Family adjusts Sailing club to Glebe threatened Sue Pike C. Widdowson When Leszek and Nina Demb- The sight of white-sailed ski and daughter Kasia packed Albacores and Lasers on the car for a summer camping Dow's Lake on summer even- trip, they were careful to ings is a familiar one for make it look as if they would Glebe residents and tourists soon be returning home. That alike. These boats belong was in southern Poland in the to the R.A. Sailing Club summer of '81, and the family and have been a part of the has been camping, so to speak scenery on Dow's Lake for ever since. more than 35 years. The Dembski's point out Sail R.A., as the club is that they were a typical now known, has operated out Polish family in many ways. of facilities on the lake Leszek, Kasia, and Nina Leszek was working as a de- Dembski Photo: Desmond Hassell since 1946. However, the sign draftsman; he was a mem- cleared them for private ation tools as language club now finds its existence ber of the Solidarity move- sponsorship by the Glebe- training and fruit and vege- on Dow's Lake threatened by ment, and he had almost fin- St.James' Refugee Sponsor- table-picking parties. The the proposed new boathouse. ished building the family's ship Group. Dembskis are enjoying lang- The rental fee to the club new house. Nina was working This is Glebe-St.James uage classes and are learn- for the boathouse facilities in an office and nine year United Church's third spon- ing English - quickly, but will increase from the $5000 old Kasia was attending sorship in as many years, and Leszek longs to be finan- paid this year to almost school. the group is becoming pro- cially independent. He $50,000 for space in the new Then the worsening poli- ficient in the ways of beg- would be pleased to do part- boathouse. tical situation began to ging and borrowing household time projects in design or Dow's Lake and the boat- threaten the safety and goods, clothing and money drafting or carpentry. He house are under the juris- future of the young family. to et up and support a is also a ham radio afficion- diction of the N.C.C. When They left their home and family for a year. ado, and would be delighted the N.C.C. called for tenders possessions behind, as well Sponsorship means much to talk to Canadians with a for the construction and as friends and family, and more than just money and similar interest. management of a new boathouse drove across Czechoslovakia furniture of course, and The Dembskis can be reach- facility, the contract was to the Austrian border. A the twelve or so couples who ed through phoning either awarded to a consortium known ten month wait in Austria have agreed to be the pri- Sandy and Bernie Kuelz at as the Dow's Lake Pavillion ended last May when a Cana- mary contacts for the family 232-7473 or Laura and Tom Group. It is with this group dian Immigration Official have arranged such adapt- Tanner at 233-6600. that Sail R.A. is currently in negotiation for facilities for its club. On September 21 Commodore KenBrown of Sail R.A. pre- 2,4-D reconsidered after public outcry sented the club's case to a the Glebe Commun- Inez Berg said Currie. "Parks will can be sprayed in a larger meeting of He pointed now be sprayed only if there droplet at lower pressure ity Association. out that the club is open to On August 4, 1982, City is a 50 per cent or over and is not as easily disper- Council voted to end the weed infestation." sed by wind. "We spray only Sailing club p. 6 ban on the use of herbicides For example in Capital when wind conditions are in City parks. The follow- Ward only five of the twelve minimal," he added. ing public outcry surprised parks published in the papers The dates and locations of many and resulted in a needed spraying. Browns parks to be treated are to Inside motion to reconsider the Inlet, Capital, Senator be advertised on Saturdays matter being brought to Eugene Forsey and Glebe in the CITIZEN and LeDroit Magic is brewing in a Council on August 18. The Memorial were sprayed. As for two weeks prior to appli- story by Glebe author motion was not carried, and of Sept 21, Brewer Park cation, and bilingual warn- S.L. Drache 12/13 at the present time, the hadn't been sprayed because ing signs are to be posted decision to continue spray- people were always in the at the site from one day ing 2,4-D still stands sub- park when city crews arrived. prior to one day after appli- A new business column ject to a number of restric- There must be no more than cation. this month tells of new tions by the Environmental one application per year per "We couldn't avoid much of entrepreneurs 19 Advisory Committee. These site. Previously the city the confusion around the restrictions were described sprayed twice, in spring and spraying this year," said by Dave Currie, City of fall. They will now attempt Currie. "In order to meet The name of the indom- Ottawa Director of Opera- to spray the parks between the two-week publication itable Mutchmore family tions. mid-May and June 30th or deadlines after August 4, is closely linked to Limited use of 2,4-D is to mid-August and Sept. 30th. we had to publish a full list early Glebe develop- be resumed only where neces- School grounds will be of parks before our crews ment 7 sary using the minimal ef- sprayed in early July. were able to inspect them. fective amount at the lowest Only low dioxin stocks are We didn't spray many of At last. The By-laws effective concentration. to be applied. According to those listed. We hope that revealed 9 "Our goal has changed from Currie, the City is now having weed-free parks to a using 2,4-D with a low- programme of weed control," volatile amine base that 2,4-D p. 4 EDITORIALS rhe rhetoric of insanity glebe Let's suppose that your ities to take him away. teighbour, the one a few Why is it that what we report Louses down, with whom you absolutely reject on an Lave a nodding acquaintance, individual level, we accept ESTABLISHED 1973 mddenly begins to put iron on a national or international iars on his windows and to level? The generals and the andbag the foundations of politicians boast of their The GLEBE REPORT is a monthly newspaper.... ds venerable Glebe home. military schemes. Mutually we receive no government grants or sub- uppose that a series of Assured Destruction is one. sidies. Advertising from Glebe merchants rmoured vans arrive, and Is it too much to ask us not pay our bills and printing costs. 6000 our neighbour begins to to see the terrible irony in copies are delivered free to Glebe homes mload crates of grenades, its acronym, MAD? Or we have and copies are available at many Glebe sub-machine guns, and this: "The NATO doctrine is stores. everal rocket launchers. that we will fight with con- uppose that he turns on his ventional forces until we are EDITOR: Beverley Rix eel when you approach him losing, then we will fight PRODUCTION EDITOR: Margie Schieman nd his fortress or bans with tactical weapons until ART DIRECTOR: Ellen Schowalter our way with a rifle, and we are losing, and then we ADVERTISING MANAGER: Meredith Olson, ingers the ammunition belt will blow up the world." 236-5967 e now wears over his mili- What is this if it is not BUSINESS MANAGER: Kay McDougall ary fatigues. the rhetoric of insanity? GRAPEVINE: Myrne Davis, 237-1404 Suppose that he refuses to For centuries men have DELIVERY ENQUIRIES: Sylvia Holden, 'ay taxes for the ordinary waged war for glory, for so- 235-2139 ;ervices of a civilized city , security, for the false called STAFF THIS ISSUE: Anna Apps, Freda 'referring instead to buy honour of the victor. Now Binns, Catherine Seaborn, Connie ret more guns and preparing these tribal values have McKenna, Sylvia Holden, Olive -or the day that he can own become for us malignant. Charnell, Sally Cleary, Fred Derosa, L tank. Suppose, finally, We must now recognize and Kay McDougall, Doris McClennan .hat he accuses you of stock acknowledge that they are 'fling your own weapons and insane, even though this DISTRIBUTION STAFF:Konrad Sigurdson, 'oasts that his equipment process of rejecting emo- Brian & Marjorie Lynch, Dorothea McKenna, :an destroy you - not just tions thai seem almost in- - Paterson family, Jean Fletcher, rou, but the neighbdurhood stinctive is a difficult Helen Coughlan, Leus famiJy, Lucy Turner, tnd the city. and arduous one. Maxine What would you think? Not Robertson, Caulfield family, Allison Dingle,Deville family, That would you do - that is On November 8, we have a Francis family. different question - but chance to reject madness and That would you think of the to stake the claims for Advertising rates are for camera-ready copy _nner life of such a man? those other basic values: sanity, and yes - common )f course you would be con- The GLEBE REPORT is printed in Renfrew, sense, and the desire for Tinced that he is insane, Ontario, by Runge Newspapers Inc.
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