Common Culture of Solidarity Europe Day Ground 2020 Content 2 EDITORIAL 58 Radiomakers André Wilkens Thomas Roueché ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN Expanding and multiplying spoken word 4 Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Vivian Paulissen, Isabelle Schwarz 61 On Amazement and Borders EUROPE Quinsy Gario EUROPE Of promises of peace and justice 6 The Europeans Arnold van Bruggen, Rob Hornstra EUROPE Exploring The Former Capital 66 POST-CORONA REFLECTIONS 18 Changing the Narrative 69 The Need For a Redefined Friso Wiersum Commitment To Europe GERMANY, UNITED KINGDOM Joost van Iersel Courageous citizens on adding underrepresented voices 71 European Media Ecosystem Post-Corona 22 In Europe Schools Maria Exner Friso Wiersum EUROPE A one of a kind European 73 Cultural Life In Europe, After Corona exchange project for students Pier Luigi Sacco 24 Waving As An Act of Togetherness 76 Collectivize Facebook Friso Wiersum Jan Fermon, Jonas Staal EUROPE How an anti-Brexit campaign EUROPE Proposing new public spaces took a new shape in the Corona crisis 28 Rail Plans and Road Realities 78 The Future of Democracy? The Anderen Ilinca Berinde, Jasper van den Berg EUROPE Two infographs on European NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, ROMANIA connectedness Company New Heroes explore new ways of building it together 36 Brexit Questions Thomas Roueché 81 Bucharest UNITED KINGDOM Conversations with Elena Butica, Raluca Croitoru Luke Cooper, Effie Samara, Madeleina Kay ROMANIA Repair workshops in the and Neal Lawson Romanian capital 42 Librebook Thomas Roueché 89 COLOPHON BELGIUM Not your average bookstore 44 Not All Hope is Lost Anna Donáth HUNGARY A Hungarian Momentum 48 Scherzo In B-Flat Minor Tomas Vaiseta LITHUANIA A short fiction story Map → 1 Photo by Andrei Becheru Map Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining [P4] The Europeans [P6] In Europe Schools [P22] Waving As An Act of Togetherness [P24] Rail Plans and Road Realities [P28] IC AL Albania AD Andorra AM Armenia AT Austria AZ Azerbaijan BY Belarus BE Belgium BA Bosnia and FI Herzegovina BG Bulgaria HR Croatia CY Cyprus NO SE CZ Czechia DK Denmark Brexit Questions [P36] EE Estonia EE FI Finland FR France RU GE Georgia LV DE Germany GR Greece KZ HU Hungary DK IS Iceland Changing the LT IE Ireland Narrative [P18] IT Italy BY KZ Kazakhstan IE XK Kosovo Scherzo in B-Flat LV Latvia Minor [P58] GB The Future of LI Liechtenstein LT Lithuania Democracy [P78] PL LU Luxembourg NL MT Malta UA MD Moldova BE MO Monaco DE ME Montenegro CZ Librebooks [P42] NL Netherlands SK MK North Macedonia MD NO Norway HU PL Poland AT Bucharest [P80] Not All Hope GE PT Portugal Radiomakers [P58] LI AZ CH RO Romania FR is Lost [P44] RO AM RU Russia SI SM San Marino HR RS Serbia SK Slovakia IT SI Slovenia BA RS MO SM ES Spain BG SE Sweden ME XK CH Switzerland AD VA TR Turkey MK PT TR UA Ukraine GB United Kingdom ES AL VA Vatican City GR MT On Amazement and Borders [P61] The Need For a Redefined Commitment To Europe [P69] European Media Ecosystem Post Corona [P71] Cultural Life In Europe, After Corona [P73] Collectivize Facebook [P76] TEXT André Wilkens ANDRÉ WILKENS is the Director of the European Cultural Foundation THE EUROPEAN MOMENT to have European friends who support each other, when you share vital infor- How to write a magazine editorial in the mation, expertise and supplies, and middle of a generational crisis? when you realise how a fundamental crisis can be managed much better For more than a month the office of the through cooperation and solidarity. European Cultural Foundation has been There is hope. Citizens reach out closed. The staff works from home via to each other, practice small and often lap top, video link and telephone. Togeth- imaginative human gestures of everyday er we keep the Foundation running while solidarity. This unites us, across balco- also managing our quarantine house- nies, social networks, cities and coun- holds, home schooling our kids, looking tries. It is human hope and shared cul- after elderly family members and neigh- ture without much ado that makes us bours, and trying to stay safe and sane. feel together and that is all worthwhile! It’s been an unimaginable period. But it This is the culture of solidarity we ought has also been a period of surprising sol- to grow out of this crisis. idarity and friendship. At the European Cultural Founda- Only last year the Foundation went tion we have decided to support these on a tour through Europe: fourteen round- moments of citizen solidarity. We have table meetings with cultural managers, launched a Culture of Solidarity Fund to policymakers, artists and activists under which we have dedicated most of our the title ‘What Can Culture Do?’. The re- 2020 resources. We will also advocate sulting insights shaped what we thought for scaling up initiatives that contribute would be our five-year strategy. All this to Europeans living together. This can seems so far away now, almost like a dif- and must be a European moment. ferent age. The age before Corona. Can In this magazine you will discover this strategy and our plans still be rele- European moments of hope, resilience vant today and in the age after Corona? and solidarity before corona and now, in Yes, but. the middle of it. You will find European Just as our Foundation’s five-year photo essays, read about storytellers, strategy, this new annual magazine about life before and after Brexit, about Common Ground, published on Europe the challenges Europe faces, and again Day, sits awkwardly but intentionally, be- and again about forms of solidarity in tween a seemingly distant past and a times of crisis. rather uncertain future. This moment I hope you will find inspiration and softly echoes Robert Schuman’s appeal hope in these pages and these Europe- of May 9, 1950: ‘Europe will not be made an stories. We will need lots of those go- all at once, or according to a single plan. ing forward. It will be built through concrete achieve- ments which first create a de facto sol- André Wilkens idarity.’ We need to get to a common May 2020 ground. So, this is not a magazine of cer- tainty but of opportunities. Let’s make the most of them. The Corona crisis could be a strong European moment. A moment when people understand how important it is PAN-EUROPEAN 2 Editorial: The European Moment 3 André Wilkens TEXT Vivian Paulissen VIVIAN PAULISSEN is Head of Programmes at the European Cultural Foundation state rules get lifted, banks provide loans of unthink- The Fund will support creative responses to Isabelle Schwarz able heights, states release billions in emergency pack- sustain people-to-people contacts and human inter- ISABELLE SCHWARZ is Head of Policy at the European Cultural Foundation ages and nature re-appropriates its spaces. The crisis action, reinforce European solidarity and the idea of has forced us to show courage and audacity, while Europe as an open and shared public space for every- giving earth a breath. The EU, after a timid, hardly body, maintain cultural life and prepare the ground visible and slow move, has stepped up its efforts and for a cultural revival of Europe after the crisis. released billion-worth aid to invest in recovery. We will encourage other online and offline actions Beyond European welfare, this can become and alternatives that embody the key European value Europe’s moment. The moment to combine leadership of collaboration. We will look at safe digital tools and Every Cloud Has and humanity. The moment to prove a genuine sense practices, in a time in which the monopolies of the big of global responsibility, show solidarity between states tech companies are being strengthened even more than and communities, and launch new forms of cooper- before. We will continue to build the Culture of Solidarity ation and partnerships. initiative over the coming years with (new) partners and a Silver Lining When European actors, the EU, national gov- connect it to the main thematic threads across our pro- ernments, foundations and civil society work together grammes: online and offline public spaces; networks of towards a common goal, they are a powerful force for cities of change and solidarity; collaborations between the common good. The past decades have shown that citizens and between cultural workers for a Euro pean we are stronger together. Our history reminds us that experience and storytelling of a future Europe. Towards a Culture of Solidarity it is possible to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and join forces. It is the moment for Europe, A HOPE FOR THE FUTURE and also the moment for European philanthropy to What will Europe and the world look like after COVID- stand up to the challenge. 19? Will Europe be submerged by a new wave of nation- alism and populism, or will imagination and creativity THE CULTURE OF take us from confinement and fear to a new, positive SOLIDARITY INITIATIVE experience? The development of a global solidary sys- The European Cultural Foundation focuses on build- tem based on values such as connectedness, closeness ing a European Culture of Solidarity across pro- and togetherness is not only possible but necessary. grammes, advocacy and communications. As part of A new way of life marked by solidarity, generosity, this initiative we launched the Culture of Solidarity ingenuity of states and people. Fund to support big and small creative initiatives by The European Cultural Foundation is a chal- artists, cultural workers, critical thinkers and civil lenging optimist. We believe systemic change is needed society at large in Europe, and beyond.
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