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Zona State Selection price In Canada. *2.20 plug shipping Address MTKRARY GUILD LITERARY GUILD OF AMERICA, INC., PUBLISHERS, GARDEN CITY, N. Y. (Canada), 103 Bond St.. Toronto 2, Ont. Offer good only In U.S.A. ami Can. J.TFE LIFK la puhlished weekly by TIME Inc. 540 N. Michigan Aye.. Chicago 1 1. III. Printed in IT. S. A. Entered as second-class matter November 10. 11)30 at the IWolfiec at Chicago, Volume 37 October 18. 1954 111. under the act of March 3, 1879. Authorized by Pont Office Department. Ottawa, Canada, us second-class mutter. BubtoripttOQi S0.73 a year in IT. B. A.; S7.2."> in Canada. Number 10 Cof aterial — . LETTERS to the editors "BENTHOSAURUS" LOOKS LIKE FISH "LIFE" PICTURED AT 7.000 FEET VERTICAL VOYAGE Information Service officer— i.e., Har- ris Peel in Damascus ("Cinerama in Sirs: Damascus/' Life. Sept. 27). Usually It might seem strange that one the USIS is belabored by venomous could recognize an old acquaintance criticism— not only from the Reds but in the deep sea! Yet the extraordinary from Congress and the U.S.
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