3.3 RELEASE NOTES Notes d'informations Version 3.3 Anmerkungen zum Release - Version 3.3 Notas sobre la Version 3.3 Note sulla Versione 3.3 Utgdvenotiser fiir Version 3.3 Object-Ortented Software 3.3 RELEASE NOlES NOTES D'INFORMADONS VERSION 3.3 ANMERKUNGEN ZUM RELEASE • VERSION 3.3 HOTAS SOBRE LA VERSION 3.3 NOli SUllA VERSIONE 3.3 UTGiVENOnSER FOR VERSION 3.3 • 3.3 Release Notes Copyright © 1992 - 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc., 900 Chesapeake Drive, Redwood City, CA 94063. All rights reserved. March 1995 [6604.00) NEXTSTEP Release 3 copyright © 1988-1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain portions of the software are copyrighted by third parties. NeXT, the NeXT logo, NEXTSTEP. the NEXTSTEP logo, Digital Webster, NeXTanswers, Netlnfo, and Workspace Manager are trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through x/Open Company Limited. TEX is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society. VT100 is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Collegiate, and Wreath & Monogram are registered trademarks of Merriam-Webster Inc. and used herein pursuant to license. All other trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. U.S. Pat. No. 4,982,343. Other patents pending. Restricted Rights Legend: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1 )(ij) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 [or, if applicable, similar clauses at FAR 52.227-19 or NASA FAR Supp. 52.227-86). 3.3 RELWE NOTES ADDENDUM This addendum describes late-breaking information about using NEXTSTEpTU Release 3.3. It supplements the information in the R£leme Notes book that comes with the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM. Any further critical information about Release 3.3 will be provided in NeXTanswersTU document #1719. Contact N eXTanswers as described in the R£leme Notes book, and request that document. The document may be empty if there's no more critical information about Release 3.3. Installing and upgrading • If you're installing NEXTSTEP on an Intel-based computer using a device driver that isn't on the original NEXTSTEP Device Drivers floppy disk, you may see the message "biosread errors" or "Can't find lusrIDevices" after you install the NEXTSTEP essentials and restart the computer. If this happens, do the following: 1 Tum off the computer. 2 Insert the NEXTSTEP Installation Disk floppy disk. 3 Tum on the computer. 4 At the boot: prompt, type the following if you're installing NEXTSTEP on a SCSI disk: config=sd()Default Type this if you're installing NEXTSTEP on an IDE disk: config=hd()Default 5 Press Return and continue with the installation process as described on page 17 of I nstolling and Configuring NEXTSTEP R£lcme 3.3for I nul Processors and NeXT" Computers. • On rare occasions, you might have to reset your computer's time zone after upgrading to Release 3.3. You'll know this is the case if, after the upgrade is complete, Upgrader reports that it couldn't make hard links to various zone information files. Just restart the computer as usual and use the Preferences application to set the proper time. 1 3.3 Release Notes Addendum Printing • Parallel printing doesn't work on SPARCstation 5 workstations. Keyboards • Typing Shift-hyphen using the UK keyboard arrangement incorrectly produces an en-dash (-) instead of an underscore U. To get an underscore, you must type Alternate-hyphen. Or you can remap Shift-hyphen to correctly type an underscore using the Keyboard application in lNextDeveloperlDemos. For information on using Keyboard, choose Help from its Info menu. NednfoManager • Don't use NetlnfoManager to create a clone NetlnfoTlol server on an Intel-based computer. Instead, you must replace the Release 3.3 version of nibindd with the Release 3.2 version of nibindd. Then use the nidomain command with the -c option by typing this in a Terminal window: nidomain -c tagl master/tag2 where tog1 is the name of the clone's database you're creating, tag2 is the name of the server's database you're cloning, and moster is the host name of the computer where that server resides. (In most cases tag1 and tag2 ought to be the same.) If you do try to create a clone in NetInfoManager using either the Manage Hierarchy or Servers command, you end up with a partial database that you then must delete. This database looks like a valid member of the domain hierarchy but it has a number of inadequacies, including a single entry for Imachines/master that has a reversed Internet address. To delete the partial database, type in a Terminal window: nidornain -d tag where tag is the name of the partial database. Then create the clone properly as described above. • Note that to use the nidomain -c command to create a clone NetInfo server on an Intel-based computer, as described above, your computer must be running the Release 3.2 version of nibindd, not the Release 3.3 version. [6605.00] 2 3.3 RELEASE NOTES • We at NeXT have tried to make the information contained in this manual as accurate and reliable as possible. Nevertheless, NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this manual, including without limitation the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. NeXT will from time to time revise the software described in this manual and reserves the right to make such changes without obligation to notify the purchaser. In no event shall NeXT be liable for any indirect. special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of purchase or use of this manual or the information contained herein. Writing: Helen Casabona Book design: Cindy Steinberg Production: Erica Denison and Jennifer Sherer With help from: John Hammett, Gary Staas, and Roy West User publications management: Gary Miller Cover design: CKS Partners, San Francisco, California This manual was designed, written, and produced with NEXTSTEP. Proofs were printed on a NeXT 400 dpi Laser Printer. Contents 3.3 RELWE NOTES This document describes new features included 2 Installing and Configuring NEXTSTEP with NEXTSTEp™ Release 3.3. It also lists 2 Installing Release 3.3 additional software packages available on the 2 Installing NEXTSTEP from a network 3 Upgrading to Release 3.3 NEXTSTEP CD-ROM, and it describes 3 Configuring a SPARC or PA-RISC workstation known problems you may have when working 4 Starting a SPARC or PA-RISC workstation with this release. 4 Starting a computer in single-user mode Except where a specific type ofNEXTSTEP 5 What's New in Release 3.31 computer is mentioned, the information in 5 More driversl this book applies to all types: Intel-based 5 Advanced Power Management and NeXT'" computers, and SPARC and 5 HP JetDirect printer support 5 Two new books for users PA-RISC workstations. 6 Expanded on-line information 6 New international keyboard arrangements 6 Demonstration applications in five languages 7 Workspace Manager 7 Preferences 8 Mail 12 Multiheaded workstations 13 Terminal 13 Installer 13 PCI bus support 13 NEXTSTEP Mini-Monitor Contents 14 What's on the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM? 16 Known Problems 16 Keyboards 17 Disks 17 Sound 18 Hardware 18 Documents 18 Workspace Manager 19 Preferences 19 Mail 20 Terminal 20 Grab 20 BuildDisk 20 NeXTIeX 21 Macintosh and DOS 22 Advanced Power Management 22 PCMCIA 22 System administration These 3.3 Release Notes list new features in NEXTSTEP Release 3.3, the contents of the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM, and problems you might encounter while using Release 3.3. If you find problems that aren't described here, or if you have any suggestions, you can report them to NeXT by electronic mail with the BugNeXT application in the lNextDeveloperlDemos folder. Choose Help from BugNeXT's Info menu for instructions. If you install the Documentation.pkg file (either when you first install NEXTSTEP or later using the Installer application), you can find notes for system administrators in the release notes target on the SysAdmin bookshelf in lNextLibrarylBookshelves. For the most up-to-date user, developer, and system administration information, and for information about using NEXTSTEP with specific hardware configurations, contact NeXTanswersTU-the NeXT document-retrieval system-like this: • By electronic mail Send mail to [email protected] with the two-word subject: INDEX HELP. Or if you can't receive NeXT mail, add a third word, ASCII. You'll receive the current index of documents and instructions for requesting more information. • By anonymous ftp Connect to ftp.next.com and read the file publNeXTanswerslREADME. • By modem Call the NeXTanswers bulletin board service at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user guest, and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. • By fax (within the U.S. and Canada only) Call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions for getting NeXTanswers faxed to you. • By World Wide Web You can access NeXTanswers on the World Wide Web at this site address: http://www.next.coml. You can use Mosaic, OmniWeb, or any other web browser. If none of these methods works for you, contact your local NeXT representative. Please refer to the 3.3 Release Notes Addendum (in English only) for additional late-breaking information. 1 3.3 Release Notes Installing and Configuring NEXTSTEP INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING NEXTSlIP Here are some notes you should read before installing or upgrading to Release 3.3, and before starting your computer.
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