoth and Suc­ Israel's land reclamation and before he leaves to raise enough coth are considered major J ew­ grimage Festivals, namely: Pass­ afforestation agency. to Hadas­ division will receive a free trip over, Shavuoth and Succoth. money to pay for the trip. to Israel. ish holidays. For this reason, the sah, largest American Women's ace all major festivals and that Zionist Organization, on its 50th it is therefore highly Improper anniversary. Soviet Newspaper for any Jewish student to attend Chagall, accompanied by his Reports Execution Of Two Jews school on these holy days. wife, came to Israel from Paris In a recent publication, Sey­ Theodore Adams, chairman of He also is giving special dispen­ We urge all parents and stu­ to attend the dedication of the , \ mour Freidin of the New York the council's international af­ sation so that Jews may supple­ dents to note that although magnificent stained-glass win­ Herald Tribune has reported fairs commission. ment their diets during the reli­ Thursday April 19th the first dows he designed for the syna­ day of Passover, is a day on that '"a bare, terse announce­ They said that the council gious holidays with rice and gogue in the Center. Born In Vi­ which the public schools will be ment, as cold as planned crime learned that the Chief Rabbi of kasha. which is buckwheat. tebks, Russia, In 1877, this great and punishment. has revealed Moscow, Yehuda Leib Levin, was How difficult the situation is open, Jewish dignity and self artist has absorbed the environ­ the execution of two J ews in the quoted to have remarked : for Jews can be seen from news­ respect dictate that all J ewish ment of his childhood and the Soviet Union." "That 1962 will be a difficult paper accounts in the USSR, and students absent themselves on traditions or Judaism into his in­ A provincial Soviet newspa­ year for the Jewish community from information brought out by that day. The Rhode Island Rab­ tensely colorful and Imaginative per in the Georgian city of Tbili­ of Moscow." recent visitors there. Last No­ binical Association has request­ style of painting and sculpture. si said that the death sentences Matzoth, unleavened bread vember, for example, the Herald ed of the Superintendents of had been carried out. The crime used by religious Jews during the Tribune published an account of Schools that no examinations or Jacob Tsur, world chairman of was for alleged economic of­ Passover holiday, will not be the arrest of a prominent Jay any project of a special char­ Keren Kayemeth In Jerusalem, fenses. Death sentences have available to Jews of the Soviet. leader in Leningrad. acter be scheduled on that day. presiding at the dedication cere­ been meted out in recent months The Chief Rabbi is instructing He was Gedalia R. Pechersky, It is most desirable that in monies, expressed Israel's ap­ to considerable numbers of Jews his congregation members how well known to J ews throughout addition to the negative obser­ preciation "for what Hadassah for supposed economic viola­ to make it at home themselves. the Soviet Union. Mr. Pechersky vance expressed by non-attend­ has done in the past and will do tions. was convicted of "treason" with ance at school there also be the in the future to help the country This was the first time that two other coreligionists and sen­ positive observance of attendance push back the desert by planting the Soviet regime in its concen­ Form Interfaith tenced to long prison terms. Such at Synagogue on the festival. trees." tration program of anti-Semitism Council in Brazil pressure was immediately fol­ disclosed that capital punish­ SAO PALO, Brazil - With the lowed by Soviet regime harass­ ment had been carried out in endorsement of nearly all ·of the ment of synagogues and the Ye­ these specific cases. The name top religious leaders in this shiva, or seminary, in Moscow. of one of the victims----Mordekh country, including the blessings The director of the Yeshiva was Abramovich Kakiashvili - al­ of the Cardinal of Brazil, Arch­ dismissed and the governing ready had been known. bishop D. Carlos Carmello de council was disbanded. But the second, A. F. Stei­ Va/sconcello Motta, a Council for Then, Soviet authorities went manov, came as a complete sur­ Jewish-Christian Fraternity was after synagogues in the most Physicians Answer Call .
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