AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY VOLUME 70 1966 THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA RICHARD STILLWELL,McCormick Hall, Princeton, New Jersey, Editor-in-Chief NANCY BALDWINSMITH, McCormickHall, AssistantEditor DOROTHY KENTHILL, The Walters Art Gallery, Editor, Book Reviews RICHARDB. WOODBURY, U.S. National Museum, Editor, New World Book Reviews ADVISORY BOARD OF ASSOCIATE EDITORS WILLIAM F. ALBRIGHT GEORGEM. A. HANFMANN The Johns Hopkins University Harvard University CARLW. BLEGEN ANN PERKINS Athens, Greece University of Illinois FRANKE. BROWN GISELAM. A. RICHTER American Academy in Rome Rome, Italy WILLIAMB. DINSMOOR H. R. W. SMITH Athens, Greece The University of California STERLINGDow WILLIAM STEVENSONSMITH Harvard University Museum of Fine Arts, Boston GLANVILLEDOWNEY MARY HAMILTON SWINDLER Indiana University Bryn Mawr College ALFRED R. BELLINGER,representing American School of Classical Studies, Athens HONORARY EDITORS MARGARETTHOMPSON, Presidentof the ArchaeologicalInstitute of America FRANK E. BROWN,Director, American Academy in Rome A. HENRYDETWEILER, President, American Schools of Oriental Research EUGENE B. MCCLUNEY,Acting Director, School of American Research tJW1VFR 5flY OF CHI-1(AGO L1ARY CONTENTS OF VOLUME 70 (1966) PAGE Amyx, D. A. Rev. of Villard, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, France 21, Louvre 13 295 Angel, J. L. Human Skeletal Remains at Karata? (Excavations at Karata?-Semayiikin Lycia, 1965: Appendix) 255 Armand, M. Rev. of Thomas, Rdmische Villen in Pannonien 206 Ashmead, A. H. and Phillips, K. M., Jr. An Unpublished Cup by Makron in Philadelphia 366 Astour, M. C. Aegean Place-Names in an Egyptian Inscription 313 Ballance, M. H. Rev. of Gazzola, Ponti Romani, I, II 81 Benson, J. L. Rev. of Vallet and Villard, Migara Hyblaea 2. La ceramique archaique 297 Betts, J. H. The Vapheio Gems: A Note of Clarification 368 Bieber, M. The Velletri Sarcophagus Carved for the Family of the Octaviani 65 Rev. of Lawler, The Dance of the Ancient Greek Theatre 78 Rev. of Lawler, The Dance in Ancient Greece 78 Rev. of Kabus-Jahn,Studien zu Frauenfiguren des vierten Jahrhundertsvor Christus 299 Rev. of Harrison, Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture (The Athenian Agora XI) 382 Bishop, D. T. Rev. of Morel, Ceramique a vernis noir du Forum Romain et du Palatin 301 Blegen, C. W. The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1965 101 von Bothmer, D. Rev. of Dimitriu and Alexandrescu, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Rou- manie I, Bucarest I 388 Boyce, A. A. Nero's Harbor Sestertii 65 Branigan, K. Byblite Daggers in Cyprus and Crete 123 Breckenridge, J. D. Rev. of Calza, Scavi di Ostia, V. I ritratti, I 80 Rev. of Boyce, Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers 208 Rev. of Art Forms and Civic in the Late Roman L'Orange, ' Life Empire 392 of Les divines Broneer, O. Rev. Picard, portes sculpties images (LbtudesThasiennes VIII) 203 Buchanan, B. Rev. of Boehmer, Die Entwicklung der Glyptik wahrend der Akkad-zeit 288 Bulu?, S. An Onesimos Fragment in Philadelphia 369 Byers, D. S. Rev. of Ritchie, The Archaeology of New York State 392 Canby, J. V. Rev. of Lloyd and Mellaart, Beycesultan, II. Middle Bronze Age Architecture and Pottery 379 Caskey, J. L. Rev. of Bernabb-Brea,Poliochni, cittd preistorica nell'isola di Lemnos 291 Coe, W. R. Rev. of Willey, Bullard, Glass and Gifford, Prehistoric Maya Settlements in the Belize Valley 309 Comfort, H. see Simpson, G. ' 179 Rev. of Durand-Lefebvre, Marques de potiers gallo-romains trouvees Paris et conservees principalement au Musee Carnavalet 208 Rev. of Boube, La Terra Sigillata Hispanique en Mauretanie Tingitane. I. Les Marques de Potiers 303 Rev. of Detsicas, The Anonymous Central Gaulish Potter known as X-3 and his Connections 304 Congdon, L. O. K. Two Bronze Mirror Caryatids in the National Museum in Warsaw 161 Cook, B. F. Rev. of Guerrini, Vasi di Hadria 205 An Alexandrian Tomb-group Re-examined 325 Rev. of Kunze-Gi6tte, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland 26, Stuttgart I 389 Corwin, A. H. Rev. of Brothwell and Higgs (eds.), Science in Archaeology 199 Del Chiaro, M. A. The Caeretan Figured Group 31 Dikaios, P. Rev. of Hennessy, Stephania, A Middle and Late Bronze Age Cemetery in Cyprus 20zoo iv AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY [AJA 70 Easby, D. T., Jr. Note on Herbert Maryon 287 Fagerlie, J. M. Rev. of Turcan, Le tresor de Guelma. ibtude historique et monetaire 305 Farnsworth, M. Rev. of Noble, The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery 386 Feaver, D. D. Rev. of Fleischhauer, Musikgeschichte in Bildern: Band II, Musil des Alter- tumrns,Lieferung V, Etrurien und Rom 302 Fowler, M. L. Rev. of McKusick, Men of Ancient Iowa 213 Frye, R. N. A Greek City in Afghanistan 286 Galinsky, G. K. Venus in a Relief of the Ara Pacis Augustae 223 Galovid, R. The Monumental Prehistoric Clay Figures of the Middle Balkans 370 Goedicke, H. Rev. of Simpson, Papyrus Reisner II 199 Rev. of Scamuzzi, Egyptian Art in the Egyptian Museum of Turin 200 Rev. of Nims, Thebes of the Pharaohs 290 Rev. of Lythgoe (Dunham, ed.), The Predynastic Cemetery N 7000, Naga-ed-D& 381 W. of La Graham, J. Rev. Stella, civilita micenea nei documenti contemporanei 295 Hampe, R. Rev. of Amandry and Rolley, Collection Hedlne Stathatos, III 85 Hanfmann, G. M. A. A Hellenistic Landscape Relief 371 Hankey, V. Late Mycenaean Pottery at Beth-Shan 169 Hanson, J. A. Rev. of Tamm, Auditorium and Palatium 305 Harris, J. M. Rev. of Colt (ed.), Excavations at Nessana, I 75 Harrison, R. M. Rev. of Mansel, Die Ruinen von Side 302 Higgins, C. G. Possible Disappearance of Mycenaean Coastal Settlements of the Messenian Peninsula 23 Hill, D. K. Rev. of Wheeler, Roman Art and Architecture 85 Hillers, D. R. Rev. of Sanders, The Psalms Scroll of Qumrdn Cave Ii 290 Hoffmann, H. Rev. of Deppert, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland 25, Frankfurt am Main I 77 Holloway, R. R. The Tomb of Augustus and the Princes of Troy 171 Hughes, G. R. Rev. of Leclant, Recherches sur les monuments thebains de la xxvu dynastie dite ethiopienne 291 lakovidis, Sp. E. A Mycenaean Mourning Custom 43 Immerwahr, S. A. Rev. of Sdiflund,Excavations at Berbati, 1936-I937 293 Irving, W. N. Rev. of Giddings, The Archaeology of Cape Denbigh 210 Johnson, F. P. On Believing Fioravanti 373 Kelly, T. The Calaurian Amphictiony I13 Knudsen, A. K. Rev. of Snodgrass, Early Greek Armor and Weapons from the End of the Bronze Age to 6oo B.C. 76 Lawler, L. B. A Rejoinder (see Bieber, rev., p. 78) 288 Lister, R. H. Rev. of McGregor, Southwestern Archaeology 214 Little, A. M. G. A Series of Notes in Three Parts on Greek Pictorial Composition. A. Roman Megalographies and Greek Compositional Methods '65 B. The Cartoon of the Villa Item Painting 283 C. The Composition of the Achilles in Scyros Painting 363 Longacre, W. A. Rev. of Deetz, The Dynamics of Stylistic Change in Arilara Ceramics 87 1966] CONTENTS OF VOLUME 70 (1966) v Marinatos, Sp. Note on Georg Karo 73 Megaw, J. V. S. Rev. of Thomas, Pre-Roman Britain 306 Meggers,B. J. Rev. of Reichel-Dolmatoff,Colombia (Ancient Peoplesand Places,Vol. 44) 307 Mellink,M. J. Archaeologyin Asia Minor 139 Excavationsat Karatag-Semayiikin Lycia, 1965 245 Archaeologyin Asia Minor: Addenda 279 Mitchel,F. W. IG II2 1493:Corrigenda 66 Mitford,T. B. Three Milestonesof Western Cyprus 89 Mitten,D. G. Rev. of Rohde, CorpusVasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland 24, Gotha 1 387 Muscarella,O. W. Rev. of Porada,The Art of Ancient Iran 380 Nabers,N. Lead Tabellaefrom Morgantina 67 Nylander,C. The Toothed Chiselin Pasargadae:Further Notes on Old PersianStonecutting 373 Oliver,J. H. Rev. of Collingwoodand Wright, The RomanInscriptions of Britain.I. Inscrip- tions on Stone 307 d'Ors,A. Rev. of Gordon,Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions,II, III, IV 83 Pemberton,E. G. A Note on the Death of Aigisthos 377 Phillips,K. M., Jr.Rev. of Shoe,Etruscan and RomanMouldings 300 see Ashmead 366 Preziosi,P. G. CycladicObjects in the Fogg and FarlandCollections 105 Pritchett,W. K. IG 12,220: Prepis or Menekles? '73 Raubitschek,A. E. The PeacePolicy of Pericles 37 Note on Otto Walter 74 Reporton ArchaeologicalProspects in the Batin el Hajar (SudaneseNubia) 71 Richardson,E. H. Rev. of Gierow, The Iron Age of Latium. II. Excavationsand Finds. i. The Alban Hills 391 Richardson,L., Jr.Rev. of Croisille,Les naturesmortes campaniennes 206 Richter,G. M. A. Rev. of Karageorghis,Sculptures from SalamisI 202 Ridgway,B. S. Greek Kouroi and EgyptianMethods 68 The Two Reliefs from Epidauros 217 Schefold,K. Rev. of Richter,The Portraitsof the Greeks 204 Schmitt,M. L. Bellerephonand the Chimaerain ArchaicGreek Art 341 Schulman,A. R. Rev. of Hari, Horemhebet la reineMoutnedjemet ou la fin d'unedynastie 381 Scranton,R. Rev. of Boardman,Greek Art 77 Shepard,K. Rev. of Vermeule,European Art and the ClassicalPast 86 Simpson,G. and Comfort,H. Note on Sir Ian Richmond 179 Sjiqvist, E. Rev. of Bernabb-Breaand Cavalier,Meligunis-Lipdra, 2. La necropoligreca e ro- mana nella Contrada Diana 389 Smith, D. J. Rev. of Foucher, La maison de la procession dionysiaque &El Jem 82 Thompson, D. B. The Origin of Tanagras 51 Trousdale, W. Rev. of Casal, Fouilles d'Amri 75 Van Buren, A. W. News Letter from Rome 349 Vanderpool, E. The Deme of Marathon and the Herakleion 319 Vermeule, C. Rev. of Franchi, Ricerche sull'Arte di Eti Severiana in Roma 82 Rev. of Hermann, Ramische Gotteraltare 207 vi AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY [AJA 70 Vermeule, C. Rev. of Le Rayonnement des civilisations grecques et romaines sur les cultures piripheriques (8e Congres International d'Archeologie Classique) 209 Vermeule, E. The Boston Oresteia Krater I Rev. of Sakellariou, Die minoischen und mykenischen Siegel des Nationalmu- seums in Athen (vol.
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