ORB nnlvrillnmnuf LumRLORDs"111 R€1(;N OF Y]€RO€S'” '\ EEEEOFIB Mn wvghrxrmrrwcd \.\.u1L»rd: . |c3Gm\1p uArr.\d<xmxkofS(nrtgvnSru0\es(§muy. xmgnu» Hroex, nd 1#md:rb\|nA( Am Ind nlfkk rtgxsrmcd rwmlcmnrkx‘ or Bmdcrmvnxl smmm, Im mm om ItnLcn.1mm M10, .\«‘l.PL1\c\ n: 1dnL5xo ofbaodvrhumlSnhwmrc, In V\'mdo\V\ n a mgmcmtmacmmm« \/KvqrnxmlxCurpmwrmmhxr and uv regmcrcd rmdmmrks or xumh m “L; nl Mmm 1m 1\Hurhcrmn\pmn mm. pxoduu mm M: uxtunam and mm nupccnxc —-««-~r~~~—~\/«V.~\.—~—’\;'\§/-—_\,, ‘C138 REHDGR --"-'~;._.._——' —»~~»..»-~i.__,\ <,./¥N.___._;_:; Developed by When I came to Strategic Studies Group with the first clunky version Strategic Studies Group of Warlords '. little did I dream that }ust a few rears down the traek in series. we would be releasing the third instzillinent a successful Since that first, painstakingly created version of the game, we have constantli Worked to improve Warlords and to make it the best game it can be without requiring HAI. 9000 as the minimum requirement. We hope that we have succeeded. If we have, a large part of our have the success is due to the great suggestions we had from you, players, who have told us exactly what vou’ve wanted. some of those suggestions have been incorporated in the latest version, others were a hit adventurous and may have to wait for Warlords 83 to get a guernsey, have Whether we have implemented your suggestions or not, we read and appreciated all the comments made by the ever increasing band of loyal Warlords players from around the \\01‘1d. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to write to us at \NW\\'.Ss‘g.C()m.a\1" with your comments on the game and mut- decide suggestions as [0 what we could include if and when we to buckle on our armour and mount up for Warlords IV. Farewell Warlord, We shall meet again. ” Fawkiier‘, Gregor Whiley, Roger Warlords design and development term): Steve > III {’ — Keating, Nick Stathnpoulos, Gary Maltin, Steve Ford, I-an Trout. and Stephen H-and k/ Steve Fawkner *"“' ""‘"”~*~vw—--«“r~-~\,——..-K\J\«\._,. 1N‘CROD(.1C‘C1 ON name or contents , .. W ,k—- ,.\...~.._,.. «M. .I»..—~ ;,¢.M_,w\ . ,,...~\_, M. .4...»-.\ ~—~—’ -- . ., 4... .x.\, Warlordsru Reign Heroes!-A is an cIgI1r-player game of INTRODUCTION ........ .. III: of SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS conqutst and diplomacy \\‘irlnn Ihr fablcd world of l-.then.\. This n1§'rhic:\] land IS the Rrngc for your Amhinons. 1.; me quest ?u mm INSTALLATION .. ............... will Arm" and plunder mxghry WI-IAT’S NEW IN WARLORDS HI vxcmry you assemble \ JI\[ ‘tmquer caries. nuke and break Allmnccs, and \\i:-Id TUTORIAL undcrmkc puilous qucsts, mJgic.\l arrifacrs of STARTING THE CAM great power. PLAYING THE GAME Warlords III !\ rhc xucccsanr to th: bcst—sc|lmg Warlords II .1 MOVEMENT . Deluxc. The gmm hm bccn IL rirrcn from the ground up to giv: ll’ ARMIES {cal nmdc ir whole neu Iunk And while rcminmg (how fc.\uIrc\ that sn COMBAT p1'cdc‘(cs\‘0r§. ........ .. hard to sum pla?ng m CITIES AND PRODUCTION . MONEY For those of yuu who 11:“ tu Warlords. \'0u should pl.“ the ......................... Jr: HEROES HEROINES tutorial Kccnnrio nftcr iusrqllmg (ht game. For [host who have played AND 10', p.\§3_cs “WI1.1r's in VV:\rl<u‘d.s 111.“ SEARCHING AND QUESTINC prcviLms vcrslonx, st: 9 and Ne“ pl.\\' (hr rutu1i.xl GAME OPTIONS We snuuglv suggest. hm\'c\'cr. rlut you «com:-In an ................ .. ulc.| xhc duugcs rlmr lmvc been made. COMMAND SUMMARY get an of many TROUBLESHOOTING .68 HOW TO CONTACT TECHNICAL SUPPORT . 90 DAY WARRANTY...................................... CREDITS ............ .. Appendix 1. Combat Desczipnon Appcndu: 2. Hero Classes Appendix 3, Spells... Appendix 4. Quests Appcndlx 5. Bonuses Appendm 6. Site List Appendix 7. Abilities . Appcndlx 8.Arrn1es .. HOW TO WIN ................................ .. ./m(‘~—-\/~>—w»—~—n~~~~w-"v~»~. THE TACTICAL MAP pL?g1N(; ‘C'}‘)€ (;?(T)€ .~_,M_\ , >_~.._/~«—¥wo.»~-~*~'w~»;' The screen in Warlords III IS dwidcd mm hvc areas. Strategic M2 4 V - Tho Tactical who 15 Whe1:‘§.uumm'c vour arnues and mm thcm ?ght The ' shows (I closeup of Parr or the world which you alt Hghnng over At the W__ mp Tacnca\ Map (op of the Tactnul Map art two Gama Ihrohhmoh Iaohhm and the Fnght Indicstor. The Left chmc1n+‘o.moohBohhc: indicates \vh\chs1dcs mm H LN ..."'J.».....___... Am” ow 1n the whnc turn ihchcanh ha». and the mm hhmhc.-. Tho Rxght Game Information Banncr mdicatcs chc current 31d: and [ho time. 1h between the Inf0r|‘n:1l'¥0¥1 15 has hooh P:.\e<L~ two Gamc Eanncrs the Fight lndlcatol If your side Slack 1:1 attacked xmcc your lair turn a nasmhg skull imn \\ appear In the Crystal. ,__. Clicking chh icnn will take you to the Fight Rcpmt. Inlo Area At thc borrom of the ncml Map is the Diplonmcy Tndxtzltor. 1;‘ there is 2 diplomatic xnessagc o €h.ch.hg crossed swords Icon gag appear U) the red crystal. Clicking rhe flzwhing 1501) brings up rhc Diplomatic Action Lhaloguc. As you mm’: (he cm'sur mur thc Tattlcul Map h will Lhzulgc to show the chm.-ch: things }ou can do when you clxck. You can use rum» utrsors :0‘ Pan around on the Tacucal Map. Make selcctionx \n nu» v:\no\1s puem and pmduction windows. © (Ihange your location m the Tactical Map to the 1ocmou you I sclcct In the Strategic Map. «a ’>.»“ g Activarc inmmutmn on towers and ruins. saw an M“ gm}, or Sack fm. mM,m,t_ Ki .-\Lti\atc mu producriun wmdow M V\/an unnl we compute: (<unp1CtL‘.\ updzmng the guns mfnrmanon >\c‘§< Attack opposing a. mics. 33$ Vmw voul Dxplomanc Report (mm me Lwpwmum Indxcator. Acrimtc [ht (‘ombur Adusm. The ncuc-u1 Map m Warlords III has an opnona] nutoscrollmg function. Movmg me mouse across to (he edge of (ht: cuccu \\'11lc:1usc the Tacti<:a1AV|ap m scmll m rm: dxrection. AI(crnarn'eI3, if all units are dcsclcctcd the c\u'reur Cursor um be {hc open hand Holdmg down ma mt mous: buuou and movmg ch: mouse will drag (I12: Tanncnl Map The arrow keys mu mo scroll % Attack an oppzmng army that you an: at peace mm. rhc map. You can righbchck to bring up help or mm matiun mccus on um about any pm of [116 game. If you nghr-clvckon armict, um, tmuu ruins, sigupum, uum, Sm, hutmm, and both maps, you uuu gct mformarion or vcmindexs. i 1\ttAck.1n oppuxxng arm)‘ (hat you arc allxcd wxth. in Max’: } our armxcs ro (hilt lomtion on the Tm:nca\ Map ;//—— Next cm-k to cycle [0 me nexr group of mumlc unsn. Defend (Luck to set group w dcfcnd umn scluucd 1353111 Move Chck to move selected group along 1:5 prc Path Leave (Jhck L0 leave me \-cxccred group my mm mm and :3 dc [0 [hit next of availabie units The Srratcglc Map .3 d.sp1a3 ed in the upper rnght Lmncr of your screcn. Your group Ax‘ localirm the Stratcgxc is h\gh11gh(:'d bx‘ A wlutc rectangle. vuu un hp Click deselccr (11: w wxll change 9 magmfylng glass Dcsclcct to (he sawed scroll your cursor over Stmrcgm Map to group the s|mp]\ left Clltk. Tu (cunt the Tacnml Mnp on the arm nude: cursor. Group gn>up"L\ngr0up all umts m the current ACTLON PALETTE cm; m stack. End Tum Ne“ End Turn Ends your turn when you choose :0 do M) u. have Dese4ec| no more movement pomrs. Group Menu CM Menu Group menu sum to access Commmds my rh: acri\ g gn mp. Hero Menu Owns Reports menu Select to ACCESS the muons rspnm. Move ScenanoMenu Reports City menu Select to access your Csr\',’$\re inlnnumlx and your production and building rcpnrrs hero Hem menu Select [0 access vouz hum commands and your STACK PALETTE Movement Polms W reports: combat Strength Scenario menu Select (0 aucxs scenario mfounatinn and setup. Options menu Sclcct to anncxs the game options commands. ‘ Group Move Move Bonus TREASURY/MANA BANNER The Stank Palette, which is located bclmv the Trcasllry/Z\'1;lm Banner, shaws you mo currently selected group pllh an} uthcr groups om are m the same square. Um in me selected group clpptur In Vour sldes colour Nolmzleuccl unitx m thc same stack as the current group have a dlfferem cnluur backgmund. A: the bonom oF each umt glaplnc are two small icons — o shlcld T|'ea.\‘ur\',r'l\'1an.1 \Vl1lLZl\1S below mo Acuou The left end of me Banner, lomroa and :1 banncl. The number in the slucld IS the combn strength of the unit and slde has in coffcr<. Palette, sllows how mum gold your currently vour the number 11) the banner indinatcs the mn\'cmcnt points \>clml1 the umr has dlalogue .1 Cllcklng on [ms and of me banuez Actxvares (hr Treasury that remaining. Addirlonal mformntum about mm can be obtained mth a right gold 2| lndlcntes inwmc and expcndltuzes of pm: mouse click. If A mm hm been an mdcd medal. blessed, poimncd m dmcascd, am will be shown in the left of the unit graphs: and in me Stack Palette l]0W'A‘nL1Cl1 upper Iianncl‘ shows xldc A The right end of mo Treasurv/Mam mama your by, rcepocnvely, menlal, o Lmx. o green skull, and a red skull. Cuncntlv has available to l[. Choking this cud of mo banner activates mo expenditures Mana dmlogu: om mdacom Income and of mnna. A gxuup conslsts cztber of a single mm)’, or two or more anniexs (In! you I).1VsL‘Xpl1Clrl} srzmk ofg1I1tl1<=arlz1{e.\inn siligln‘ ambiaed A runs‘.
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