LIST OF MAJOR FOREIGN INVESTORS IN POLAND LIST OF MAJOR FOREIGN INVESTORS IN POLAND December 2011 Warsaw 2011 I. Foreign direct investment (FDI) than half of global FDI flows. In contrast, worldwide, with particular emphasis on despite the general trend, the FDI inflows the new European Union member states to developed countries continued to (according to UNCTAD) decline. Compared to the previous year, the In 2010, after 2 years of decrease in global developed economies attracted 1% less FDI flow the trend has finally changed. FDI (USD 602 billion). Developing The FDI flow in 2010 equaled USD 1.24 countries acquired more than USD 574 trillion, compared to USD 1.14 trillion in billion, which was 12% more than in 2009. 2009 (change by 8.8%). However, the FDI Transition countries have attracted 5% less level is still 15 percent below the pre-crisis FDI than a year before. average and 38% below the record level of The value of FDI inflows to the 12 new EU USD 2 trillion recorded in 2007. members was USD 34.3 billion, According to the United Nations a significant growth from USD 21 billion Conference on Trade and Development in 2009. Among the new EU member (UNCTAD), the increase was a result of states Poland, which has recorded the higher FDI flow to developing and highest level of FDI inflow, was followed transition economies. For the first time, by the Czech Republic, Cyprus and these economies together attracted more Romania. Chart 1. FDI worldwide 2000-2010 (USD billion) 1979 1697 1461 1382 1243 1142 973 820 735 630 565 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: World Investment Report 2011 3 Chart 2. Inflow of FDI to the new EU member states in 2003-2010 (USD billion) 80 69,7 70 64,2 64,8 60 48,6 50 40,1 40 34,3 30 21,7 18,5 20 10 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: World Investment Report 2011 Table 1. Value of FDI inflow to the new companies’ shares (USD 2,981 million), EU Central and Eastern Europe member and other capital flows (USD 133 million). states (USD billion) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 III. Economic activity of companies with foreign capital in 2010 (according to Poland 19.6 19,6 23,6 14,8 9.7 Polish Statistical Office) Czech 5.5 10.4 6.4 2.9 6.8 Republic 1. Number of companies with foreign Romania 11.4 9.9 13.9 4.8 3.6 capital in 2009. Bulgaria 7.8 12.4 9.8 3.4 12. Estonia 1.8 2.7 1.7 1.8 1.5 In 2009 Polish Statistical Office (GUS) Slovenia 0.6 1.5 1.9 -0.6 0.8 recorded in Poland 22,176 companies with Slovakia 4.7 3.6 4.7 -0.05 0.5 foreign capital, 5.1% more than in 2008. Lithuania 1.8 2.0 2.0 0.2 0.6 Among 1,172 new entities with foreign Latvia 1.7 2.3 1.3 0.09 0.3 capital the majority (984 companies) was Source: World Investment Report 2011 greenfields. Among all the companies, the II. FDI in Poland (according to the major group (83.1%) was small companies, National Bank of Poland, USD million) i.e. those employing up to 49 people. The Total greatest importance, however, had 1,131 Equity Reinvested Other Equity big companies (employing over 250 capital profits capital capital persons), which accounted for 59.7% of share capital and 70,2% of employment. In terms of the business sector, 39.3% 2010 2,981 5,741 133 8,856 operated in manufacturing, 24.3% of all 2009 5,276 5,690 2,731 13,698 companies were active in trade and repairs. Source: National Bank of Poland 2011 The figure of USD 8656 million consists of reinvested profits (USD 5,741 million), funds for the purchase of Polish 4 IV. Employment in companies with enterprises that invested in Poland in the foreign capital past years to nascent companies that have In 2009 the companies polled by GUS invested capital in Poland for the first time. employed 1,460,700 people. The greatest Altogether 1,621 foreign investors from 42 number, 1,025,411 persons, was employed countries were included in the List of by the biggest companies. The most Major Foreign Investors in Poland. numerous group among all (almost 50% of These investors were in control of 2,213 all employees) worked in manufacturing corporations registered in Poland. The companies, while 23% were employed in most numerous group were investors from trade and repairs. Germany (389), the Netherlands (174) and the United States (177). Companies from V. Foreign investors in Poland these three countries made up to 46% of (according to PAIiIZ) the investments studied by PAIiIZ. As in previous years, PAIiIZ team Detailed information on investors from conducted a study among entities with specific countries is presented in tables foreign capital. The participating throughout this publication. companies ranged from the largest foreign Rec. Country of Activities Investor name Country of origin Activities (class) Company name num registration (PKD) Australia Manufacture Amcor Rentsch of pulp and Polska Sp. z o. o. - paper, Manufacture of Łódź; Amcor Flexibles publishing and articles of paper Polska Sp. z o. o. - 1 Amcor Ltd Australia Australia printing; and paperboard; Łódź Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil Wiśniowy Business 2 Lend Lease Central Europe Australia Australia Construction; engineering; Park - Warszawa Austria Real estate, renting and business AHA Polska Sp. z o.o. 1 AHA Wien GmbH Austria Austria activities; Advertising; - Warszawa Manufacture of rubber and Manufacture of Alpla Sp. z o. o. - 2 Alpla Austria Austria plastics; plastic products; Żywiec Manufacture of rubber and Manufacture of Aluplast Polska Sp. z 3 Aluplast Austria GmbH Austria Austria plastics; plastic products; o. o. - Poznań Transport, storage and communicatio Other land Sudety Lift Sp. z o. o. 4 Arlberger Bergbahnen AG Innsbruck Austria Austria n; transport; - Szklarska Poręba Manufacture of other non-metallic Strabag Sp. z o. o. - Manufacture mineral products; Warszawa; Polski of other non- Hotels; Building of Asfalt Technic sp. z metal goods; complete o.o. - Kraków; Hotele Hotels and constructions or Warszawskie restaurants; parts thereof; civil "Syrena" Sp. z.o.o. - 5 Bau Holding Strabag AG Austria Austria Construction; engineering; Warszawa Manufacture Manufacture of of metals and basic precious and metal non-ferrous Benda-Lutz Skawina 6 Benda-Lutz GmbH Austria Austria products; metals; Sp. z o. o. - Skawina Manufacture of metals and Manufacture of Bogner Komexim sp. metal cutlery, tools and z o.o. - Solec 7 Bogner Edelstahl Austria Austria Austria products; general hardware; Kujawski Manufacture of food, drinks Grupa Żywiec S.A. and tobacco Manufacture of Browar w Leżajsku - 8 BRAU UNION AG Austria The Netherlands products; beverages; Leżajsk 5 Rec. Country of Activities Investor name Country of origin Activities (class) Company name num registration (PKD) Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles Wholesale of non- and personal agricultural and intermediate Brenntag Polska Sp. z household products, waste o. o. - Kędzierzyn- 9 Brenntag CEE GmbH Austria Austria goods; and scrap; Koźle Legal, accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public opinion Real estate, polling; business renting and and management Coface Poland Credit business consultancy; Managemend 10 Coface Central Europe Holding AG Austria Austria activities; holdings; Services - Warszawa Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and Other retail sale of household new goods in Donauchem Polska 11 Donau Chemie Gruppe Austria Austria goods; specialized stores; sp. z o.o. - Grudziądz Manufacture of machinery for the production and use Manufacture of mechanical of machinery power, except Hawle Fabryka and aircraft, vehicle Armatury Sp. z o. o. - 12 E. Hawle Armaturenwerke GmbH Austria Austria equipment; and cycle engines; Kozieglowy Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, Financial except insurance Erste Securities intermediation and pension Polska SA - 13 Erste Bank Austria Austria ; funding; Warszawa Real estate, Europolis Real Estate renting and Real estate Assets Management business activities with own Sp. z o. o. - 14 EUROPOLIS INVEST Austria Austria activities; property; Warszawa Manufacture of electrical Manufacture of machinery electric motors, and generators and Festo Sp. z o. o. - 15 Festo GmbH Austria Austria apparatus; transformers; Raszyn Generali Życie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. - Warszawa; Generali Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. - Insurance and Warszawa; Generali Financial pension funding, PTE S.A. - Warszawa; intermediation except compulsory Generali Finance Sp. 16 Generali Holding Vienna AG Austria Austria ; social security; z o.o. - Warszawa Legal, accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy; market research and public opinion Real estate, polling; business renting and and management business consultancy; GfK Polonia Sp. z o.o. 17 GfK Austria GmbH Austria Austria activities; holdings; - Warszawa Manufacture of chemicals and chemical Manufacture of Greiner Perfoam Sp. z 18 Greiner Perfoam GmbH Austria Austria products; man-made fibres; o. o. - Ozorków Manufacture of machinery Manufacture of and machinery and Haberkorn Ulmer 19 Haberkorn Group Austria Austria equipment; equipment n.e.c.; Polska - Skrzyszów 6 Rec. Country of Activities Investor name Country of origin Activities (class) Company name num registration (PKD) Wholesale and retail Wholesale of non- trade; repair of agricultural motor intermediate vehicles, products, waste motorcycles and scrap; and personal Manufacture of and soap and household detergents, Henkel Polska Sp. z goods; cleaning and o. o. - Warszawa; Manufacture polishing Henkel Polska Sp. z of chemicals preparations, o.o. zakład HENKEL CENTRAL EASTERN and chemical perfumes and toilet Dzierżoniów - 20 EUROPE GMBH Austria Austria products; preparations; Dzierżoniów Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles Wholesale of non- and personal agricultural and intermediate Herz Armatura i household products, waste Systemy Grzewcze - 21 Herz Austria Austria goods; and scrap; Wieliczka Financial intermediation Other financial Polfactor SA - 22 Intermarket Bank AG Austria Austria ; intermediation; Warszawa Manufacture of Manufacture articles of of other non- concrete, plaster ISOROC Polska Sp.
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