Homecoming 71 It’s all over.. by Larry Marion “ Coming up,” theme for Dre­ xel’s 1971 Homecoming, was car­ icatured by a huge tuition .bill reflecting the constant tuition increases, and a disappointing turnout at the Sugarloaf concert. Over 400 tickets were sold to THISTLETHWAITE the two shows and champagne party bash held last Friday night Drexel’s homecoming queen is safely delivered by helicopter. in the Main Auditorium and the DAC, the 7:30 p.m. show was the most popular, drawing over 300 people, the rest showed up for Verne Cozzolino the 9:30 show. “Wax,” the bright football game. (See sports The frats are at it again back-up group for the two shows pages). The Queen and her court were delivered to the field by Don Hendler shorted out all their electronic Last week Drexel’s fraternities erupted once equipment, and consequently did by the ARCO helicopter, pro­ Last Friday, representatives of the twelve fra­ vided free by those friendly pol­ again. This time their activities Involved paint not perform the second show. ternities met to determine a procedure for handling luters. throwing and fistfighting by brothers of three of “ 1200 roast beef sandwiches, incidents of this type. In order to become an of­ Many students felt that the the University’s twelve frats. The participants 480 bottles of Cold Duck cham­ ficial part of the I-F bylaws; however, such a pro­ Sugarloaf concert was more in this particular melee were brothers from pagne, and 1000 champagne cedure must be ratified by members of the I.E. volume than quality, but the Theta Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, and Sigma Alpha Mu.' glasses were used,” according Council. This will probably take place at the I.F. to Homecoming Chairman Greg champagne and roast beef party According to a TKE brother, last week’s fight­ Council’s next meeting. Love. featuring the Kit Kats “ was a ing began when several brothers from Theta Chi Verne Cozzolino was in­ rousing success,” according to sloshed paint on the porches and Homecoming Future Punishnrient troduced as Homecoming Queen, Love and other students there. displays of TKE and SAM (“Sammy”). It is re­ and H arriet Solomon as Fresh­ The DAC party ended around ported (purported?) that a couple of the Theta The following procedure has been tentatively man Queen, in ceremonies dur­ 2;30 a.m., and the entire event Chi’s were drunk at the time. After splashing adopted by the fraternities: ing half time of the Drexel-Al- “ might break even financially,” red paint around and signing their work “Com­ 1. If an occurence is deemed to be reflective of the fraternity involved, it will be treated Love asserts. If not, there’s a pliments of Theta Chi,” they returned to their $2,400 surplus from last years’ house. as an infraction of the I.F. Council rules and be handled accordingly. homecoming, which featured the Shortly afterward, brothers of TKE and Sammy 2, If the occurrence does not directly involve Grateful Dead at Penn’s Irvine paid Theta Chi a visit to “talk about it.” They the fraternity (i.e., the act committed was Auditorium, and was judged by were met with verbal abuse by several Theta not related to the fraternity affiliation of the many newspaper reviewers to be Chi’s, and tempers flared. A limited amount of brothers involved), the matter will be handled the best concert of the year in physical contact took place, and one freshman, Philly. by the Office of Student Affairs. Gary Oswald, was injured in the battle. Gary’s Sammy was probably correct-- injuries required stitches in the back of his head the only part ot Drexel coming Continued on page 4 and included a bloody, and possibly broken, nose. Chairman Greg Love up is the tuition. SMC Activities for next week by Cliff Johnson student Mobilization Com­ He will speak at the Induction Center. City campuses will or­ mittee is now planning for their Center, 401 N. Broad Street, ganize feeder marches to the fall antiwar offensive on Novem­ Philadelphia. rally. Mass leafleting at factories, shopping areas, and ber 3 and 6. 2:00 p.m. - Anti-war, and The schedule of events for the anti-draft rally at the Induc­ subway stops. November 3 National Student tion Center. Speakers and a November 6 — Regional Dem­ Strike kicks off at 7:00 a.m. mass picket of the draft head­ onstration in Philadelphia will with a send-off rally for Don quarters. begin at 11:00 a.m. with an as­ sembly at Independence Mall, Kennedy, Philadelphia coordi­ 4:00 p.m. — High School stu­ nator of the Student Mobilization dents and teachers will hold an 5th and Market. At 12:00 noon — A march down Committee, who is scheduled to antiwar rally at the Philadelphia Market and the Parkway to a ral­ be drafted the same morning. Board of Education, 20th and Ben Franklin Parkway, to protest the ly at the Art Museum. effects of the war on education. SMC is in need of help. If Dean Rodger Collons of the Business College interested in helping out at mar­ Students in a number of dif­ shalling, fund raising, or pub­ ferent high schools are now set­ licity and staff work contact the A PKd. in Bus. Ad soon? ting up school assemblies on the SMC at 1115 Walnut Street, Phil­ war, and will be turning their adelphia; their phone number is by Larry Marion regular classes into discussions (215) WA 3-0797. preliminary planning for a of the war. There will be a last big push Full accredidation for Drexel’s faculty must be employed on a doctoral program in business Morning Strike rallies, mov­ before November 6 on Saturday, MBA program s and development full time basis.” According to administration are underway. ies, and teach-ins leading up to October 30 and Sunday, Octol>er of a “ small, high quality” Ph.D. Associate Dean Joseph Ford, only “ We will build on the stregnths the 2:0« rally at the Induction 31. program in business adminis­ approximately 40% of the Col­ and traditions of Drexel.” he tration will be the main thrust lege’s faculty are fulltime. added. r of University development over Another requirement as yet un­ fulfilled stipulates that 75% of Dr. John Clarke was appointed the next five years, it was an­ secretary to the four committees D ear Student Congress: nounced this week. the evening college faculty must have doctorates in the subject studying the future of College of Dr. Rodger Collons, Dean of the Business programs. Tenure Business College, explained that they are teaching, and “ we do □ Make gym optional not achieve this level” accord­ guidelines, undergraduate and the full time and part-time MBA graduate curriculum, and organ­ program here is only accredited ing to Dean Collons. Dr. William W. Hagerty, ization and goals are the four □ Equalize the requirement by the regional Mid-Atlantic Ac­ topics to be examined by the com­ credidation Board. He hastened Drexel president, said that he mittees. at three terms to add that many schools do not feels the enrichment of the MBA have the national accredidation, program and the development of The hiring of business doc­ a “ modest size” Oh,d. program torates has b eg u n this term with and Drexel will be one of a select □ No Change D Other will result in the enrichment of three interviews already com­ group, “Out of 150 schools with pleted, Associate Dean Ford national undergraduate accredi­ the undergraduate effort. A co-op doctorate program is dation, only 80 have full MBA noted. Stud. numt)er. [] Male [] Female envisioned by Dr. Hagerty to cut accredidation,” he said. Drexel’s expected expenses In In the next four years, the “ The next step Is seeking full Business CoUege will grow to half by avoiding stipends to Ph.d. 11 Frosh [] Soph 11 Pre-jr. [] Jr. 11 Senior national accredidation from the include 1700 full time undergrad­ American Association of Colle­ candidates. “ It will take 5-7 years for a uates, 100 full time MBA stu- Return this coupon to the Student Affairs Office. giate Schools of Business, Inc. doctoral program (to be develop­ To receive national ac­ Continued on pane 4 ed),” Dean Collons stated, “ the credidation, 75% of the College O^EXEL t r ia v g l e 2 - CicKite ?%. ?•“ ! announcements sc ftH anor. lilt ?artr*T to tb« Art Museum. in Chaf/roan Court In Ne»WtHaIL c^/unu ic tki eqtti^,mem, iessons r^. f.unt irtjifiif vrrtnips For further urforrr.atlon, contact From 10:00 a,m. ifj 2:30 p.m- aod li« ticiwts ttii* seasor.. Sc come J v ^ ^ y , Ncrember 2 it J 1 ..U r r i rirran S :: unDer ir^’efOiruaas: SrxKieir. Mubillzutoii CorEmttte«;, U ywj Ixare a few spar« mlXKrt^*, k nifn T ancjii riSw ni^ tiSi^ chiC- l l l f Walirot St., WA 3-0797. please come and help u« out. 7:50 to tt» 5kJ chib meetir.e at ienpK tbf snt:r? ixrznot of There wUI be prlz-es awarl^jd to tiie DAC, SUsxu thia week will orcws To Speck J’apal . r«»t*.Diiin>ffTiC5 tbo&e who participate. say wteicb room it's being held tba; T aStiab: r-mmie' toliprthe:^ Planning Comm. at or ask T-nesday *t the DAC T trf AJm enr*Err 5<au»a z /L Z v so r- DeEk. See yoa tJjere. IEUILC£C»aXlE 15 SpDESmilf Jto r- rvt r-nnsMnnf at inrtt ronzra! A recent Semcr Class Meet- n.ai 3 , ItETrus.
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