Mayibuye, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1994 Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at http://www.aluka.org/page/about/termsConditions.jsp. By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. Permission must be sought from Aluka and/or the applicable copyright holder in connection with any duplication or distribution of these materials where required by applicable law. Aluka is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to creating and preserving a digital archive of materials about and from the developing world. For more information about Aluka, please see http://www.aluka.org/. Page 1 of 53 Alternative title Mayibuye Author/Creator African National Congress (Johannesburg) Publisher African National Congress (Johannesburg) Date 1994-02 Resource type Journals (Periodicals) Language Afrikaans, English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa Coverage (temporal) 1994 Source Digital Imaging South Africa (DISA) Rights By kind permission of the African National Congress (ANC). Format extent 51 page(s) (length/size) Page 2 of 53 Page 3 of 53 Page 4 of 53 MK -her leos ailable:# People under fireThe Protect Massacre# Nelson Mandela's 75th Birthday9)vailable from the Department of Information and Publicity Video Unit PO Box 61884, MARSHALLTOWN, Johannesburg, 2107Tel: (011) 330-7150 or 330-7373 Fax: (011) 3338870Price: R55.00 each Page 5 of 53 B-11 Cover Story; MAYINBUYLL Mr State President? Mandela about theIn this issue: future...REGULARS3 Editorial: EIeRions: Will emptiness triumph over 4 Readers speak out6 News roundup32 Opinion: Violence: Apartheid disguised?34 Opinion: Misperceptions threaten change at Turt 35 Opinion: New Zealand: A hundred years of suffrage 37 Profile:BOnginkosiEmmanuel'Blade'NZimandeCURRENT SCENE Mandela about the future...12 ANC list process: The pains and pleasure of dem racy15 The early, hurly-burly of the TEC20 NP Election Campaign: Masters of Mud 27 International-Coping with the past: A truth commission for South AfricaFEATURES 1 The ANC's plan to rebuild SA 23 ReconstruRion and Development Programme:The ANC's plan to rebuild SA29 Land Reform: What implications property rights?SPORT3R SA Olympics: The tale of three cities39 Sixty-thousand, not out, after three yearsTHE LIGHTER SIDE41 Those 30 years: tales of the underground, detention, jail and exile42 Short story: The troopies who /orgot their guns 46 Xword competition47 New competition: win a trip to East LondonGrwamandaDesign and layout: Bhaune van Wyk, PhilemonSubscription: 5 iiwe Zulu Photographs and graphics-23-26-38-39SA Olympics - The tale of three cities Page 6 of 53 SEKUNJALO BREAD & ROSESOn the 13 December 1993, the Voter Education music cassette was launched. Many people, including famous musicians and politicians, joined to have lots of fun - See Page 36Mayibuye February 1994 Page 7 of 53 Elections: will emptiness triumph over content?JwTo receive 11 copies of MAYIBUYE, complete the form and send it, together with the required amount (cash/cheque/postal order), to: MAYIBUYE, PO Box 61884, Marshalltown, 2107.Rates (including p-ge)South Africa R33Britain & Europe E30USA &Canada 863Australia & Asia 854 South America 863 d CaribbeanMayibuye February 1994he election campaign has start- In the past three months, the ANC hased in earnest. Yet none of the succeeded in doing this through directcontestants can claim that they contact with the electorate in door-tohave grasped the tasks at hand door work and People's Forums. The foin what is the most massive and rums in particular worked out so well thatintense political activity South the tradition will be carried into governAfrica has ever witnessed. ment. Tied to this is the democratic andThey are all feeling their way through a transparent process that has gone intonew terrain. the adoption of the electoral lists and theFor the ANC and its allies, the task is to RDP, a quality that stands the ANC inmove from the politics of resistance to the good stead.formality of "establishment contest" and The question though is whether thegovernance. emphasis on form devoid of content -The NP and others in the white :stab- which is the mainstay of white establishlishmentfaceanuphillbattl:transforming mentpoliti<s-will dominate the approachimages and mindsets that are to all intents to the campaign. In other words, willand purposes lily-white. They have to alive campaigning and kissing babies bereach out to blacks without whom they come the focus?face the prospect of marginalisation. Yet The answer lies not so much with thethey do not have credible policies to ad- adeptness of any of the contestants.dress the plight of the oppressed. Rather it is a function of the media: theThe approach then is to perpetuate the mediator between creators of news andold style while trying to give it new mean- the public. If the media is steeped in theing. Masters at fudging the issues during mindset of the white establishment,apartheid elections, they seek to turn the then form and not content will domi<ampaign into Hollywood-type road- note coverage.shows, debates of the high school fame South Africa will be the poorer. For theand vitriol. desperate situation of millions withoutThe ANC has a natural edge over all jobs, housing and education will be put inthese parties. For what is unfolding is a re- the back-burner.suit of people's struggles, a realisation of There is no doubt which between thetheir demands and aspirations. emptiness of form and seriousness ofThis is aptly reflected in its plans con- content will triumph on 27 April.tained in the Reconstruction and However, a creative presentation of conDevelopment Programme (RDP). But the tent on the part of the ANC will also bechallenge is ensuring that these ideals cap- crucial in determining the extent of thatlure the national imagination. victory.SUBSCRIBE TO MAYIBUYEName.. -------------------------------------------------................................................................................ Address ..............................................................................Postal code.... -------------------------------------------------- Page 8 of 53 R e a d e r hack issues of other pab- oar J,m Shrll Hoasc Whcrc woalJ ones e a ~ li'ations. Wi welcome would M rcr,a,ted } tint a hl:rck Southand appreciate ;my effon Luthuli Ho~x.. African with any tly'ingri u make h r e ur educa- Surely, it is mappn experience alter havingo u t don abom you and your priate That aher more than been denicJ It deliMratcumggles, vcrifice and two years as the ANC's ly by the apartheid syssictories. head ol7ices. it still Mars a tem' Obviouxly the gmrTrrrenre Pemt private company's name. mick of l'ransnet and par Mnnianr! ('nrrerriorud Shouldri I the MAY- rated recently by $AA's TrniningCrnrre.l7.1 IBUYEaliarriallxrard ChiefExceutiveORcer.ask dre National Working Mikc Myburgh, that thereEd: Your rcyuest has Commi#cc INWC) if we will Ire no more whinesbeen coasidarad shouldri I have a compcli- emp#rycJ within thefavourably.'fhanks for lion m charsc o none ft- group is u fallacy-Thereyour support. arc many ways of rctainSUPPORi FBOM rr~cLuthuli House. TumMr ing thu stmus yuo.BENIND BABS OPEN LEVER Houw, Flani tinuso, ur 11 xcms an oppmuniACRO55 7ME eene TO 711E ANC just plain ANC Hou.sc ty m bring various prpuUcar \t:\1'lldUl'P: LEADERSHIP oral) all M amongst the taboo gnrups into SAA'sI'n a Mack prism - I am a Sw:ai hr hirth. I seating suggestions. How #kpits will yet again M1encN to eight yea have been ( Iluwing SA sham it. ANC" sled. The need forthis pn.s n along withn p:rlitics since I9N(1 when K(:. Clannurro. xrva crew presented io3 (XXI other Mack young my brother invrxlu i me self an upp,nunity tonen. Although we arc to ANC arM MK xtivities. MATTER OF FACT #sin people ah initio. hM,m in this Ian) we know He was al the University 0.a A1:\1'117U1'E w will rcyuire the newThat Africa is the Ian) that of Sw:,ziha,J Ihcn. Your:utide cununenx,- govenancnt to explain topnxiuced us long ago. 1 wam n, cnngmwlatc rating the 19Ji ANC Bill the majority of blackxThus we do lark upon and encourage the ANC ul Riglm w;n a thing rc- why the national airlineyour great vicuxy with for umnd anJ Decisive minder of the organisa- will have a handful ofaftidion and great pride. leadership which has bon's long cnmmim,enl blacks. h is obvious thatCongratulations to the Men demonsnaleJ since m human rights. The reG the numaganem of SAAANC and all its support- the Mginning of the rte- ce w Congress s n a hum w till everyrs who hare. together, gotiations. We arc not ap- Mbata, however, as one possihlc opening withafter much sacrifice. ac- predating such a power- of the three signawries whites. What else wouldomplished the liberty of fiat and tlexihle leadership still alive is intoned. cxped (mm un instiyour land. We here are in the South African con- Mbata died in exile in the ration run by political appnwd o(you and debate text only but slur in the United Slates in 19Sy. pointcn of the Hats!with affection shot you Alrican context. Gnil MGerirar,, h is aMmt time thatand how great a nation Africa as a whole is Visirin,e Full>ri,elu the lumrc stakeholders ofyou will become. And we patiently kx,king fi,rwanl Sllmlar: If'irr. this mismanaged parasdesirc #, know more. to the day ahcn African mtal uriously la,ked intofirsthand.
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