Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka 2007 International Animated Film Festival Animateka 2007 Vsebina Intro Osvobojeni Jimmy / Free Jimmy Žirija / Jury Družina Christie / The Christies Contents Persepolis Tekmovalni program I / Competition Programme I Tekmovalni program II / Competition Programme II Slon: vzgojno izobraževalni program animiranih filmov za šole in Tekmovalni program III / Competition Programme III družine / Elephant: Educational Animated Film Programme for Tekmovalni program IV / Competition Programme IV Schools and Families Vzhodnoevropska in srednjeevropska panorama / East and Central Slon I: Izbor sodobnih kanadskih animiranih filmov in Creature European Panorama comforts / Elephant I: Selection of Contemporary Canadian Animated Films and Creature Comforts Žirija se predstavlja / Jury Programme Slon II: Kirikou in divje živali / Elephant II: Kirikou and the Wild Retrospektiva Kojija Yamamure / Koji Yamamura Retrospective Beasts Poklon Raoulu Barréju / Tribute to Raoul Barré Slon III: Izbor sodobnih animiranih filmov z Vzhoda / Elephant III: Avstrijski avantgardni film in video / Austrian Avantgarde Film and Selection of Contemporary Animated Films From the East Video Slon IV: Retrospektiva jugoslovanskih animiranih filmov / Elephant IV: Najboljši filmi festivala Fantoche 2007 / Best of Fantoche 2007 Yugoslav Animated Films Retrospective Zgodovina portugalskega animiranega filma / Portuguese Animated Slon V: Družinski slon – izbor jugoslovanskih animiranih filmov in Film History filmov z vzhoda / Elephant V: Selection of Yugoslav and Eastern Animated Films for Families Posebne predstavitve / Special Programmes Slon VI: lutkovna predstava To je Ernest + Kirikou in divje živali Svetovni jagodni izbor / Best of the Rest / Elephant VI: Puppet Show To je Ernest + Kirikou and the Wild Retrospektiva »Made in Yugoslavia 1949–1990« / “Made in Beasts Yugoslavia 1949–1990” Retrospective Fokus na kanado / Focus on Canada Zaključek festivala / Closing Awards Programme Retrospektiva Stevena Woloshena / Steven Woloshen Retrospective Posebna projekcija / Special Screening Sodobni portugalski animirani filmi / Contemporary Portuguese Avdiovizualni koncert / Audio Visual Concert Animated Films Predstavitev studia Aardman animations / Aardman Animations Delovni zajtrk / Working Breakfast Studio Presentation Kratki filmi Phila Mulloya / Phil Mulloy Short Films Festivalska polnočna druženja / Festival Midnight Gatherings Predstavitev festivalov v regiji / Regional Festivals Presentation Index Celovečerni animirani filmi / feature animated films Kirikou in divje živali / Kirikou et les bêtes sauvages / Kirikou and the Wild Beasts 2 Drage prijateljice in prijatelji Animateke! Dear friends of Animateka! Uvod Pisanje uvodnika za festivalski katalog je najprijetnejše pisanje, Writing the intro for the festival catalogue is one of the most enjoyable Intro saj pomeni, da je festival pripravljen in oblikovalka čaka le še na parts of organizing a festival. It means that the festival is ready to go! pričujoče besede. Čeprav sem se odločil, da bom v uvodu izpostavil and that the catalogue designer is waiting only for these last few lines. predvsem bogato programsko vsebino četrte edicije Mednarodnega Even though I have decided to dedicate this editorial to the rich and festivala animiranega filma Animateka, pa si ne morem pomagati, da abundant programme of the 4th International Animated Film Festival ne bi sladkih besed zagrenil s priokusom gneva ob nerazumevanju Animateka, I cannot help but tarnish these sweet words with a taste kulturne politike državnih, mestnih in korporativnih sistemov. of indignation and inability to understand the cultural politics of Slove- nian national, local and corporate structures. Zahvaljujoč sofinanciranju iz programa MEDIA Evropske unije so nam tik pred zdajci prisluhnili na mestni in državni ravni ter nam pomagali Thanks to the financial support of the European Union’s MEDIA zapreti finančno konstrukcijo. Seveda ne smemo pristati na tak programme, local and national authorities finally changed their minds stihijski način izvajanja kulturne politike, saj se festival tako ne more and helped us fill the final gaps in the financial structure of the razvijati. Razumemo težave Mestne občine Ljubljana ob letošnjem festival. Of course, we cannot consent to such a thoughtless and un- finančnem primanjkljaju, nikakor pa ne razumemo pomanjkanja planned approach to implementing cultural politics, because it hinders vizije in načrtnega (ne)vlaganja v filmske festivale, ki v razvitem svetu the festival and makes it unable to grow and develop. We understand ne predstavljajo le kulturnega presežka, temveč tudi ekonomsko the problems and difficulties the City of Ljubljana is facing with this dodano vrednost, da sploh ne omenjamo pozitivne mednarodne year’s financial deficit, but we will never understand the lack of vision podobe mesta, v katerem se festival odvija. Animateka v Ljubljano and the systematic plan of (not) funding film festivals – events which povabi vsako leto več avtorjev in uglednih mednarodnih gostov, zato are not only culturally valuable within so called developed societies, pričakujemo, da bo tudi prispevek javnih sredstev rasel sorazmerno but which also represent an economic surplus, not to mention their s kakovostjo ter velikostjo festivala. O stanju na Filmskem skladu RS contribution to the positive international image of the city. Each year, na tem mestu ne bi polemiziral, vendar od edine institucije, ki je v Animateka brings to Ljubljana an increasing number of authors and naši državi odgovorna za financiranje filmskih festivalov, pričakujemo other distinguished international guests, and, therefore, we expect the oblikovanje primerne razvojne strategije in najmanj 100-odstotno contributed public funds to grow in proportion to the quality and size povečanje sredstev, namenjenih tej dejavnosti. Najbolj grenka je of the festival. I will refrain from entering the debate about the situ- vsekakor letošnja izkušnja Animateke s sponzorji. Ne pristajamo na ation at the Slovenian Film Fund; suffice it to say, we most certainly izgovore o omejenih sponzorskih in donatorskih sredstvih, premajhnih expect the only institution responsible for the financial support of koeficientih pojavljanja imena sponzorja v medijih (kljub temu da pri film festivals in this country to formulate an appropriate development nas mediji dejansko cenzurirajo ime sponzorja v navezavi s festivali), strategy and increase its festival support funds at least by 100 %. zaključenih strategijah oglaševanja in podobno. Dejstvo je, da se However, Animateka’s greatest disappointment this year lies with slovenska podjetja vse bolj širijo na jugovzhodne evropske trge in pri sponsors. We do not accept excuses about limited resources allocated tem pozabljajo prerazdeliti določena sredstva iz dobičkov za javne to sponsorship, about insufficient coverage and presentation of the kulturne dogodke pri nas. Kako dolgo se bodo pri nas podjetja še sponsor’s name in the media (even though the Slovene media actually Uvod Intro odločala sponzorirati kulturne dogodke glede na dikatat trenutne censor sponsor trademarks when it comes to festivals), about already politične opcije na oblasti? In kdaj bo država oblikovala takšno signed off advertising strategies, and so on and on … The fact remains davčno politiko, da bodo podjetja veliko rajši in več sponzorirala that Slovene companies are increasingly spreading to the South-East- filmske festivale? ern European markets and, at the same time, they are forgetting to spread some of their newly generated profit to public cultural events Požrtvovalni ekipi festivala Animateka je tudi letos uspelo preživeti in Slovenia. How long will companies keep deciding on sponsoring vse pozebe in prebroditi vse viharje. Z velikimi odrekanji in delovno cultural events according to the dictation of current political coalitions? vnemo smo sestavili program in organizirali projekt, za katerega si And when will the state develop a tax system that will encourage com- upamo trditi, da se lahko primerja z najpomembnejšimi tovrstnimi panies to invest in cultural events more easily and more generously? dogodki v regiji. Seveda pa smo pripravljeni na morebitne kritike ter konstruktivne predloge, ki jih bomo upoštevali pri načrtovanju The dedicated festival team has once again managed to get through naslednjega festivala. the budgetary thunderstorms and frostbites. With great sacrifices and strong commitment to our work we have put together the programme Plakat Animateke 2007 je narisal japonski avtor Koji Yamamura, ki and organized the project which we dare call equal to the most je tudi letošnji rezidenčni umetnik. Z otvoritvijo Yamamurove razstave important regional events of its kind. Of course, we are open to and slik in risb v Mednarodnem grafičnem likovnem centru in Kino- prepared for constructive criticism and suggestions, which we will take dvoru, kjer bomo prikazali še retrospektivo njegovih kratkometražnih to heart when planning next year’s edition. animiranih filmov, tudi odpiramo festival. Ob Yamamuri smo tokrat ocenjevanje filmov zaupali še Duschi Kistler, programski direktorici The Animateka 2007 poster was created by the Japanese animator švicarskega festivala Fantoche, ki nam bo predstavila najboljše filme Koji Yamamura, this year’s artist in residence. The opening of the letošnje izdaje, Marcu de Bloisu iz kinoteke v Quebecu, ki je pripravil exhibition of Yamamura’s paintings and drawings in the International
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