:.^^0-s^ April-May,j — ELL-ROUNDED A scholarly Christian faculty, a magnificent plant, the finest of modern equipment Bob Jones University, of course, has all of these — do not of themselves guarantee a successful education. There must be a devotion to the task of training young people and a workable philosophy of life to impart. The ' Ij0(ry-fd'^ r//a,T~ (Jnujs.ujBJi (yniut>t.:i'iKr' offers its students more than the finest of scholarship and culture. Its well-rounded educational program combining High academic standards, A Christian philosophy. Cultural training, akjd a Strong evangelistic^mphasis produq^we/f-roun graduates encies of life, dedicoflS^fto the Lon U5 Christ, and BOB JON GREENVILLE, SOUTH CA Music, speecli, and art witlunit acklitional cost aLovc rotiular acaJemic tuitinn. Acaclcniy and seventh and ci^litli iSraUes and Institute of Christian Service in connection. Summer Session—June 1-July 4 Summer Post-Session—July 6-25 . Waltrr Ka/„hun,,~ k „'.;.,/.;.. I ,i,.. Wappini;. Cnnnrvllrut. Farmers you look to as leaders look to Firestone for farm tires At cutting time, the Kupchunos brothers' tobaccolands Progressive in using new methods of production, they stretch out in giant, gently rolling blankets of green. All employ the very latest equipment. And they've specified together, the four brothers farm some 1,000 acres of Firestone tires for 20 years. Connecticut River Valley loam in Hartford County, the As Walter Kupchunos says: "Firestones are the only heart of the wrapper-leaf tobacco growing country. kind of tire we've got, and the only kind we'll buy. By incorporating shade tobacco with their field harvests, We've tried others, but none of them gives us the wear and planting potatoes as the rotation crop, the Kup- and the service that Firestones do. That's on tractors, chunos brothers keep their annual yields per acre high. trucks and cars, too." *FIRESTONE TM TOP PERFORMERS ON AMERICA'S FARMS Builder of the first practical pneumatic farm tire for tractors, trucks, f#tfOlt# and passenger cars ,_ NOW WITH SI BETTER RUBBER FROM START TO FINISH FIRESTONE RUBBER-X ^ Enjoy the- Viiice of t'irestone on ABC television '^ every Monday evening. Copyright 1959, The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company ALL TRACTION CHAMPION* SUPER ALL TRACTION' DELUXE CHAMPION' April-May. 1959 The National MAGAZINE STAFF EDITOR Wilson W. Carnes Future Farmer and Puhli-lifd l.v the Farmers .\SSOCIATE EDITOR Owned Future of America Joe Dan Boyd EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS APRIL -MAY, 1959 Vol. 7, No. 4 Peggy Million Norma Muhlberg EDITORIAL CONTENTS ART EDITOR John Prezioso About the FFA How to Buy ^ ork Clothes .... 54 Nature's Gluttons 58 CIRCULATION MANAGER Contest Cues 14 He Reaehed for the Stars 23 Floyd D. Dugsn I'ride of the Pacific 24 Sports and Fiction Learn Through Travel 25 CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS Bob Rais4's Champions 26 Emperor of the Badlands .... 38 Shirley Ocker Siniplilv ^ our Records 29 Better Your Batting 48 Norma Saivatore FFA Conservation Day 34 Sportrait 60 Isabella M. Bugbee Put i\Ieaning in >Ieetings .... 52 Fishing Contest 61 Marjorie J. Bardall .Singing to Success 55 3 Generations of FFA 56 BUSINESS MANAGER Features Deparltiieiits v. Stanley Allen Cartoon Contest ^ inners .... 8 Editors Say 8 Get Ready for Show Time .... 27 Reader Roundup 10 AD\ ERTISING ASSISTANT Look It I i> 28 Looking Ahead 12 Rosalind N. Pazzato Extra (^ash from Earthworms . 30 LVee for the Asking 16 What Makes t Farmer Tick? . 31 Something New 18 REGIONAL ADVERTISING Buying a Drill? 44 Photo Roundup 36 MANAGERS Better Plowing 46 ^oung Farmer's Bookshelf ... 51 John C. Foltz Read the Tag 50 The First One Doesn't Have a Charles R. Ocker Two Vi avs to Test Soil 5^ enhance 62 Jimmy Willis AD^ EKTISERS INDEX DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS American Che\iot Sheep Society .59 A|>i>nrel, Hol)l)ies National Suffolk Sheep Assoc. 60 John Farrar II. D. Lee Company 10 Future Farmers Supply Service 14 Tractors. F,(|uipiiieiil \^ olverine Shoe & Tanning New Holland Corp 5 18 International Harvester Tractor 17 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Levi Strauss & Company .... 40 Massey-Ferguson 20-21 Remington Arms Company . 54 Wm. Paul Gray Ford Motor (Company-Farm Equipment Division .... 32-33 Ferlilizers Feed.*. Seeds. Oli> er Corporation II (lliejiiieals J. I. (Case Company 47 Continental Motors Corporation .52 NATIONAL OFFICERS Ralston Purina Companv . 9 Ei; Lilly & Company 19 F. E. Myers & Brother Co. ... 55 PRESIDF.NT Pennsall (Chemicals Corpora- M isconsin Motor Corporation . .57 Natiiiual Rain Bird Sales Engi- Adin Hester, Oregon tion 50 Albers .Alilling Company . 51 neering Corporation 60 VICE PRESIDENTS Oyster .Shell Products Company 59 Deei'e & Coinjjan^ 63 Allis-Chalmers . ! 64 Bryan Hafen. l^evada Thomas E, Stine, Missouri General Transportation. Travel Lee Todd. Tennessee I niversity Bob Jones 2 Firestone Tire . Richard Van Auken, New Jersey & Rubber Co. 3 Butler Manufacturing Company 8 AC Spark Plug Division- '. STUDENT SECRETARY I'nited States Army 11 (jencral Motors Corporation 6-7 Proto Tool Company 12 The Texas Company 13 Norman A. Brown, Michigan Sheffie[(i Divisioii-Arnico Steel The Triumph Corporation .... 16 Corporation 15 Dodge Truck Division- Keystone Steel & W ire Company 39 Chrysler Corporation 22 Brand Names Foundation .... 44 Chevrolet Division-General BOARD OF DIRECTORS Radson Engineering Corpora- Motors Corporation 35 tion 50 Ford Motor Company 37 CHAIRMAN Sudbury Laboratory 52 Harley-Davidson Alotor Co. ... 42 Chap Stick ('ompan\ 54 Perfect Circle Corporation ... 43 \V. T. Spanton Brotherhood Mutual Life International Harvester Truck. 4.5 InsuraiK'e Companv 57 Goodvear Tire & Rubber Co. 49 MEMBERS Official FFA Calendar 58 Hamilton Hotel 59 H. F. Duis (ireenwich Book Publishers . 59 Cusliman Alotor Vi'orks 60 H. N. Himsicker Walter Jacoby I'lioto l)y Raines and Cox, Wilson, N. C. E. J. Johnson OUR COVER Byron J. McMahon See pai>e 10 for cover story R. E. Naughcr G. F. Sullards The NATIONAL FUTURE FARMER is Pl America. Inc.. at MO Rhoile Island Avenue, N paid at Washington. D. C. Sint'le subscription is .5()c per year in U. S )Ossessions. Foreign subscriptions >:1.0u per year. Sintrle copies lOc in U. S. CHANGE OF .ADDRESS : Send both old Ay addresses to Editorial Offices, THE NATIOXAI. FUTURE FARMER. Box 29, Ale.- Virginia. The National FUTGRE FARMER • # # A Why is grass called one of natui'e's finest swered in New Holland's beautiful, new 11- chemical plants . why are fertilizers used? minute 16mm color film. A "must" for all What part does water play . what is farmers and students of farming, young and chlorophyll . what does it do? Why is old: Use the coupon below for a showing. too-close grazing or mowing wrong? New Holland Machine Co. Division of Sperry These and many other questions are an- Rand Corporation, New Holland, Pa. New Holland Machine Co. 5204 Oak Street, New Holland, Pa. Yes, I would like to borrow a print of "How Grass Grows" for New a showing on HOI.I.AND Organization- Street ""Tirst in Gf-assland FQi-mlng" City April-May, 1959 GENERAL MOTORS AC and GENEPu\L MOTORS COMBINE TO BRING TOU TOPFLIGHT ENGINEERING • ULTRAMODERN LABORATORIES • THOROUGHGOING RESEARCH . CONTINUOUS TESTING • INTENSIVE QUALITY CONTROL Yoii M'ant the very best performance from your car, pioneered and developed the kind of spark plug that your truck, jour tractor — from every engine on your modern high-compression engines demand. And. in farm — so you'll be interested in this information addition, AC developed and still offers the exclusive al)out AC Hot Tip Spark Phigs and why they give Hot Tip design and the metal-ceramic center elec- you more! trode seal which, with AC's heat-scaled plug assembly, completely solves compression leakage. For more than a half century AC has l)een tlie Spark Phig others followed. The leadership established 1))^ There's still more. You also get the tremendous ad- AC when cars and trucks became a horse-replacing vantages of General Motors' unsurpassed research reality has never been seriously challenged l)y even and testing facilities. You can dei)end on AC to stay the closest of imitators. This has remaine<l true be- ahead in spark plug technology. cause AC Spark Plug engineering, research, testing and manufacturing development has kejit ahead of AC HOT TIP Spark Plugs are used on more new cars ever-growing engine demands! than any other brand, and are engineered for all AC, sharing some of its basic patents with others. makes of cars, trucks and tractors. LABORATORIES. AC mainlains completely staffed metallurgical, DYNAMOMETER ROOM. AC uses the finest equipment to ceramic end mechanical engineering laboratories to constantly simulate road and field tests under laboratory conditions. AC study and improve spark plug materials. This comprehensive Hot Tips are constantly checked under town and country driving research program insures dependable spark plugs for farm use. far more severe than the average driver will ever meet. AC SPARK PLUG <^ THE ELECTRONICS DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS The National FUTl'RE PARMER starts withAG .tlie Spark Plug otiiers follow! FIRST ^'^'^ *^^ stronger one-piece heat-sealed shell construction. FIRST in welded side electrode construction for better heat and electrical current conductivity. FIRST *o incorporate a resistor element for elimination of radio interference from the ignition system. FIRST ^i^^" fused metal-ceramic seal to stop center- Wire compression leakage. FIRST '" ^^^ "Jse of unglazed insulator tip to resist lead attack. FIRST ^i'^" ^^^ aluminum oxide insulator in the United States — a patented AC ceramic composition! FIRST *° "5^ greater "scavenging" area between insulator and shell. FIRST ^'^'^ *^® long, thin, recessed, quick-heating insulator tip — the AC Hot Tip — another AC exclusive! FIRST '*'^^^ ^^^ copper-core electrode to improve performance under special high temperature operating conditions in commercial applications.
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