PHONOLOGICAL PROCESS OF PREFIX /IN-/ IN FRENCH Siti Ayu Masthuroh, M. Suryadi, Agus Subiyanto Master of Linguistics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia Jl. Prof. Sudarto No.13, Tembalang, Semarang, Midle Java, Indonesia Corresponding Author: [email protected] Article History: Submitted: (diisi editor); Revised: (diisi editor); Accepted: (diisi editor) DOI: (diisi editor) RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License. ISSN: 2614-2716 (print), ISSN: 2301-4768 (online) Abstract: This article aims to know sound variations of prefix /in-/ in French and to explain pho- nological process of prefix /in-/ in French. The addition of the prefix / in- / can change the meaning of words into the opposite meaning. This prefix has orthographic and phonetic variation which means there are phonological rules in it, the focus of research is on sound variations and phonolog- ical rules prefix / in- / in French. The research subject is French, while the object research is adjective in French with prefix / in- /. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with observation method and note-taking technique. The approach used is transformational generative phonology. The addi- tion of the prefix /in-/ indicates that this prefix has a function as a negative marker (negative pre- fixes). The result of the analysis shows that sound variations of prefix /in-/ in French are [iŋ-], [in-], [im-], [il-], [iʁ-]. The phonological process that occurs in it is an assimilation process. Assimilation process that occurs in the form of nasalization because there are changes in the sound of consonants that are nasalized in the nasal sound environment. Keywords: assimilation, phonological process, prefix /in-/ According to Institute Français d’Indo- verb conjugations, yet French also has a high nésie (IFI), French is a language spoken widely level of language derivation. One of the examples by more than 300 million speakers in several we can find is the prefix found in adjectives. countries spread across 5 continents such as Can- The process of forming a word is basically ada, Madagascar, Haiti, Belgium, Morocco, etc. not detached from the process of derivation It belongs to the Latin language which has been (Katamba, 1993: 44). Affixation is one of the der- continuously developed into French lang-uage ivation processes that can cause new words due to used as it is today. Latin is as very inflective lan- the meaning, category, and manner of the word guage as Greek (Hocket: 1954). Because of the changed. Changes in meaning of words are lo- influence of Latin language, French is not only in- cated in the prefix of negation which can change cluded in one inflective language; For instance on the meaning into refutation. The negation prefix 321 322 RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, Vol. 13, No. 2, August 2020, pp. 321–327 /in-/ has orthographic and phonetic variation. It The results of the research explained that the three means that there are several sound rules in it, For dialects have the same form and meaning but example is the word utile [ytil] in French it has there are significant phonological differences be- the meaning of “useful”, when the prefix negation tween the Mange dialect and the Kadai dialect. /in-/ is added, the word becomes inutile [inytil] Subsequently, Hardiany (2019) examining the and the meaning changes into “useless”. Yet, in "phonological process on the prefix /Me-/ in In- another case like the word capable [kapabl] donesian language" and explained that the phono- which has the meaning of “able”, it is changed logical process that occurs in the prefix /me-/ in into incapable [ɛ̃kapabl] and its meaning be- Indonesian language is the addition of consonant comes “incapable” when the prefix negation in- is and also the assimilation of consonant-vocal. It is added so the prefix in- can be regarded as a mor- also explained several rules for adding sound in phophonemic process because it causes the ap- the phonological process of the prefix /me-/ in In- pearance of pronunciation and adjustment of the donesian language. Zen (2016) conducted a re- writing resulting in a new variation or allomorphs search in his thesis entitled "Phonological Change of a morpheme. In linguistics, the changes in mor- in Sanskrit Vocabulary in Javanese", it is found pheme variation are examined in morphophone- that to explain the existence of sound changes in mic. According to Katamba (1993: 34) morpho- the process of absorption of Sanskrit vocabulary phonemic is part of the linguistic study related to in Javanese can be seen through the rules. The morphology and phonology which is used to ex- rules represent patterns of change from groups of plain how morphemes are realized at the phono- words that have the same pattern. Then, 43 sound logical level then. change rules can be found in this study. Subse- This study focuses on variations and rules quent research was carried out by Tauk (2016) en- of sounds in the French negation prefix in-, so that titled "Processes and Positional Phonological it is more focused in its phonological point of Rules of Helong Language: Generative Study" view. The purpose of this study is to figure out the which discussed the process of sound change in sound variations appear in the French negation the Helong language and found 5 processes and prefix in- and to know the phonological process rules of sound change, including vocal deletion, of it. consonant deletion, metathesis, dissimilation, and Previous research on phonological pro- gemination. In addition, Nurhantoro (2014) car- cesses has been carried out by several researchers. ried out a study on “The Assimilation of English Francis and Taylor (2015) in their research on Af- Negative Prefixes Forming Adjectives” and dis- fixal Negation in French, German, and Russian cussed the forms of English negative prefix and discussed the types of affixes, especially prefixes explained its phonological process. that have the function of negation markers in The similarity between this current study French. Francis and Taylor discuss how the types and several previous studies mentioned above is of prefix negation go through their morphological to focus on the phonological process and the or word formation. Meanwhile, Indrawati (2015) sound change rules, while the difference is on the conducted a study on the Phonological Process in data material which is in the form of French. In Adopting Indonesian Words into Ciacia in Buton addition, French has several prefixes that function District, Southeast Sulawesi and found the pho- as negative prefixes markers, including dé-, dés-, nological processes that occur in the adoption of mé, més, mal, non-, and in-. All of the prefixes Indonesian words into Ciacia in the form of add- mentioned is considered a negative derivative ing and removing sounds at the end of words. prefix (Francis, 2015). But the interesting thing is That is because the Ciacia language does not rec- in the prefix in- because it has an allomorph and ognize the existence of words with closed tribes. allographic form. In this research, it reveals and Furthermore, Ridwan (2020) in his research enti- explains the influence of phonological processes tled Phonological Variation of Taliabu Language that cause the formation of various allomorphs Dialects discusses the phonological variations of and allographs in French prefixes. three Talibu dialects based on variations in vowel In this study, the theory used is transforma- sounds and variations in consonant sounds. The tional generative phonology. It emerges and de- three Talibu dialects referred to are the Kadai di- velops in the transformational grammar, also alect of the Siboyo dialect and the Mange dialect. called transformational-generative grammar. Ge- Masthuroh, Suryadi, & Subiyanto, Phonological Process of Frefix /in/ in French 323 nerative grammar was first raised by Noam cesses of assimilation, namely palatalization, la- Chomsky in a book called Syntactic Structure bialization, sound assimilation, assimilation of (Sampson, 1980). Transformational grammar as- place of articulation, assimilation of manner of ar- sumes that the emergence of language variation is ticulation and nasalization. Meanwhile Schane based on a process of transformation and there are (1992) stated that there are 4 sorts of assimilation: generalizations of languages in the world, it can consonant-vocal, vocal-consonant, vocal-vocal be inferred that there are universal rules in the and consonant-consonant. form of language patterns in the human mind. One of the studies on transformational grammar METHOD is about the phonological rules in generative pho- nology. There are 2 concepts in generative pho- This research is a qualitative descriptive nology; deep structure and surface structure. study. The data sources used are from Le Petit La- Deep structure is symbolized with / / while sur- rousse dictionary which includes adjectives in face structure is symbolized with [ ]. Deep struc- French with the prefix / in /. Besides using it, the ture is the language patterns that exist in the hu- researcher also used mobile application named man mind, while surface structure is a variation Transcription version 1.6.9; a tool to know of language that appears in its concrete form. This French-specific phonetic transcriptions, to check transformation process (phonological rule) is the phonetic transcript and converted its data. one that connects the deep and the surface struc- In this study, the researcher used observa- ture. To be able to understand it, it is necessary to tion method. According to Sudaryanto (2015) look at the distinctive features of sound. Odden there are two basic techniques in this method: (1) (2005: 136) stated that the theory of distinctive participatory observation; there is an involvement features is a set of phonetic features that is based or participation of the researcher in using the lan- on sound properties used in phonological analy- guage, and (2) non-participatory observation; sis.
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