Land Acquisition, Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous People Due Diligence Report Document Stage: Updated Draft Project Number: 49107-006 January 2020 IND: West Bengal Drinking Water Sector Improvement Project – Construction of IBPS-cum- GLSR at Raghunathpur, IBPS at Gobindapur, Including Transmission Mains, Overhead Reservoirs, Water Supply Distribution Network and Metering Works in Indpur Block (PART A) Package No. WW/BK/02A Prepared by Public Health Engineering Department, Government of West Bengal for the Asian Development Bank. This land acquisition, involuntary resettlement and indigenous people due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 24 September 2018) Currency unit = Indian rupee (`) INR 1.00 = $0.0138 $1.00 = ` 72.239 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank BPS - booster pumping stations DMS - detailed measurement survey FGD - focus group discussions GRC - grievance redressal committee GRM - grievance redress committee NGO - non-governmental organization PHED - public health engineering department RFCTLARRA - Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 ROW - right of way SAR - subproject appraisal report SIA - social impact assessment SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement TOR - terms of reference WBDWSIP - West Bengal Drinking Water Sector Improvement Project WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Ha — hectare Kl — kiloliter Km — kilometer Lpcd — litres per capita per day Mld — million liters per day M — meter m2 — square meter NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. ii Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION 2 A. Project Description 2 B. Scope of this Report 2 II. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 A. About the Subproject Area 2 B. Subproject Description 2 C. Indigenous People 5 III. FIELD WORK AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION 5 A. Outline of Filed Work 5 B. Public Consultations 5 IV. LAND AVAILABILITY, AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT IMPACTS 7 A. Intermediate Boosting Pumping Station (IBPS) cum Ground Level Storage 7 B. Overhead Reservoirs (OHRs) 8 C. Transmission Mains 13 D. Distribution Network 14 V. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IMPACTS 17 A. Identification of Indigenous Peoples 17 B. Demographic Profile of Indigenous People/Schedule Tribe in Indpur block 18 C. Project Impact on Indigenous People 19 VI. CONCLUSIONS 19 A. Summary and Conclusion 19 B. Next Steps 20 Photo gallery of clear water distribution network at indpur block 21 Photo gallery of rising main at taldangra block 22 Photo of indpur market area - part of distribution network alignment 22 List of Tables Table 1: Location wise proposed Overhead Reservoirs with Assessed capacities for package – WW/BK/02A ............................................................................................................................... 3 Table 2: Subproject Components under Package WW/BK/02A .................................................. 4 Table 3: Public Consultations held in Different Water Supply Zones in Indpur Block .................. 5 Table 4 : List of public consultations done in WW/BK/02A package area ................................... 7 Table 5: Landholding Status of the Land Owner for IBPS/GLSR (Raghunathpur) ...................... 8 Table 6: Landholding and socio-economic status of landowners of OHR sites ........................... 8 Table 7: Land availability and ownership details for OHR ..........................................................10 Table 8: Detail Changes of Land for Package WW/BK/02A.......................................................11 Table 9: Standard Land Area Required for Construction of overhead reservoirs .......................12 Table 10: Details of Transmission Mains under package WW/BK/02A ......................................13 Table 11: Details of Distribution Network Pipe Length under package WW/BK/02A ..................15 Table 12: Distribution Network Details ......................................................................................15 Table 13: Schedule Tribe Population in WBDWSIP District & Block ............................................17 Table 14: Demographic profile Schedule Tribe population in Indpur Block ................................18 Table 15: Literacy .....................................................................................................................18 Table 16: Caste-wise Population - Indpur Block ........................................................................18 List of Figures Figure 1: Google Earth Image depicting coverage area of Package WB/BK/02A 4 Appendices Appendix 1: List of Scheduled Tribes population in West Bengal, 2011 24 Appendix 2: List of scheduled tribes in West Bengal 25 Appendix 3: Summary of public consultations in held with community & land sellers at Indpur block (Package- WW/BK/02A) 26 Appendix 4: Details of Overhead Reservoirs in Indpur Block 52 Appendix 5 : Socio-Economic Profile of Land Sellers 56 Appendix 6: No Objection Certificates issued by the Land Owners 64 I. INTRODUCTION A. Project Description 1. The West Bengal Drinking Water Sector Improvement Project (WBDWSIP) aims to provide safe, reliable and continuous drinking water as per Government of India’s standard to about 6 million people in the Arsenic, Fluoride, and salinity affected selected areas of North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, East Medinipur and Bankura districts in accordance with the Vision 2020 of Government of West Bengal (GOWB) and Government of India Strategy for Drinking Water Supply. The Project will ensure drinking water security through 24/7 piped water supply schemes in the areas covered. The Project will have the following key outputs: Output 1: Drinking water infrastructure expanded and upgraded in North 24 and South 24 Parganas, East Medinipur and Bankura; and Output 2: Smart water management, capacity building for operational sustainability and sanitation planning achieved. 2. The project, WBDWSIP, has been divided into subprojects that will undertake Bulk Water Supply and distribution in selected blocks of North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Bankura and East Medinipur. The subprojects are further sub-divided into packages. 3. Provision of a water supply distribution system in the fluoride (ground water) affected block of Indpur in Bankura district is taken up under the WBDWSIP. A parallel subproject, implemented under WBDWSIP, will provide bulk water supply (treated water) for further distribution to the households in the project area. The subproject includes the following civil works components: (i) Intermediate Booster Pumping Station (IBPS) cum Ground Level Storage Reservoir (GLSR) and allied works of capacity 1400 kl at Raghunathpur; (ii) IBPS and allied structures at Gobindpur (iii) laying of transmission mains 156 kilometer (km) including rising mains from (a) IBPS/GLSR at Gobindapur to IBPS/GSLR at Chenchuria and Raghunathpur, including en-route 4 nos. of reservoir; (b) IBPS/GLSR at Gobindapur to 12 OHRs (3 OHRs in Indpur block 9 OHRs in Taldangra block); (c) IBPS/GLSR at Raghunathpur to 13 nos. of OHR in Indpur block; (iii) construction of 19 overhead reservoirs (OHRs) in Indpur Block; (iv) laying of 757 km distribution network of 20 OHR zones in Indpur block; and (v) provision of household service connections with water meters. B. Scope of this Report 4. This land acquisition, resettlement and indigenous peoples due diligence report for the package WW/BK/02A is prepared for design and construction of an IBPS cum GLSR at Raghunathpur, another IBPS at Gobindpur (in Indpur block), transmission mains and 19 numbers of new overhead tanks including water distribution network and house connection and metering works in Indpur block. The DDR report is updated to reflect site changes and beneficial impacts to indigenous peoples identified during the course of detailed design being prepared for the package by PIU Bankura with assistance of DSISC as on 30th November 2019. The Land Acquisition, Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples DDR will be updated and reconfirmed for final involuntary resettlement impacts after completion of detailed design and detailed measurement surveys (DMS).1 1 Detailed measurement survey will be jointly conducted by Assistant Safeguards Officer (Social) at the Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit of the concerned PIU, consultants and contractors prior to implementation at each site/stretch of alignment. Supervision and Project Implementation Support Consultants (SPISC) and contractor will be responsible for conduct of DMS and SPISC Social Safeguard Specialist will update Resettlement Plans prior to implementation. 3 5. A due diligence process was conducted to examine the land acquisition and resettlement issues in detail based on available design, aligned with ADB SPS, 2009. This report describes the findings and provides copies of relevant documents, community consultations and photographs. 2 This due diligence report needs to be considered along with the Resettlement Framework prepared for this project. 6. During detailed
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