Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19058-9 - The Cambridge History of Early Medieval English Literature Edited by Clare A. Lees Index More information Index Abbo of Fleury 269, 466, 481, 534, 541 Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury 372 Abbo of St-Germain 534, 536 Ælfheah, St, bishop of Winchester 536, 545, Abels, Richard 203 547, 599 Abercorn 174 Ælfric, archbishop of Canterbury 535 Abingdon 63, 69, 246, 611 Ælfric of Eynsham Actium, Battle of 622 alliteration 307–8 Adam of Bremen 610, 611, 612 author–reader relationship 558 Adela, countess of Blois 625 on care of the sick 496–7 Adelard 546, 551 Catholic Homilies 269, 272, 307, 465–6 Adelidis of Barking 377 on Æthelwold 562–5 Adeliza, Queen 609, 625, 627–34 preface 563–5 Adomnán, abbot of Iona constructing male identity 404 on Columba’s books 33 context 434 on Columba’s scholarship 102 De initio creaturae 601 on cultural exchanges in Iona 124 De temporibus anni 481, 483–4 hagiography 650–1 death 607 on Iona 125 glosses 267 Latin style 126–7 Grammar 272, 462 Life of Columba ideological promotion 565–6 copies 46, 102–3 on King Alfred’s authorship 229 influence 12, 45 language 268–72 Northumbrian relations 100 Latin works 535 style 127, 137 Lives of Saints 269–72, 307, 377 Adoptionists 151 high point of OE poetry 384 Adrian and Ritheus 454 Life of St Cuthbert 465–6 Advent Lyrics (Christ I) 423–6, 448 manuscripts 399 adventus Saxonum 191–7 preface 518 Æbbe, abbess of Coldingham 369 on OE Bede 262 Áed mac Ainmirech, King 112 Passion of St Denis and his Companions 307–8 Áed Sláine, King 112 patron 537 Aediluulf. See Æthelwulf on prognostics 490 Ælberht, bishop of York 150, 151, 180 Scandinavian contacts 600 Ælfflæd, abbess of Whitby 175, 367 on St Edmund 466 Ælfgifu, abbess of Barking 371, 634 style 481–2, 537 Ælfgifu of Northampton 611 on translation 14, 257 766 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19058-9 - The Cambridge History of Early Medieval English Literature Edited by Clare A. Lees Index More information Index vernacular works and 231 Æthelwold, bishop of Winchester visions of the otherworld 178 Benedictine Reform 268, 534, 560–2 Ælfthryth, abbess of Repton 390 building work 536 Ælfthryth, queen of England 560, 561 environment 69, 429 Ælfwald, king of East Anglia 145, 390 legacies to 524 Ælfwine (Alboin) 198 protégés 534 Ælfwine Prayerbook 435, 440–2 Regularis concordia 437–8, 442 Ælle, king 583 sainthood 562–5 Ælle, king of Northumbria 171 translation of Benedictine Rule 433–4 Æthelbald, king of Mercia 266 ‘Winchester-type’ benedictional 429 Æthelberht, king of Kent 25, 48, 122, 171, 190, Æthelwulf, king of Wessex 171, 232, 236 225, 500–3, 505–25 Æthelwulf, monk and historian Æthelburh, abbess of Barking 358, 366, 367–8, on church building 174 371, 377 Of the Abbots 154, 159, 180, 531 Æthelflæd, brother of Leofwin 513 poetics 162 Æthelflæd of Mercia 243, 361 visions of the otherworld 178–9, 180 Æthelfrith, king of Northumbria 160, 171 Æthilwald 138 Æthelgar, bishop of Selsey 535 Agamben, Giorgio 312 Æthelmær, ealdorman of the western Agatho, Pope 178 provinces 377, 399, 537, 563 Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne 99, 127, 366 Æthelred, king of Mercia 173, 390 Ailech (Donegal) 639 Æthelred II, king of England Ailill of Connacht 646–7 advisors 570 Alba 22 charters 513 Alboin (Ælfwine) 198 genealogy 616, 626 Alcuin laws 507, 508 career 150, 151, 179 marriage to Emma 12, 607 on church building 174 praise poetry for 598 historian of the northern kingdoms 159 seal 517 on King Eadberht 160 Æthelstan, king of Wessex Latin riddles 461 Battle of Brunanburh 567 letters 151–2 charters 512–14 On the Bishops, Kings and Saints of York 151, court 585 152, 159, 179–80 death 243 poems 152–3 forged charters 514 private prayers 437 high point of Scandinavian ‘quid est’ dialogue 454 interaction 584 visions of the otherworld 178–80 praise poem for 582 works 150–3 Welsh policy 681 Aldfrith, king of Northumbria 99–100, 126, 133, Æthelstan, priest at Alfred’s court 212 160, 173 Æthelthryth, abbess of Ely 173, 174–5, 363, 366, Aldhelm, bishop of Malmesbury 369–70, 376–7, 379, 403, 404 Bede on 142 Æthelwald, bishop of Lindisfarne 555 on Canterbury 131 Æthelweard, ealdorman of the western career 45, 132–3 provinces Carmen rhythmicum 135–6, 138 on battles 236 Carmen de uirginitate 134–5, 136–7, 157, 290, Benedictine Reform movement 399 368, 386–9, 399 Chronicon 245, 251, 537–41 Carmina ecclesiastica 124, 135 historical project 9 De pedum regulis 133–4 language 538–9 on English travels 1 patron 377 Enigmata 134, 135, 143–4, 146, 208, 453 use of Latin 12 influence 137–9, 146, 148, 154, 535 William of Malmesbury on 254, 538, 550 international culture 7 767 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19058-9 - The Cambridge History of Early Medieval English Literature Edited by Clare A. Lees Index More information Index Aldhelm, bishop of Malmesbury (cont.) decorative style 61 on Irish scholarship 124 dissemination of Christian learning 216 Latin riddles 461 Frisians 506 Letter to Acircius 132, 133 Irish travellers to 1 literary model 513 languages 14 octosyllabics 132, 135–6 Alhfrith, sub-king of Deira 173, 174 prose style 136–7, 150 Alice, abbess of Barking 634 reputation 48 alliteration 297–8, 306–8, 519–20 style 141, 538 alphabets 28–30 use of Latin 12 Alviva (Ælfgivu), abbess of Barking 371 William of Malmesbury on 550 Amlaíb Cuarán, king of Dublin (Óláfr works 132–9 Sigtryggsson) 637, 650 Aldred, monk of St Cuthbert in Chester-le- anathema 525 Street 555–7 Anderson, James 454, 458 Alewih 199 Andreas 272, 273, 282, 343, 592 Alexander the Great 467–8, 641 Aneirin 8, 664–70 Alexander, bishop of Lincoln 253 Aneirin, Book of 26, 104, 662 Alexander I, king of Scotland 655 Angers 624 Alfred, king of Wessex Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Æthelweard on 540 Ælle. See Ælle, king Aldhelm and 48 Alfredian initiative 219, 554 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and 2, 232 Battle of Brunanburh 237–8, 248, 260, 287, 567, Asser and. See Asser 583, 584, 596 battles with Vikings 236 Capture of the Five Boroughs 238, 244, 248 charters 512 Celtic correctives 241–4 court. See Alfredian court Cerdicing dynasty 234–41 cultural life 155 context 232–56 education reforms 192–3, 232, 262, 533, 554 on Cumbra 188 enchiridion 224, 532 Death of Edgar 251 genealogy 235–6 English identity 234–41 greatness 558 forgers’ references to 515 historiography 196–7, 243 genealogies 232–3, 235–6 imperialism 22 heroic warriors 234–41 as judge 527, 528 historical imaginary 8 Latin and 212 ideological promotion 566–9 laws 9, 190, 225, 503–6 influence 157 Laws. See Laws (OE) inventions 191 Life of. See Asser Irish travels 107 literary attributions 227–31, 503 on Jutes 595 literary taste 220 later versions 244–51 Orosius translation 581 C-text 286 Pastoral Care. See Pastoral Care post-Conquest (Norman) 566–7 post-Viking recovery 154 Latin sources 219 Psalms (OE version) and 224 manuscripts 217, 232, 245–7 translator 257, 262 Northern Recension 245, 247, 248–51 Boethius. See Boethius Parker Manuscript 1–2, 232 prefaces 214–19, 227–31 contents 567 programme 225 dating 225 Alfredian court English identity 234–41 circle of scholars 230 heroic warriors 234–41 continental contacts 6, 214 historical evidence 25 cosmopolitanism 513 perspective 193 cultural shift 209 Peterborough Chronicle 575 768 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19058-9 - The Cambridge History of Early Medieval English Literature Edited by Clare A. Lees Index More information Index poetry 555 influence 218 Saxon invasions 191 OE Soliloquies sea travels 1–2 authority 226, 227 source for Æthelweard’s Chronicle 538 authorship 218, 229, 230, 231 source for Anglo-Norman histories 252 copies 217 themes 204 preface 227–8, 229 traditional origins 9 reference to writs 518 vernacular prose 225 techniques 221–2 Anglo-Saxons scriptural interpretation 171, 215 culture 187–91 space and time 320 name 1 Auraicept na nÉces (Poets’ Primer) 112–13, 114 Anlezark, Daniel 218 Annales Cambriae 233, 243–4, 245, 252 Babylonians 422, 478 Annals of St Neots 532 Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig (Vision of Conn Annolied 206 Cétchathach) 117 Anselm, St 549, 626 Bakhtin, Mikhail 469 Antiphonary of Bangor 125 Bald’s Leechbook 219, 220, 288, 492–3, 494, Apgitir Chrábaid (Alphabet of Piety) 118 495–6 Apollonius of Tyre 12, 344, 453 Baldwin IV, count of Flanders 617 Arfderydd, Battle of 683 Balthere 179 Aristotle 465–6, 467–8, 470, 475 Bangor, Antiphonary of 125 Armagh, Book of 26, 27 Barking Abbey 363, 367–9, 374, 379, 380, 549, Armes Prydain Fawr (Great Prophecy of Britain) 634 680–2, 683 Bartlett, Adeline Courtney 294 art, writing and 73–98 Bately, Janet 213, 223 Arthur, King 9, 242, 663, 677–80, 686 Battle of Brunanburh 206, 237–8, 248, 260, 287, Asser, bishop of Sherborne 567, 583, 584, 596 on Alfred’s enchiridion 224, 532 Battle of Maldon on Alfred’s mentors 212 composition date 279 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and 219 hero 525 background 107–8 heroic discourse 204, 240–1 on candle-clocks 486 language 264, 276 on Frisians 506 manuscript 287 King Alfred and 155 poetic variation 294 Life of King Alfred 68 vocabulary 305–6, 597–8 context 156–7, 532 Baudri of Bourgueil 623, 624 forgers’ references to 515 Baxter, Stephen influence 532 Bayeux Tapestry 254, 361 Latin writing 531–3 Bayless, Martha 454 source for Byrhtferth of Ramsey 544 Bécán mac Luigdech 102 on poetry books 211 Bede 48 on scholarly circle 230 on Adomnán 126–7 use of Latin 12, 14 on Ælle, king 583 on Wærferth’s Dialogues 213 on Æthelberht’s laws 48, 500, 502 astronomy 486 on Æthelthryth 174, 403 Athanasius 165 on ages of the world 410, 412, 413, 416, Attila the Hun 198, 199, 604 420 Audacht Morainn (Testament of Morann) 108, 117 on Aldhelm 142 Augustine of Canterbury 42–3, 48, 123, 381, 384, Anglo-Saxon Christian poetry and 14 509 on Augustine 384 Goscelin’s biography of 548 beginning of history 8 Augustine of Hippo biblical commentaries 139–40 De videndo Deo 221 biblical scholarship 504 769 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19058-9 - The Cambridge History of Early Medieval English Literature Edited by Clare A.
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