
Southern Seabird Solutions ;W]\PMZV;MIJQZL ;WT]\QWV[ <PM;W]\PMZV;MIJQZL;WT]\QWV[<Z][\NIK\[PMM\[WNNMZ[\]LMV\[IVWXXWZ\]VQ\a\WM`XTWZM\PMTQ^M[ WN[MIJQZL[<PMTM[[WVXTIV[_MZMKZMI\ML\WI[[Q[\\MIKPMZ[QVPMTXQVO[\]LMV\[QV^M[\QOI\MIVLTMIZV IJW]\[MIJQZL[\PMQUXWZ\IV\ZWTM[MIJQZL[XTIaQV\PMQZMV^QZWVUMV\IVL_PI\QUXIK\[P]UIV[PI^M WV\PMQZMKWTWOa 4MIZVQVOW]\KWUM[ )KSVW_TMLOMUMV\[ This resource provides students the This series of facts sheets and lesson plans were created opportunity to develop knowledge and for Southern Seabird Solutions Trust. The Department understanding about RI&RQVHUYDWLRQ·V0DULQH&RQVHUYDWLRQ8QLWIXQGHGWKLV environmental education project. • why New Zealand is considered the seabird capital of the world; Fact sheets by Shelly Farr Biswell • the special adaptations seabirds have so Lesson plans by Ken Hodson they can live at sea; 'HVLJQDQGLOOXVWUDWLRQE\/LVD3DWRQRI0RUSKRORJLFDO - Environmental Communication • seabird ecology; Southern Seabird Solutions project steering committee: • ecosystems, and understand why $ODQ5LZDND6DUDK&U\VHOO-R*DUW\:HQG\%DUU\ seabirds are important to their 6WHSKDQLH5RZHDQG'DQLFD'HYHU\6PLWK ecosystems; Various people have reviewed sections or complete • seabird migrations; drafts of these fact sheets and have provided helpful SŗUăNDXOHJHQGVDQGVWRULHVDERXWPDQX comments. These people include Stephen Bragg (DOC), PRDQDVHDELUGVIURP$RWHDURD1HZ Peter de Lange (DOC), Dave Kellian (Southern Seabird Zealand; 6ROXWLRQV $QXUX/XNH '2& &ROLQ0LVNHOO\ '2& -DQLFH0ROOR\ 6RXWKHUQ6HDELUG6ROXWLRQV /\QGRQ • the status of individual species and how 3HUULPDQ '2& 3DXO6DJDU 1,:$ *UDHPH7D\ORU seabird populations are monitored and '2& DQG5LFKDUG:HOOV &OHPHQWDQG$VVRFLDWHV managed; Limited). • human impacts on seabirds and positive 2WKHUVLQFOXGLQJ3HWH0F&OHOODQG '2& DQG6WHYH actions that can be taken to improve Cranwell (DOC), have shared useful information about their chance for survival. VSHFLÀFVSHFLHVIRUWKHVHIDFWVKHHWV *)+3<7+76<-6<; 8:16<<01;.)+<;0--< 6-@<8)/- 8:->17=;8)/- +47;- (Specify pages 1-2) 6RPHRIWKHVHDELUGV\RX·OOOHDUQDERXWLQWKHVHIDFWVKHHWVLQFOXGH Common name Maori- name Scientific name $UFWLFVNXD Stercorarius parasiticus $QWLSRGHDQDOEDWURVV Diomedea antipodensis $XVWUDODVLDQJDQQHW WăNDSXWăNXSX Morus serrator black-fronted tern tarapiroe Sterna albostriata black petrel WăLNR Procellaria parkinsoni broad-billed prion SDUDUă Pachyptila vittata brown skua KăNRDNRD Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi %XOOHU·VDOEDWURVV Thalassarche bulleri &KDWKDPWăLNR Pterodroma magentae &RRN·VSHWUHO WĦWĦ Pterodroma cookii fairy prion WĦWĦZDLQXL Pachyptila turtur grey petrel kui Procellaria cinerea grey-faced petrel ĿL Pterodroma macroptera gouldi +XWWRQ·VVKHDUZDWHU 3XIÀQXVKXWWRQL little blue penguin NRURUă Eudyptula minor masked booby Sula dactylatra fullagari New Zealand fairy tern tara-iti Sterna nereis davisae northern giant petrel SăQJXUXQJXUX Macronectes halli northern royal albatross toroa-whakaingo Diomedea sanfordi sooty shearwater WĦWĦ 3XIÀQXVJULVHXV wandering albatross toroa Diomedea exulans white-capped albatross Thalassarche steadi ZKLWHÁLSSHUHG Eudyptula albosignata penguin yellow-eyed penguin hoiho Megadyptes antipodes *)+3<7+76<-6<; 8:16<<01;.)+<;0--< 6-@<8)/- 8:->17=;8)/- +47;- (Specify pages 1-2) Southern Seabird Solutions .IK\[PMM\[ +WV\MV\[ 1 ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa"?PMZMIVLPW_LW[MIJQZL[VM[\' 2 ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa"?M¼ZMITTQV\PQ[\WOM\PMZ·[MIJQZL KWTWVQM[ 3 ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa"?PI\UISM[I[MIJQZLI[MIJQZL' 4 ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa".Q[PQVONWZNWWL ;MIJQZL[IVLXMWXTM";MIJQZL[KW]V\·[MIJQZLXWX]TI\QWV[ 5 QV6M_BMITIVL 6 ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa"<PMJQO7-·6M_BMITIVL[MIJQZL UQOZI\QWV[ 7 ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa":IQ[QVO\PMQZaW]VO 8 ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa";MIJQZL[IVL\PMQZMV^QZWVUMV\ 9 ;MIJQZL[IVLXMWXTM"<PMQUXIK\[WNÅ[PQVOWV[MIJQZL[ 10 ;MIJQZL[IVLXMWXTM"<PMK]T\]ZITQUXWZ\IVKMWN[MIJQZL[ Click on the Fact Sheet number to go directly to that Fact Sheet. *)+3<7+76<-6<; 8:16<<01;.)+<;0--< 6-@<8)/- 8:->17=;8)/- +47;- (Specify page 3) Southern Seabird 1 Solutions Fact Sheet Southern Seabird Solutions ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa Where and how do seabirds nest? 6M_BMITIVLQ[WN\MVKITTML\PMUIV]UWIVI[MIJQZLKIXQ\ITWN\PM 3Ma_WZL[ _WZTLJMKI][MWN\PMTIZOMV]UJMZWN[MIJQZL[\PI\JZMMLPMZM¸ FDPRXÁDJHEXUURZ LQNNMZMV\[XMKQM[,QLaW]SVW_\PI\UIVaWN\PM[MIJQZL[\PI\ NĿKDQJD²QHVW VM[\QV6M_BMITIVLLWVW\JZMMLIVa_PMZMMT[MQV\PM_WZTL' hua PDQX²HJJ )T\PW]OPUIVa[MIJQZL[LWVM[\WV\PMUIQVTIVLUW[\WNW]Z SĦSĦ²FKLFN [MIJQZL[XMKQM[JZMMLWVTaWV[]ZZW]VLQVOQ[TIVL[IVLZWKS[\IKS[ 5IV]UWIVI ;MIJQZL NRURUă²OLWWOHEOXHSHQJXLQ ,QNNMZMV\SQVL[WNVM[\[ WDUDLWL²IDLU\WHUQ Surface nesting 6RPHVHDELUGVOLNHWDUDLWLIDLU\WHUQVEXLOGQHVWVWKDWDUH simply scrapes in the sand, set in amongst broken seashells. The brown speckled eggs they lay and their chicks are well FDPRXÁDJHGIURPVRPHSUHGDWRUV²VRPHWLPHVWRRZHOO FDPRXÁDJHG0DQ\VHDELUGDQGVKRUHELUGQHVWVDUHLQ danger of being run over by vehicles or being trampled because they are so hard to see. 0DQ\VHDELUGVOD\WKHLUQJăKXD Camouflaged Fairy tern chicks, d n a PDQXHJJVQHDUWKHHGJHVRI l l photo courtesy e l steep cliffs. Does a cliff seem C Out on DOC, GR Parrish c M OLNHDVDIHSODFHWRUDLVHDSĦSĦ r e t FKLFN"(YHQWKRXJKFOLIIV e P , can be dangerous places, they the edge C O are also hard places for some D y s predators to reach and they e t r u provide the adult seabirds with o c to easy access to food. For large o ph seabirds, cliffs can also be easier t, es n n places to take-off from. W ss o hite-capped albatro *)+3<7+76<-6<; 8:16<<01;.)+<;0--< 6-@<8)/- 8:->17=;8)/- +47;- (Specify pages 4-5) Burrowing in 0DQ\VHDELUGVEXLOGWKHLUQHVWVLQEXUURZVRUKROHV)RU H[DPSOHWKHNXLJUH\SHWUHOEXLOGVDQHODERUDWHEXUURZ with a tunnel that leads to a large, dry nest chamber with a L i t mound of vegetation for the nest. t l e b l 2WKHUELUGVDUHQRWDVIXVV\.RURUă u e t p a little blue penguins will nest in e e P n e l g l i underground burrows, in rock u v e i n N crevices, under houses and s , p C e O boat sheds, in stormwater e D r in y g s pipes or even between e o t u r t u railway tracks. Some of their o o f b c u burrow choices are not safe. rr is o o rr t w, o o pho od M h One way to make sure little blue to cour DOC, R p tesy , x penguins are nesting in secure places is o b n i WREXLOGQHVWER[HVIRUWKHPWRXVH$OORYHU1HZ u g n Zealand children and adults volunteer their time to build, e p in place and monitor little blue penguin nest boxes. In many n ui ng places the breeding success of little blue penguins that use nest pe ue ER[HVLVKLJKHUWKDQWKRVHWKDWGRQ·W3DUWRIWKHUHDVRQIRUWKLVLV P le bl erson putting litt because the way nest boxes are designed stops two of the little blue SHQJXLQ·VELJJHVWSUHGDWRUV²GRJVDQGFDWV²IURPEHLQJDEOHWRJHWLQ ?PI\aW]KIVLW People, pets and vehicles are a major threat to nesting birds. 0DNHVXUH\RXVWD\DZD\IURPDUHDVZKHUH\RXNQRZQHVWV DUHDQGZKHQ\RX·UHRQWKHEHDFKZDWFKZKHUH\RX·UH stepping. Try not to take vehicles on beaches or other bird nesting areas, especially during breeding season. 5HPHPEHULI\RXVHHHJJVRUFKLFNVWKHFKDQFHVDUH their parents are close by. Do not touch or remove eggs or chicks from their nests and move away from the area TXLFNO\²WKHLUSDUHQWVZRQ·WUHWXUQWRWKHQHVWXQWLO\RX·YH gone. Keep your dogs and cats in at night. Keep your dog on a Black-fronted tern chick, photo courtesy DOC, lead at all times unless the area is posted as an off-lead area. Rod Morris *)+3<7+76<-6<; 8:16<<01;.)+<;0--< 6-@<8)/- 8:->17=;8)/- +47;- (Specify pages 4-5) Southern Seabird 2 Solutions Fact Sheet Southern Seabird Solutions ;MIJQZLMKWTWOa We’re all in this together – seabird colonies +WTWVQITVM[\MZ[ -IKPJZMMLQVO[MI[WVUQTTQWV[WN[MIJQZL[ZM\]ZV\W6M_BMITIVL 3Ma_WZL[ \WJZMML<PM[MKWTWVQITVM[\MZ[TQSM\WJZMMLQV\PM[IUM[XW\ FRORQ\ÁHGJOLQJ I[W\PMZ[WN\PMQZ[XMKQM[IVLWN\MVZM\]ZV\WM`IK\Ta\PM[IUM kaitiaki - guardian VM[\QVOIZMI NĿKDQJD²QHVW <PMZMIZMUIVaIL^IV\IOM[\WVM[\QVOQVIKWTWVa"Q\¼[MI[QMZ\W ÅVLIUI\M\PMZMQ[TM[[KWUXM\Q\QWVNZWUW\PMZJQZL[XMKQM[aW]VO 5IV]UWIVI· JQZL[KIVTMIZVNZWUWTLMZJQZL[IVL\PMZMKIVJM[INM\aQVV]UJMZ[ ;MIJQZL IOIQV[\VI\]ZITXZMLI\WZ[ $QWLSRGHDQDOEDWURVV ?PI\LWaW]\PQVSUQOP\JM[WUMWN\PMLQ[IL^IV\IOM['?PI\ +XWWRQ·VVKHDUZDWHU PIXXMV[QNILQ[MI[MWZJIL[\WZUPQ\[IKWTWVa'?PI\IJW]\ WRURDZKDNDLQJR²QRUWKHUQ XZMLI\WZ[TQSMZI\[WZLWO[WZP]UIV[' royal albatross ;\WZU\ZW]JTM[ 7KHUHDUHRQO\DERXWWRURDZKDNDLQJRQRUWKHUQUR\DODOEDWURVVLQ the world and they all breed in New Zealand. Over 99 per cent of this VSHFLHVNĿKDQJDQHVWLQWKH&KDWKDP,VODQGVDQGWKHUHVWQHVWDW7DLDURD Head near Dunedin. r e m m In 1985, a storm wiped out the vegetation and loose soil e u r B DWWKHQRUWKHUQUR\DODOEDWURVVHV·FRORQLHVLQWKH&KDWKDP d e r F ,VODQGV$IWHUWKDWVWRUPWKHDOEDWURVVHVKDGWREXLOGWKHLUQHVWV , C O out of stones or on bare rock and most of their eggs ended up D y breaking. Then in 1994 another storm with gusts of wind up s e t r to 188 kilometres per hour caused eggs to fall out of nests and u o c break. The wind was so strong it even blew adult albatrosses off their o t o nests. h p , s s Scientists believe that the northern royal albatross population in the o r t a &KDWKDP,VODQGVLVVWLOOUHFRYHULQJIURPWKHVHEDGVWRUPV:KDWGR\RX lb a think would happen if another disaster hit the albatross colonies in the ed pp &KDWKDP,VODQGV" -ca ite Wh *)+3<7+76<-6<; 8:16<<01;.)+<;0--< 6-@<8)/- 8:->17=;8)/- +47;- (Specify pages 6-7) *]QTLQVOIVM_KWTWVa 0RVWVHDELUGVSUHIHUWRUHWXUQWRZKHUHWKH\ZHUHERUQ to nest and raise their young, but there are exceptions. One of the most well known colonies to be established in recent history is the northern royal albatross colony at Taiaroa Head near Dunedin. A u st ,QDSDLURI$QWLSRGHDQDOEDWURVVHVEHJDQEUHHGLQJ ra la si on the Chatham Islands—a place where there is no record of an ga them ever breeding before. nn et c olon C :HGRQ·WNQRZZK\VRPHSDLUVRIVHDELUGVDUHZLOOLQJWRVWDUWQHZ y, photo courtesy DO colonies, but we do know that having several colonies in different H u t t o n locations increases a species chances for survival. Can you think of ’ s s h e a r w UHDVRQVZK\" a t e r fl e d g l i A little help n g b e Sometimes conservationists give certain seabird species a nudge i n g to start a new colony. They may do this by trying to lure nesting f e d SDLUVWRDORFDWLRQRUE\PRYLQJÁHGJOLQJVWRDQHZVSRW , p h o One of the few seabird species that nests solely on the t o c PDLQODQG+XWWRQ·VVKHDUZDWHUVFXUUHQWO\EUHHGDWRQO\WZR o u r t sites.
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