FA1 January 27, 2016 5:48:53pm WSPC/188-JIKM 1550027 ISSN: 0219-6492 Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Vol. 14, No. 4 (2015) 1550027 (14 pages) #.c World Scienti¯c Publishing Co. DOI: 10.1142/S0219649215500276 Toward Wisdom: A Hierarchical Wisdom Ontology based on Chinese Classics Feng Liu Deptartment of E-commerce, School of Information Xi'an University of Finance and Economics No. 2 Weichang Rd. Xi'an, Shaanxi 710100, P. R. China [email protected] Published 27 November 2015 Abstract. Based on extensive exploration in Chinese clas- rather than what a machine \is conscious of" – machine sics, this paper ¯nds a fresh new perspective for KM philosophy has no consciousness at all. especially in pyramid issue: The primary role in knowledge on- tology should be consciousness rather than IT aspects, in which . J. R. Searle shows this \Chinese room problem" in his the former determines the perceived results such as data, infor- paper \Minds, brains and programs": We set an En- mation, knowledge or wisdom. With this domination, this paper glishman who does not know Chinese, in a closed room, presents a novel hierarchy that best solves the quarrel in classic pyramid, and illustrates the crucial issue of wisdom — the with many symbols of the Chinese language, and a book ¯nding of a continuous birth and death metabolic cyclic nature of instructions in English on how to manipulate the called anitya in knowledge. Further, a three layer wisdom hier- symbols when a set of symbols (instructions) is given. archy is suggested based on di®erent levels of understandings: So, Chinese scientists will give him instructions in traditional layer, dialect layer and ultimate layer. This paper Chinese, and the Englishman will manipulate symbols argues that wisdom should depend on internal concentration while IT serves as an exterior role and never replaces the inner in Chinese, and he will give a correct answer in Chinese. one. Meanwhile, the paper also doubts the classic de¯nition of This should be called knowledge, but he need not know knowledge and suggests a novel one. why, only to hold that belief, even not conscious of what he did. If we suppose that a machine can process Keywords: Knowledge management; wisdom; mediation; anitya; karma; dharma. knowledge, it is not conscious of what it is doing. What a paradox! . An intellectual scholar can understand thousands of 1. Introduction whys but may achieve nothing in practise. For example, Traditional knowledge pyramid shows a hierarchical a security (stock) scholar does not mean a real winner in knowledge architecture from data to wisdom (Fig. 1). market. However, this IT oriented hierarchy shows plenty of Why? Does an infant baby perceive any information, self-contradictions as western critics show (Faucher, 2010, knowledge, or wisdom from a \wisdom" context? There- pp. 67, 72–73, 148–149). The crucial issue found is the role fore, it is the e®ect of consciousness. Scientists have of consciousness. It is consciousness (more speci¯cally it is reached the sixth consciousness, but Chinese classics the heart, or mind, but this synonym should be easier to mention eight in Buddhism (according to Buddhism understand) rather than IT that de¯nes whether human e-dictionary): accepts text as data, information, knowledge or wisdom. For example, a mean consciousness can perceive wisdom . The ¯rst ¯ve correspond to the sense perceptions, the document just as meaningless data when he is aware of sixth to the thinking mind, the seventh (manas) to the nothing, and inversely, genius consciousness may perceive notion of ego, and the eighth (alayavijnana) as reposi- some symbol (e.g. Buddha's name or image) as supreme tory (storehouse) of all the impressions from one's wisdom. The result depends on what man is conscious of experiences. It accumulates all potential energy for the 1550027-1 FA1 January 27, 2016 5:48:54pm WSPC/188-JIKM 1550027 ISSN: 0219-6492 F. Liu turning more stupid however technology grows (Grif- ¯ths, 2014). IT extends human theurgy such as hearing, vision, but theurgy has no connection with wisdom according to Buddhism. Pigeons have special senses too, are they a wiser being? Wisdom is associated with the way to understand the world, however human misinterprets wisdom di®erently, such as Hitler and his Nazi emblem. Does consciousness re°ect a correct world? Actually, it is believed so by the majority. Khenpo Sodargye Rin- poche (2014) teaches us that if a mistaken world is be- lieved true, the true world is covered and de¯nitely said to be wrong (Sodargye, 2013). Fig. 1. Traditional knowledge pyramid. – Despite his post in Buddhist institute in charge of worldwide remote Buddhism education, Khenpo mental and physical manifestation of one's existence, Sodargye is also a lecturer on heart and soul, warmly and supplies the substance to all existences. welcomed by Harvard University, University of . There are three meanings of the term storehouse: (1) Washington, Columbia University, Beijing Universi- Subject store — the alayavijnana stores and keeps all ty, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University, etc. the seeds of the mind within one's consciousness. (2) – Due to his productive works, he has become ac- Object-store — the eighth consciousness stores and knowledged in the academic ¯eld. In June 2010, perfumates the seeds for the prior seven consciousnesses. Khenpo was invited to give teachings in prestigious (3) Attachment-store — the eighth consciousness pro- Chinese universities, such as Beijing University and vides a sense of eternality, unity, subjectivity and Tsinghua University; and in March 2011, to give mastery, resembling an eternal atman (Sanskrit for seminar presentations in Fudan University, Nanjing soul), thus causing the seventh consciousness to mis- University and Renmin University of China. In June takenly perceive and attach to a self. 2011, Khenpo was invited to give presentations at . Alaya also receives impressions from all functions of Zhejiang University, Huazhong Normal University the other consciousnesses and retains them as poten- (aka: Central China Normal University), Sun Yat- tial energy for further manifestations and activities. sen University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Since it serves as the basis for the production of the and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From other seven consciousnesses (called transformed con- November 2011, Khenpo was invited to the following sciousnesses), it is also known as base consciousness universities in succession: Shanxi Normal University, (mulavijnana) and causal consciousness since it serves Northwest University (China), Xi'an Jiaotong Uni- as the container for all experiential impressions versity, Shandong University, Hunan Normal Uni- (termed metaphorically as seeds so it is also called seed versity, Hong Kong Institute of Education, University consciousness). of Hong Kong, Beijing Normal University, Central Of course wisdom is not de¯ned by any IT based re- China University of Science and Technology and presentation but the depth of consciousness unless there Qinghai Normal University. Both faculty and students exists such a media that transfers the entire mind. Tao Te found tremendous bene¯ts from Khenpo's visits. Ching answers this question in Chapter 1 as discussed in . Scientists have more and more realised the \true" par- Chapter 2 of this paper, and from the basic principle of adox: Buddhism, it is realized that it is conscious in di®erent – Space is not empty (Shi et al., 2006). \Since 1998 levels that mirrors, the same expression as such images cosmologists have found that the universe expands in from \data" to \wisdom". There are plenty of reasons why extraordinary speed. The driving force is a mysteri- consciousness rather than technology de¯nes wisdom: ous hidden energy. According to astronomic obser- . Research shows that IQ scores are decreasing with the vations the hidden matter would make up 90% of the growth of technology. Experts argue it is because universe and still remains unknown to men ... Hid- humans have reached their intellectual peak – human is den energy, hidden matter are still black holes in 1550027-2 FA1 January 27, 2016 5:48:54pm WSPC/188-JIKM 1550027 ISSN: 0219-6492 A Hierarchical Wisdom Ontology science." BBS discussion: \Simply speaking, space is Knowledge hierarchy should thus be de¯ned by inner hidden energy, and hidden energy is space. Space is consciousness mode rather than outer technology, and its matter. It can be extremely harmful to cut them exploration should be based on the inner world. In fact, apart or to refer the hidden energy to some pure the sort of knowledge perceived, the hidden truth behind, antimatter." and the sort of ideological sphere, the tacit manners, or – Time is ¯xed without change — the absolute miss of even beliefs, are all governed by consciousness. relativity theory (Shi and Yang, 2006). – \Distance and time are \illusory"; Things can be 2. Innovation from IT Oriented Hierarchy created from \nothing"; The origin of the universe" (Zhong, 2003). As Dr. Odenwald acknowledges, \We 2.1. The framework don't have a full mathematical theory for describing This hierarchy is based on the contradiction between this state yet, but it was probably `multi-dimensio- partial appearance and the integral of the relatively nal'...Nothingness (that gives rise to the present complete appearance of an object. At ¯rst discrete and universe) was not nothing, but it was not anything unrelated appearances are gathered as data, and more and like the kinds of `something' we know about today. more, when human is conscious of some inner relation and We have no words to describe it and the ones we ¯nd merges them into a piece, a meaning or signi¯cance in the Oxford English Dictionary are based on the emerges. Still, when human ¯nds more and more expla- wrong physical insight." nations based on his experience and former knowledge, the – Reincarnation. An American psychologist holds that signi¯cance becomes more and more clear.
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