
1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5359 6858. Also, petition of Charles Schoor Post, No. 796, Vet­ and may we be led to enlarge, enrich, and cleanse our own erans of Foreign Wars, indorsing the establishment of a little world. Hear us for our country's sake; come to our Veterans' Administration hospital in Michigan; to the Com­ social, economic, and soul need; and save our land from mittee on World War Veterans' Legislation. ill-advised patriotism. Regard the necessities of our under­ 6859. By Mr. TRUAX: Petition of West Side Boosters standing. Deepen the spiritual life of our Nation's heart Club, Warren, Ohio, by their president, W. L. Zedaker, and and all that goes to make up a good, happy, and prosperous secretary, Edith Ferrell, going on record as approving the people. 0 put the fear of God in all hearts. Abide with regulation of public-utility holding companies to the end our homes and our loved ones, and as long as there is sor­ that such companies be abolished within 5 years as in­ row to be assuaged, shadows to be lifted, and aspirations to sidious and false propaganda is being circulated throughout be developed, Father of Mercies, bless them. Th.rough the Nation, State, and even their own county and city to Christ. Amen. urge Representatives in Congress to work and vote against The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and such legislation; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign approved. Commerce. 6860. Also, petition of Women's Non-Partisan Club of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Howland, Ohio, by their president, Eva A. Fuller, endorsing A message from the Senate, by Mr. ·Horne, its enrolling the national labor-relations bill, as they believe it to be in clerk, announced that the Senate has passed without amend­ the interest of American labor and humanity; to the Com­ ment bills of the House of the following titles: mittee on Labor. H. R. 2128. An act for the relief of Rosetta Laws; 6861. Also, petition of Women's Non-Partisan Club of How­ H. R. 5576. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy land, Ohio, by their secretary, Lillian Biery, endorsing Senate to proceed with the construction of certain public works, bill 87, by Senator BLACK, providing for the 30-hour week, as and for other purposes; it would be the means of providing employment for those of H. R. 5577. An act to provide for aviation cadets in the our people now unemployed; to the Committee on Labor. Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve; and 6862. Also, petition of Elmer C. O'Dowd and 185 other citi­ H. R. 6290. An act to authorize acquisition of land to pro­ zens of Newark, Ohio·, urging the support of House bill 6288, vide appropriate means of access to the post-omce building known as the " Connery labor-disputes bill ", and Senate at Jonesboro, Ark. bill 87, known as the "Black 30-hour week bill", and will The message also announced that the Senate had passed stand for no compromise; to the Committee on Labor. bills of the following titles, in which the concurrence of the 6863. Also, petition of E. C. Thomas and 85 other citizens House is requested: of Youngstown, Ohio, endorsing the Workers' Unemploy­ S. 81. An act to provide for the collection and publication ment, Old Age, and Social Insurance Act <H. R. 2827) as it of statistics of peanuts by the Department of Agriculture; becomes effective immediately upon enactment; proVides $10 S. 405. An act for the suppression of prostitution in the weekly for each individual, plus $3 more for each dependent; District of Columbia; benefits during the entire period of unemployment; derives S. 553. An act to authorize the settlement of individual funds from Government funds not otherwise appropriated, claims for personal property lost or damaged, arising out of plus a tax on inheritances, ·gifts, and incomes of $5,000 and the activities of the Civilian Conservation Corps, which have over; provides for payment to part-time workers of the dif­ been approved by the Secretary of War; ference between wages earned and the regular benefits; and S. 566. ·An act for the relief of George Yusko; provides for sickness and gives benefits 8 weeks prior to and S. 880. An act for the relief of Dominick Edward Maggio; 8 weeks following childbirth; to the Committee on Labor. S. 882. An act for the relief of Albert Lawrence Sliney; - 6864. Also, petition of Elmer E. Cady and 185 other cit­ S. 885. An act to correct .the naval record of Joseph izens of Newark, Ohio, urging support without compromise Horace Albion Normandin; of the Wheeler-Rayburn bill for abolition of holding compa­ S. 925. An act to carry into effect the findings of the Court nies; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of Claims in the case of William W. Danenhower; 6865. Also, petition of Mrs. E. J. Schrag and 77 other cit­ S. 946. An act to amend sections 3 and 4 of the act of izens of Cleveland, Ohio, respectfully urging support of July 3, 1930, entitled "An act for the rehabilitation of the House Joint Resolution 167, by Mr. LUDLOW, as they deem Bitter Root irrigation project, Montana "; it the most important and meritorious matter before the S. 993. An act directing the Comptroller General to ad­ United States Congress; to the Committee on the Judiciary. just the account between the United States and the State of Connecticut; 6866. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Jose H. Cora and S. 1023. An act to provide for the payment of a military others; to the Committee on Appropriat~ons. instructor for the high-school cadets of Washington, D. C.; 6867. Also, petition of the Chattanooga Chamber of Com­ S.1129. An act to provide for the extension and comple­ merce; to the Committee on Agriculture. tion of the United States Capitol; 6868. Also, petition of the Rugby Branch, American League S.1208. An act authorizing personnel of the naval service Against War and Fascism; to the Committee on the Judi­ to whom a commemorative or special medal has been ciary. awarded to wear in lieu thereof a miniature facsimile of 6869. Also, petition of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, such medal and a ribbon symbolic of the award; Boston, Mass.; to the Committee on Military Affairs. S. 1209. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to 6870. Also, petition of Colonel John Jacob Astor Camp No. relinquish an easement for a water main at Pearl Harbor, 6, United Spanish War Veterans; to the Committee on Hawaii; Pensions. S. 1305. An act to further extend relief to water users on United States reclamation projects and on Indian irrigation projects; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES S.1402. An act providing payment to employees, Bureau WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1935 of Reclamation, for mileage traveled in privately owned The House met at 12 o'clock noon. automobiles; S.1404. An act to promote the emciency of national de­ The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., fense; offered the following prayer : S. 1469. An act to transfer lands from the Veterans' Ad­ Our Father and our God, with the deepest gratitude may ministration to the Department of the Interior for the bene­ we thank Thee that we are still the children of Thy provi- fit of Yavapai Indians, Arizona; dence. There are no words that can express the fullness of S.1531. An act to credit certain Indian tribes with sums divine love, whose height, depth, length, and breadth can j heretofore expended from tribal funds on Indian irrigation never be measured nor revealed. Lift our souls heavenward, works; 5360 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 10 S. 1723. An act to authorize payment to the Sac and Fox We met, 35 of us, and unanimously approved a resolution, which (of Missouri) Tribe of Indians of certain tribal funds to Mr. Bon.EAU wm discuss with you in a few minutes. In addition to the 10 Progressive and Farmer;..Labor Party Members from Wis­ their credit in the United States Treasury, and for other consin and Minnesota, you accordingly see that there was a good purposes; sprinkling of liberals from both major parties, representing all sec­ S. 1726. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to grant tions of the United States, in the group. a right-of-way for street purposes upon and across the San They have dubbed us "mavericks", because one of our number is San Antonio's scrappy Representative, MAURY MAVERICK. Down Antonio Arsenal, in the State of Texas; in Texas, I understand, the name is applied to unbranded strays. S. 1783. An act for the relief of John F. Patterson; To that extent it is applicable to this group, for, by adopting the S.1789. An act for the relief of Walter L. Rosasco; resolution which Mr. Bon.EAU is going to tell you about, they gave evidence that they are more interested in economic issues than S. 1817. An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of they are in party politics. The resolution itself stresses the need Claims of the United States to hear, consider, and render for an unpartisan and nonpolitical forum of Members of the House, judgment on the claim of Squaw Island Freight Terminal Co., where liberal and progressive principles and issues can be discussed and methods can be devised, 1f possible, for incorporating them into Inc., of Buffalo, N. Y., against the United States in respect law. of loss of property occasioned by the breaking of a Govern­ As evidence of this lack of partisan political influence, I might ment dike on Squaw Island; tell you that we propose to have no permanent chairman or definite S.
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