MARC Riders Advisory Council Meeting November 15, 2018 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Converted to Teleconference because of Snow. Summary minutes I. Call meeting to order (Steve CHan, CHairman): Called to order at 4:33 PM II. Introductions (Steve CHan, CHairman): III. Review of October Minutes (ChristopHer Field, Secretary): A. Some corrections to September minutes B. No corrections to October minutes. IV. Review of October performance data (KatHerine Read, MARC Assistance CHief Transportation Officer): A. Report attacHed. B. Questions: 1. WHat is a crew delay? A crew delay is recorded wHen a crew arrives late (sucH as on a train tHat arrives late) or certain improper braking operations that sHut tHe train down in a way tHat causes delay. 2. WHy are most Perryville trains are not listed? THis indicates tHey were between 95% to 100% on time. 3. Recently several trains missed a stop. WHy does this Happen? Leaves can cause trains to slip and increase stopping distance leading to missed stations. 4. THe discussion regarding OTP mentions “Fuel pump modifications on MP-36 locomotives.” WHat is tHis? MARC has identified an issue witH tHese fuel pumps and is replacing all of to increase reliability. 5. Comment from Brunswick rider. In October tHere were over 90 email messages; mostly delays due to mecHanical. 18 trains were canceled due to mecHanical issues. Was tHis an unusual montH? (THe Council Secretary notes tHat “18 trains” differs from tHe “MARC On Time Performance-Discussion” wHicH states “six trains eitHer cancelled, terminated or delayed over an hour.”) Response was tree leaves on track leads to damage to wHeels and takes trains and cars out of service. Every October and early November, see more flat spots on wHeels. 6. Brunswick line rider comment: Seen an increase an single conductor train operation; in some cases my ticket was not collected. WHy? Response was training of staff for PTC has left some trains sHort. 7. Question about fraction of pass Holders vs single ticket rides. Don’t have tHe numbers present. V. Introduction of Positive Train Control (PTC) on MARC Train Service MARC, Amtrak, Bombardier and CSX management discussion: A. ApproacHing tHe Federal deadline (1 January 2019) for all trains to operate under PTC. Will make a safe mode of transportation even safer by: 1. Enforcing speed limits. 2. Enforcing train spacing and signal adHerence. B. PCT does not: 1. Eliminate grade crossing accidents. 2. Eliminate trespasser accidents. 3. Protect in low speed, terminal areas. C. To be PTC enabled, new hardware was installed in every cab car and locomotives. EacH installation took 1 to 3 weeks. THe logistics of getting tHe equipment to and from tHe sHop was a major effort. DJ commended tHe crews for tHe logistical effort. D. CSX Effort to install IETMS system: 1. $2.3 Billion investment system wide. 2. Wayside hardware installed along 10,000 miles of track. 3. Crews were trained on equipment. E. Bombardier training: 1. Classroom training for engineers and conductors. 2. Practice initializing and using tHe system at a stationary unit in tHe yard. 3. Now training in operation. F. Amtrak effort to install and implement IETMS and ACSES: 1. RigHt of way hardware installed. 2. Classroom training of train crews. G. WHile tHere will likely be some cHallenges, tHe passenger sHould notice only minor issues: 1. Some run times may increase. 2. Minor scHedule cHanges to increase turning times because of extra steps required to initialize tHe system at tHe start of eacH run. Fortunately, initialization time has not been as long as expected. But tHere will be minor scHedule changes to increase turning times. 3. WHen trains are late, tHe longer system initialization time may reduce tHe ability to quickly turn and attempt to get back on scHedule. 4. After about a montH of experience in revenue service, will have a mucH better idea of tHe actual impact. 5. Implementation will be before 1 January, but I it may start before. H. Questions: 1. Can non-PCT enabled equipment operate on a PTC line and will any equipment be out of service on 1 January? Once tHe line is PTC, only PTC capable equipment may be operated on tHe line. Fortunately, MARC expects enougH of its equipment to be so enabled tHat tHere will be no equipment sHortage. VI. Update on November 12 Penn Line scHedule cHange and Amtrak trackwork (David JoHnson (DJ), MARC CHief Transportation Officer and Howard Carter, Rail Operations Manager, Amtrak Commuter Services): A. ScHedule cHange Monday. Train 511 Has issues. Working witH Amtrak and expect improvement next week. B. THe weekend service can now be described in a single grid. C. THe new printed scHedule now features a panel describing tHe bus service between Perryville and Newark Delaware/SEPTA to PHiladelpHia. D. MARC and Amtrak personnel met witH tHose operating bus connection to MARC. Discussed scHedule cHanges, impact of late trains, and built a sense of being one integrated transportation system. E. During tHe meeting, Amtrak announced tHat tHe work on Track 2 (tHe middle track) was completed one day early. F. Questions: 1. On tHe weekend scHedule wHat is tHe meaning of tHe orange and black “SAT/SUN*”? THe service operates at tHose stations only on tHe specified days. For example train 481/681 originates from Penn Station but originates from Saturday Martin Airport on Sunday. VII. Update on MDOT MTA CHarmPass and SmatBenefits roll-out (KatHerine Read, MARC Assistant CHief Transportation Officer): A. Still working on tHe smart benefits integration to be finisHed by end of tHe year. B. Since start up, tHere have been 13,468 ticket purcHases tHrougH tHe app witH total revenue of $151,606. PurcHases by MARC passengers make up 48% of all revenue. MTA is pleased witH tHe CHarmPass acceptance. C. Crews report liking tHe service, finding ticket taking very easy. THe app came to the rescue recently wHen tHere was a major network outage tHat prevented purcHased tHrougH tHe station macHines. RatHer tHan needing to collect many casH tickets and disputing on board purcHasing fees, crews encouraged passengers to get and use tHe app. D. No questions: VIII. Old Business: A. HaletHorpe soutHbound elevator button ligHt not fixed. B. Is tHe GPS RealTime Feed update on track for end of tHe year? THe tracking is on track to be operational by tHe end of tHe year. Don’t know wHen tHe public API interface will be available. C. Is full size bike service on track for tHe end of tHe year? Yes. (THe new scHedules say so.) 18 of 35 MARC III cars have bike racks. About 3 to 5 cars are done a week. Bike service will be in place by tHe end of tHe year. IX. New Business: A. DJ brougHt our attention to two fliers at tHe back of packet witH scHedule adjustments for THanksgiving and Christmas and New Year’s. Of special note, Amtrak Train 151 not going to operate Tuesday or Wednesday before THanksgiving. Also, Amtrak 136/196 (3:05 departure from Union) will not stop at Aberdeen. B. Toys for Tots drive 5 and 6 December at Union Station. Unwrapped, new toys, casH, or cHecks made out to “United States Marie Toys for Tots”. C. Council member commented tHat bencH missing at Seabrook was replaced yesterday. D. Council member commented tHat on train 430 on tHe crew responded well witH a higH level of professionalism and calm to an unruly passenger in tHe quiet car. E. Recently Brunswick Line train 890 was delayed. Some passenger grumbly tHat need to pay to ride Metro. One passenger asked if conductors could hand out passes to Metro. AnotHer wondered if tHey could get a discount on tHe next montHly pass. WHile botH seem difficult to implement, MARC staff will consider tHe latter. F. Council member expressed concern about lack of grounds keeping at Perryville. Low vines are out of control in a grassy patcH and are covered by leaves. Two people have fallen wHile walking across tHe “grass”. Will cHeck it out. G. Council member expressed concern tHat during tHe construction of a new Camden Station, tHere is no sHelter for tHose waiting for a train arrival. MTA expressed sympatHy, but said tHere is little tHat can be done. But tHey would consider options. THe good news is tHe new station will be twice as large as tHe previous one. X. Meeting adjourned at 5:51 PM Upcoming meetings (THird THursday of eacH montH 4:30 to 6:00) January 17, 2019 In person February 21 , 2019 Teleconference MarcH 21, 2019 In person Reminder: E-mail rail car or station defects to KatHerine Read – [email protected] Attendance: An “X” means present in tHe room. A “P” means present by pHone. A “L” means late. MRAC Amtrak CSX Atif Adam Andreas Wilson Joe Lisska Brian Love P Howard Carter P Marco Tura P Carrie BlougH P Mike Tierney P Matt Gross P Charles Enders P Justin Waldron P Nancy Roberts P Cheryl Harris P Shaquana StepHens ChristopHer Field P TC Williamson Jr. P MTA Corrine Lopez Andrea Farmer P Dan SutHerland Weiser Bombardier David JoHnson P J.C. Hendrickson P Amika Anderson Dean Del PescHio P Joe Conny P Bill Egan P JosH Wolf J.P. Carnes-Stine P ChristopHer Bostic KatHerine Read P JudaH Prero Debbie Foster-TomascHefsky Kyle NembHard June Brandt P Jeff Gaffney Matt Mitchell KatHerine Hodges P JosH McCormack Paul Krysowaty Katina DasHiell P Lee Woodward Thomasina Swilling Kelly Kopeikin MattHew Sturgeon P Tom Mackay LaToya R. Griffin Sean McCarty Steve CHan P Debbie Foster (for Amika) Kyle NembHard P Guests JoHn Morris Neil Coolen, (Rider) Vince Hogeg (Brunsk LA) MARC Train Service On-Time Performance October 2018 Same Month Month Year to Date 2017 Brunswick Line Brunswick 96.35% 94.37% 96.95%
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