HCpLAToR r3 ,t ttl H2:9 >9 5s,) -r f,] IQ z -ll o . A NAMISMATIC BIOGR}IPHY OF LUCIAS CORNELIUS SALLA . ARETIIUSA,S ENIGMATIC IIEADBAND THE NEW YORK SALE'" Partner Finns will be accepting consignments at the ANA World's Fair of Money, August 16-20, 2011 at Table No. 209, and at the Whitman Philadelphia Coin Expo on Sept. 15-17, 2011 at Table No. 233. Please visit us if you want your coins to be part of our record-breaking sales held in conjunction with the New York International Numismatic Convention in January 2012. For further information, please call Lucien Birkler at 1-203-815-2765. Baldwin's Dmitry Markov M&M Auction Ltd. Coins & i\ledaJs ;\Iumismatics Ltd. I I Adelphi Terrace P. O. Box 950 P. O. Box 65908 London, WC2N 618, UK New York, NY 10272, USA Washington, DC 20035. USA Tel.: 44/20 7930 9808 TeL: 1/9084702828 Tel.: [/2028333770 Fax: 44120 7930 9450 Fax: 1/9084700088 Fax: 112024295275 e-mail : [email protected] e-mai l: [email protected] Cell: 1/2 038152765 Vol. 25, No.9 The 13elatot'" Inside The Celator® ... September 2011 Consecutive Issue No. 291 Incorporating Roman Coins (lnd Culture FEATURES Publisher/Editor Kerry K. WeUerstrom [email protected] 6 A Numismatic Biography of Lucius Cornelius Sulla Associate Editors by Sam Spiegel Robert L. Black Michael R. Mehalick 30 Arethusa's Enigmatic Headband Page 6 by Lawrence Sekulich For Back Issues From 1987 to May 1999 contact: DEPARTMENTS Wayne Sayles [email protected] 2 Editor's Note Art: Parnell Nelson Coming Next Month 4 Book News - Ancient British Coins Maps & Graphic Art: tlrofilts in j1111l1istniltiC5 Kenny Grady 34 36 Coming Events p,e. Box 10607 1.ancasIer, PA 17605 41 ANTIQ1J ITI ES by David Uebert TeVFax:7 17~S7 (Office Hours: Noon 10 6PM) 42 ([Dins of tbe jBible by David Hendin For FedEx & UPS deliveries: Kerry K. Wetterstrom 44 The Internet Connection 87 Apricot Ave by Kevin Barry & Zachary "Beast" Beasley Leola, PA 17540-1788 www.ceIator.com 45 'lhrough the Cooking glass Th6 Celalor (tSSN _,04S-(986) by Wayne G. Sayles is an Independent journal pub· lished on the first day 01 each 46 Cartoon month at 67 ApriCot Ave, Leo la, PA 17540-1788. It Is cirCUlated In· 47 Professional Directory About the cover: An ternationally through subscrlp· tions and special distributions. enlargement of a silver Subscription rates. payable In 53 Classifieds didrachm from Syra· U.S. lunds, are $36 poryeer (Pe· cuse, where Arethusa's riodical ra le) within the United 53 On the Road - The Celator's Show & Club Schedule States; $45 to Canada; $75 per hair is bound by an un· year to all other addresses (lSAl). Club & Society Directory usual headband . See Advertising and copy deadline is 54 the first workday of each month for the article beginning on the following month's issue. Unso­ 55 Index of Display Advertisers page 30 of this issue. ticited arlicles and r.ews r~eases Photo courtesy of are welcome, however publication cannot be guaranteed. Unless ex· lawrence Sekulich. pressly stated. The ce/8lOrneither endorses!lO( is responsible for the contents 01 advertisements, letters· The Gelator office to-lhe-e01of, feature articles, regu­ lar ooIumns and press releases In wilt be closed on its pages, Incll.Jding any opinions Sept. 15"'-16", Sept. stated thef~n, and !he a<::curacy 01 21"* & Oct. 12111_ 16111 . any data pmvkIed by its conllibu-­ tors. Periodical postage paid Check the "On the (USPS 1006(71) Lancaster, PA Road" section (p. 53) 17604 and addiIionaI offiCes. forfurther details. Of­ CopyriglI C2011, PNp, Inc. fice hours are nor­ Postmaster: please send mally Nooo to 6 Pt<.:1 address changes 10: EST. Please keep' in P.O. Box 10607 mind that this is a Lancaster, PA 17605·0607 one-pe[son busi­ ness when you're FOUNDED 1987 BY trying to reach me. WAYNE G. SAYLES Thank you! September 2011 1 EDITOR.S . COMING NEXT ~-' MONTII NOTE ~- IN THE CELATOR~ I'm writing this Select Numismatic Issues month's "Editor's Note" the dHY be­ of tile Iso"rian Dynasty fore I leave for the American Numis­ (717-802 AD) with Relation­ malic Association convention in Rose­ ship to tile First Iconocla stic mont, Illino is (right by Chicago's (726-780 O' Hare airporl ). which means that our personnel had nothing better to do. Period AD) readers will have \ 0 wait unti l next Seriously, I had one small box of coins bySpero Kinnas month for my impressions of what is in my bag, wh ich caused no problems An Ancient Coin Relevant being billed as the "world's largest when I left the Baltimore-Washington coin show." Stay tuned! airport, but the young gentleman that to Renaissance Art -- searched my bag did an excellent job by Peter E. Lewis •• **** •• *** of searching every "nook and cranny." In the process, he turned up items that AND COMING SOON Tomorrow, I fly oul of the Balti­ I had forgotten where even in the bag, more Washington International airport such as a small, about 3 inches long, Sceattas: The Neglected when I leave for Chicago. The last flashlight made of aluminum. He made Silver Coinage ofEnrly time I new to a coin show, ironically. sure to turn it on, and then empty out the Chicago inter- the batteries just to Allg1o-Saxon England- national Coin Fair, make sure that it A Collector's Perspective didn't contain any­ J ex perienced th e "One of the things by Tony Abramson mi ld inconvenience thing it should not of having my carry­ that I don 'f miss about have. J have al­ Pythagoras of Somas, Celator on bag thoroughly being a coin dealer is ready removed the by John Francisco searched since the fly ing Wilh large flashlight to avoid coins J was carry­ 1I repeat incident, Avoiding Fake Oil Lamps amounts ofvaiuabie, and ing threw up a big and only have a by Ken BaurnheckeJ "red flag" 10 the heavy, merchandise, It few coins that I' m airport security was a hassle pre 200 1, bringing a long A Supernova on Ancient personne\. One of with me lO the Coins-Part III t he t hings t hat I alld after Sepl. 11 ,2001, ANA convention. don't m iss about il became a real chaJ- We s hould all by Robert S. Mcivor being a coin dealer lell ge. " thank the dealers Half-Figure of the King­ that travel to coin is flying with large Unraveling the amounts of valu- shows by airplane, Mysteries of a'ble, and heavy, sin ce they arc tile Earliest Sigloi of Dariu s I merchandise. [t was a hassle pre 200 [, probably routi nely searched, If they by William E. Daehn and after Sept. 11 ,2001, it became a were not willing to subjecllhemselves real challenge. to the increased levels of security at Demeter's Torch & The I th ink Ihal the main reason my bag our nation's airports, then major coin Mysteries of Eleusis was searched was that I was leaving shows would have already joined the by George L Beke the Chicago O' Hare airport at 6A M on "extinct" list. So in case I forget to­ a Sunday morning, and the security morrow, thank you! T~?No.iI·s..., EJuu"$ _ . AR In October Liz s Lis/ offers you choice of ,h'''pCd,;, VF, many rarities. All guaranteed genuine or illustrated catalogue. Chris Rudd, PO Box 222, (44) 1263735007. Fax(44J 1263 731 777. " ",~,-,,= ~~~ [email protected] 2 The Cefator The New York International Numismatic Convention is the United States' most prestigious numismatic event targeting the needs of the world and ancient numismatic communities. Be part of this premier auction event that will be attended by eager collectors and dealers of world coin s and paper money and ancient coins, traveling from across the country and from pOints around the globe. Of Particular Interest: Rare U.s. and World Coins · American Coins Rare World Banknotes Ancient Coin s · Mexican Coins Spain and All Spanish Colonial Coins South and Central American Coin s Germany, Austria and Switzerl and British and British Colonial· Japan, Korea and Philippines Chinese and Asian Coins We also buy and sell direct - individual rarities or entire collections. Call Us Today for More Information! California 949.253.0916 I New York 212.582.2580 .~ AND PDNTERID A Speclrum Group Internalional Company 800.458.4646 West Coast Office RidJard- H. Ponterio-- PNG ' J(II Ridiaro H, i'twItefio lM' 2163 Ron Giliio PNG ' 204 800.566.2580 East Coast Office Ron Gillio LM, 950 18061 Fitch, Irvine, CA 92614 · 949.253.0916 [email protected] • www.stacksbowers.com California • New York • New England • Hong Kong SSP Celator NY2012 8.1 1.11 September 2011 3 Ancient British Coins. By Elizabeth For generations of scholars trained Cottam, Phil ip de Jersey, Chris Rudd in the Classics, the derivative barbaric and John Sills. Hardcover (11.7 x 8.5 coinage of a cold and rainy land wi th inches): 256 pages. Publisher: Chris bad food was, at best, a footnote to the Rudd (November 2010). ISBN -l0: glory that was Greece and the grandeur 095666890X; ISBN-13: 978- that was Aome. In more recent times, 0956688903. UK £75.00 (approximate­ the beauty and historical value of this ly US $122. 10 in August 2011). complex coinage have become more widely appreciated. To appreciate it for Reviewed by Mike Markowitz yourself, get this splendid book. Ancient British Coins ("ABC) is es­ For centu ries before the invasion sentially a picture book, containing al­ and conquest of Eng land by the Em ­ most 4500 images, inclu ding maps, Ancient British Coins.
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