THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece JUNE 2017 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail: [email protected] DISCIPLINEOUR ARCHBISHOP’S IN THE VIEW HOME ORTHODOX AND HETERODOX (B’) PAGE 5/21 THERESA MAY’S LEADERSHIP Calling out domestic violence from the shadows The statistics on domestic violence in Aus- tralia are sobering. One in three women have ON THE LINE experienced physical violence since age 15. One in five women have experienced sexual vi- olence. As Conservative Party recriminations continue PAGE 6/22 British Prime Minister Theresa May has reshuffled her said. Ms Soubry, who campaigned for Britain to stay in cabinet as pressure mounts on her to quit in the wake of the EU ahead of last year’s referendum, said in light of last week’s disastrous election result. the election result, Ms May did not have a majority in The Prime Minister, who blew her majority in an elec- parliament for taking Britain out of the European single tion called three years ahead of time, is facing increasing market. internal criticism as she negotiates a deal to form gov- “Theresa May is a dead woman walking. It’s just how ernment with the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern long she’s going to remain on death row,” said former Ireland. Conservative chancellor George Osborne, who was Conservative Party MP Anna Soubry said Ms May’s po- sacked by Ms May when she became prime minister last sition was untenable long term. year. “I think she will have to go unfortunately. But not for some time, let’s get this clear. We need stability,” she Cont. page 13/29 More than 50,000 people Thousands farewell Constantinos Mitsotakis at the 41st Paniyiri Greek Festival The popular Panigiri Greek Festival in Bris- bane was a huge success, with over 50,000 people attending the two-day event. PAGE 15/31 Mt Ziria Mt Ziria (also known as Kyllini), which occu- pies the western part of the Corinth district in the Peloponnese, is less than 150 km’s west of Athens and offers fir forests and picturesque PAGE 3/19 lakes. PAGE 16/32 JUNE 2017 2/18 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Peak Christian body calls for leadership on climate agreement President Pavlopoulos: ‘The Ecumenical Patriarchate is our cradle’ “The Patriarchate is our cradle and the Turkish The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) people and those in surrounding countries for a 1.5 de- leadership must realize that the presence of the have called on Prime Minister Turnbull to show leader- gree warming limit. Our very survival is at stake. Patriarchate in Constantinople is one of Turkey’s ship in commitment to the global climate agreement, Bishop Huggins said: most powerful ties with the EU and the West. I which is our best chance for the stewardship of the “Our Pacific neighbours in Tuvalu and the Carteret Is- hope and believe that in the end the Turkish lead- world around us. lands are already feeling pressure to flee their country ership will understand it and will enable the Patri- NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins said “this mo- because of a rise in sea level. archate to do its work, especially the educational mentous climate deal is bigger than just one country, “In Australia, our unprecedented heat waves are hav- one, and I am talking about the reopening of the one person or a handful of climate sceptics. It is about ing serious consequences for our land, livestock, vege- School of Halki,” Greek President Prokopios Pavlo- the urgent survival of humanity, the ability for all chil- tation and homes. poulos said during his recent visit to the Ecumeni- dren to be able to born into and live in a world with “This climate deal, signed by 195 countries is about cal Patriarchate, where he met with the Ecumeni- clean air and clean water. action and trust that our leaders understand that there cal Patriarch Bartholomew. Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgs, the General Secretary of the is no second chance at this. Pavlopoulos was in Istanbul to participate in the NCCA, said “Prime Minister Turnbull, a man of faith, will “Global warming is real, and it will have devastating summit marking the 25th anniversary of the estab- understand that Australians are looking to him for lead- effects on us in our lifetime. Prime Minister Turnbull lishment of the Black Sea Cooperation Organisa- ership on one of the biggest threats facing us and future should lead in protecting this planet for our children tion (BSEC), at the invitation of the President of the generations. and for their children, regardless of the short sighted- Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “Australia needs to keep its focus on the task of im- ness of the US President or climate sceptics,” concluded plementing and strengthening its commitments to its Bishop Huggins. On Sunday the 21st of May the Parish of Saints Constantine and Helene in Perth, WA, celebrated the feast day of their patron sa ints. The two day celebration commenced with the Vespers Service on the Saturday night followed by the Divine Liturgy the next day and the of ficial icon procession. Following the Divine Liturgy a luncheon was organised by the Hellenic Community of WA and the Castellorizian Association of WA in the hall next door to the Church. Students from St Andrew’s Grammar recited various readings relating to Saints Constantine and Helene. JUNE 2017 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 3/19 President Thousands farewell Constantine Mitsotakis message on Day of Remembrance of the Genocide of Pontus Hellenism The sacred memory of the tragic victims of the Genocide of Hellenism in the Pontus must remain alive to keep the world on alert, as the night- mare of crimes against Humanity is unfortunately not over, the Presi- dent of the Republic, Prokopios Pav- lopoulos said in his message on the Day of Remembrance of the Geno- cide of Pontus Hellenism (19 May). The hardships we experience, es- pecially through the barbarity of ji- Thousands of ordinary citizens, politi- premiers, Parliament President Nikos bravery and his smile. Mitsotakis had hadist terrorism, prove that the cians and members of the government – Voutsis and Government Vice-President stood up against populism and led ef- nightmare of crimes against Human- as well as friends and family – were pres- Yiannis Dragasakis, as well as govern- forts for reconciliation, he said, over- ity is unfortunately not over. That is ent for the last farewell to Greek states- ment ministers, the leaders of Greek po- looking political cost for the good of why the Sacred Memory of the Trag- man Constantine Mitsotakis, during the litical parties, main opposition New Greece. ic Victims of the Greek Genocide of funeral service held in Athens on Democracy’s Parliamentary group and Kyriakos Mitsotakis was especially mo- the Pontus must remain alive to Wednesday afternoon (31/5). former ministers and MPs in his cabinet. ved when his turn came to speak, saying keep the world on alert,” Pavlopou- A former prime minister, minister and The funeral service, read by Archbish- his father had chosen to return to his los said and added: the honorary leader of the New Democ- op of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos, beloved Crete as his final resting place “The Greek nation, fulfilling its ba- racy party for several decades, Mitso- started shortly after 15:00 with a salute “in a small cemetery at Agoulide, where sic, historical and institutional obli- takis was given a funeral with the hon- by honour guards from each of the three anyone passing by chance would never gation – on the basis of the provi- ours of a serving prime minister at the branches of the armed forces and music imagine that a great politician is going to sions of Law 2193/1994 – honours Athens Metropolitican Cathedral, where by an Athens Guard military band. be there.” this year the sacred memory of the his body had lain in state throughout the Funeral orations were read out by “You were the last of a generation that tragic victims of the Pontus Hel- morning. President Pavlopoulos, who praised the passed through the Symplegades but al- lenism, proving in practice that we First to arrive were members of the late statesman’s dedication to democra- so felt deeply the potential of our coun- do not forget this atrocious crime family, including his daughter Dora cy and especially parliamentary democ- try and believed in it… Your political lega- against Humanity.” Bakoyannis, an MP, his daughter Alexan- racy above all. cy was ever relevant, to respect the The message of the President of dra Mitsotakis Gourdain, his daughter “He was a true European leader,” truth, to seek unity, to not forget that the Republic concluded: “On this Re- Katerina Mitsotaki and his son and main Pavlopoulos said, noting that the certain- Greece’s future is in the heart of Eu- membrance Day we call on all peo- opposition ND leader Kyriakos Mitso- ty of Greece’s European course was rope,” Kyriakos Mitsotakis said. It was ples not to forget the victims and of takis, as well as his many grandchildren among the legacies that he had left, as now the turn of the current generation any other genocide, given that only and great grandchildren. well as that of unity and harmony in the to stand up to populism, envy and divi- the whole world – and consequently Among those attending the funeral country. sion, he added. the International Community – will were President of the Hellenic Republic Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades After the funeral service, Mitsotakis’ prevent similar atrocious crimes Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Prime Minister said that Greeks were mourning the body was taken to Elefsina airport and against Humanity in the future.” Alexis Tsipras, Cyprus President Nicos passing of a great politician that had left flown to Crete in a C-130 military trans- Anastasiades and several former Greek his mark on Greek history, known for his port aircraft, where it was buried.
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