The Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilot’s Association FlightJULY 2018 Check Those NOTAMs Avoid a Costly Embarrassment STAY IN TOUCH PERSONAL LOCATORS A GOOD IDEA JOHN BOGIE HONOURED More than COPA FOUNDER IN HALL OF FAME REGIONAL NEWS 150 Fly-INS AND COPA Classified Ads FOR KIDS (P.49) GA IN PERU A RARE PRIVILEGE PM#42583014 FOR DETERMINED FEW contents DEpaRTMENTS 4 PRESIDENT’s CORNER CAREER GUIDE, DIGItal ClassIFIEDS 6 MailboX GENDER GAP, GIMLI ANNIVERSARY 10 MEMBers’ CHOICE AWARDS PROGRAM EXpanDS 12 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR JEAN MEssier’S PARTING COMMEnts 14 ENfoRCEMENTS TCCA INSPEctoRS BUsy 16 INCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS LEARN FROM OTHERS 44 26 ON THE HORIZON MARK YOUR CALENDARS FEatURE ON THE coVER: Gustavo Corujo shot this great image of the Snowbirds at the 44 GA IN PERU Borden Air Show, which had to be inter- Newly-elected B.C. Director David Black and his wife Janine Cross had to go rupted several times when aircraft violated to Peru on business and decided to check out the local GA scene. They left the restricted airspace. with an even greater appreciation for Canadians’ Freedom to Fly. Photo by Gustavo Corujo Quebec Flight Jonathan Beauchesne Mathieu Delorme EDitoR Maritimes Russ Niles COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS [email protected] Brian Chappell Brian Pound 250.546.6743 BC and Yukon David Black GRAPHIC DESIGNER Newfoundland and Labrador Dave McElroy Shannon Swanson Bill Mahoney ASSOCIATE EDitoR Alberta & NWT Steve Drinkwater Larry Biever Bram Tilroe DISplay ADVERTISING SALES Canadian Owners Katherine Kjaer Saskatchewan 250.592.5331 and Pilots Association [email protected] Shane Armstrong 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 Manitoba & Nunavut CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 613-236-4901 | www.copanational.org SALES & PRODUCTION cooRDINatoR Jim Bell Maureen Leigh Find us on Facebook 1.800.656.7598 Northern Ontario [email protected] Lloyd Richards CIRCUlatioN Maureen Leigh Southern Ontario COPA Members $15 per year Non-Members $30 per year ACCOUNTING Anthea Williams Kevin Elwood, Clark Morawetz Single Copy Price $4.95 ASSISTANT ADMIN Rajei Gill Doug Ronan (includes mailing in Canada) copa FLIGHT | JULY 2018 3 FROM THE TOP PRESIDENT’s CORNER WITH BERNARD GERVAIS WE DESIGN AND& BUILD HANGARS Space-Based Individual • Corporate • FBO’s • T-Hangars ADS-B THE ANSWER TO THE 406 MHZ ELT DEbatE? Here’s wHaT WE CAN DO FOR YOU: Architectural & Engineered Drawings W hen we learn that a recent study AVIATION CAREER AND Municipal Applications & Permits conducted by the Canadian Mission SCHOLARSHIP GUIDE Airport Applications & Approvals Control Centre for SARSAT indicated I hope you have leafed through last Transport Canada & NavCan Applications Complete Construction that ELTs activate in only 38% of Ca- month’s first annual Career and Schol- nadian aircraft accidents where the arship Guide, and that you may have Questions? Phone 519.857.7639 aircraft sustained substantial damage shared it with some younger aviators in or visit www.secandco.com (tsb.gc.ca/ENG/rapports-reports/ your area. Many copies were sent to all aviation/2015/a15c0130/a15c0130. schools and colleges across the country If you already have a design or asp), we know we can’t rely on this and we still have a few thousand copies drawings, send it along for a free estimate. BAS Inc. FE 2011 Email (CAD or PDF) to [email protected] outdated technology anymore to be at the office should you need some. BASBAS Inc. Inc. FE FE 2011 2011 or fax 519.679.2200 BAS Inc. FE 2011 rescued. We are getting very positive feedback BASBAS Inc.Inc. FEFE 20112011 If you go back on our website and from many groups and we hope this will look at my January 2016 President’s encourage the new generation of men U S C O M B E • • L C E S S F T N A A R • Corner, I talk about space-based and women to turn to aviation-related C H P I C P E E E N2849A R ADS-B being a possible technology careers. A French-language version will B A be available next year. I to help replace the ELTs. I wrote, R C S R E A I R F INC O T BAS S “Encouraging and using commercial S S AF CE ETY AC ONLINE CANADIAN HARNESSES AND services for alerting is better than re- PLANE TRADE quiring one specific technology that BEECHCRAFT • LUSCOMBE • CESSNA • PIPER As you read this, it has become a [email protected] may grow outdated as technology reality. After so many years of strictly [email protected] progresses”. N2849A being in paper or in PDF format, Cana- N2849A [email protected]@basinc-aeromod.com After a few years of talking about [email protected]@basinc-aeromod.com dian Plane Trade is now available in a this and having COPA staff put that digital, online version. We will continue BAS INC bug in everyone’s ear whenever pos- AIRCRAFT SAFETY HARNESSES to publish the paper version, but the AND ACCESSORIES sible, I am extremely glad to report digital version will make it a lot simpler that a team of people from Nav Can- and easier, and certainly increase the ada and Aireon has bought into this. value of your membership. Along with us, Nav Canada, Transport Canada and perhaps others like DND CANADA’S AVIATION are now seriously working on the idea HALL OF Fame of using this technology to meet SAR On June 7, I had the honour of being at requirements. The first official pre- the official induction of ouro-founder c sentation was done at a joint meeting John Bogie into Canada’s Aviation Hall on June 5 in Ottawa. As this could be of Fame. It was a great ceremony where developed over the next few years, I was able to witness how many people ADS-B equipage prices will inevitably John touched and influenced, and how come down and, when everything is deep COPA’s roots are in Canada’s avia- ready, replacing your ELT may simply tion. He was a true pioneer and deserves mean putting in an ADS-B transpon- every bit of recognition for what he has der for the same price. done. Rest in peace, Mr. Bogie. www.basinc-aeromod.com 4 copa FLIGHT | JULY 2018 LE mot DU PRÉSIDENT BERNARD GERVAIS Oshawa Airport Hangarminiums L’ADS-B SATELLITAIRE INC. EST. 2009 LA RÉPONSE AUX ENJEUX DES ELT 406 MHZ? HANGARMINIUMHangarminium UNITS Units AVAILABLE available for purchase or rent: • T-Hangars Oshawa Airport • C-Unit Attached Box Hangars Quand on apprend qu’une étude menée carrières et de bourses au pilotage le HangarminiumsFOR PURCHASE OR RENT: INC. • T-Hangars• 65’ x 50’ Twin Hangar Units récemment par le Centre canadien mois dernier. Vous l’avez peut-être par- EST. 2009• C-Unit Attached• Box 50’ Hangarsx 45’ Twin Hangar Units de contrôle des missions pour SAR- tagé avec de plus jeunes aviateurs dans • 65’ x 50’ Twin Hangar Units SAT a conclu que les ELT s’activaient votre région. De nombreuses copies •All 50’ units x 45’ are Twin Steel Hangar Pre-Engineered Units Buildings with insulated walls Hangarminium Units availableand roofs foras wellpurchase as Electric or rent: Bi-Fold Doors. dans seulement 38 percent des ac- ont été envoyées à toutes les écoles et All units are Steel• T-Hangars Pre-Engineered Buildings with •insulated C-Unit AttachedConveniently walls and Box roofslocated Hangars as at wellthe Oshawa as Executive Airport, cidents d’aéronefs au Canada lorsque toutes les unités de formation au pilot- just 60 km from Toronto City Airport • 65’Electric x 50’ Twin Bi-Fold Hangar441 Doors.Aviator Units Lane, Oshawa, Ontario l’aéronef était lourdement endommagé age à travers le pays et nous en avons • 50’ x 45’ Twin Hangar Units Conveniently located at the Oshawa Executive Airport, (tsb.gc.ca/fra/rapports-reports/avia- encore quelques milliers d’exemplaires just 60 km fromFor moreToronto information, City Airport specs and photos, visit All units are Steel Pre-Engineered441www.oshawaairporthangarminiums.com Aviator Lane, Oshawa, Buildings Ontario with insulated walls or call 905-436-2600 tion/2015/a15c0130/a15c0130.asp), on au bureau si vous en avez besoin. Nous and roofs as well as Electric Bi-Fold Doors. For more information, specs and photos, visit comprend que l’on ne peut pas trop recevons des commentaires très positifs Conveniently located at the Oshawa Executive Airport, www.oshawaairporthangarminiums.comjust 60 km from Toronto City Airport compter sur cette technologie démodée de partout et nous espérons que cela 441 Aviator Lane, Oshawa, Ontario pour espérer être secouru. encouragera une nouvelle génération Call For more information, specs and photos, visit Si vous allez sur notre site web cher- d’hommes et de femmes à se tourner 905-436-2600Oshawa Airport www.oshawaairporthangarminiums.comHangarminiums or call 905-436-2600 cher mon mot du président de janvier vers des carrières liées à l’aviation. Une INC. EST. 2009 2016, je parle de l’ADS-B satellitaire version française sera disponible dès comme technologie potentielle de l’an prochain. Hangarminium Units available for purchase or rent: • T-Hangars remplacement des ELT. J’y dis, « Le fait • C-Unit Attached Box Hangars d’encourager et d’utiliser les services CANADIAN PLANE TRADE • 65’ x 50’ Twin Hangar Units • 50’ x 45’ Twin Hangar Units commerciaux d’alerte est mieux que (CPT) EN LIGNE All units are Steel Pre-Engineered Buildings with insulated walls d’exiger une technologie spécifique En lisant ceci, c’est chose faite. Après and roofs as well as Electric Bi-Fold Doors. qui peut rapidement devenir désuète à de nombreuses années strictement Conveniently located at the Oshawa Executive Airport, just 60 km from Toronto City Airport mesure que la technologie progresse.
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