7/21/2015 Enrollment Opportunities I The Noble Network of Charter Schools ®NOBLE , Search : Enrollment Opportunities The Noble Way- Erudition, Disciplina, Veneratio able currently operates 16 high school campuses in the city of Chicago. Noble schools are tuition free and are open o all students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status or disability status. If you are a rising 9th ader interested in attending a Noble campus or a rising 10th, 11th, or 12th grader interested in transferring to a Noble mpus, below are the campuses offering enrollment for 2015-16 school year or click the red button for a list of all YlT': -, -------------------------··-------·--------------------~- orth/North-West of Chicago • DRW CulkgC' Prul.ilJ11u;/fdrnro\(c•·prc··1.:·"i'kn· l;•<•rk.or" ·i_- 9th - 12th Grade -931 S. Homan Ave. Chicago, IL 60624 - Contact Ms. Daniels at 773.893-4500 • Golder College Prep Chttp:/lgoldercollegeprep.noblenetwork.org/l - 9th Grade -1454 W. Superior St. Chicago, IL 60642- Contact Mr. Ruiz at 312.265.9925 • Rauner College Prep Chttp://rmmereollegeprep.noblenctwork.org/l - 10th Grade -1337 W. Ohio St. Chicago, IL 60622- Contact Mr. Garcia 312.226.5345 • Rowe-Clark Math and Science Academy (http: /lrowc'Clark.nnblenctwork.orgll - 9th - 10th Grade - 3645 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651- Contact Ms. De Jesus at 773.242.2212 • The Noble Academy (hllp://thennblcac:ademv.noblcnetwo1·k.ol'g/l - 9th - 10th Grade -TEMPORARY LOCATION: 1443 N. Ogden Ave. Chicago, IL 60610. Chicago, IL- Contact main office 773-394-2848 outh/Far South of Chicago • Baker College Prep Chttp:/lbakc1·eollcgcprcp.noblcnctwnrk.o!'g/l - 9th - 11th Grade - 2710 E. 89th St. Chicago, IL 60617 - Contact Ms. Scodro at 773.535.6460 • Butler College Prep Chttp:/lpullman.noblcnctwork.org/l - 9th - 10th Grade - 821E.103rd St. Chicago, IL 60628 - Contact Ms. Totty at 773.535.5490 • ,Johnson College Prep Chttp://johnscmcollegcmeo.nobl<•netwol'k.org/l- 9th - 10th Grade - 6350 S. Stewart Ave. Chicago IL 60621- Contact Ms. Delgado at 312.348.1888 • Hansbeny College Prep (http: l/hansberrvcollegeurep.noblenetwork.orn/l - 9th - 11th Grade - 8748 S. Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60620 - Contact Ms. Shelley at 773.729.3400 f the campus you are interested in is not listed above and you would like to be placed on the waitlist or for the campus you are interested in, please follow the link below to the "Waiting List Interest orm''. http://noblenetwork.org/enrol I 1/1 7/21/2015 Incoming Freshmen I The Noble Network of Charter Schools DEC MAR APR IN l I. N: ~VJ .\II (HI\' t http://www.noblenetwork.org/content/incoming-freshmen Go Close ,;i "} ~:, ma~u9e~ m~~~m~ 7 captures <11111 ;; i 17 Jun 14 - 17 Mar 15 I ~ii 2014 20~ 5 2016 ~ [Jl_ear~~ Incoming Freshmen Noble Campuses Application Deadline Has Now Passed 8th grade students interested in applying to the campuses listed below can still do so. The puses listed will continue distributing and accepting applications. orth/North-West of Chicago • DR vV College Prep Uweb/20150312061652/httL); //drwcollegeprep.noblenetwork.org/l - 931 S. Homan Ave. Chicago, IL 60624 - Contact Ms. Daniels at 773.893,4500 Ctel:2nB93.450ol • ITW David Speer Academy ((wcb/201503120616s2/http://itws1?L...:rncadcmy.noblenetwork.org/l - 5321 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 - Contact Ms. Padin at 773.622.7484 {tel:2n.622.2484) • Rowe-Clark Math and Science Academv (/web/20150317061657/htlp: //rowedark.noblenetwork.org/l - 3645 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago IL 60651 - Contact Ms. De Jesus at 773.242.2212 <tel:2n.242.2212) • The Noble Academy (/web/20150317061657/http: //thenobleacademy.noblenctwork.org/l (New 2014-15 Campus) - TEMPORARY LOCATION: 17 N. State St. Chicago, IL 60602. PROPOSED LOCATION: 640 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago, IL- Contact I main office 312-574-1527 Ctel:312-524-1522l ~outh/Far South of Chicago ·I Baker College Prep (/web/201103170616<;2/http:/(bakercolleg,eprep.noblenelwork.org/) - 2710 E. 89th St. Chicago, IL 60617- i Contact Ms. Scodro at 773.535.6460 Ctel:zz3.s31.646ol • i Butler College Prep (/web/201so·mo61657/hltp://pullman.noblenetwork.org,/l- 821E.103rd St. Chicago, IL60628 - Contact i Ms. Totty at 773.535.5490 Ctel:zz3.535.<;490l • Johnson College Prep Uwcb/201503120616<;2/http://johnsoncollegeprep.noblenelwork.org/l - 6350 S. Stewart Ave. Chicago IL 60621 - Contact Ms. Delgado at 312.348.1888 Cte1:312.348.188Bl • Hansberry College Prep Uweb/20150312061652/http: //hansberrycollegeprep.noblenetwork.org/l - 8748 S. Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60620 - Contact Ms. Shelley at 773.229.3400 Ctel:znn9.34ool f the campus you are interested in is not listed above and you would like to be placed on the waitlist or 9th grade enrollment, please complete the form linked below. pplication Process oble campuses are tuition free and are open to all students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual rientation and socioeconomic status. Noble's application process adheres to the following guidelines: • Students must successfully complete 8th grade and be a resident of the City of Chicago to be eligible for admission to any Noble campus. • All 8thgrade students interested in applying for 9th grade enrollment at a Noble campus must submit an application by the deadline of Friday, December 19, 2014, at 4:3op.m. This includes siblings of current Noble campus students. • If demand exceeds open seats, a blind lottery will be held after the application deadline on February 7, 2015, 9:ooa.1n. • Student test scores, grades, or special need information are not used in any way as part of the admissions process or lottery. t is highly encouraged that students apply to multiple Noble campuses https://web.archive.org/web/20150317061657/http://www.noblenetwork.org/contenUincoming-freshmen 1/2 7/21/2015 Incoming Freshmen I The Noble Network of Charter Schools iu--c==~"""'-'""'-"-~-'-'-""-='"-"-"-"-"""'"""="-"-'~"'-'-'""""""""""""'-'-" We recommend that families attend Admission Information content admission-information-sessions to learn about each campus nd get their questions answered about the application process. Based on the applications received for the 2014-15 chool year, three Noble campuses went to lottery. Below are the ratios of seats per application received at our highest Applications I Ratio of seat per Campus Name Received ) Applicant ----··---------·-·-------·------1---·---·------··---- -·---·----·- oble Street College Prep 80 o i 1:4 ________i ---------- 1,100 1:5 1,542 1:6 information on the Application Process and Distribution Policy, click here I rara mas informaci6n acerca del Proceso de Admisi6n y Matriculaci6n de Estudiantes haga clic agui htt : www.noblenetwork.or' sites default files ima •es a J ilication wocess and distribution ilic ·- s anish. xif • ou may contact the Office of Enrollment at any time during the application process with any questions or concerns. oble Office of Enrollment : 773-278-6895 Ctel;z73-2z8-6895) : 773-632-2033 Ctel:zz3-632-2033J nrollment wnoblenetwork.or mailto:enrollmenl wnoblenelwork.or https://web.archive.org/web/20150317061657/http://www.noblenetwork.org/contenUincoming-freshmen 212 To: O'Conner Page 2 of 3 2015-02-20 20:12:08 (GMT) 17739130346 From: Vincent Gay APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION II .NOBLE 2015-16 School Year - High School Class of 2019 .w~~;~~1~~~ll~;~~i~i~jliif~tr~i~iflil~~~iiti11~1~~11we\i~ SECTION 1 (Student): Please make sure ALL questions are answered. -·-Middle Last Name First Name Initial 11111111111111111111111111111 D Home Address (Number and street, include apt., unit or floor number - P.O. Boxes are not accepted) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I City State ZIP code Home Phone I I I I I I I I I I I [I] I I I I I I o----rll~I ~1-~I ~I ~Il~-1 ~I~I ~II Date of Birth MM DD YYYY Gender ~;~o~~~~s~~eta~~ blank) I I I I I I I I I D Male I I Iii I 111 I I I I D Female ~~~:n:tary School \ I I I I I I I I I I I I DcTAAd 0 Radio Ad D Mailer D Noble D Community D Alumni (Bus or Train) (Postcard} Website Organization D School D Newspaper DEmail D Noble D Noble Family D Other: Visit or Fair Ad Event Do you have a brother or sister currently enrolled at Baker College Prep? D Yes D No If yes, please list their name and grade level below. Brother/ Sister's name:---------------------- Grade: -------- Brother/ Sister's name:---------------------- Grade: -------- SECTION Z (Parent/Guardian): Leave blank any questions that do not apply. Parent/Guardian 1: First Name Parent/Guardian 1: Last Name I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cell\ I \ 1-1 I I 1-1 I I \ \ Work I \ \ 1-1 \ \ I- \ \ I I I Parent/Guardian 2: First Name Parent/Guardian 2: Last Name I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cell I I I I- \ I I 1-1 I I I I Work I I I I- \ I I 1-1 I I I I Parent's email address CAPITAL letters only. Write 1, letter I, letter L, letter 0 or number 0. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
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