lsBN978-93-5321-240-7 UNIVERSITYOF CALICUT E IYEARS lN PURSUITOF rA'ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Re-occredited by NAAC wi,h A grode F'?.OI\T'CR5 I|\\$ me&x"&&g&&x- reMSffi&K&W Proceedingsof the GoldenJubilee National Seminar 12- 14March, zor8 pxp&xY[dEXY$F x**s_*&y Uru:VKX$'YY*P EELf;{:U" 12. A study of detection and identification of pollution 106 115 indicator bacteda from Canoly Cana1,Kozhikode Muhammedali, V. C,, SreedeviN. Kutty and Sebastian, c. D. 13. Effect of Raoiella indica (Hitst) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) 116- 121 infestation on total nitrogen and protein conter\tsof Arecd catechuLinD, Prabheena,P. and Ramani,N. 14. Activity of carboxylesteraseenzJane in different tissuesof 122 130 Odoiporus longicollis Oliver (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) undervarious conditions oftemperature and pH Vijesh Vargheseand Gokuldas,M. 15. Species-specificassociation between the selectedFig hees 131- 136 (Ficus exasperata a]i'dFicus racemosa)and wasp species in SouthWayanad forest division Shilpa K. Satheesan, Priyadarsanan, D. R, Ashokkumar, M. and SanthoshShreevihar 16. DNA barcoding and phylogenetic analysls of Vestalis 137- 144 apicalis (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) using cltochrome oxidaseI gene Jisha Krishnan, E. K. and Sebastian,C. D. 17. Aggegation of home invading nuisance beetle, 145 148 Mesomorphus tilliger Blal.chard 1853 (Coleoptera: Teneb onidae) and its mistakenidentity as Mupli beetle Seena,C. M. and SabuK. Thomas 18. Nah.ral enemy complex of Henosepilachna sp, 149- 152 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) attacking bitter gourd cultivation of Walnad, Kerala Ritty V. Jamesand SanthoshShreeYihar 19. Cenetic struchre and molecularphylogeny anallsis of 153- 159 Henosepilachna septima (Coleopten: Coccinellidae), an alarmingpest of Cucubitaceacfamily Priya Bhaskaran,li P, and Sebastian,C. D' 20. Control of Mesouorphw vil/iger" Blanchard 1853 160 164 (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae), the confusedMupli beetleof North Kerala using its dormancy and aggregation behaviour Aswathi, P. 21. Pests and pafasitoids on organically cultivated traditional t65 - 172 rice varieties SreejinaSreedharan, K. and Nasser,M. Frontiers in Biological Resecirch 97a 93 5321-240_7 DNA BARCODING AND PITYLOGENETIC ANAI,YSIS OF VESTALIS AprcA L rS TZVCOPTERA;CALOpTERVCToae, it.s^'i. CYTOCHROMEOXJDASE I CENE Jisha.Krishnxn. , E. K,. and Sebastian,C. D. lv,urcculdrlJlotogy Laboratory, DepartrnentofZoology, universiryofcalicut, Email: [email protected] Abstract Vestalisapicalis is an emeraldcoloured damselflysperies coming under the fanily Calopterygidae.This speciesis characterisedby having durk to* green coloured head, thorax and "y.r, abdomen,brown coloreJ legs and amber cotoued wings having black tip. They are commonly observeJas groupsin forestpaths and are widely distributedthronghout Indiu, *irl., tf,"i, frlj.r, p"ut seenat Augustto September. pCR Herewe have amplifiedthe codinf seclu.nce of mitochondrialCOI geneusing suitable primer and which leldeja product having 561 bp length The sequence was depositedin the GenBank huing the accessronnunber KU510326 for future references.The phylogeneticrree constructedby Neighbourjoining methodshowed a sisterclade ..Ldonrn,p ,o '/estalisgrc iit species,another caropterygldae m€rnber.There were a totar of 553 positionsin the final dataset after eliminatingall positionscontaining gaps andmissing data. The closerelative of this speciesis foundto b fr. grniiti" by BLAST analysis.It also " con{irmedby the divergencetable plottecl by"Maximum Likely hood method.There are a total of 14 nucleotidesequences"were taken from the databasein order to make the taxonomic comparisonbetween sequences.They al providea rmique resurtthat I/. apicarisis more closeto z gracrTlsand then into y. ambalis vith respectivedivergence of0 .21 ard0.22.Aj1 the Calopterygida€members werefound to be originatedl}om one cladeshowug monophyleticancestry. We also confimed that this speciesis taxonomically more close to dragonflies (Anax pantala speratus, Jlavescence etc) than the Lepidopteran menbet (pappilio zalmoxis) taken as an outgroup. Hence the present study provided a urique DNA barcodeto this speciesand it is taxotromicallymore close to llestqlis graciliis than other Calopterygidae member. Keywords: Zygopterc, I/estalis apicalis, Molecular barcoding, Cl.tochrome oxidaseI gene Prcceedingsof the N,.tio""t S.^i"*,@ Page137 llil)/ogrt.r/ ll.rs.1rr.Jr /'>^1J-\:!178 93 532 I 214 i I r rirlr{ 'i r,1 -i : .. ,.a. , .--.. - .. -i .r'. :, ... .]*,::.:'-:;=:_r'-,',y;t:it:tt"*:ii;'t t'\ \ tt.\ltcol)l\(; .\\l) Pll\ I ociliNll lc '\NALYSIS OF l',llsTAl-ls I I't( 'ILIS (7'\ COI'l liR;\: ClAl-Ol''l'IIRYGIDAE) USrNG c Yl ocHRo\'lll oxlDAsE t G!.NI Jishl Krishnan' ll. li.,:lrd Sebastilln,C D' \lolccLrleILliologl l.lllrofalu)'.DepaltttrerrL ol Zoologl' l-lnivclsltyol Calicut' Kcralr Email: cltcdscbastianrd-i!]rllail com Abstract t (sttli\ tfiLilli.t is an emcleld colouredclalrselll) sPeciesconling undel ihe llrrill ( rrltptcr'}g-idac.lhis sllcciesis chillr-lclclisedLr)'having dark bro\ il e)'es' atnbcr sr.cn !(rloura(1heltl. thor'rr etld ilbrlonlell.bro*n colorcd lcgs and coloLr|cclrrings ltlr\'ing blacl riP- lhc) arc collrnl(rnl]obscr\ed as Eoulr\ irL pclk li)fcsLpNlhs ancl ilfe \\idcl\ disl bLllcdthrolLghoul India u'itil thcif liigLicsl sccn11 August Lo Scflcntbcf llcl-c\\'c ha\e PCR ampliliedthe codin!!seqLlcnce ol-rriLocltordfirl COI gcne using suiLxblepf;nle1 and u'hjch )'icldcd a pr'Jducl hlrling- 5(rl bp lcligLh.l hc seqtlcrrtewirs deposited in the Gcn Bank havingdre 'fi'ee acccssioDnunrl-tL KLJ5l0126 lbl lulLIe re1'elences-Ihe phylogeneti(: consh-uc1cdb)' N"'*t,,,uul.joining metl,odsho\\'ed a sislcf clade fclationshipto lc:tttlis pn:ilisspccies. anothcl- Calopte[Eidae ncmber' Thefe wcle a told] of j5l posiljrnlsin the lillal dausel aftef elilninatingall positionscontaining gaps and ruissing dalx. lhe closc relalive ()1'1hisspccies is lbund to be I/ grucilis by Lll.ASI anal)'sis.Il alsoconllrlued by the dirergcncetablc plottcd by Maximum Lihell hcxrdlrlcthod. There ar-ea lotal ol-14 nuoleotidesequences \\'erc lalien 1l-,:rnrtirc cialabase in ordq to make the taxonorric corrparisoi bet\\'een scqucnees.Thcl r1l proYi<1ca uniqueIcsuLt thitt l/ 'tpicaLisis rnore closeto i' grrrc'ilr.rand Lhen iltto l'l .rrlrl1it \\iLll rclpeclivc'livefgcnce of0 21 and 0-22A1l the Crloftef)gidxc nlcrnbcrs\\'erc lb nd 1oLt ori-qinatcdl'r'onl one cladc shn\\jrrB nronoph)lc1icxnccslr'). We. elso corllirnlcd thcl this speciesis taxonorically lrrolc closc Lo dlagonllics (Anax speratus' I'untttltt Jlatescence etc/ Lhan the l-cpidoptcran rrienrbcr' (/114rilio :a/norls) laLcn as an outgroup llence thc to tllis :jpeciesand it is Prcscnl slu.h proviclcd a urliclue DN.^ bafcodc Larorronricrlly ruore cl,lrsc l.) I/estdlis -qr./cillis than othcr Caloplerygid'rc melllltcr'. licJrvords: Z)'gopLcfa.lrcsltlis dfl(,11tt.,\IolrcLrlct brrtoding L)luchfomc oridaseIgcne "{|*.-*-''**-'-+,!E'€-*i]- 11,]*i ,:,,ro-. of rlrc N QLional Senin a. DepaflltL'?lt af Zoalo'Jlj' Uliuersitu of Calicut 137 /-Sll,\I !ll8 9i 5321 210 7 i.r1)rllr!ts'.-,. i,L liidl.]a/icrilA'cJ.L:r'-.11 _:;' :'-ii'-;:-:: -i::*.i._l:]& i'x!; ' ..-- --4.'. .-.,':,,*l-.-' i--,, -.:: -:: ' : ' I nl Iodtrctioll {)1'rhcOrder Odonala ,/-\g(r|Lcraftlrfcscllls onf ol Lhalllosl inlciclll stlbofLlef existcd250 milion commolll) cNllcdas L)arllsclllies' 11rc)ncr-e lino\\n to bc jrl the Mesozoic llra lcrfs ago alortg \ith ptintiti!e pfoLQodo alcs e\isted 'ihcl a1lbiological ((i|inraldi and Engel.2005) ar.cgeogtaphicall) distriblrted in lisLedin 309 genera fcrlms c\ccpL.{nlill licr arldconsisls ()1 2942 exLal1tspecies can be easily cNtcgorisc(lin 21ttanrilics (SLrhling" 2015)Most of the nenlbers olliny irntennae' cli.goniscllb)hd\i1r-g uiclcll sepaletedeles lusedihorax' apaii rvingsal-e sinlihr in lcgs rnd long slerldcfabdorrcn havirlg l0 scgments'lheir \'ejns fllled \\'ilh sizt-.coloLlcd or ttllcrllortLctlird supforlcd b)'nran)'cross lllcmol\nrfh (Silsbl.2(l0l ) 'bl 2-5trrI lcngLhetlsnrlll C:LloptcrlgitlNcrcpfcsclrLs 1bc oacl \ irlglctl l 5 1o illld rilcls ll i\ 'r damscllll linlill collllllonl\:obsef\'ccl irl lincst llola slrcollls jn lll2llesafc \'crr\ \\ell .lislribllLcdllimil) brnlr lelrpcflllcrn'l1fol)iclrl habitaLs an'l lcli\'cirlsLrnll\(]olldiliolls.hhasi6gcr)claNilhapprorinlNtcl)161s]l''':ics anlennac' LoDg globalll (Corcloba.1005) lhe! chali'lcLcisliclll-Yhlvc long rralcs and brorallish slcndcf abdonlen .nlc|lrilic bluc bl c coLoufc'lboci)' \\'jfi ill veinedconsjsts of lo gr-.cncololrlcd n ings in 1lmalcs Theil rlings afe hcavenly liJolrrorcanlenodallcirls.llothsexcscallbceasilydiaglosedbyhavingau'hite menbers can be \ving spol ilr lernalcu'hilc it is abscttlin Nales Mosl ofthe gcnerally lccd upon cmil)' rccogniseclto all visLlalpredalofs (Corbcl' 1999) The] Cl.rilonomidacand Culicidac (Higashi ct al . 1976)' genelally has yesl(tlis opiullis is an enlcralcl colouled Calopler'lgidae membcr colored legs gleen colotcd hcad. thorar aud ebdonlell darli bro\\'l-leyes' bro$'n 2009) Maleshave'19 andanlbcr colouled uings haring blaciilip (SrLblamaDian, witll 46-5i) mm --iimru abrlomitralleligLir,3(r-3gmm hirrcl \\ing lenglh and females (Subram'rnilu' abdoninal lengLllarl.l i8-40mm hintl \ing lcngtb fespcctivcl)' (Manoi' 2011)' 2009).-lhc1can be comuoliil obscrvedin lirrcstPalh in goups 'lhe)'afe (Emiliyamnra' dislribuledthfoughoul lndia. oflcrr seeni fofest areas to September(l\4anoj' 201 1)' l00i ) \\ ilh theirhighes( Peal( seerl at Au-sllsl accuraLe and I)NA balcocling is o Iiovel syslen 'lesigne'l to provide rapid' gcnetics arld eutonalable specics idcntiltcation
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