6 1 0 LiveInside the issue 2 r e Live, Virtual and Constructive Identity of the b m Italian Army e c e D Stability Policing: towards new Operational - 4 Capabilities 2 e u s s Technological Innovation and National Security I #Wearejointandcombined 瘀攀爀礀眀栀攀爀攀 愀瀀椀搀氀礀 EDITOR’S NOTE by Col. ITA (A) Gianluigi ARCA CONTENTS NRDC-ITA Commander 攀爀 Lt. Gen. Roberto PERRETTI EDITORIAL BOARD FROM THE STAFF Editor in Chief: Col. ITA (A) Gianluigi ARCA • The eNRF Support Concept Seminar at NRDC-ITA 4 Editors : Lt. Col. ITA (A) Vincenzo SCHETTINI, Maj. GBR (A) Christopher • Stability Policing: towards new Operational Capabilities 6 DAVIES • Public Affairs to become independent branch within HQ! 8 Assistant Editor and Graphic Designer: • NRDC-ITA CIS drives NATO technological innovation! 12 Cpl. ITA (A) Chiara MONTI ...................... • Live, Virtual and Constructive Identity of the Italian Army 14 Assistant in Imagery and Post Production: • Technological Innovation and National Security 20 WO1 ITA (A) Francesco CIVITELLI Photographers: Cpl. ITA (A) Raffaele SAN- SEVERINO, Cpl. ITA (A) Mattia RUSSO Web: WO ITA (A) Italo BOATO SPORT BOARD The everywhere rapidly is the autorized offi- ear reader, cial pubblication of NATO Rapid Deploy- able Corps, Italy. All editorial content of the • Exercise Eagle Triglav 28 this issue marks an im- “ER” issue, in fact, is honoured to everywhere rapidly is prepared , edited and • NRDC-ITA Mountain Military Training on Dolomites 30 Dportant and challenging host an article by Maj. Gen. Mau- approved by the NRDC -ITA Commander, period for NRDC-ITA. The Hea- rizio Boni, who as Ce.Si.Va. Com- at “ Ugo Mara” barracks, via per Busto Ar- dquarters is in the very middle of mander explains the roles and sizio, 20 - 21058 Solbiate Olona , Varese, Italy. its second year as a stand-by Joint tasks of the Centre in support of The Everywhere Rapidly is published by the Pub- Task Force (JTF) and is facing, at testing the capabilities of complex lic Affairs Office. Contents of the Everywhere the same time, training events on headquarters like NRDC-ITA. Rapidly are not necessarily the official views of, the path to validation as a Land You will find this and much more or endorsed by the North Atlantic Treaty Orga- COMMAND GROUP nization and the Nations thereby rapresented. Component Command (LCC), the through the pages of the magazi- • A new leadership for the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Italy 34 role to be covered in 2018. NR- ne, which represents an extension All intellectual property rights, including • The new Command Sergeant Major of NRDC-ITA 36 DC-ITA is conducting a consi- of another dynamic communica- copyright in the content displayed on the stent number of activities aimed at tion tool: the official web site of everywhere rapidly, belong to their respec- improving its capability to proper- the Headquarters, www.nrdc-ita. tive owners. All material and information , ly employ combat units, planning nato.int. including comments, are governed by the the execution of the full spectrum Together with the social media doctrine of fair use. The Publication and the content may only be used for lawful pur- platforms accounts, the website of military operations and testing poses. For this purpose alone one may print COMMUNITY the digitized command and con- plus the magazine provide a very out, reproduce, or photocopy as needed. trol systems. good angle on our daily activities. • NIWIC solidarity for the victims of Central Italy earthquake 40 But the capabilities of the HQ are Follow us on all of them, and The editor reserves the right to edit all • NRDC-ITA on two wheels at EICMA 2016 41 the result of the daily work of a have your insight from a priviled- submissions for style, brevity and clarity. • A champion among NIWIC members: Mrs. Valentina Superchi wins the 42 complex structure, which also in- ged vantage point. Printed by : Grafica Metalliana Nordic Walking Italian Championship 2016 volves national assets, such as the Italian Army Simulation and Va- Thank you for your kind atten- lidation Centre (Ce.Si.Va.). This tion and enjoy your reading! FROM THE STAFF The eNRF Support Concept Seminar Italian Army Aviation personnel preparing an attack helicopter A129 “Mangusta” on a cargo airplane at NRDC-ITA Capt. ITA (A) Giuseppe MANNINO, assigned to NRDC-ITA in July 2015, Staff Officer J4 OPS Coord, Support Division he NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy Hea- deploying at short notice when tasked. If activated, the dquarters hosted “The Enhanced NATO Re- force will be available to move immediately, following Tsponse Force (eNRF) Support Concept” Semi- the first warnings and indicators of potential threats, be- nar from the 3rd to the 4th of November 2016, under fore a crisis begins, to act as a potential deterrent to fur- the chairmanship of the Chief of Support Division, ther escalation. In order to enhance the responsiveness Brigadier General Luca FONTANA. of the Alliance, facilitating the rapid intervention of the As part of a number of events established to achieve VJTF, small coordination nodes, called NATO Force the proper direction and understanding on specific topi- Integration Units (NFIUs), have been established to cs associated with the most recent NATO transforma- enable deployment and sustainment activity of forces. tions, the seminar represented an important opportunity As new stakeholders for new logistic challenges, NFIUs the HQs takes this responsibility starting from January and challenges, promoted common situational aware- to explore possibilities for enhancing and strengthening are working in conjunction with host nations in order 2018. ness within NATO support community and spread a our cooperation among NATO entities. The seminar, to ensure that the VJTF can deploy to an assigned re- The implementation of the recent eNRF and VJTF clearer understanding on Logistic Command and Con- conducted over two days, consisted of briefings and li- gion within two up to seven days. Each NFIU will pro- concepts is challenging, and NRDC-Italy is eager to face trol relationships within the NRF environment. Early vely discussions, focusing on the enhanced NRF Sup- vide a vital link between national forces and multinatio- this new period with the latest information available coordination between all stakeholders involved in the port Concept, and provided an excellent forum to achie- nal NATO forces, and will have a key role in planning, among NATO entities. To cope with such commitmen- eNRF process was made crucial during the seminar. In ve a common understanding of the Support Division’s exercising and assisting potential reinforcements. The ts, NRDC-Italy needs to remain updated on the eNRF addition, the importance of multinational solutions to role in eNRF operations. Representatives of JFC Bruns- NFIUs will be controlled by the Multinational Corps and VJTF emerging concepts, in particular those aspects help solve logistics shortfalls was emphasized as a major sum, NRDC-Spain, ARRC and NFIU Poland actively Northeast HQ in Szczecin (Poland) and the Multina- related to the Command and Control (C2) structure and key to mission success. For this reason, the strategic contributed to the event as pioneers in the recent eNRF tional Division Southeast HQ in Bucharest (Romania), relationships, in addition to the responsibilities of every level of the Alliance needs to work more on making concept. As a result, all participants were encouraged to established along with a Standing Joint Logistics Sup- single actor taking part in eNRF/VJTF operations. In agreements among the nations on the expected level of share ideas, initiatives, lessons learned and “best practi- port Group Headquarters (S-JLSG HQ) at SHAPE in order to meet the demanding requirements related to support. ces”, as well as to further discuss common issues related Mons (Belgium). the provision of support in NRF operations, it is very Last but not least, the eNRF concept must be as flexi- to the delicate context of support and possible chal- The Warsaw Summit 2016 consolidated the NRF con- important to clearly delineate the roles and responsibi- ble and responsive as possible to the changing environ- lenges emerging from the implementation of relevant cept, and introduced a further emphasis on a forward lities of logistic stakeholders along the entire C2 chain. ment, in order to meet all mission requirements. It is of NATO doctrine. presence in frontline NATO States. Work is ongoing The impact of all actors in the logistic environment ne- paramount importance to adapt and be ready to react The recent past has been demanding in terms of the va- in ensuring coherence between NATO’s response and eds an accurate evaluation in order to correctly assess to any changes, as well as essential to be fully aware of rious threats on the international security environment forward presence concepts. the effects that the new changes generate. the appropriate logistic support to achieve operational level, and is posing some challenges to the transforma- As a flexible tool to respond to common security re- objectives. tion and adaptation process of the Alliance. quirements, NRDC-Italy is continuously adapting and Conclusions The topic of “support” remains more than ever at the At the 2014 Wales Summit, NATO Allies agreed to revising its structure and professional standards, to fit The main purpose of the seminar was to gather relevant heart of the successful conduct of missions and ope- enhance the capabilities of the NATO Response For- with its roles in accordance with the Readiness Action representatives belonging to the support capacities, for rations by the Alliance. The best way to describe the ce (NRF) in order to adapt and respond to emerging Plan (RAP). In this context, where the responsiveness exchanging ideas, initiatives, lessons learned and “best importance of support capabilities is the quote of U.S. security challenges.
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