Ivanović, M. & Ivanović, U.: PERSONALITY TRAINER CHARACTERISTICS... SportLogia 6 (2010) 2: 1-8 PERSONALITY TRAINER CHARACTERISTICS AS JOB SATISFACTION PREDICTORS Ivanović Miroljub1 & Ivanović Uglješa2 1Professional studies academy for kindergarten teachers education, Sremska Mitovica, Serbia 2Faculty of sport management, Belgrade, Serbia ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER DOI: 10.5550/sgia.1002001 COBISS.BH-ID 1845528 UDC: 796.071.43 SUMMARY The main aim of this research was to define the calculated personality five big characteristics model for the total job satisfaction The Big Five Inventory (BFI, John, Donahue and Kentle, 1991), as well as the 9 aspects of job satisfaction, which were measured on the Job Satisfaction Survey scale (JSS, Spector, 1985). Except the personality characteristics, as the predictor type, the trainer variables of gender and work experience were researched. The examinees sample con- sisted of 126 football, basketball, volleyball and handball trainers in permanent employment on the territory of Belgrade. According to the achieved results of the multivariate covariance analysis and hierarchy multiple regression analysis the conclusion, that for the relevant prediction of trainer job satisfaction distinguish the trainers who have high scores on the pleasant and neuroti- cism scales, was made. For the satisfactory prediction in some aspects of trainer job the three personality trainer pleasantness, conscientiousness and neuroticism characteristics are separated from the whole. The categorical trainer variables (gender and working experience) - as predictors- didn’t show statistically significant. Key words: sport trainers, Big Five model, trainer job satisfaction. INTRODUCTION roticism, (III) pleasantness, (IV) conscientiou- sness and (V) openness to experience. Main Personality is good predictor of those be- virtue of this model is strong empirical foun- haviors, which are impossible to predict using dation and conceptual wideness. So “Big Five” the general mental abilities, knowledge, adroit- becomes one of the leading models in person- ness and concrete situations (Barrick & ality psychology during the XX century. In this Mount, 2005; Ones, Viswesvaran & Dilchert, work, authors started from the fact that the 2005). Individual’s behavior is determined by afore-mentioned theory has attracted great his personality characteristics and situational researchers’ attention in the recent decade. factors, which are changeable during the time. There is a great deal of literary agreement In order to exchange and predict job satisfac- about “Big Five” model application conven- tion, knowledge about individual’s personality ience in the researches, which are related to characteristics and his surroundings is re- the work surrounding. Only some hitherto quired. For that latent dimensions excite grow- studies from the mentioned domain will be ing interest of researches. brought here. McCrae & Costa (1991) have made a model According to Wrightov’s (2006) research, called personality Big Five model, which as- the term job satisfaction shows social attitude, sumes existence of five following basic per- which involves cognitive and conative dimen- sonality dimensions: (I) extraversion, (II) neu- sions and feelings. Paul Spector (1997) has 1 Ivanović, M. & Ivanović, U.: PERSONALITY TRAINER CHARACTERISTICS... SportLogia 6 (2010) 2: 1-8 empirically established theoretical base job naire and that they significantly contribute to satisfaction, defining it as “what personality opinion, emotions and human posture. feels towards his/her job and uncorrespond- Judge, Heller & Mount’s researches (2003), ing occurrence of job types. Job satisfaction is, has drawn attention to some personality char- to some extent, also an indicator of job stim- acteristics of Big Five model, which are statis- ulus of total job situation. tically significant predictors of job satisfaction. Development of “Big Five” model person- Maximal correlation has been determined be- ality dimensions contributed to the researches tween neuroticism and job satisfaction and connection of personality characteristics (r=.-38), which indicates that these people are with job satisfaction variables. prone to experiencing bad feelings. Also, ac- At the beginning of the XX century, Tailor cording to the same authors’ findings in the & Gilbert began research of the job satisfac- study, conscientiousness is the second dimen- tion phenomenon (Wright, 2006), supposing sion, which is in the significant positive mutual that the idea of scientific management largely relation with the job satisfaction (r=.31). It is reduces the body fatigue amount and contrib- expected that if the examinees achieve signifi- utes to the people’s sole satisfaction, which is cant results on the conscientiousness variable, necessary to complete the job tasks. According they will develop high-quality work character- to these authors’ researches, it is inevitable istics, work appreciation and inner business that worker, being in accordance with the idea success. There is a greater job satisfaction. of scientific management in the shortest time Furnam & Zacherl (1986), Watson & Slack interval, performs the tasks, for which he will (1993), Watson & Clark (1997) are, according be greatly financially awarded. Their initial to the Judge’s research (1999), singled out the thought was that if a worker adopts general extraversion personality characteristic as sig- principles of scientific management as his nificant predictor job satisfaction variable. own, expanding minimum physical and psy- McCrae & Costa (1991) have defined pleas- chological strength, he will achieve the best antness variable as significant job satisfaction results and gain maximal monetary compensa- predictor. People, who achieve significant re- tion. It will lead to his job satisfaction. There- sults on this latent dimension, are stimulated fore, according to the scientific management for accomplishing significant level of emo- theory, monetary compensation is relevant for tional connection with their collaborators, and improving the job satisfaction degree of indi- there-fore for accomplishing greater extent of viduals. job satisfaction. Individual behavior is determined by his On the sample of 300 teachers and collabo- personality characteristics and situational fac- rators working at the Universities in Novi Sad tors. Great number of authors has researched and Belgrade, Matanović (2009) has researched linear job satisfaction correlation and some predictive values of personality characteristics personality dimensions. Some factors signifi- of Big Five model for the total job satisfaction cance related to this phenomenon can change as well as 9 job satisfaction aspects, which during the time. However, some researches were measured by Job Satisfaction Survey indicate that personality dimensions have cer- scale. Apart from personality characteristics, as tain stabilizing role in the job satisfaction eval- categorical predictors, gender and university uation, so latent personality dimensions arouse work experience variables have also been ex- greater researcher’s interest. amined. According to the achieved results, it is Significant researches number checked the concluded that, as significant predictors of Big Five model validity on the different world total job satisfaction, the pleasantness and wide populations. Validity of five big factors neuroticism characteristics are distinguished, was verified to a great extent. while categorical variables have not shown as According to the Đurić-Jočić and collabo- significant predictors. For the prediction of rator’s researches (2004), Big Five model, as- some job aspects satisfaction the following sumes that characteristics of a person can be issues are separated: pleasantness, conscien- quantified using the self-evaluation question- tiousness and neuroticism, being: pleasantness 2 Ivanović, M. & Ivanović, U.: PERSONALITY TRAINER CHARACTERISTICS... SportLogia 6 (2010) 2: 1-8 for aspects such as: improvement, manage- Job Satisfaction Survey questionnaire, which ment, job nature, communications and coop- contains 36 items, with six-scale of Likert’s eratives; conscie-ntiousness for aspects such type. Achieved results, from this scale, enable as: cooperatives, benefits and rewarding and 10 independent calculations such as: 9 job neuroticism for aspects such as: management, satisfaction aspects (pay, advancement, man- job nature, communications, cooperatives, agement, benefits, rewarding, work proce- benefits and rewarding. dures, cooperatives, job nature and communi- The main aim of this research is to check cations), i.e. the achieved examinees results on predictive value of dimension personality vari- the individual subscales, while 10. achieved ance (as predictor), gender and trainer work result- general measure job satisfaction - pre- experience and some occurrence of trainer job sents the amount obtained by results addition types satisfaction (as criterion). of all test entries. Using the Cronbach-alfa coefficient (Cron- METHOD bach, Glaser, Nanda & Rajaratnam, 2004) it is determined that relatively high inner con- sistency of this 36-item Scale (α>.89), and the Sample and procedure objectivity of some sub-scale values goes with- The research has been conducted on the in ranges of .64 to .85. representative sample of 126 examinees The second applied measuring instrument, (M=33.7 years; SD=11.06) in the following The Big Five Inventory, by which the person- football, basketball, volleyball and handball
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