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University Microfilms International 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 USA St. John's Road, Tyler's Green High Wycombe, Bucks, England HPtO 8HR 77-31,979 SINGLETON, Neil Edward, 1950- VENUS IN THE METAMORPHOSES OF APULEIUS. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1977 Literature, classical University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48io6 (?) Copyright by Neil Edward Singleton 1977 VENUS IN THE METAMORPHOSES OF APULEIUS DISSERTATION Presented in P a rtial F u lfillm e n t o f the Requirements for the Degree Docter of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State U niversity By Neil Edward Singleton, A.B., M.A. ***** The Ohio State University 1977 Reading Committee: Approved by Carl C. Schlam Charles L, Babcock John T. Davis Adviser Department o f Classics ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to extend special thanks to my adviser. Professor Carl. C. Schlam, fo r his advice and encouragement during the course o f th is dissertation. I would also like to express my gratitude to Professors Babcock and Davis for their constructive criticisms and helpful suggestions. F in a lly , I would lik e to thank Messrs. Jeffre y Fox, Peter P e rs u itti, Peter Veracka fo r th e ir generous assistance and especially Ms. Connie Dantuono for her patience throughout the typing of this work. n VITA November 24, 1950 ....................... Born - Cleveland, Ohio 1972 .............................................. A.B. Classics, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio 1972-1973 ....................................... U niversity Fellow, Department of Classics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1973 .............................................. M.A., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1973-1975 ....................................... Teaching Associate, Department of Classics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1975-1976 ....................................... D issertation Year Fellow, Department of Classics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1976-1977 ....................................... Teaching Associate, Department of Classics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Latin Literature Latin Language and Literature: Professors Kenneth M. Abbott, John T. Davis, Dennis M. Kratz, Mark P.O. Morford, Carl C. Schlam, Stephen V. Tracy and John W. Vaughn Greek Language and Literature: Professors Charles L. Babcock, Angeliki Drachmann, David E. Hahm, Robert J. Lenardon and Jane M. Snyder m TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . ................: .................................................. i i VITA ......................................................................................................... i i i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................... v INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 NOTES TO INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 17 CHAPTER I - FOTIS AS A VENUS FIGURE................................................. 20 NOTES TO CHAPTER I ...................................................................... 40 CHAPTER I I - VENUS OF THE MIM E ....................................................... 44 NOTES TO CHAPTER I I ............................. 58 CHAPTER I I I - VENUS OF THE CUPID AND PSYCHE STORY....................... 62 NOTES TO CHAPTER I I I ................................................................. 92 CHAPTER IV - VENUS AND IS IS ............................................................. 95 NOTES TO CHAPTER I V .................................................................... 132 CONCLUSION............................................................................................. 141 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 147 IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Amat - J. Amat. "Sur Quelques Aspects de 1'Esthétique Baroque." REA 74 (1972) 107-152. Aymard - J. Aymard. "Venus et les Impératrices sous les derniers Antonins." 51 (1934) 178-196. Beaujeu - Jean Beaujeu. La Religion Romaine a l'Apogée de l'E m pire. Paris, 1955. Bernhard - Max Bernhard. Der S til des Apuleius von Madaura. S tu ttg a rt, 1927. Bieber - Margarete Bieber. The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age. New York (rev. e d .) 1961. Bieber Theatre - Margarete Bieber. The History of the Greek and Roman Theatre. Princeton, 1961. Callebat - L. Callebat. Sermo Cotidianus dans les Metamorphoses d'Apulee. Caen, France, 1968. Carter - Barbara Carter. Horace's Venus: Some Aspects o f Her Role in the Odes. Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University, 1975. Duckworth - G.E. Duckworth. The Nature o f Roman Comedy. Princeton, 1952. Duzénil - G. Duzemil. Archaic Roman Religion (trans. Philip Krapp). Chicago, 1970. Festugiere - A.J. Festugiere. "A Propos des Aretalogies d 'Isis." HThR 42 (1949) 209-234. Festugiere "Lucius and Is is " - A.J. Festugiere. Personal Religion Among the Greeks. Berkeley, 1954. Grandjean - Yves Grandjean. Une Nouvelle Arétalogie d 'Is is â Maronee. Leiden, 1975. Griffiths DIO - J. Gwyn G riffiths. Plutarch's De Iside et Osiride. Cardiff, 1970. Griffiths Isis - J. Gwyn G riffiths, ed. The Isis-Book. Leiden, 1975. Grimai - Pierre Grimai. Apulei Metamorphoseis IV 28 - VI 24. Paris, 1963. Heyob - Sharon Kelly Heyob. The Cult o f Is is Among Women in the Graeco- Roman World. Leiden, 1975. Jonge - B.J. de Jonge. Ad Apulei Metamorphoseon Librum Secundum Com- mentarius Exegeticus. Groningen, 1941. Junghanns - Paul Junghanns. Die Erzahlunqstechnik von Apuleius' Meta­ morphoses und ih re r Vorlage. Leipzig, 1932. Morenz - Siegfried Morenz. Egyptian Religion (trans. Ann E. Keep). London, 1973. Nock - A.D. Nock. "Review of Richard Harder Karpokrates von Chalkis und die memphitische Isis-propaganda. " Gnomon 21 (1949) 221-228. Paardt - R.T. van der Paardt. L. Apuleius Madaurensis, The Metamorphoses: A Commentary on Book I I I with Text and Introduction. Amsterdam, 1971. Penwill - J.L. Penwill. "Slavish Pleasures and Profitless Curiosity in Apuleius' Metamorphoses. " Ramus 4 (1975) 49-82. Perry Ancient Romances - B.E. Perry. The Ancient Romances. Berkeley, 1967. Perry TAPA 54 - B.E. Perry. "Some Aspects of the Literary Art of Apuleius in the Metamorphoses." TAPA 54 (1923) 196-227. Plutarch DIO - Plutarch De Iside et Osiride (see G riffiths DIO). RE - Pauly, Wissowa, Kroll, and Mittelhaus. Real - Encyclopadie der classischen A1tertumswissenschaft. Stuttgart, 1894- Robertson - M. Robertson. A History o f Greek A rt. Cambridge, 1975. Roscher, Lexikon - W.H. Roscher. Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der Griechischen und Rbmischen Mythologie. Leipzig, 1884-1937. Schilling - Robert Schilling. La Religion Romaine de Venus. Paris, 1954. Schlam Cupid and Psyche - C.C. Schlam. Cupid and Psyche. University Park, Pennsylvania, 1976 Schlam "Platonica" - C.C. Schlam. "Platonica in the Metamorphoses of Apuleius." TAPA 101 (1970) 477-487. Schlam "Scholarship" - C.C. Schlam. "The Scholarship on Apuleius since 1938." ÇW 64 (1971) 285-309. Scobie - Alexander Scobie. Aspects of the Ancient Romance and its Heritage. Meisenheim am Gian. 1969. Smith - Warren S. Smith. Lucius of Corinth and Apuleius of Madaura: A Study of the Narrative Technique of the Metamorphoses of Apuleius. Ph.D. D issertation, Yale U niversity, 1968. Thiel - Helmut van T hiel. Per Eselroman: I. Untersuchungen. I I . Synoptische Ausgabe (Zetemata, 54, 1-2)1 Munich, 1971-72. Thornton - M.K. Thornton. "Hadrian and His Reign," in Aufstieg und Neidergang der Romischen Welt 2 Part 2,432-465 (H. Temperini and W. Haase, eds.). B e rlin , 1975. Valletta
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