FOUNDED 1939 Organ of the Connolly Association RELAND AT BRIGHTON PAGE FIVE Poge 2 - GEORGE GILMORE HOCK A iatfs 3 - GREEN IS BEAUTIFUL Page 4 - IRISH TU WOMEN No 477 NOVEMBER 1983 30p Page 6 - REBEL SONGS Page 7 - NEW IRfSH BOOKS RESISTANCE Page 8 - DONAL MocAMLAIGH TO NEW INTERNMENT REPUBLICAN TERROR BILL GROWS OPPOSED AIMS 1 ABOUR fought the last General Election on a manifesto which dearly pledged a repeal of the PTA. Informer exposes RUC plansWell , they lost. The Tories RESTATED came back, got Lord Jcllieoe to :r|i'HE European Parliament and carry out a second Review of the Act and brought forward a new the Council of Europe should They supplied photos of people they wanted named Prevention of Terrorism Bill to - state clearly that in their view the last for five years and to be used tragedy of Northern Ireland has r J^HE man described six weeks This happened on the 6th of of the cases presented to inform- against both Iri h and other inter- gone on long enough, and call on national "terrorists". ago by the RUC as the most October. ers have been set up by the the British and Irish governments police. This is undoubtedly true The new Bill was debated on Die to join together in providing a significant informer to date, 37 Due to Lean's affidavit the very first day Parliament came bac k of Moyra Berkery's son Liam. A solution, Piahna Fail leader Mr year old Robert Lean, escaped police had to release twelve from its summer recess. In spite former member of the provision- of the difficulties this presented to Charles Haughey, TD, said on from police custody on the 19th people they had arrested. This October 16th. als who recently completed a them, the Connolly Association had of October. After he had signed is the second setback they have prison term in Long Ke^h. he its members in the Central Lobby suffered. Another problem for at Westminster to put the case Mr Haughey was addressing an affidavit retracting his evi- only became associated with the against the Bill to MPs. about 700 people at the Fianna the RUC is that immunity is dence against 28 people his soli- 1RSP within the very recent The Association's message was Fail Wolfe Tone commemoration in guaranteed to the informer even citor delivered it to the Depart- past. clear: Labour went to the country if he retracts his evidence. the Bodenstown .churchyard, Co on a promise to repeal the PTA. It Kildare, where the great Irish pa- ment of the Public Prosecutor. The case of Robert Lean The issue, however is a demo- was therefore expectcd that every triot lies buried. After a press conference Lean Labour MP would vote against the draws attention to what is vir- cratic one. People whose evi- new Bill. was then rearrested. dence is bought, either with di- "Northern Ireland is not a bright tually plans for new internment In the Second Reading debate, spot for Britain " said the speaker. mainly directed against the na- rect payments of money, immu- Home Secretary Leon Brittan At the press conference he ex- "The British Government and tionalist population. These nity to prosecution or guaran- argued that the Prevention of Ter- people like to regard Britain as a posed the police methods . with rorism Bill struck the right bal- plans have obviously been ap- tees of shorter sentences, can- nation dedicated to peace and on informers. They had supplied ance between the necessary powers proved by the British Govern- not be trusted to tell the truth. the side of justice and freedom in him with photos of people they to fight terrorism and providing ment. Both Mr Prior and Mr It is likely that they will tell international affairs. wanted named. It was quite proper safeguards to ensure that Molyneaux have praised the use whatever will please those who those powers are used fairly. easy for them to include people "The existence of the situation of the supergrass. The British paid them. He called on the House to "send who had committed no offence the Bill into Standing Committee jn Northern Ireland is a reflection have learned nothing from the of British policy and its reputation but whose politics the police SCANDAL by a large majority". first internment. When Mr Roy Hattersley rose round the world. Britain owes it disliked. Lean claimed that they The scandal of the use of the from the Labour benches it was 1101 not alone to the Irish people but had tried to get him to name INTERNMENT supergrass can be shown if we to call for a solid vote against the elso to her own people and to her Gerry Adams. He claimed that In the first internment in look at the figure of 300 Bill from his colleagues. Instead position in the world to make every he had refused to do so. people having been charged on he moved a lengthy amendment effort to bring the present tragedy August 1971, the authorities the evidence of 20 informers. that "this House declines to give a, to an end." SETBACK lifted hundreds of people who Second Reading to a Bill . had no connection with the IRA. Some of these people are wait- Not the Bill or this Bill but a Bill First set-back to police plans Mr Haughey said that Fianna Fail When asked to justify this the ing 20 months before their cases "which includes the power of arbi- sought reconciliation based on jus- to jail wide sections of the trary arrest and detention and the authorities claimed it was to come to trial. tice, mutual respect, and democracy nationalist population was the exclusion of British Citizens, etc, prevent the purely political etc."' and its aim was to have the com- rejection by Lord Chief Justice There is criticism of the people from kicking up a fuss In the last speech from the La- mon name of Irishman accepted Lowry of evidence from infor- judges in these "show trials". and honoured in every part of an about internment. The Alliance Party claims the bour benchcs, Mr Clive Soley con- mer Kevin McGrady against cluded: "On the record of the past island of Ireland throughout which judges are case-hardened. This thirteen people — without fur- I T is obvious the RUC is up to 10 or 15 years, we shall continue peace and harmony prevailed. means that their treatment of ther corroborative evidence. the same thing again, many on the track that we have been the accused tends to be very per- Their annual visit to Bodens- following. The Opposition say that functory. In other words they town, he said, gave them an oppor- it is time to look again and to tunity to reaffirm their adherence are very likely to find the ac- recognise that we cannot beat ter- to the Republican ideal. "It is very cused guilty without giving the rorism by eroding the civil liberties necessary that we do so at this cases much consideration. Be- which are the targets of the ter- time when it seems to have become BEAUTIFUL IRELAND cause of this the Alliance Party rorist's attack. If we are true to that and true to our traditions and increasingly popular to decry the is urging the Baker Commission beliefs in the House, we shall vote Republican ideal and indeed the to consider having two jndges national aim of reunification. CALENDAR 1984 against the Bill." instead of one in the Diplocl: But that is precisely what the "The first aim of Fianna Fail is Courts. overwhelming majority of Labour now, and has always been, to secure NOW AVAILABLE AT : MPs did not do! the unity and independence of Ire- An organisation has been set The Opposition amendment was land as a Republic. If there are 177 LAVENDER HILL, SW11 up to help the relatives of those lost by 146 votes to 304. But only those who wish to dismiss that arrested because of supergrass 48 MPs actually voted against the 6imple statement of a political ob- evidence and to unite people of second reading of the Prevention jective as rhetoric, they are free to £1.50 (By Post - £1.85) various shades of opinion who of Terrorism Bill giving the Gov- do so but they will not deter us are alarmed and angry about ernment a majority of 245. from continuing to say it clearly (While stock* last) ftnd unequivocally." the supergrass trials. Continued on Pag* Five f November 1983 November 1983 IRISH DEMOCRAT IRISH DEMOCRAT gciynrp ai»«l Technology BRUSSELS PLANS Green is beautiful MURDER OF DAIRIES II/HV are the latest proposals | AM indebted to a readei 111 arguments develop around tire re- " by the EEC Commission "Popes, Prods and Republicans" 1 Birmingham for sending me a fining 01 tile Waterford oil t which dealing with the milk surplus ab- sample eopv 01 Drum,' the envir- the most progressive direction from the left. He now looks likely to be commercial; surd and even disastrous? The i f; (iilmore l - or, <>l onmentalist paper published trom is now S5 and throughout his life he has more on this in due course i. proposals were not written with ili ,h Republti a He is oI Pro It) Cofton Lake Road, Birmingham championed the republicanism of Tom1 either the producers or consumers ,:ant background s father's poop!- B;45 8PL at an annual sub of £7.80 One sees from time to time and the socialism of Connolly. He now scare stories about pesticide and in Ireland and Britain in mind.
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