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In all cases we have filmed the best available copy. University M icrofilms International III! M /[(HMD A N N AHHUH MI-1H11H; 8207199 Hoops, Harold John, 111 ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDIES OF SELECTED COLONIAL VOLVOCALEAN ALGAE The Ohio State University Rh.D. 1981 University Microfilms International300 N. Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor. MI 48106 PLEASE NOTE: In all cases this material has been filmed in the best possible way from the available copy. Problems encountered with this document have been identified here with a check mark V . 1. Glossy photog raphs or pages ^ 2. Colored illustrations, paper or print ______ 3. Photographs with dark background 4. Illustrations are poor copy ______ 5. Pages with black marks, not original copy ______ 6. Print shows through as there is text on both sides of page ______ 7. Indistinct, broken or small print on several pages_ 8. Print exceeds margin requirements ______ 9. Tightly bound copy with print lost in spine______ 10. 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Floyd, my major professor, for the support and encouragement he has given me during my tenure at Ohio State, but even more for what he has taught me, both academically and otherw ise. 1 would also like to express my appreciation for the helpful Input of Dr. Charles 0 "Kelly and the members of my committee, Drs. Daniel J. Crawford, Michael L. Evans, and Thomas N. Taylor. Thanks also to Carol Stuessy who gave of her time and talentB In preparing the drawings which are so valuable in communicating the findings of these studies to others. I gratefully acknowledge my mother, who among other things taught me persistence, my father, who taught me the value of logic and the scientific method, Dr. Robert Mayer who gave me encouragement, and my wife Debbie, ;»ho has made my accomplishments p o ssib le . VITA April 3, 1954 Born-New York, New York 1976 B.S., C arroll College, Wuakesha, Wisconsin 1976-1981 Teaching and Research Associate, The Ohio State U niversity, Columbus, Ohio 1978 M.S., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1981 Fresdentlal Fellow, The Ohio State University PUBLICATIONS Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd* 1979. U ltrastructure of the cen tric diatom, Cyclotella meneghinlana: Vegetative cell and auxospore development. Phycologia 18, 424-435. Floyd, G.L., H.J. Hoops and J.A. Swanson. 1980. Fine structure of the zoospore of Ulothrlx belkae with emphasis on the flagellar apparatus. Protoplasma 104, 17-31• Hoops, H .J., G.L. Floyd and J.A. Swanson. 1981. U ltrastructure of the biflagellate motile cells of Ulvaria oxysperma (Kutz)Blidlng and phylogenetic relationships among Ulvaphycean algae. Amer. J. Bot. (in press). Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd. Ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus of Pyrobotrys (Chlorophyceae) . (submitted to J. Phycol.) Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd. U ltrastructure and the taxonomic position of the rare Volvocalean alga Chlorcorona bohemlca (Chlorophyceae). (submitted to J. Phycol.) Hoops, H.J. and G.L.Floyd. Mitosis, cytokinesis, and colony formation in Astrephomene (Chlorophyceae, Volvocales). (submitted to Brit, phycol. J.) iv ABSTRACTS Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd. 1978. Preliminary ultra s tru c tu ra l observations on the development of the auxospore of the freshwater diatom Cyclotella meneghinlana. Ohio J. Sci. 78, 26. Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd. 1978. Preliminary ultrastructural observations on the development of the auxospore of the freshwater centric diatom Cyclotella meneghinlana. J. Phycol 14(Suppl.), 41. Floyd, G.L. and H.J. Hoops. 1979. U ltrastructure of the zoospore and germling of Ulothrix belkae. J. Phycol. 15 (Suppl*), 23. Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd. 1980. Motile cell ultrastru c tu re of Ulvarla oxysperma (Chlorophy ta , Ulvales) and Its pylogenetlc sig n ifican ce. Ohio J. Sci. 80, 28. Hoops, H .J., G.L. Floyd and D.F. Chappell. 1980. Tannic acid fixation reveals covering on the "wall less" green alga Asteromonas gracilis. J. Phycol. 16 (Suppl.), 20. Floyd, G.L. and H.J. Hoops. 1980. Schizomerls lelbleinil revisited: Ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus. J. Phycol. 16 (Suppl.), 20. Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd. 1981. The ultraB tructure of the fla g e lla r apparatus of two colonial Volvocalean algae, Uva and Chlorcorona. Ohio J. Sci. 81, 30. Hoops, H.J. 1981. An u ltra s tru c tu ra l study of fla g e lla r apparatus development in Astrephomene gubernaculifera. J. Phycol. 17 (Suppl.), 3. Hoops, H.J. and G.L. Floyd. 1981. UltraBtructure of the fla g e lla r apparatus of Pyrobotrys and Chlorcorona (Volvocales). J. Phycol 17 (Suppl.), 5. V TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION.......................................................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS........................................................................................................................ i l l VITA.....................................................................................................................................................iv LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................v ii INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 1. ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE FLAGELLAR APPARTUS OF PYROBOTRYS...............................................................................4 CHAPTER 2. ULTRASTRUCTURE AND TAXONOMIC POSITION OF THE RARE VOLVOCALEAN ALGA CHLORCORONA BOHEMICA...............................................................................25 CHAPTER 3. ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE FLAGELLAR APPARATUS AND FLAGELLAR MOTION IN ASTREPHOMENE GUBERNACULIFERA..................................................35 CHAPTER 4. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLAGELLAR APPARATUS IN ASTREPHOMENE.....................................................................59 CHAPTER 5. MITOSIS, CYTOKINESIS AND COLONY FORMATION IN ASTREPHOMENE GUBERNACULIFERA..................................................86 CHAPTER 6. OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................Ill LIST OF REFERENCES................................................................................................................120 LIST OF FIGURES Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Pyrobotrys caslnoensis ....................................................... 17 SEM of stellata ................................................................... 17 Papilla and flagellar insertion in P^. caslnoensls ...................................................................................... 17 Suggested reconstruction of the Pyrobotrys flagellar apparatus ................................................................
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