• 1, .. ESTIMATED POPULATION BY CASTES" -1951 .iI> . '. 14. I " Office of the Registrar General, India MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS _- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 1954 //' / .. 315.475 # 1951 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL. INDIA. NEW DELHI. • 2011 (LIBRARY) lass No._ 315.475 ,ookNo. _ 1951 Est P ~ccession No 21115 CONTENTS ,PAGES t. INTRODUCTION • • I 2' Table I.-Population.iof Scheduled Castes . 2-3 3· Table H.-Population of Scheduled Tribes . 4-5 4- Table HI.-Population of Backward Classes • • I I (i) Hindus . • • • 6-n (ii) Muslims J 5· Table IV.-Population of Other Castes • • , (i) Hindus. 12-I S .... \ ~ I (ii) Muslims • • J In pursuance of Government policy there was limited enumeration and tabulation of castes in 1951 Census. Even in the Case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes, the figures of each caste were not separately extracted; only the group totals wore ascertained. The Backward Classes Commission require the figures of population of each caste. In order to Dssist them an estimate of population of each caste in 1951 has been made on the basis of the figures of the previous censuses. 2. The figures have been presented in four tables:- (i) Scheduled Castes, Hindus only (1i) Scheduled. Tribes (iii) Backward Classes Hindus and Muslims separately (Iv) Other Castes, Hindus and Muslims se.parately. Some 'minor adjustments have been matle in the estimated figures of Scheduled Tri bes in order to make the total tally with the 1951 - Census total of this group. 3. ho castew1se figures are available for lF41 Census. The tables of 1941 Census give figures for only a few selected castes and these also for a few selected distric ts. --~------------------------- .-••,,_.,c" KUTCH STATE TABLE I SCHBDUL£D CASTES ~--;_~----~~~~~~~----- The figures given 1n this table relate to the present territor7 of Kutch. 2. The table prosents the rt~ures of 6 castes BS specified 1n the Presidentl s Order, 1951. The popula­ tion of each caste given in this table refers only to the population of Hindus. 3. Column 5 of the table gives the estimated population. This.has bGen determined by applying the percentage increase of the general population of the state to the latest available census figures of each caste. The total of the ostimated population in. 1951 of Scheduled Castes shows an excess over the 1951 Census totals of these c~stBS. As there is wide variation~ in the two totals no attempt has been made to adjust the estimated figures. ----------------~-----~----------- -4- KUTCH STATE TABLE II - GCHEDULED TRIBES 1. The table presonts figures of 5 tribes as specified in tho President's Order, 19E1 .• 2. The estimntos of 1951 population in this table have been made in the same manner as in Table I. The total of the estimated population in 1951 of these castes shows a small d.cre~Be ovep tbe 1951 Census totals of Scheduled Tribes. The estimated figures of the population have been adjusted in order to make the total tally with the enumerated total population of 1951. --------------------_--------- -5- TABLE .. II - POPULATION OF SCHEDULED TRIBES (NOTIFIED UNDER PRESIDENT'S OJDER 1951) Di THE CENSUSES OF 1911.31 AND ESTIMATED POPULATION IN 1951. KUTCH STATE ~*************************************.************************************* ~ DEst1matod D Name of Casto 0_ ~popul~tion ~ Remarks, 1931 ~ 1951 ~ 1. Bhills 693 * 490 718 2. Dhodia 2 * * 2 3. Koll 12 t 940 12,557 10,435 13,407 4. Paradhi 1,362 702(a) * 1,411 5. Vagri 1,413 * 953 1,464 ~-~------~------­----------------- Notes:- Figures aro not available. Figures of Shikari, H~ran Shikari, Phansepardhi, Adv1chenchar and Ch1garigar are also included. The totAl ostimat'Jd population of 'Schodu1od Tribes in 1951 according to the above ta ble c arno 12.952 while tho enumeratod population of the Scheduled Tribos in 1951 is 17,002 The dec-reasehas bc'cn proportionately addBd ~ oBeh casto in order to tally tho total with 1951 Consus f1gur,es. ==================== -6- TABLE - III 12ACKW ARD CLASSES KUTCH STATE This table prosents figures for 85 castes which comprise tho list of Backward Classes. Out of these 85 cRstes 75 are included under Hindus and 10 undor Muslims. 2. The tabla has been presented in two parts - (1) Hindus (il) Muslims. 3. The estimate of 1951 populntion in this table has bGen made in tho $8me manner as in table I. The total of the estimated popUlation in 1951 of Backward Classes shows an .. -excess over the 1951 Census totals of Backward Classes.On account of wide variation; 1n two totals,no attempt has boen made to adjust the estimated figures. --------------~---------------------~- -7- TABLE III - POPULATION OF BACK'YARD CLASSES (PROVISONAL) IN THE CENSUSES OF 1911-31 AND ESTIMATED POPULATION IN 1951 (1) HINDUS. KUTCH STATE ********************************************************************* § ~Estimated ~ Name of Casto I Population in Opopulat1onaRcmarks. 1 ~19~1 :f 19~1 i~i! L 195~ I 6 1. Ahir 28,861 29,292 28,517 31,098 2. Barbor (Hajam) 1,418 1,396 * 1,635 3. Bairagi * * * * 4. Bawa * * * * 5. Bhand * * * * 6. Bharwad ( a) 1,590 1,545 14,578 15,897 7. Bhat * * * * 8. Bh!l (0) * * * * 9. Eho1 26 * * 29 10. Bhoyan * * * * 11. Chamadla Khatki * * * * 12. Cbamtha * * * * 13. Charar (Kachc1a * * and Tornbol) * * 14. Chunara * * * * 15. Dabgar * * * * 16. Daffer * * * * 17. Depala - Dhobi * * * * (Hindu) 18. Fakir * * * * 19. Gadlia * * * * 20. Gn :J,hai * * * * 21. Galkata * * * * 22. Garudi * * * * 23. Gavli * * * * 24. Ghancha * * * * 25. Hat1· * * * * -8- :,_:'____ ~1 ________'i~~2~C __~i __~?~i~~4~_~1~~5 ____1L_~6~ ___ 26. Jachak mir Hadi * * * * 27. Jalaya * * * * 28. Jogivadi * * * * 29. Kangashia * * * * 30. Karadia and Nardodar:3JPut * * * * 31. .Lillalasi * * * * 32. Khant * * * * 33. Kharak * * * ( b) * 34. Kharwa 1,137 * 1,805 1,968 35. lillasia * * * * 36. Khawas 3,670 3,868 * 4,531 37. ,iI.oli ( a) (£! ~ ~ i:2! 38. Kl.lC1bhar 11,707 10 t 752 13,360 14,569 39. 1angha * * * * 40. 10dha * * * * 41. 1uvaria * * * * 42. 11.:.adari * * * * 43. Mcdhia * * (c) * (c) * 44 • .i.i~nll 1,13.:::. 1,182 1,O~4 1,117 45. i •• arwada * * * * 46. 1wtwa * * * * 47. liler * * * * 48. Mochi (d) (d) (d) ( d) 49 • .lvlunda * * * * 50. Nat - Bajania - Bsjigar ,Ma1godia * * * * 51. Hathbavia * * * * 5~. Od 155 29 4.:::.(6 ) 46 -9- 1 2 I 3 J 5 6 : 53. Padhar1~ * * * * 54. PI'1khn1i - Bhisti * * * * .55. Rabari 12,629 12,983 * 15,208 56. Rqva1 321 * * 355 G7. Sng!}r * '" '" * 58. S::d8t * * * * 58. Sarania * * * * 60. Sathllsara * * * * 61. of1thwarn * * * * 62. Sidi * * * * 63. T.!3r0lgala Bhavaya Vayas- * * * * 64. 'rarak * * * '" 65. TPiriat,1i * * * * 66. Thnkarda * * * * 67. Vadhala * * * * 68. Vaghcr >It * * * 6°...... Vnnand * * * ( f) * 70. Vanjara * * 57 62 71. Vanza * * * * 72. Vqnzara * * * * 73. Vizir * * * * 74. Waghr1 * * 953 * 75. SCh0dlllGd C6St0S * Conv'~:rtud into * * * Christianity ---------------- -10- Notes:- * Figuros arc not availablo. (a) • Figures .for Vaddar are also included. (b) • Figuros for Kharwa are also includod. (c) Figures for Phulmali are also included. (d) Figures are included in Chamar in the list of Scheduled Castes. ( e) Figures for Vaddar are also included. ( f) Figuros for Vanjari aro also included. The total estimated population of Backward Classes (Hindus and Muslims both) according to the above tables came 107,687 while the enumerated population of tbese castes in 1951 is 1,271. ~s there is wide variation' in the two totals no attempt hAS been made to adjust the estimated figures. ------------------ -10- Notes: - * Figuros arc not availablo. (a). Figures ror Vaddar are also includod. (b). Figures for Kharwa are also included. (c) Figures for Phulmali are also included. (d) Figures arG included in Ch~mar in the list of Scheduled Castes. (e) Figures for Vaddar are also included. (f) Figures for Vanjari arc also included. The total estimated population of Backward Classes (Hindus and Muslims both) according to the above tables came l07,SB7 while the enumerated population of these castes in 1951 is 1,271. As there is wide variationf in the two totals no attempt hRS been made to adjust the estimated figures. ------------------ ------------~----- -11- TABLE 111- POPULATION OF BACK7A.RD CLASSES (PROVISIONAL) IN THE CENSUSES OF 1911-31 AND ESTIMATED POPULATION IN 1951 (11) MUSLIMS KUTCH STAT§ t***********************************************************************~ ~ ~Est1mated ~ ~hme of C!1 ste t--~ ulation.~n §popu1ation§Remarks. -_-_-_-_-1=----_--_-_-_.~ _-_13 2L.. l~193~ .. _ -t_1.~f5t-§ -t"---6-" .. - 1. Arab * * 422 460 2. Ba10ch * * 458 499 3. J~t or Sirai Jat 6,022 3,421' 3,653 3,984 4. Kasai (Khatik) * 90 183 200 5. Kumbhar 6,767 6,518 * 7,635 6. Makran1 * * 3 3 7. IVi!yana 8,183 7,564 6,944 7,573 8. Od * 29(b) * 34 90 Pnijar1 * * * * ,0. Sumra 5,639 4,836 627(c) 684 -------------------------_-------- Note: - Figures are not available. (b) Figures for Vadda are also included. (c) In 1921 and 1931 Table3,the :':'3me of the caste 1s given as 'Sind111 Sumrr)' Please also see note at page No.10. ----------------- _) -12- TABLE IV OTHER CASTES KUTCH STATE This table presents the figures or 43 castes. Out of these 43 castes 27 are included under Hindus and 16 under Mus 1ims • 2. The table has been presented in ~0 parts - (1) Hindus (11) Muslims. 3. The estim8te o~ 1951 populAtion in this table has been mede in the same manner as in Table I. The total of the estimated population in 1951 of all cRstes shows a decrease over the 1951 - Census totals or these castes. As there is wide variation in the two totals, no attempt has been made to adjust the estimated ~igures. -------------------- -14- -- . ...J: ___-=-T_ 2__ L: =3 _:=~ ._ 4 _l 5: : r6_= 12. Jogi (Joger) 1,233 * * 1,363 13. Joshi * * 2 2 14. KaSRr 2,449 * * 2,707 15.
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