SPECIAL PLAN ASSISTANCE (SPA) 2008­09 PROJECTS ARUNACHAL PRADESH CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT – 1ST REPORT DISTRICT: EAST SIANG MONITORING PERIOD: PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 2009 PREPARED BY H.O.­NORTH EASTERN DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD. (NEDFi) BASUNDHARA ENCLAVE, B.K. KAKATI ROAD, ULUBARI, GUWAHATI – 781007 Phone: + 91 361 2529202 – 206 / Fax + 91 361 2529178 B.O.­NORTH EASTERN DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD. (NEDFi) NH­52(A) MAIN ROAD, E­SECTOR, ITANAGAR ­ 791111 Phone/Fax: +91 360 2217694 Acknowledgement We record our sincere thanks to the Department of Planning, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, for appreciating the need for independent third party monitoring of Special Plan Assistance (SPA) (2008‐09) projects in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and reposing their confidence in NEDFi by entrusting with the assignment. We are indeed grateful to Shri Ankur Garg, IAS, Secretary (Planning), for providing his invaluable suggestions to the Monitoring Team. We are also thankful to Shri C. L. Tungkhang, Director (State Plan) and his colleagues at the Planning Department for facilitating, coordinating and providing all support to NEDFi officials in the course of the field visits to the projects. In particular, the field support provided by the Chief Engineers of the concerned Departments and their Executive Engineers, Assistant Engineers and other Technical/General staff in the course of the field visits as also in submission of the field data is thankfully acknowledged. Chairman & Managing Director North Eastern Development Finance Company Ltd. (NEDFi) Guwahati 1 st CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT ‐ 1 REPORT EAST SIANG – SPA (2008‐09) CONTENTS Sl. PARTICULARS Page Nos. No. From To 1. INDEX OF PROJECTS 3 3 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS 4 7 3. SUMMARY OF PROJECT SPECIFIC OBSERVATIONS 8 10 4. INTRODUCTION 11 11 5. METHODOLOGY & SAMPLING 12 12 6. RECOMMENDATIONS 13 14 7. PROJECT SPECIFIC OBSERVATIONS 15 23 8. SUBMISSION OF REPORTS 24 24 9. DISCLAIMER 25 25 ENCLOSURES MONITORING REPORTS As per Index of Projects at 1 above 2 st CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT ‐ 1 REPORT EAST SIANG – SPA (2008‐09) 1. INDEX OF PROJECTS LIST OF SPA (2008­09) PROJECTS IN EAST SIANG DISTRICT MONITORED Sl. Project Name Cost of Department Executing Page Status No. Project Department Nos. (Rs. lakh) 1. C/o Cluster of Minor 250.00 Water Irrigation projects under Resources WRD 27 – 37 Complete Boleng Sub‐Division Department (WRD) 2. Flood control work on 250.00 Water Sibo Korong, Maye, Resources WRD 38 – 47 Complete Rottong, Poklek & Department Besong rivers to protect (WRD) village area & agricultural land area at Boying, Yagrung, Sibut & Takilalung village 3. C/o of rural link roads 100.00 Rural Works under Rural Works Sub‐ Department RWD 48 – 54 Complete Division, Pangin (RWD) 4. Improvement of various 90.00 Public Works roads and bridges under Department PWD 55 – 62 Complete Ruksin Sub‐Division (PWD) 5, Improvement & 85.00 Public Works PWD 63 – 69 Complete extension of Mebo Department Township Road (PWD) 6. Building Infrastructure 400.00 School schemes for Education & Education & WRD 70 – 81 On‐going Health Departments Health under Nari‐Koyu Sub‐ Division 7. Improvement & 200.00 Rural infrastructure Department RD 82 – 88 On‐going development in Sports at (RD) Mebo Town 8. Improvement & 115.00 Rural infrastructure Department RD 89 – 96 On‐going development in (RD) Education & Health at Mebo Town 9. Improvement of existing 50.00 Public Health distribution network of Engineering PHED 97 – 103 Complete water supply at Pasighat Department Market area within (PHED) Pasighat Township 3 st CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT ‐ 1 REPORT EAST SIANG – SPA (2008‐09) 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS “Short­Term Recommendations” Observations Recommendations 1. Design & locational changes: 1. Any major design changes The project “Building infrastructure for Education & and proposals for location Health Departments under Nari­Koyu subdivision” at Sl. changes should be done No. 6 of Index of Projects: only after obtaining proper (a) Construction of single storied girl’s hostel for 100 official written approvals. boarders at Telam H.S. School – this has been changed Executing Departments to double storey; should strictly comply and (b) Construction of SP Type‐II (double unit) 5 nos. adhere to this requirement. quarters for teachers of Koyu Secondary School – this has been changed to 4 double units and 2 single units; (c) Construction of SP Type‐III (2 nos.) quarters for Medical officers of Telam PHC – 1 no. shifted to Nari and the one at Telam has been built inside the Telam H.S. School campus; (d) Construction of SP Type II (double unit) 2 nos. quarters for Medical Staff of Telam PHC – 1 no. double unit proposed to be converted into two single units with one unit shifted to Nari; (e) No approvals for design and locational changes could be provided to the Third Party Monitors. 2. Need for re­execution of works: 2. This playground will have to The project “Improvement & infrastructure be redeveloped to make it development in Sports at Mebo Town” at Sl. No. 7 of fit for sporting activities. Index of Projects had a component of leveling of playground at a cost of Rs. 41.36 lakh which is reportedly complete and amount spent. However, during the visit of the Third Party Monitors, it was found that the playground is full of boulders/stones with visible slope and unfit for any sporting activity. 3. Variations in actual execution: 3. While the works executed The project “Improvement & extension of Mebo are necessary, proper Township Road” at Sl. No. 5 of Index of Projects had planning should have been also in its original estimates WBM‐II of amount Rs. done during the preparation 17.18 lakh, which was not executed. Instead, additional of the DPR and estimates. work executed outside of original estimates includes For better implementation, construction of 2 nos. RCC Box culvert – 2mtr. span, 3 Executing Departments nos. RCC Box culvert – 1 mtr. span, 2 nos. wing wall should prepare estimates and construction of CC drain of 210 mtr. length within after detailed studies and the overall project cost. visits to project sites. 4 st CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT ‐ 1 REPORT EAST SIANG – SPA (2008‐09) 4. Poor project conceptualization/formulation: 4. Better project formulation The project “Improvement & infrastructure could have suggested repair development in Education &Health at Mebo Town ” at Sl. and renovation works for No. 8 of Index of Projects had a component of RCC the boys and girls hostel fencing & gate for Mebo HS School costing Rs. 25.16 prior to or along with the lakh. However, the condition of the Boys Hostel for construction of the RCC which this RCC fencing was done is in a dilapidated fence/wall. condition as can be seen from the pictures below. *Dilapidated condition of boys Hostel at Mebo HS School. *R.C.C. wall constructed at hostel campus Mebo H.S. School. 5 st CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT ‐ 1 REPORT EAST SIANG – SPA (2008‐09) “Medium­Term Recommendations” Observations Recommendations 1. Multiple contractors executing works on Work 1. A policy decision may be Order Basis: considered by the State The number of contractors engaged in the 9 projects at Government to make East Siang district as reported by the Executing tendering process Departments is as under: mandatory in award of Name of project No. of work under SPA along the contractors lines of centrally (i) C/o Cluster of Minor Irrigation projects 154 sponsored schemes like under Boleng Sub‐Division PMGSY. Well‐established (ii) Flood control work on Sibo Korong, 350 procedure for tendering, Maye, Rottong, Poklek & Besong rivers to through competitive protect village area & agricultural land area bidding, should be at Boying, Yagrung, Sibut & Takilalung followed for all projects to village ensure quality works and (iii) C/o of rural link roads under Rural 127 timely completion. Works Sub‐Division, Pangin (iv) Improvement of various roads and 31 bridges under Ruksin Sub‐Division (v) Improvement & extension of Mebo 18 Township Road (vi) Building Infrastructure schemes for 68 Education & Health Departments under Nari‐Koyu Sub‐Division (vii) Improvement & infrastructure 8 development in Sports at Mebo Town (viii) Improvement & infrastructure 9 development in Education & Health at Mebo Town (ix) Improvement of existing distribution 17 network of water supply at Pasighat Market area within Pasighat Township 2. Projects executed by non­technical Departments: 2. Such large & important Two large projects at Sl. No. 1 (vii) & (viii) above construction and civil with total project cost of Rs. 315 lakh at Mebo Town works should be executed is being executed by the BDO who has only one by technical executing technical person in the rank of EO(RE). departments like PWD etc. 3. Projects complete before Third Party Monitors 3. The State Govt. may visits: consider appointing third In this instance, it was observed that many of the party monitors at the time projects have been completed before the Third Party of sanction of projects. Monitors appointment and visits. This will enable the monitors to visit the projects prior to or at the start of works enabling the monitoring to be more objective and concurrent in nature. 6 st CONSOLIDATED MONITORING REPORT ‐ 1 REPORT EAST SIANG – SPA (2008‐09) “Long­Term Recommendations” Observations Recommendations 1. Quality Testing and Quality Control Measures: 1. The State Govt. may consider arrangements Presently no testing facilities are available close to for Quality Testing sites/District HQs. All the construction observed was facilities close to the being done without any testing. sites/District HQs. The Moreover, no quality control measures are being taken Executing Depts. may at present. introduce Quality Control Register to keep record of Test Reports of materials used as also Site Order Book for recording observations made by JE/AE/Executive Engineer during their visits. Technical assistance and collaborations may be sought from IIT, Guwahati, NERIST etc.
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