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Their support not only helps fund the tournament, it furthers the goal of instilling a strong work ethic and goal orientation in the young Bottom row, from left: Sarge Johnson Boxing’s Saleto Henderson, 5-Star Boxing’s Fred Compton, Robbie Greenwoood (unattached), Louisville TKO’s Larry Broaden, men and women who participate in the competition. I.B.G.’s Chris Heffernan. Top row, from left: Louisville’s Stephanie Malone, I.B.G.’s Yorman Guerrero, Javanta Davis (unattached), Team Achieve’s Thank You Once Again Local #120 James Dowdy and Deshawn Ross (unattached). For more information about becoming a laborer with LiUNA Local 120 or to apply, visit www.liunabuildsindiana.org. See also www.Laborers120.com. National Team Members in the Ring USA National Team member, Stephanie Malone, boxed in the 2018 Indiana Golden Gloves fighter cornered by Mikel Jones from her hometown of Louisville. Malone joined Indiana’s Open Team Champions in traveling to the National LiUNA Local 120 would like to remind Tournament of Champions in Omaha, everyone to please drive safely in Nebraska. 2018 marked the first time in the tournament’s nearly 100 year history Construction Work Zones. that female boxers were welcomed to share the ring. Malone won her first fight and lost a tough split decision in her second. SLOW DOWN! SAVE A LIFE! (Photo by Rebecca Townsend) PAGE 2 INDIANA GOLDEN GLOVES APRIL 2019 APRILAPRIL 20192019 INDIANAINDIANA GOLDENGOLDEN GLOVESGLOVES PAGEPAGE 33 20182018 OpenOpen ChampionsChampions The Indiana Golden Gloves would like to thank the Laborers International Union Local 120 for their generous sponsorship of the 2019 Indiana Golden Gloves State Tournament. Their support not only helps fund the tournament, it furthers the goal of instilling a strong work ethic and goal orientation in the young BottomBottom row,row, fromfrom left:left: SargeSarge JohnsonJohnson Boxing’sBoxing’s SaletoSaleto Henderson,Henderson, 5-Star5-Star Boxing’sBoxing’s FredFred Compton,Compton, RobbieRobbie GreenwooodGreenwoood (unattached),(unattached), LouisvilleLouisville TKO’sTKO’s LarryLarry Broaden,Broaden, men and women who participate in the competition. I.B.G.’sI.B.G.’s ChrisChris Heffernan.Heffernan. TopTop row,row, fromfrom left:left: Louisville’sLouisville’s StephanieStephanie Malone,Malone, I.B.G.’sI.B.G.’s YormanYorman Guerrero,Guerrero, JavantaJavanta DavisDavis (unattached),(unattached), TeamTeam Achieve’sAchieve’s Thank You Once Again Local #120 JamesJames DowdyDowdy andand DeshawnDeshawn RossRoss (unattached).(unattached). For more information about becoming a laborer with LiUNA Local 120 or to apply, visit www.liunabuildsindiana.org. See also www.Laborers120.com. NationalNational TeamTeam MembersMembers inin thethe RingRing USAUSA NationalNational TeamTeam member,member, StephanieStephanie Malone,Malone, boxedboxed inin thethe 20182018 IndianaIndiana GoldenGolden GlovesGloves fighterfighter corneredcornered byby MikelMikel JonesJones fromfrom herher hometownhometown ofof Louisville.Louisville. MaloneMalone joinedjoined Indiana’sIndiana’s OpenOpen TeamTeam ChampionsChampions inin travelingtraveling toto thethe NationalNational LiUNA Local 120 would like to remind TournamentTournament ofof ChampionsChampions inin Omaha,Omaha, everyone to please drive safely in Nebraska.Nebraska. 20182018 markedmarked thethe firstfirst timetime inin thethe tournament’stournament’s nearlynearly 100100 yearyear historyhistory Construction Work Zones. thatthat femalefemale boxersboxers werewere welcomedwelcomed toto shareshare thethe ring.ring. MaloneMalone wonwon herher firstfirst fightfight andand lostlost aa toughtough splitsplit decisiondecision inin herher second.second. SLOW DOWN! SAVE A LIFE! (Photo(Photo byby RebeccaRebecca Townsend)Townsend) PAGE 4 INDIANA GOLDEN GLOVES APRIL 2019 First Place Team Pat McPherson’s I.B.G. celebrated earning Top Team Status for the fifth straight year. Pre-Tournament Hype With Sugar Ray Seales The Olympic Gold Champion and retired pro boxer now coaches with IBG. Here are some of his thoughts ahead of the 2019 Golden Gloves. “I use two words in my game: focus and listen. Focus on what you’re doing and listen how to get it done. I boxed 19 years. I had 430 fights. I lost 19. I had over 200 knockouts. It’s what I love to do. It’s my game. It’s not the dog that’s in the fight. It’s the fight that’s in the dog. Now remember this: A chihuahua can beat a pitbull. It’s who is going to grab who first. I don’t like seconds. I’m a first-place deal. The greatest of all time (Muhammad Ali) said to me in an autograph, ‘Service to others is the rent we pay for our room in heaven.’ If we don’t give, we don’t get. The Lord said in heaven there are many mansions and one has your name on it, but the only way you’re going to get there is if you provide a service for someone. You don’t have to reach in your pocket and give any money: a pat on the shoulder, a nice word and a good morning... (Regarding the 2019 Indiana Golden Gloves tournament...) We’re gonna win again. We won five in a row and we’re gonna win a sixth one. Why? Because we understand that the only way we’re gonna get there is to pay attention. We gotta focus and listen. Focus on what you’re doing and listen how to get it done. You all come see me. I know what it is.” APRIL 2019 INDIANA GOLDEN GLOVES PAGE 5 Second Place Team Second Place honors in 2018 went to Louisville TKO. BOXING DIVISIONS JUNIOR GOLDEN GLOVES Intermediate: Age 13-14; box three 1 1/2 - minute rounds. Senior: Age 15-16 ; box three 2 - minute rounds. Champions may advance to the National Junior Golden Gloves. SENIOR GOLDEN GLOVES Sub-Novice: Age 18-21, box three 2 - minute rounds; 5 bouts or less. Junior Open: Age 22-40, box three 2 - minute rounds; 5 bouts or less. Novice: Age 18-40, with more than 5 bouts or with a Sub-Novice or Jr-Open championship win. Open: Age 18-40, who have boxed in the Open Class before or have won a Novice or Junior Open championship; box three 2-minute rounds and three 3-minute rounds in the finals. Champions advance to the National Golden Gloves Tournament. PAGE 6 INDIANA GOLDEN GLOVES APRIL 2019 Indiana Golden Gloves Officers Keith Boggs Larry Koeneman George DeFabis Dick Mills President Vice President Vice President/ Vice President Delegate Jason Spears Dee Plew Rick Gilbert Vickie Elder Vice President Secretary Treasurer Tournament Director The Indiana Golden Gloves, Inc.
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