PB83166173 III fill II JIIIIJIfIJIII III! II III Railroad Noise Control Office of Research and Handbook for the Measurement, Development Washington, DC 20590 Analysis and Abatement of Railroad Noise E. Stusnick. M. Montroll K. Plotkin V. Kohli Wyle Laboratories Wyle Research 2362 Jetferson Davis Highway Arlington, Virginia 22202 " 1 NATIONAL TECHN1CAL . I'NFORMATION SERVICE: u. Dl'At,••, Of COlIIlK( , I'tNIUO. 'L 22151 ; I - .. - DOT /FRA/ORD-82/02H January 1982 This document is available to the Final Report U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 221 61 . REPRODUCED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE SPRINGFIELD. VA 22161 NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Deportment of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. NOTICE The United States CSovernment does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they were asso- ciated with the test effort reported in this document or the manufacture of the items tested. \.1" • • , I 1. R.,•.• flj•• 2. ,"..._ .... ... H•. J. .Ui,i...,·. , •••1•• H•• OOT/FRA!ORO-82/02-H 16617 3 •. Titl. eA4 J......*., De,• Handbook far the Measurement, Analysis, and January 1982 Abatement of Railroad Noise •. .. O.....i ••'i... , .. •. ''''--'.. 0.....1............. H •• 7. A"!he,,.1 WR 81-10 E. Stusnick, M.L. Montroll, K.J. Plotkin, V.K. Kohli ,. , ....,.;... O.....i •••i... H_• ..4 A440... 10..... ""II H•. n.AISI Wyle Laboratories / Wyle Research 2361 Jefferson Davis Highway, '404 11. c.....ec' •• G..... H •• Arlington, Virginia 22202 DOT - TSC-1786 u. T".., ...." ..4 '.".4 c......4 12. s,......i ... A....., H_...4 AU.... Final Report U. S. Deportment of Transportation September 1979 - December 1981 Federal Railroad Administration Office of Research & Development ...RrO:23' A....., Ce4. Washinoton O.C 20590 lJ. 5",,1_....., H.... * A MPocket Manual" intended for use in the field is available from the Railway Educational Bureau, 1809 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 16. .....t This handbook gathers together in one place the necessary background material, the required measurement and analysis procedures, and the currently available abatement tech- niques to respond to and meet current railroad noise regulations. The first of the handbook briefly describes Its development, crrangement, and suggested use. The second chapter provides CI1 introduction to the field of acoustics. Numerous examples are provided to clcrify the concepts which cre developed. The remaining three chapters of the handbook describe the existing railroad noise regulations themseIves. For each regulated noise source, the following items cre provided: a summary of the pertinent regulation; a description of the acoustic metric; a description of the required measurement site conditions; a listing of the necessary instrumentation; a description cf measurement procedures; a summary of the existing data base describing noise from the source; and suggestions on possible techniques of controlling noise emission from the IOUI'ce. Where appropriate, sample worksheets and data sheets are provided. In odclition to the five major chapters of the handbook, fOur appendices provide: a glossory of terminology which briefly defines tonhose terms empl yed i the regulations·,Iea t of three programmable calculator programs which con be used to carry out lOme of the mare common Cl"ithmetic operations on levels; a reproduction of the pages in the Federal Register in which each regulation was CIlnOUnCed; c:n:t a list of auggested books and journQls for further reading on the subject of noise measurement and control• .A compCllion document entitled "Packet Manual for the Measurement cnI Analysis of Railroad Noise" (DOT/FRA/0R0-82/02/M) provides abbreviated Instructions for the field measurement and ewluation of railroad is * \7. It., _..4. II. Dl...I...... a.-.... Noise, Sound, Railroad Noise, Available through Noise Measurement, Noise Propagation, National Technlcallnfarmatlan Service (NTIS) Sound Measurement, Verds Springfield, Virginia 221'1 If. 1ewoI., Ct...If. I.''', ......., c....... eeI ........1 .......... a. UNCLASSIFIED U«:I ASSIFIED 288 F.,. DOT F 1700.7 11-72) .....-.a••f .."..............nt! I METRiC CONVERSION FACTORS • • 23 Conw.,alons to Metric M....,.. -- Approximlte Conversions 'rom Metric Measu,es AIIPn*""'. !! -:: ii 22 • ..- M I- 2 Symbol When You Know Multiply by To Find ': SymbOl ..,mbol When You Know u'tlply bf To Find Symbol ---=- m ' • ;-- 20 LENGTH LENGTH - - 5 11 _ mlll'-" O.eM IncMt 1ft !!!.- ern _,i_.. 0.. IncMt 1ft Ill...... eIfttltNtIrt... _ I 11 1ft me,.. 3.3 ..., ft ...... 30 _imet.. ern' 8- m ,,' yerdl yet ".... 0.' _.. 1ft i t1 km k,'-1.. 0.' m,let ml 1IlI....... t.1 kllometera kill - Eo- • ,. AREA AREA _ e-- • iii 'S ani ....... _,........ 0.11 _I,. 'nches "" .... __iMMI 1.1 It......... DJ i--- mJ Ill"''' _.. ,,2 1q\I8f. yMt, yell ttl 0." _ mJ i§ kmJ Ill.....kil_.. 0.. lIIu.r. "'ilea mil ytI/I Y8fdI 0.8 _ mJ .. '.... hect..nI10.ooomJl 2.5.... • .... __ m.... 0.......2.1 kl...... kmJlie. _ E= '3 :: MASS (weight. MASS (welaht' t2 S!!-- • ...... 21 iii ,,,''- 0.03S - oa .,..... O•• k k :: 2.2 ........ • IMfttoM 0.1...... • • 4 ,- go- , ,on,... 11000 kll 1.1 Ihort ,- = IiL.- VOLUME __ i • VOLUME = _ 1"1$2" • • ......... IIlI ==-- I ml lIllllII.... 0.03 ftuld 0'1_ floa ,.. _'ltl$2l'M ,. _II.. ml 3 - & I Ih.. 2.1 pWm PI ft 01 fluid _ 30 _II.. ml I II,.. '.01 quem lit ..... O.M.... I - 7, lheft 0.21 tJIloM .. .... 0.47.... t I-- mJ cubic _.. 31 cubic ,_ ftl IIIIII'"__ 0.......U.... I !!'___ mJ : cubic me..... 1.3 cubic yanla ydJ 0.03 ......... ".I 2 - I I TEMPERATURE (nact, __ y.... 0.71 cubic....... mJ iii..- TEMPERATURE (-lett ' ! 4 oe Calliua .15 Ithen FJIlr......i1 OF 'empat8'urw Jdd 321 twnIllIr.turl ... ,........ III..... CJlJIua oe _ ii 3 1lIbtnct", ............. 1 ..- ., 321 2 OF 32 •.• 2'2 = 200 -40 0 120 '10 i, ",.2.._ C--» fI_ _.., "'_-.. _ ., I, I I,,,',,,,,, I' I,,,, 1 . _...... I' , 'i r» i,'-t Iii i M......... 2M. Un" of WoiI!', .....--..."'Icob.:n .0 5..- -40 -20 . 20, 40 10' 10 '00 H"Ho. CIJ ,.... eo..... IncMt _ == em oe 0 3J OC PREFACE This handbook was developed by Wyle Laboratories under Controct No. DOT-TSC-I786 with the U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation, Transportation Systems Center and sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration. Its intent is to gather together in one document the necessary boc:kground material, the required measurement and analysis procedures, and the currently available abatement techniques to respond to and meet federal regulations governing noise emissions from railroad noise sources. Mr. Robert Mason served as the Transportation System Center's technical monitor for much of the program. Mr. John Koper of the Office of Research and Development of the Federal Railroad Administration was technical monitor for the latter part of the program. Bothrnode important contributions to the handbook through their guidance and careful reviews. Mr. Peter Conlon, Manager of the Environmental and Special Studies Division of the Association of Americon Railroads, also played on important role in the development of this handbook. He not only provided valuable suggestions as to its format ond contents, but was also instrumental in soliciting the cooperation of representatives of var"ious railroad c:ornpcrlies. In addition, the authors would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the ather members of the govemment/industry committee who ossisted in the design and development of this handbook. They are: Mr. Jock Buckingham and Dr. Conan Furber of the Association of American Railroodsj Mr. Thomas Pendergast of CONRAIL; Mr. Stephen Urman of the Federal Railroad Administration; Mr. Robert Pooler of the Santa Fe Railway Company; and Mr. Ray Plunkett, Mr. F.M. Rooc:h, Jr., and Mr. Dick Shelton of the Southern Railway Company. iii/iv TABLE OF CON1"&lTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION . .. I-I 1.1 [)evelopment of the t-kncIbook ..... .. I-I 1.2 ArrCJ'lgernent of the t-bldbook I-I 1.3 How To Use The t-kncIbook • 1-2 1.4 History of Railroad Noise Regulations • 1-3 2.0 BASICS OF NOISE MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL 2-1 2.1 Basic Concepts of Sound. •••• .. ...... 2-1 2.1.1 Sound Wa>tes. •••• 2-1 2.1.2 Sound Pressure end Sound Power 2-3 2.1.3 Sound Pressure Level, Decibels 2-5 2.1.4 Decibel Addition end Slbtraction 2-7 2.1.5 A,udible Effects of Sound Level Changes 2-11 2.1.6 Sound Spectra - Types end Uses ••• 2-11 2.1.7 Hum<rt Perception of Sound, A-Weighted Sound Levels. 2-13 2.1.8 Characterization af Time-Varying Sounds •••• 2-17 Exceedance Percentile Sound Level • 2-17 Energy-Equivolent Sound Level 2-22 Doy-Night Sound Level. •••• ...... .. 2-27 2.1.9 Effects of Sound on t-tJmalS, Noise 2-29 Hearing Loss. •• 2-29 Speech Interference • 2-30 Sleep DisturbalCe 2-30 Tasl< Interference •••• 2-30 Amoycn:e 2-32 2.1.10 Noise Standards end Regulations 2-32 EPA Recommended Noise Levels. 2-32 OSHA end FRA Noise Exposure Regulations. • 2-37 State end Lacal Regulations •••• 2-39 2.2 Noise Measurement Pracedures. •••• 2-42 2.2.1 Instrumentation For The Measurement end Analysts of Sound 2-42 Microphones. ••• 2-42 Microphone Calibration. • 2-44 Sound Level Meters.
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