Cruising Map of the Rivers Glen, Welland and Fens Link including River Glen River Welland Proposed Fens Link Routes Route 65M3 Map IssueIssue 117 50 Notes 1. The information is believed to be correct at the time of publication but changes are frequently made on the waterways and you should check before relying on this information. 2. We do not update the maps for short term changes such as winter lock closures for maintenance. 3. The information is provides “as is” and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. GGLENLEN 0011 GGLENLEN 0011 PPipeipe BBridgeridge This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. BBlacklack SSluiceluice NNavigationavigation PProposedroposed fforor NNavigationavigation Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. RRiveriver GGlenlen FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LinkLink ProposedProposed NewNew NavigationNavigation RRiveriver GGlenlen BBSNSN 0011 BBSNSN 0011 GGLENLEN 0022 RRailwayailway BBridgeridge RRiveriver GGlenlen RRiveriver GGlenlen GGLENLEN 0011 GGLENLEN 0011 GGLENLEN 0022 GGLENLEN 0022 WWELLELL 1111 RRiveriver GGlenlen MMoneyoney BBridgeridge 22.00m.00m ((6’7”)6’7”) RRiveriver GGlenlen BBoadingoading FFootbridgeootbridge 22.45m.45m ((8’0”)8’0”) M BBarsars BBridgeridge 22.62m.62m ((8’7”)8’7”) GGLENLEN 0011 GGLENLEN 0033 RiverRiver GGlenlen River Glen BBSNSN 0011 GGLENLEN 0022 GGLENLEN 0022 GGLENLEN 0033 GGLENLEN 0033 RRiveriver GGlenlen 11.80m.80m ((5’11”)5’11”) SurfleetSurfleet IronIron BBridgeridge RRiveriver GGlenlen GGLENLEN 0022 CCrossgaterossgate BBridgeridge oorr FFlaxlax MMillill BBridgeridge 22.00m.00m ((6’7”)6’7”) WWELLELL 1111 RRiveriver GGlenlen RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 22.23m.23m ((7’4”)7’4”) HHerringerring BBridgeridge 22.21m.21m (7’3”)(7’3”) GGLENLEN 0044 RRiveriver GGlenlen WWELLELL 1122 MMoneyoney BBridgeridge 22.00m.00m (6’7”)(6’7”) GGLENLEN 0033 GGLENLEN 0033 WWELLELL 1122 WWELLELL 1212 GGLENLEN 0044 GLENGLEN 0404 GGLENLEN 0033 RRiveriver WWellandelland TTidalidal RRiveriver WWellandelland TTidalidal TTidalidal RRiveriver GGlenlen NNavigableavigable oonn llevelevel ttidesides SSurfleeturfleet SSluiceluice RReservoireservoir RRoadoad BBridgeridge RRiveriver GGlenlen AA1616 BBypassypass RRoadoad BBridgeridge 22.75m.75m ((9’0”)9’0”) WWELLELL 1133 RRiveriver GGlenlen RRiveriver WWellandelland TTidalidal This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. WWELLELL 1111 Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. RRiveriver WWellandelland TTidalidal GGLENLEN 0044 GGLENLEN 0044 WWELLELL 1122 WWELLELL 1122 WWELLELL 0011 This is the September 2021 edition of the map. WWELLELL 0011 See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. RRiiveve r GGwash Gwa DDerelicterelict sh A qu SStamfordtamford CCanalanal ed HHuud uctuct d’’ss BBri MiMi rid ll Lo ge oc k 1 FFootbridgeootbridge CCoop Co p ptthh tthihi RRailwayailway FFootbridgeootbridge ill Fa ll UUpp arm pe rridgeidge BBridgeridge W r L t B RRiveriver WWellandelland estst ock rreeee DDerelicterelict LLoo or iddgege ck 2 Higghh SStt ttbrbr SStamfordtamford CCanalanal FFoooo RRiveriver WWellandelland ! UUffingtonffington ! RRiveriver WellandWelland RRiveriver WWellandelland SStonetone BBridgeridge NavigationNavigation aboveabove DeepingsDeepings RailwayRailway BridgeBridge isis onlyonly possiblepossible inin smallsmall craft.craft. WWELLELL 0022 WWELLELL 0011 WWELLELL 0011 02 WWELLELL 02 St AAnndrewwss LoLock 7 02 WWELLELL 02 01 WWELLELL 01 DDerelicterelict SStamfordtamford CCanalanal elland RRiveriver WWelland TTaallingtoton Horserse HoHolmes Lock 6 TTaallingttoon Village Locckk 5 Welland RRiveriver Welland DDerelicterelict SStamfordtamford CCanalanal CCooptthihill Turnrnpikeke Lockck or West Marshrsh Lock 4 03 WWELLELL 03 Rivverer Weellallanndd 3 Copthpthill Lowewer Lockck or CoCopthithill Farm EaEastst Lock CCoopthithill UUppper Lock or 02 Copththill Farm Westst LoLock 2 BBriridge WWELLELL 02 idge UUffingtonffington SStonetone BBridger 02 WWELLELL 02 WWELLELL 0033 WWELLELL 0303 WWELLELL 0022 WWELLELL 0404 MMool lec yy''s L occkk 9 9 ggee DDerelicterelict 10 d SStamfordtamford CCanalanal ockck ing 's L piingng BBriri gege orpe eeee d Thhorpe t D RRiveriver WWellandelland keett DDeepingeepri ke ss B MMarar pa MMarar BypassBy Bri 's gin ig 11 BBrr ckck 11 Lo Ea sstt F Fie ld LLo RRiveriver WWellandelland ock 8 S t AAnnd dre LLo wwss SStamfordtamford CCanalanal ock 7 7 DDerelicterelict RRiveriver WWellandelland River Welland WWELLELL 0033 WWELLELL 0303 WWELLELL 0044 WWELLELL 0044 e riddgg WWELLELL 0088 te B GGaa iingng eepp iddgege De ttbrbr FFoooo in's igg 1 BBrr cckk 111 Lo RRiveriver WWellandelland w LLoo ing 12 ep ckk 12 DDeee Loc RRiveriver WWellandelland RRiveriver WWellandelland DDeepingseepings RRailwayailway BBridgeridge ! RRiveriver WWellandelland ! NNavigationavigation aboveabove DeepingsDeepings RailwayRailway BBridgeridge isis onlyonly possiblepossible inin smallsmall craft.craft. FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation WWELLELL 0055 WWELLELL 0303 FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation WWELLELL 0044 WWELLELL 0044 WWELLELL 0055 WWELLELL 0505 FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation WWELLELL 0044 WWELLELL 0066 WWELLELL 0088 FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation NNENEENE 1155 NNENEENE 1166 MMLL 0011 WWELLELL 0055 WWELLELL 0505 WWELLELL 0066 WWELLELL 0066 WWELLELL 0077 WWELLELL 0088 FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor NNENEENE 1166 PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation MMLL 0101 WWELLELL 0505 NNENEENE 1177 MMLL 0022 FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation BBridgeridge RRiveriver NNeneene FFitzwilliamitzwilliam RRiveriver NNeneene 99.0K 61.5M 37L 0B 31.5H BridgeBridge BBridgeridge WWELLELL 0066 WWELLELL 0066 WWELLELL 0707 WWELLELL 0088 WWELLELL 0077 WWELLELL 0099 FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PossiblePossible RouteRoute forfor ProposedProposed NewNew NavigationNavigation WWELLELL 0066 WWELLELL 0707 WWELLELL 0088 WWELLELL 0077 WWELLELL 0088 WWELLELL 0077 WWELLELL 0808 RRiveriver WWellandelland FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LLinkink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation WWELLELL 0099 RRiveriver WWellandelland SStaunchtaunch This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/updates for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. WWELLELL 0055 WWELLELL 0404 WWELLELL 0606 WWELLELL 0088 WWELLELL 0077 WWELLELL 0808 WWELLELL 0099 WWELLELL 0099 RRiveriver WWellandelland WWELLELL 1100 RRiveriver WWellandelland CCrowlandrowland BBridgeridge 22.27m.27m ((7’5”)7’5”) RRiveriver WWellandelland WWELLELL 0707 WWELLELL 0088 FFensens WWaterwaysaterways LinkLink PPossibleossible RRouteoute fforor PProposedroposed NNewew NNavigationavigation WWELLELL 0099 WWELLELL 0099 WWELLELL 1100 WWELLELL 1010 WWELLELL 1111 RRiveriver WWellandelland AA11751175 BBridgeridge RRiveriver WWellandelland RRiveriver WWellandelland FFootbridgeootbridge WWELLELL 0099 RRiveriver WWellandelland WWELLELL 1100 WWELLELL 1010 WWELLELL 1111 WWELLELL 1111 RRiveriver GGlenlen RRiveriver WWellandelland TTidalidal RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 22.23m.23m ((7’4”)7’4”) HHerringerring BBridgeridge 22.21m.21m (7’3”)(7’3”) GGLENLEN 0044 WWELLELL 1122 AA1616 BBridgeridge RRiveriver WWellandelland GGLENLEN 0033 TTidalidal MMarsharsh RRoadoad SSluiceluice NNotot nnavigableavigable TTidalidal FulneyFulney LockLock RRomanoman BBankank BBridgeridge RRiveriver WWellandelland HHolbeacholbeach RRoadoad BBridgeridge RRiveriver WWellandelland TTwinwin BBridgesridges CCoronationoronation CChannelhannel 22.33m.33m ((7’8”)7’8”) FFootbridgeootbridge WWestest EElloelloe FFootbridgeootbridge 22.33m.33m ((7’8”)7’8”) NNoo 2 FFootbridgeootbridge 22.74m.74m ((9’0”)9’0”) LLowow RRoadoad BBridgeridge H H HHighigh BBridgeridge 22.38m.38m (7’10”)(7’10”) NNoo 3 TTakuaku FFootbridgeootbridge
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