RUSSIA Approved port facilities in Russia IMPORTANT: The information provided in the GISIS Maritime Security module is continuously updated and you should refer to the latest information provided by IMO Member States which can be found on: https://gisis.imo.org/Public/ISPS/PortFacilities.aspx Port Name 1 Port Name 2 Facility Name Facility Number Description Longitude Latitude AnadyrAggersund AnadyrAggersund ANADYRAggersund - Universal - Aggersund RUDYR-0002DKASH-0001 Composition:Bulk carrier 4 freight docks, portal cranes, 1773127E0091760E 644447N565990N transshipment complex of warehouses and storage areas, motor road Anadyrskiy Morskoy Port JSC of eccess, service and auxiliary units, engineering networks, special equipment, vessels of port fleet: Mikhail Kurkutsky, Kamchatka, Onemen, Chukotka, Vostok, Polyarniy, Kapitan Sotnikov, Burun, DM- 2038, DM-2047, SNB-8, KPL-814, Shtorm, Grom; 2 adjacent water areas positioned as follows: No 1 - 1) 64°44,51' N; 177°30,30' E; 2) 64°44,45' N; 177°30,59' E; 3) 64°44,38' N; 177°30,51' E; 4) 64°44,42' N; 177°30,18' E; No 2 - 1) 64°44' 20'' N; 177°30' 41'' E; 2) 64°44' 40'' N; 177°31' 00'' E; 3) 64°44' 30'' N; 177°32' 20'' E; 4) 64°44' 13'' N; 177°32' 02'' E. Main activities: receipt, storage and shipping of different cargoes: containers, general cargoes, round timber, scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, coal in bulk, sand and other mineral and building materials in bulk. Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - "Lesozawod- RUARH-0005 Complex of stationary berth with the crane 0404147E 642942N 2" (Terminal "Lesnoi for sawn wood operations prichal") Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - Commercial RUARH-0009 13 freight docks, covered warehouses and 0403630E 642905N Sea Port ("Bakaritsa" uncovered storage sites, auxillary units, district) engineering networks, special equipment. Main activities: storage and transshipment operations of cellulose, cardboard, lumber, paper, coal Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - Oil Terminal RUARH-0013 Composition: berth No. 1 and No. 2, 0403757E 643747N of RN- technological platforms, standers, feeding Arkhangelsknefteprodukt pipelines, hose devices, assistive sheds and Ltd. tanks, 3 vessels of port fleet, access motor roads, servise and auxiliary facilities, engineering networks, water area with coordinates: 1) 64 38 15N; 040 38 54E; 2) 64 38 16N; 040 38 52E; 3) 64 38 03N; 040 38 20E; 4) 64 38 04N; 040 38 23E. Main activities: transshipment of oil and oil products to seagoing tankers. Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - Terminal RUARH-0014 Freight dock, auxiliary units, engineering 0403060E 643873N "Lesozavod-23" networks, special equipment, section of water area 20 m width adjacent to the port facility. Main activities: storage and transshipment operations of packaged saw- timber Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - Terminal RUARH-0015 Complex of freight dock, ancillary equipment 0402905E 643513N "Profit" for sawn wood transshipment operations Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - Timber RUARH-0008 Composition: 2 freight docks, portal cranes, 0403017E 643563N transshipment terminal of warehouses and storage sites, motor roads Solombalskiy Lesopilno- and rails of access, service & auxiliary units, Derevoobrabatyvauschiy engineering networks, special equipment, 2 Combinat JSC adjacent water areas of the following position: Area #1: 1) 64°35' 40,92''N; 40°30' 08,08''E; 2) 64°35' 40,82''N; 40°30' 03,56''E; 3) 64°35' 46,21''N; 40°30' 07,65''E; 4) 64°35' 46,15''N; 40°30' 03,45''E; Area #2: 1) 64°35' 31,45''N; 40°30' 08,94''E; 2) 64°35' 40,92''N; 40°30' 08,08''E; 3) 64°35' 40,82''N; 40°30' 03,56''E; 4) 64°35' 31,35''N; 40°30' 04,48''E. Main activities: receipt, storage and transshipment of timberand products of woodworking (saw timber, packed cellulose, sideline products). 1 - 64 RUSSIA Port Name 1 Port Name 2 Facility Name Facility Number Description Longitude Latitude Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - RUARH-0007 Composition: 2 freight docks, portal cranes, 0402913E 644113N Transshipment complex of warehouses and storage sites, motor roads Arkhangelskiy lesopilno- of approach, service & auxiliary objects, derevoobrabatyvauschiy engineering networks, special equipment, combinat ! 3 transit sign, adjacent water area of the following position: 1) 64°41'14''N; 40°29'28''E; 2) 64°41'20''N; 40°29'00''E; 3) 64°41'13''N; 40°28'59''E; 4) 64°41'08''N; 40°29'16''E. Main activities: storage and shipment of saw timber on vessels. Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - RUARH-0016 Composition: freight dock, portal crane, cold 0403130E 643820N Transshipment terminal of stores, warehouses and storage sites, motor Arkhangelskiy Traloviy Flot roads and rails of access, service and JSC auxiliary units, engineering networks, special equipment, 6 vessels of port fleet, adjacent water area located as follows: 1) 64°38'14,3''N; 40°30'51,1''E; 2) 64°38'14,3''N; 40°30'54,5''E; 3) 64°38'13,2''N; 40°30'56,7''E; 4) 64°38'13,3''N; 40°31'16,1''E; 5) 64°38'13,7''N; 40°31'15,9''E; 6) 64°38'13,6''N; 40°31'18,6''E; 7) 64°38'11,7''N; 40°31'18,6''E; 8) 64°38'11,6''N; 40°30'56,2''E. Main activities: receipt, storage and transshipment of fish products from fishing (fish transporting) vessels, logistical support of fishing vessels berthed or at sea. Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - RUARH-0006 Composition: 2 freight docks, portal crane, 0403760E 643116N Transshipment terminal of warehouses and storage areas, motor roads Severnoe lesopromyshlennoe of access, service and auxiliary units, tovarischestvo Lesozavod ! engineering networks, special equipment, 3 JSC adjacent water area of the following location: 1) 64°31'07,7''N; 40°3726,8E; 2) 64°31'06,6''N; 40°37'24,3''E; 3) 64°31'01,1''N; 40°37'37,9''E; 4) 64°31'02,1''N; 40°37'40,5''E. Main activities: receipt, temporary storage and transshipment of saw-timber on ships. Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK - Universal RUARH-0012 Composition: 7 freight docks; 15 portal 0403118E 644227N transshipment complex cranes; warehouses and storage sites; tanks "Economia" of Arkhangelsk for oil products; service and auxillary Commercial Sea Port JSC objects; engineering networks; special equipment; adjacent water area with the following positions: 1) 64º 42,26' N; 40º 30,84' E; 2) 64º 42,13' N; 40º 30,78' E; 3) 64º 42,26' N; 40º 30,85' E; 4) 64º 42,12' N; 40º 30,76' E; Main activities: berthing of ships, loading and unloading operations of cellulose, cardboard, lumber, chemical cargoes, metals, equipment, construction materials, bulked and other general cargoes, dangerous cargoes. Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK- RUARH-0003 Composition:Cargo Berths !21-22 in 0403170E 643963N Transshipment Facility in Sawmill 25 in Maimaksa Department,Cargo Maimaksa Department of Handing Equipment,water area with the Sawmill !25 in Arkhangelsk following coordinates: 1) 64°39'46,5''N; 40°30'59,7''E; 2) 64°39'45,4''N; 40°30'56.9''E; 3) 64°39'39.7''N; 40°31'10.2''E; 4) 64°39'40.7''N; 40°31'13.2''E.Main activities:Cargo Transsipment and Transit Storage of Sawgoods and Timber in Logs. Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk ARKHANGELSK- RUARH-0004 Composition:cargo Berths !93-95 in 0402160E 643237N Transshipment Facility in Sawmill 25 in Tsiiglomen Department,Cargo Tsiiglomen Department of Handing Equipment,water area with the Sawmill !25 in Arkhangelsk following coordinates:1) 64°32'18,3''N; 40°21'41,2''E; 2) 64°32'19,1''N; 40°21'44,3''E; 3) 64°32'24,6''N; 40°21'35,3''E; 4) 64°32'23,6''N; 40°21'32,2''E.Main activities:cargo transshopment and Transit Storage of Sawgoods and Timber in Logs 2 - 64 RUSSIA Port Name 1 Port Name 2 Facility Name Facility Number Description Longitude Latitude Astrakhan Astrakhan ASTRAKHAN-Territorial RUASF-0098 Composition:5 cargo berths,drain the 0475500E 461400N production management railroad trestle,technological equipment for Distribution transshipment pumping petroleum products ,tank farm,the complex-Astrakhan access roads and railroad tracks,auxiliary objects,engineering,machinery,water area with the following coordinates:1)46°14'40.00"N;47°55'50.00" ;2)46°14'30.00"N;47°56'20.00" ;3)46°14' 30.50"N;47°56'20.50" ;4)46°14'40.50"N;4 7°55'50.50" .Main activities:reception,storage and transhsipment of oil products(diesel fuel,crude oil). Astrakhan Astrakhan ASTRAKHAN - Cargo port of RUASF-0010 Composition: freight dock, portal cranes, 0480043E 462068N PF VTS-Port Ltd warehouses and storage sites, service and auxiliary units, engineering networks, special equipment, roads of approach, adjacent water area of 0,009 sq.km. Main activities: storage and trans-shipment of general cargoes (timber, metal, glass, foodstaff, vehicles) and containers on to river vessels and sea-river ships. Astrakhan Astrakhan ASTRAKHAN - Cargo RUASF-0015 Freight dock, portal cranes, warehouses and 0480003E 462073N terminal of Alfa-Port storage grounds, motor roads and rail tracks of access,service and auxiliary facilities,engineering networks,special machinery,water area with coordinates:1)46° 20' 50,362'' N;48° 00' 07,068''E 2)46° 20' 49,518''N;48° 00' 09,023''E 3)46° 20' 39,726''N;48° 59' 59,801''E 4)46° 20' 40,566''N;48° 59' 57,845''E 5)46° 20' 43,878''N;48° 00' 01,088''E 6)46° 20' 46,916''N;48° 00' 03,949''E 7)46° 20' 47,375''N;48° 00' 04,382''E.Main activities :receiving ,temporary storage and loading on ships of various cargoes (lumber bundles ,rolled ferrous metals,heavy containers,cargo on pallets and in big bags,oversized loads). Astrakhan Astrakhan ASTRAKHAN - Cargo RUASF-0084 Composition: freight dock, portal cranes, 0475925E 462033N terminal of Astrakhanskiy open storage area, motor roads and rails of Morskoy Port JSC access, service and auxiliary units, engineering networks, special equipment, water area of the following location: 1) 46°20'30,00''N; 47°59'52,00''E; 2) 46°20'32,00''N; 47°59'54,00''E; 3) 46°20'34,00''N; 47°59'56,00''E; 4) 46°20'36,00''N; 47°59'58,00''E; 5) 46°20'37,00''N; 47°59'59,00''E; 6) 46°20'38,00''N; 48°00'00,00''E; 7) 46°20'39,00''N; 48°00'03,00''E; 8) 46°20'29,00''N; 47°59'54,00''E.
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