British Columbia Historical News British Columbia Historical Federation JOURNAL OF THE B.C. HIsTORICAL FEDE1TION P0 Box 5254, STATIoN B., VIcT0IUA BC V8R 6N4 PUBLISHED WINYER, SPRING, SUMMER, AND FALL A NOT POE PROFIT ORGANIZATION UNDER THE INCOME TAX ACT EDITOR: ExECuTIVE FRED BRAcHEs P0 Box 130 HoNo1uitY PAm0N WH0NN0cK BC, V2W IV9 HIs HONOUR, THE HONOIuLE GARDE B. GARDOM, Q.C. PHo (604) 462-8942 HoNO1itY PRESIDENT [email protected] LEONARD MCCANN, VANCOUVER MARITIME MUSEUM OFFICERs BOOK REVIEW EDrroR: PREsIDEr: RON WBLwOOD ANreYANDLE R.R. # , S- C-I, NELSON BC VIL 5P4 3450 WEST 20TH AvRNuE PHONE (250) 825-474 [email protected] VANcouvER BC, V6S 1E4 FIRST VICE PRE5IDENT:WAyNE DESROCHERs PHONE (604) 733-6484 #2-6712 BARER RoAD, DELTA BC V4E 2V3 [email protected] PHONE (604) 599-4206 FAX. (604)507-4202 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: MELvA DwYER CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: 2976 McBRIDEAVE., Su1utY BC V4A 3G6 NAOMI MILLER PHONE (604) 535-3041 Box io SECRETARy:ARN0LD RANNERIS WASA BC VoB 2K0 1898 QuAMIcsAN STRRET,VICTOIUA BC V8S 2B9 PHONE (250) 422-3594 PHONE (250) 598-3035 [email protected] FAx (250) 422-3244 RECORDING SECRETARY: ELIZARETH (BETTY) BROWN Tsrr ROAD, VICTORIA BC V8S 4Z4 SUBSCRIPTION SECRETARY: 473 PHONE (250) 598-1171 JOELVINGE TRRASuRER: RON GREEI’ 561 WooDLAND DRIVE P0 Box 1351,VICTORIA BC V8W 2W7 CBRoOK BC ViC 4H3 PHONE (250) 598-1835 Esx (250) 598-5539 PHONE (250) 489-2490 [email protected] MEMBER AT LARGE: Ro J.V. PALiT [email protected] 1541 MERLYNN CREsCEN N0RTHVANC0uVER BC V7J 2X9 PHONE (604) 986-8969 PUBLISHING COMMITTEE: MEMBER AT LARGE: ROBERT CATHR0 TONY FARR J. R.R. #s, Box 39, BOwEN ISLAND 125 CASTLE CROSS RoAD, U- BC VoN iGo PHONE (604) 947-0038 SALT SPRING IsLAND BC V8K 2G1 [email protected] PRESWENT:ALIcE PHoNE (250) 537-1123 PAsT GLANvILLE Box 746, GRAND FORKS BC VoH iHo LAYOUT AND PRODUCTION: FRED BlcHEs PH0NE(25o) 442-3865 [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION RATES CoMMITTEE OFFICERS INDIVIDUAL $15.00 PER YEAR ARCHIVIST: MARGARET ST0NEBEEG INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIPTION $2000 PER YEAR Box 687, PRINCETON BC VoX IWO FOR ADDRESSES OUTSIDE CANADA ADD $ 6.00 PER YEAR PHONE (250) 295-3362 PLEASE SEND CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING MEMBERShiP SECRETARY:TERRY SLMPs0N SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE SUBSCRIPTION SECRETARY. 293 BIRD SANc1’uAR NANAIMO BC V9R 6G8 PHONE (250) 754-5697 [email protected] FOR BACK ISSUES WRITE TO THE EDITOR. HISTORICAL TRAILS AND MARKER5:JOHN SPITTLE 1241 MOUNT CROWN RoAD, N0RTHVANC0UvBR BC V7R IR9 THIS PUBLICATION IS INDEXED IN THE CBCA, PUBLISHED BY MIcR0MEDIA. PHONE (604) 988-4565 [email protected] ISSN 1195-8294 SCHOLARSHIP (ESSAY) COMMITTEE: FISA2’sCES GuNDRY PRonucrioN MAIL REGIsTRATIoN NUMBER 1245716 255 NIAGss STREET,VIcrORIA BC V8V i G PHONE (250) 385-635 [email protected] The British Columbia Heritage Trust has PUBLICATIONS ASSISTANCE: NANCY SntART-STIJBBs provided financial assistance to this project to 2651 YORK AVENUE,VANC0uVER BC V6K iE6 support conservation of our heritage resources, gain PHONE (604) 738-5132 [email protected] further knowledge and increase public understanding WRITING COMPETITION—LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR’SAWARD: of the complete history of British Columbia. SHatLEY CUTHBERTSON #306 - 255 BELLEVILLE STREBT,VIcT0RIA BC V8V 4T9 PHONE (250) 382-0288 FAX (250) 387-5360 BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL NEWS PUBLISHING COMMITTEE see column on left side Visit our website: .htm BRITIsH CoLuMBIA Volume 32, No. 4 Fall 1999 HIsToIucAL $5.00 NEWS ISSN 1195-8294 Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation Vancouver Historians 2 A Word from Adrian Clark at Work President of the Vancouver Historical Society In this issue of BC Historical News, I proudly present the text oftalks given 3 History is Alive and Well last spring at the FUR TRADE DAYS by Morag Maclachian ON THE LOWER FRAsER symposium at the Vancouver Museum and Fort 4 The Founding of Fort Langley Langley. by Morag Maclachian I hope that this collection of pa- pers will be of interest to our read ers, particularly to those living away 9 You are Asked to Witness from the Lower Mainland or who by Morag Maclachian could not attend for other reasons. The symposium, organized by the 10 The Coast Salish in the Journals Vancouver Historical Society, at by Wayne Suttles tracted a large audience: members of the VHS, local historians, and de scendants ofthe Hudson’s Bay Corn- 13 Natives in the Fur Trade: pany employees. Also present at the Looking at the Fort Langley Journals events were of course First Nations by Keith Carison descendants of those on whom the fort people were so much depend ent. 16 Family Life at Fort Langley I owe the presenters at the two- by Jean Barman day symposium a warm”thank you” for immediately agreeing to submit 24 Family Life at Fort Langley their talks for publication in BC His torical News. A special word by Bruce M. Watson ofthanks goes to Adrian Clark, president of the Vancouver Historical Society, who 31 Archibald McDonald’s Fort Langley Letters wholeheartedly supported the by Jean Murray Cole project. I am also indebted to Morag Maclachlan, who shared illustrations used in The Fort Langley Journals 37 The Apprenticeship ofJames Murray Yale 1827--30 and helped assuring the by Yvonne Klan timely submission of all manuscripts. This is a unique edition of BC 43 Book Reviews Historical News. Enjoy it. Next time we are back to our usual format. 46 News and Notes the editor Any country worthy of a future should be interested in its past. W. Kaye Lamb, 1937 BC HISTORICAL NEWS - FALL t999 A Word from Adrian Clark President of the Vancouver Historical Society day’s programme Right: Heroic entrance. N 20 MARCH ANI) 3 APRIL 1999 theVan presented, participants in that Morag Maclachlanfollows couver Historical Society produced a benefited from an opportunity to get a real sense Ken Smith (as Mr. Yale) Q two-day symposium on fur trade his of the historic place through the site’s excellent staff.And, and piper Co/in Barret to tory: FuR T1uDE DAYS ON THE LowER FRASER. artifact collection and knowledgeable the Bg House. Th her left The symposium coincided with the release of of course, by having two separate venues, the so is Alan Cole, a direct side the soft cover version ofMorag Maclachian’s edi ciety was able to make the events accessible to a descendant ofArchibald tion of the Fort Langley journals and was con broader audience and thereby further its objec McDonald, and to her ceived as a celebration of Morag’s achievement tive of promoting greater interest in local his riht Gerry Borden (as an open up a dialogue on tory. unnamed gentleman) and an opportunity to some of the earliest recorded history of the lower The Vancouver Historical Society wishes to mainland of British Columbia. Morag thank all of the presenters at the symposium for Maclachian, a former history instructor at Langara their intelligent and well prepared talks on fur College, painstakingly trade history. At theVan pre transcribed and edited couver Museum our Cole, the journals. The book, senters were: Jean Morag Fort Langley Journals, Jean Barman, Wayne 1827—30, was published Maclachlan, and Keith in September 1998 by Suttles And at Fort the University of British Carison. National Site: Columbia Press with an Langley Yvonne introductory essay by Bruce Watson, Morag Maclachian, Morag Maclachlan and a Klan, Suttles and Sonny commentary on the eth Wayne McHalsie. Thank you nographic significance of Cole pho also to the Vancouver the journals by Wayne National Historic Site Suttles, Professor Emiritus ofAnthropology; Port Museum and Fort Langley Funding for this sympo land State University for staging the events. available by a grant from the BC Planning for the symposium started in De sium was made society also thanks British Co cember 1998 and carried through until the dates Government. The News, the journal of the British of the sessions. Many volunteers from the Van lumbia Historical Federation, of which the couver Historical Society—too many to name Columbia Historical Association is a member, individually—contributed a great deal of energy Vancouver Historical from a success. Two volun for generously offering to publish the talks Opposite page: Detail of to make the symposium special merit. this symposium, meaning that these essays will a portrait of Dr. Lamb teers from external agencies deserve the be permanently recorded for the benefit of a still painted in 1994 by David Plouffe, Public Programs Officer, at audience. What follows in the succeed Brenda Guild Gillespie Vancouver Museum attended all of the planning broader are mostly only slightly edited versions reproduced here with kind meetings and employed the publicity arm of the ing pages talks. If these essays on fur trade permission of the artist. museum to spread the word about the events. of the presenters’ subject . pique your interest on the She writes: “. Most of all, Gerry Borden, Partnerships &Volunteer Liaison history should show the that many ofthe presenters are pub I wanted to Officer, at Fort Langley National Historic Site, you will find bigness of the man, in authors and their works on the fur trade also devoted a great deal ofhis time and resources lished physical size matched by other subjects can be found at your local to the success of the symposium. The Vancouver and head and heart. Everyone and libraries. TheVancouver Historical Museum provided the venue for the first day of bookstores who knew him can count articles the collateral support Society hopes that you will enjoy these themselves lucky—a the symposium and all of Fort and thanks all of its supporters for having made shining example to me of arrangements.
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