DOCUMENT 'ESUME ED 216 927 * SE 038 131 AUTHOR- Stoever, Edward C., Jr. iITLE Quake Estate (board game). CrUktal Evolution Education Project. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Investigation. INSTITUTION National Association of Geology Teachers. SPONS AGENCY National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO CEEPtcMOD-CA18-4-1; ISBN-0-89873-046-5; ISBN-0-89873r047-3 PUB DATE 79* GRANT' SED-75-20151; SED-77-08539; SED-78-25104 NOTE 45p. AVAILABLE FilOMWard's Natural Science Establishment, Inc., P.O.Box 1712, Rochester, NY 14603 (or P.O. Box 1749, Monterey, CA 493940.) EDRS PRICE , MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Earth cienc0 Educational Games; Environmental EducatiOn; Geology;-Instructional Materials; Oceanography; *ScienCe Activities; *Science Course Improvement Projects; SciendCurriculum; Science Education; Science Instruction; Secondary Education; *Secondary School Science; *Seismology; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods IDENTIFIERS *Crustal Evolution Education Project; Earthquakes; National Science Foundation; *Plate Tectonics ABSTRACT Crustal Evolution Educati6n Project (CEEP) modules were designed to:(1) provide students with the methods and results of continuing investigations into the composition, history,and processes,of'the eartb's crust and the application ofp-thisknowledge to man's activities and (2) to be used by teachers with littleor no previous backgrOudd in the modern theories ofsea-floor spreading, continental drift, and plate tectonics. Each module consistsof two booklets: a teacher's guide.and ttudent investigation.The teacher's guide contains all of the information present inthe student investigation booklet as wellas:(1). a general introduction; (2) prerequisite student background; "(3) objectives;(4) list of required materials;(5) background information; (6) suggested approach; (7) procedure, including number of 45-minuteclass periods required; (8) .summary questions (with answers);(9) extension activities; and (10) list of references. A game approach is used in thismodule focusing on land investment and develdpment)at a site located at a major plate (SaMIAndreas-Fault) in California. Objectivesinclude identiying geolog hazards in an earthquake-prone area, identifying prbbable effects of-these hazardson land and development in the area, and stating measures used to minimize effect of these hazard (Author/JN) ***********************************,************************************ Reproductions supplied,by EDRS are the best thatcan be made * A from the original document. *********************************************************************** 0 1C1B1BID 0 m CRUSTAL EVOLUTION , r EDUCATION a PROJECT ID. $9 U S DEPARTMENT OFEDUCATION N NATIONAL INSTITUTE OFEDUCATION 0 Cr% EDUCATIONAL'RESOURCES INFORMATION CEN (ERtERIC) %..0 /PIT,* docurw.nt has been reproduced as recNed from tte Pet5W, Wofganzaiv, 1--4 orw,at r,9 l' a Mtnor changes hade beenmade ,o trnprove C1 eprod,crton goat ty C:=1 th trbs data 0 Po,ts of vaew W ,,,t),,,O,S stated represent of cat NIIE 're', lo ^ol ^ecessrl'tty . postr.on or tto cv 3 ID Q ake Estate "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL INMICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY (board game) TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) TEACHERS ,GUIDE Catalog No. 34W1024 For use with Student investigation 34W1124 Class time: three 45- minute periods Developed`by THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GEOLOGY TEACHERS Produced and Distributed by Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc.Rochester, NY Monterey, CA o 46 NAGT Crustal Evolution Education Project Edward C. Stoever; Jr., Project Director Welcome to the exciting world of current research Teachers and students alike hay a unique into the composition .history and processes of the opportunity through CEEP modifies to share in the earth's crust and the application of this knowledge unfolding of thee educationally important and to man s activities The earth sciences are exciting advances CEEP modules are designed Currently experiencing a dramatic revolutionin to provide students with appealiQg firsthand our understanding of the w.py in which the earth investigative experiences with concepts which are works CEEP modules are designed to bring into at or close to the frontiers of scientific inquiry into the classroom the methods and results of these plate tectonics Furthermore, the CEEP modules continuing investigatipns The Crustal Evolution are designed to be used by teachers with little or Education Project bellgan work in 1974 under no previous background in the modern theories the auspices of the National Association of of sea-floor spreading. continental drift and plate Geology Teachers CEEP materials have been Tectonics developed by teens of science educators, We know that you will enjoy using CEEP . classroom teachers and scientists Prior to modules in your classroom Read on, and be Publication the materials were field tested by -prepared to experience a renewed enthusiasm for more than 200,teachers and over 12,000 students teaching as you learn more about the living earth Current crustal k volution research is a breaking I n this and other CEEP rnocules story that students are living through today About CEEP Modules ..) Most CEEP modules consist of two booklets a rarying quantities according to the method of Teacher s Guide and a Student Investigation The prese.,ntation Read over the module before Te,acher,s Guide contains all the information sche,duling its use in class and refer to the list of and illustrations in the Student Investigation MATERIALS in the module P/us sections printed in color intended only for the Each module is individual and self-contained in tea,L-ner as'well as answers to the questions that content but some are divided into two or more are included in the Student Investigation parts for convenience The recommended length In some modules, there are illtUstrations that of time for each module is indicated Some modules s appear only in the, Teacher s Guide and these are require prerequisite knowledge'of some aspects designated by figure letters instead of the number of basic earth science this is noted in the sequence:LAed in the'Student Investigation Teacher s Guide For sbrne modules maps rulers and other common clasSroom materials are needed and in r The matecial was prepared with the support of National Science Foundation Grant Nos SED 75-20151 SED 77-08539 and SED 78-25104 However any opinions findings conclusions of recommendations expressed herein are those of the authorts) arid do not neCessarily reflect the views f of NSP a In order to comply Aith U S Public Law 94 -86 every school diStrict to ine U S A using these materiatg agrees to make them available for inspedtion by parents or guardians of children engaged in educational prOgrams Of protects of The school district , topytight 1979 by Southeast Missouri Slate University auake Estate , . I INTRODUCTION Quake Estate is a game approach to land Quake EState is a game of real environmental investment and develoment. Winning the game problems and decisions. You will play the part of involves elements of chance as well as a geologist, investor, and land developer. The opportunities 'to make decisioni based on a game bbard is a simplified version of an area knowledge of geblogic hazards and their effect on located at a mayor plate boundary in California. land utilizatioh. The specific site 9hOsen for.the This area has many hazards. These hA,zards. game `is a simplified version of an existing area include earthquakes, landslides, fires, and floods. located at a major plat% boundary in California,' Geologists, land developers and residents In this area the San Andreas Fault has been have many problems because of these hazards. identified as a transform fault separating the/ The object of the game is to acquire the most Pacific and North American Plates. money and property. Understanding geologic hazards and their effects on land development and :use will help you Win the game . / PREREQUISITE STUDENT BACKGROUND The students should be reasonably fam Oar with the major geologic" hazards associatedith the development of a parcel of land in an arthquake- prone area. These include the effect o . earthquakes in different ropk and top graphio.- settings, landslides, mudslides, flood ng, rock and, sediment properties as foundation aterial, and subsidence due to rerhovalofround water, oll;etc. .. - OBJECTIVES After you have completed this .ctivity, you should be able to: 1. Identify the geologic hazards in an earthquake- prone area. 2. Identify the probable effe is of these hazards on the land and developme t in the area. 3. State measures that can be ergployed to minimize the effect of thes hazes. /1 MATERIALS Quake Estate, game boardone board for two to An expendable version (Worksheet 1) of the game tour students. An expendable or nonexpendable board may be employed. In this case, the game board may be used. The Instructions students draw a symbol of various developments for each are as follows. (See CEEP Materials List.) in each property directly on the game board. If a player adds a development to his or her Materials needed to make nonexpendabren; board: property, the appropriate symbol is simply drawn Student Investigation Worksheet No. 1 onto the top of the appropriate property . White board or white cardboard 26 cm x 39cm square with a pencil: 0 single family residence; Spray can or jar of liquid adhesive glue , condominiums; 5 shopping center;11 Colored pencils, crayons or watercolor paints re reation area. When a player finds it necessary yellow, blue, orange, purple, green, red and brown -toell a development, the symbol Is simply erased or crossed out. The geologic map and game squares on the game . board should be col red as indicated: The paper...tame board, Worksheet 1, may be taped Gator Bay, Angel Cr ek Reservoir and Diablo to a piece of cardboard for easier handling. Creek Reservoir in bi e. Materials needed for either expendable or Marshland, Tideland and Bayside In yellow. nonexpendable game boards: Meadowside, Plains, Lowland Park and Green Game Cards (Worksheets 3-7)one set for each Fields in orange. game board., These cards should be cut and X Rolling Hills, Foothill and Hillside in green.
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