VGFN NEWS NEWSLETTER of the VUNTUT GWITCHIN GOVERNMENT Issue #07, Volume #04 October 2005 October 25, 2005 was a YESAA training day As well as one of the Gwitchin classes in the evening IN THIS ISSUE Willam Josie Pg3 Kathie Nukon Pg14 Megan Williams Pg3 Ron Daub Pg15 Sonja Foss Pg5 Issac Anderton Pg15 Mary Jane Moses Pg6 Kim-Marie Rumley Pg16 Tracy M. Rispin-Kassi Pg6 Randall Kendi Pg17 Donna Frost Pg7 Alisa Kelly Pg17 Dustin Davis Pg8 Dorothy Frost Pg18 Greg Charlie Pg8 Mabel Tetlichi Pg19 Hugh Monaghan Pg9 Kim Blake Pg19 Melissa Valja Pg11 Cheryl Itsi-Charlie Pg19 Renee Frost Pg12 Joe Tetlichi Pg20 Marla Kaye Pg12 Catherine Mbae Pg12 www.oldcrow.ca VGFN NEWS NEWSLETTER of the VUNTUT GWITCHIN GOVERNMENT VGFN News is the monthly Newsletter of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government in Old Crow, Yukon, Canada. Contributions to VGFN News are by the employees of VGFN. VGFN Chief & Council Chief: Joe Linklater Deputy Chief: Roger Kyikavichik Councilors: Glenna Tetlichi William Josie Esau Schafer VGFN News Editor: Tammy Josie [email protected] Assistant Editor: Michael Peter [email protected] William Josie 2) to reduce the 500m no hunting cor- Megan Williams Director, Natural Resources ridor to three key areas, and Heritage Manager Report 3) the required use of a blaze orange Drin gwinzii shalut kut. safety vest when hunting on the Now that winter is finally here the Dempster Highway. Heritage Office is settling in to our win- The NR Dept is in the process of ter work. Below are some of the high- updating our strategic plan, and to help Other non regulatory regulations that lights. Please feel free to stop by the Heri- us in that process NR has been holding were also proposed, deals with: tage Office and talk to Mary Jane Moses, weekly staff meetings on Mondays. An- 1) Educational programs, Frances Bruce or myself any time. other initiative that NR is looking at is 2) Harassment of caribou from the establishment of a Lands and Re- snow machines, and Vuntut Gwitchin Cultural sources Working Group. This working 3) Encouraging a voluntary hunt- Geography Project group will be a source of advice to the ing ban of mature bulls from dept. Oct 10 to Nov 1. After a very enjoyable and productive summer of helicopter interviews, semi- The Fishing Branch River Weir At the Summit, we expressed Old nars and planning we are starting to work was decommissioned on Sunday Oct 19th, Crow’s blanket support for the Dempster with some of the results. This month we and the crew is safely home. The count Highway Regulations because of our con- focused on producing interim reports, at the weir this year is 121,000 Chum servation concerns with the herd. Alter- reviewing educational materials, securing salmon; we haven’t seen these kinds of natively, Tr’ondek Hwech’in and the First funds for next year and planning for heri- numbers since 1979. Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun expressed tage projects over the next five years. their concerns with the Dempster High- I would like to congratulate the way Regulations. To promote working We have started compiling feedback hunters and trappers of Old Crow for together, we invited a delegation from from teachers and other educators on the establishing a new society, the Vuntut Dawson and Mayo to come to Old Crow educational materials. We have five draft Hunters and Trappers Association. At to explain to us as a community what they packages, ranging from material on old this time I would like to inform our trap- are going through on the Dempster High- stories to information about Crow Flat. pers that our Trappers Assistant Program way. They’ll be here on November 3, These packages are completely based on is up and running again. 2005. If you have any questions, please the oral history materials and will even- call. tually allow teachers of all age groups the Darius Elias our local Parks War- ability to offer culturally relevant educa- den has accepted a term position with the At this time I would like to con- tion. Yukon Environmental and Socio-Eco- gratulate the Carcross/Tagish First Na- nomic Assessment Board. I wish Darius tion on the signing of their Self Govern- The VG Heritage Committee has been well in his new position. My department ment and Final Agreement, I wish them instrumental in directing this project. I is assisting Parks Canada in recruiting a well, and the work has just begun. would like to welcome Marion Schafer as warden to replace Darius. our newest Heritage Committee member. The Yukon Legislature recon- Our government participated in a vened on Oct 27 for its fall session. I Old Crow Visitor Reception Centre Yukon First Nation User Porcupine Cari- would like to express my thanks to our bou Herd Summit along with the MLA Lorraine Peter for the good job she The VRC is on schedule for construc- Tr’ondek Hwech’in and the First Nation has been doing. tion in 2007. Currently project partners of Nacho Nyak Dun at Dawson City on are working on lease agreements, fund- Oct 19 and 20th. Our delegation consisted I would also like to express my ing and finalizing space requirements. We of Elder Phares Thomas, Game Guard- sympathy to the family of the late Annie are also concurrently developing the ex- ian Robert Kaye, NR Planner Melissa Henry, she will be remembered for a long hibits. On November 1 we will meet with Valja, community members Georgie time for all the work she has done in her all the project partners to update on the Moses, Dennis Frost and myself. We met lifetime. building project. to discuss the PCMB proposed regula- tions. These are: With that I wish you a safe and warm winter. Please be careful when trav- 1) to reduce the hunting season for eling on the river. To the trappers, good resident hunters from six months to three luck on your trapline. Muhsi. months, 3 Online Atlas The current work is on the two story We are looking forward to working This is an exciting new project for the Cadzow House. The crew managed to more with Ray on this project over the Heritage Office. The Online Atlas will be jack up the short time period. Many work- next few years. an interactive way to use GIS to pull to- ers for the Rampart House project return Palaeontologist Paul Matheus from gether all the information we have about year after year and get to know each other Yukon Government was also able to co- locations in the Vuntut Gwitchin tradi- well so we were all saddened to hear the ordinate with the VG Cultural Geogra- tional territory. The Online Atlas will al- news that log building reconstruction phy Project on helicopter time. Paul, his low students to click on a location, hear expert and long term worker at Rampart collegue Natalia Rybczynski from the Ca- the audio of the Gwich’in place name, House, Andy Johnsgaard, broke his neck nadian Museum of Nature and student see footage of the area and hear stories recently in a dirt bike accident. Our assistant Keith Rispin spent time at about the location. This project will also thoughts and prayers are with his family palaeontological localities on the Crow continue with plans to develop our GIS during this difficult time. and Porcupine Rivers. Their most excit- capacity to assist with management. ing find was a possible prehistoric bea- Yukon First Nations Heritage ver dam. We will know more about this Currently we are compiling lists of data Group after they have had a chance to analyze about each location in order to select results over the winter. which data to display through the map The Yukon First Nations Heritage interface. We have secured the services Group continues its work on heritage Both of these research projects are of Jeff Hamm in Whitehorse to assist matters. Our Executive Director, Alison very beneficial to the community through with developing our online mapping ca- Blackduck had requested a shortened the knowledge gained and shared. We are pability. This project will be completed work term so will be completing her con- looking forward to working more on by the spring 2006. tract on November 4th. A replacement has these research projects in the future. not yet been hired. Searching For Our Heritage Projects for the coming year include Media In early October, Sarah Charlie of the continuing work with the very important Yukon Government Department of and timely Traditional Knowledge Policy Media attention to Old Crow has not Tourism and Culture, brought the Search- Framework, developing YFNHG gover- diminished this year. We have received ing For Our Heritage database of Yukon nance, assisting with developing a cultural applications from various photographers, artefacts to Old Crow. The database is a resource management program and as reporters and filmmakers wanting to long term collection of information and always, expressing a united voice on First come to Old Crow. We track these photos of Yukon artefacts that are held Nations heritage matters of mutual con- projects and work with the media as by museums world wide. There are many cern. much as possible to ensure that they are beautiful Gwich’in artefacts photo- well informed and comfortable, can gain graphed in the database. Elders gathered Researchers – Caribou Fences, access to what they need and that they in the afternoon to hear Sarah’s presen- Palaeontology portray accurate information about Old tation and to provide more information Crow and the Vuntut Gwitchin. Admin- on the makers and origins of the artefacts.
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